Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9)

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Eternity of Love: Los Angeles Armstrongs - A Billionaire Romance (The Armstrongs Book 9) Page 13

by Jessica Gray

  “No, I haven’t. On the contrary, every morning I miss you more than the day before. If this gets any worse, I might combust before I get to the airport. It’s been the longest, most dreadful, lonely and sad two weeks of my life.”

  “Hey sweetie, you’re the one who insisted on the two-week probation.”

  “I know, and you have no idea how many times I cursed myself for that stupid idea,” Gina laughed.

  “Shall I have my secretary book a flight for you? When is the earliest you can get away?” Preston asked.

  “You can’t pay for my flight Preston. I’ll book it on my own.”

  He frowned into the camera, but didn’t argue with her. She knew he wanted only the best for her, but she had to prove to herself she could pay for her own flight ticket. What kind of woman did it make her, if she demanded him to pay for everything?

  “Okay, but text me your flight dates and I’ll pick you up from the airport. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “Me too. Bye. Love you.”

  “I love you too and don’t you forget it.”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter 29

  Gina and Vivian had skyped several more times and devised a plan to surprise Preston. And now Gina was sitting on Vivian’s couch after a long flight across the Atlantic Ocean, trying to grasp everything that had transpired in the short amount of time.

  Vivian had stayed true to her word to make Gina feel at home in L.A. and invited her best friend Gwen, Chuck’s girlfriend Linda, and Drake’s girlfriend Roxie to the women-only welcome party.

  Despite her jet lag, Gina immediately liked all of the women. Since the three of them had picked her up at the airport, not one minute had gone by without chatter and laughter. Gina yawned. Her head was full with new impressions and the long flight together with the time difference had worn her out.

  “So, what exactly is the plan?” Gwen asked when there was a brief lull in the laughter.

  “I’ll call Preston and invite him to our parents’ house tonight for an impromptu farewell party. He moved his business meetings around and is planning to fly to Italy tomorrow to bring Gina back.”

  “That’s going to be a bit hard since I’m already here,” Gina giggled.

  “Thank god his secretary alerted you about his plans,” Linda said, “or he’d be alone in Rome while Gina is waiting here…”

  “Exactly. Anyway, I’ll coax him into coming to the party and then we’ll all drive over there to set everything up and give Gina a chance to meet the rest of the family.” Vivian said.

  Gina nodded and hid a yawn, “Any chance I can get a nap in there someplace?”

  Everyone laughed and Vivian nodded, “I think we can find you twenty or thirty minutes in there somewhere. So, everyone on board with the plan?” When the girls all nodded, she picