Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9)

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Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9) Page 3

by Jessica Gray


  He wanted Gina. His body had yearned for her since he had first set eyes on her earlier today and if she spat as much fire in the bedroom as she’d done on the street, she would be the perfect playmate.

  Preston licked his lips and turned on his heels to find out if she was still waiting at the reception.

  Chapter 6

  Gina had reached the revolving doors to exit the hotel, when a bellboy came up to her.

  “Signorina, could you please return to the check-in counter and wait for Signora Magnani’s call.”

  “Off course,” Gina put on a friendly smile, but inwardly cringed. What if Preston had told Signora Magnani about her Vespa and now she’d changed her mind? I need that fare. She clasped her shoulder bag with the letters and dragged her feet to the reception desk.

  The blood rushing in her ears was deafening as she waited for the call. A few minutes later, a phone rang and one of the employees behind the counters answered it and then handed her the phone’s receiver, “Signora Magnani would like to speak with you.”

  Gina swallowed back her nerves and tried her best to look – and sound – confidant, “Signora Magnani, was there something else you needed?”

  “Signorina Giordano, I’m afraid there’s been a chance in plans. Delivery of those letters is no longer required. If you could please leave them with the front desk, they will see that they are returned to me.”

  “Of course,” Gina replied, biting back her disappointment. She hung up, returned the receiver and handed over the letters. What a lucky day!

  Then she turned around to make her exit, when she stared straight into Preston’s blue eyes. Something snapped.

  “You! Of course it was you! How dare you! Cretino! Figlio di Troia!” Gina vibrated with red hot rage, but Preston merely raised a brow at her colorful language, infuriating her even further.

  “Don’t stand there like you aren’t the reason for this catastrophe happening!” She shouted and caught a glimpse of how his lips twitched into a hidden smirk. A smirk that sent her totally off-kilter. As if wasn’t disturbing enough that he’d ratted her out with Signora Magnani, her stupid body jumped into hopeless-swooning-desire-mode at Preston’s smirk.

  Gina had to get away from him. Like now. But he blocked her way and the only solution she saw was to clasp her shoulder bag tighter and punch her way out. But the moment she raised her purse at Preston, at least three hotel security guards materialized out of nothing and advanced on her.

  Preston caught her wrist mid-air and waved the security off with a smile, “It’s okay. I can handle her.”

  The three men vanished as uneventful as they had appeared.

  “I’d rather you stop trying to hit me,” he said and his ocean blue eyes pierced deep into her soul. Then he reached for her arm and propelled her out of the hotel’s foyer. Because everyone was staring at them, she reigned in her curses, clenched her jaws tight and followed him without putting up a further fight.

  Just who the hell is that man? Even the hotel guards obey him. Gina shook her head and pretended not to care the tiniest bit. But his hand on her arm caused her stomach to flutter and her skin to heat up. He’s nobody and I’m not attracted to him. Not the least bit.

  But her body said otherwise. By the time he had steered her to a bench outside the hotel, goosebumps had appeared on her skin and her anger had transformed into pure lust. To hell with him and his insane attraction. Gina needed to get away. Fast. Her eyes spit fire at him, in an attempt to make him withdraw. Go away. Leave her alone. But Preston wasn’t the least bit intimidated and cast her one of his panty-melting smiles. The kind that made her body ache with need.

  “Thanks for saving me from the security.” She said with a husky voice.

  “It was my pleasure.” Preston answered and stepped closer.

  “I…I don’t usually behave like that. I’m sorry.” Gina had no idea what had gotten into her. Or actually, she did. But she wouldn’t admit it.

  “I like a woman with your temperament,” Preston’s mouth hovered dangerously near to hers and she intuitively licked her upper lip. Which seemed to remind him, that he was still holding her arm, because he looked down at his big hand and let her go.

  “Where can I take you little fireball?”

  “I don’t…” Gina stammered.

  “I insist. You have no means of transportation.” Preston’s voice was low and husky.

  Gina swallowed. Hard. “I’m sure it’s something simple… I mean my Vespa.”

  “I will, of course, pay for any repairs necessary.”

  His rich guy attitude felt like a cold shower to her libido. As if she needed his money. Couldn’t he understand that she was capable to care for herself?

  “I don’t need you or anyone to pay for my repairs.” Gina said tight-lipped and turned to leave, but he put his hand on her shoulder.

  ““Let me at least invite you for drinks tonight. Please.” His ocean blue eyes turned dark and Gina’s defenses swam away like driftwood in the current.


  Preston cast another of his signature smiles and she bit the inside of her lip as her stomach lurched and her core melted. It was a bad idea to go out with him. Very bad.

  “Where shall pick you up?”

  “No, I’ll meet you in front of the Trevi fountain. Say, 7 o’clock this evening?”

  “7 o’clock it is. Are you sure I cannot assist you in getting your bike fixed?”

  Gina looked pointedly at his hands, “With these hands? You sure you want to get them dirty?”

  “I could think of more pleasurable ways to get down and dirty, but yes, I have done my share of car tuning when I was a teenager.” The dirty grin he cast her, made her legs wobbly again.

  It was high time to leave.

  “I’ll see you at seven,” she said and turned away from him.

  As soon as she was out of his line of vision, she leaned against a house wall. Her skin was hot and cold at the same time. She should go back and cancel their…date. Yes she should. This man wasn’t good for her peace of mind. She had finals to focus on. And paying the rent…and her damaged Vespa…and her knee. See, you have no time for a man?

  Gina walked to the next bus stop and boarded the first bus in the direction of where they’d left her Vespa. The slight pain in her knee was a welcome distraction to stop her from thinking about Preston.

  Sighing, she pulled her cell phone from her shoulder bag and called the one person who might be able to help her with the Vespa. Roberto. Her neighbor was an auto mechanic with an incurable crush on her. Under normal circumstances, Gina wouldn’t call him for a favor because that would only encourage him. But today was special circumstance.

  The bus stopped the moment Roberto answered her call and she navigated the aisle and stairs, juggling her bag, her cell phone, and her temper.

  “Gina? Are you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.” She stumbled off the bus and then straightened up, heading straight for her Vespa. “Roberto, I need you.”

  A chuckle came across the line, “Of course you do, Gina. I knew you would come to your senses one of these days.” His parents lived in the same tiny village as hers and they’d been friends forever. But things had changed and Roberto had chased her since the day she’d moved to Rome.

  “Roberto! We’ve been over that a million times. I will feel anything but friendship for you.”

  There was a pregnant silence and then he sighed, “So, you haven’t realized what a great couple we would make?”

  “No. My Vespa and I had an accident and now it won’t start. Would you pleeeaaase rescue me and get it working again. I need that bike to pay the rent.”

  “Sure, doll. Tell me where you are and I’ll get you right away.” Despite his crush on her, Roberto still was a good friend. Gina had known he wouldn’t let her down.

  “Thanks so much.” She said.

  “Don’t thank me too early, you owe me.”

I can pay, it might take…”

  “No, I don’t want your money. Promise to go dancing with me.”

  Gina laughed sardonically, “Blackmail? I thought you were better than that.”

  “Not really, just a little desperate. You need my help and I want a date.” Roberto laughed outright.

  “Fine,” she sighed, “I promise I will go out with you one of these days.”

  “Soon,” he amended her statement.

  “Yes, soon.” Gina gave him the directions and hung up. She eyed her Vespa. Apart from another addition of scratches on the bright red enamel, she didn’t find any other superficial damage. But her anger at Preston returned full force. She spewed another string of curse words and then spat on the street.

  That man was so full of himself. He might be one of the most attractive men she’d seen, but he was also patronizing as hell with his rich-guy attitude. Gina turned, intending to kick the tire of the Vespa in her vexation, and then she froze, remembering she’d agreed to meet Preston tonight for drinks. How stupid was that? Since when did she let her hormones do the thinking? She had better things to do than go out with some dumb American tourist. Or a hot, sexy, and smart man.

  Chapter 7

  Preston stepped off the private elevator to the top floor into the Royal Suite. The elegant sitting room was quiet. He strolled through the dining room and the small office, until he reached the slightly ajar room to the bedroom. The bedroom where Sandrine had betrayed him.

  He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, prepared to see her there, naked, with another man. But there was only an immaculate bed. A small smile tucked at his lips. Ornella Magnani was worth her weight in gold. She’d even instructed the maid to use a different colored bedspread.

  It was as if Sandrine had never existed. Every trace of her had been extinguished from his suite. He sniffed. Air freshener. Not a hint of her heavy perfume lingered in the air.

  Shrugging off his suit jacket, he headed for the luxurious ensuite bathroom. Marble sinks and countertops, marble panels gilded in gold on the walls, and a marble bathtub large enough for two adults. His ex-fiancé had been thrilled, and he’d planned to show her just how pleasurable such a bathtub could be. Preston fled from the bathroom and grabbed his workout clothing.

  Coming to the eternal city of Rome to get married had been all his ex-fiancé’s idea. She’d wanted the wedding to be over-the-top, one-of-a-kind. A wedding that would eclipse the one of future King of England William with Kate Middleton in pomp and splendor.

  He scoffed at the irony. What was meant to last for eternity had ended before it even had a chance to start. I’m so done with commitment. I’m back to playing the field, having sex and women…just for the fun.

  On his way out to the public elevator he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Sports had always been his way to release tension. On the second floor he stepped into the posh gym and pool area.

  At this time of day he found the gym empty and spent twenty minutes on the treadmill, warming up his muscles and letting his mind clear as he concentrated on his breathing. Then he went straight for the free weights, pushing himself to a brutal workout. The accompanying burn was a welcome distraction from his emotions.

  Two hours later, and three bottles of water downed, he felt prepared to tackle the world. To soothe his aching muscles he jumped into the pool and swam a dozen easy laps, before spending another fifteen minutes soaking in the hot tub. As he reclined in the bubbling water, he scrolled through his phone messages. One lost call from his sister Vivian.

  Automatically he swiped his thumb across the screen, absently watching as her number came up and the phone began to dial…he panicked and pushed the end call button. What am I doing? If I call Viv now, she’ll pick up on my mood.

  The last thing he wanted to hear was, “I told you so”. He knew he had to let his family know that the wedding was off. Maybe tomorrow he could deal with it. Viv would get her satisfaction later, but for now he’d let that sleeping dog lie a little longer.

  The relaxation he’d found in the gym and pool vanished and he climbed from the water, slinging a towel around his waist and rubbing another one over his head. He tossed both of them into the used towel bin and wrapped himself into one of the plush Hotel bathrobes to return to his suite, the sweaty workout clothes in his hand.

  Back in the suite he immersed himself in work. A second reason for his prolonged stay in Rome had been the plan to build another hotel. His vision was a sister hotel to the Palazzo Borghese, that rivaled the main house in luxury and stellar service. But instead of a prime location in the very center of Rome, the new hotel would have spacious suites with ocean-front views. He’d found the perfect spot on the coast about one hour from Rome, next to an extensive nature reserve.

  Preston worked until it was time to meet Gina for the drink date. He was oddly excited about the prospect of seeing her again, which he found somewhat ironic given the vitriolic nature of their previous interactions. This is a second chance to wow her. In a good way.

  With that thought in mind, he changed into a black tailored suit that he paired with a white button down shirt, deep red tie, and black leather shoes. He grabbed his cell phone and then mentally kicked himself for not having obtained her number before she left. So he was confined to hope she wouldn’t show up in her torn jeans.

  He intended to take her to Tantalou, the innest in-club in Rome. Heavy handed bouncers enforced a strict dress code. Preston chuckled. Who are you kidding? The owner was an acquaintance and business partner and his bouncers would let her inside with him no matter is she was wearing a garbage sack or a ten thousand dollar cocktail dress. They’d let her in, even if she were naked.

  At the thought of Gina and a lack of clothing in the same sentence his blood rushed south. He groaned and willed his body to behave, but both his mind and body were stuck on the image of Gina without clothing. She’d be that was a plan.

  Drinks first. Then the rest he’d work on.

  Chapter 8

  True to his word, it didn’t take Roberto long to arrive. Gina lifted a hand in greeting.

  “Thanks for coming,” she said, biting her lip.

  “No problem,” Robert answered with a wink. He fiddled with the engine for a few minutes and then smiled with satisfaction, “There you are. Not a big deal, but I’ll have to take it back to the garage and replace the broken—”

  Gina interrupted him before he could elaborate in gobbledygook, “Can you do it today?”

  “Sure thing. Won’t take me more than twenty minutes. But I first have to organize the spare part, and I don’t know how long that’ll take.” Roberto said and wiped his hands against his blue overall.

  “Thanks again,” Gina said.

  “So, what exactly happened?” he asked as he pushed the Vespa over to his pickup truck.

  “Some crazy tourist was standing in the middle of the road. I came around the corner and had to ditch the bike to avoid hitting him.” Gina rolled her eyes dramatically.

  Roberto grinned before he looked around and then pointed to a spot about fifteen feet away, “Any chance he was standing on the crosswalk over there?”

  “And when have you ever known the tourists to pay attention to the traffic signs…?” Gina shrugged her shoulders.

  “I was actually wondering why you weren’t paying attention to the traffic signs.” Roberto shook his head. “I bet you were going way too fast as well.”

  Gina blushed and pouted, “Come on! No one pays attention to the traffic signs in this city. I’d never get anywhere on time...”

  “Keeps me in business, too,” he murmured as he heaved the Vespa onto the back of his truck and bolted the flap. “Need a lift?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Roberto held the passenger door open for her and then jogged around to the driver’s side. “How are your parents doing?”

  “Nervous as usual, waiting to see how the harvest turns out,” Gina answered. Her parent
s lived in a small town in Tuscany where they grew wine grapes.

  “Same with my parents,” he said.

  “Everything everyone talks about for months is the weather. It’s always too hot, or too cold. Too dry or too wet. Or too windy for the grapes to make a good vintage wine.” Gina lamented.

  “And don’t forget the bugs and plant diseases,” Roberto reminded her and chuckled.

  Growing up in the same village they’d both wanted to escape the harsh existence of a wine grower. Actually most young people did. Gina surely didn’t envy her parents for the hard work they did year in year out, and the constant uncertainty they lived with. One single thunderstorm could ruin the work – and income – of one year.

  “Talking about the harvest,” Roberto’s interrupted her thoughts, “are you planning to visit your parents for the Grape Harvest Festival in fall?”

  “Sure thing. It’s the most important event in the village and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Gina loved the lively folklore festival, and the dancing. Since she lived in Rome she rarely found the time – or money – to go dancing, and she missed it.

  “I can give you a ride and we could go together,” Roberto suggested.

  “Roberto! How many times do I have to tell you there’ll never be anything more than friendship between us?”

  “As long as you’re single, I can still hope,” he answered and made such a sad face that Gina felt empathy with him. He was a good guy, despite his unreturned crush on her.

  She bit on her lip; it was better not to say anything that might encourage his hopes. They sat in silence until Roberto pulled up in front of the huge apartment building they both lived in.

  “Here we are,” Roberto said.

  “Thanks for the ride.”

  “So, want to go out tonight?” he asked, turning to face her as he switched off the engine.

  “Sorry, but I already have plans.” Gina shook her head.

  “A date?” Roberto asked with a raised brow.


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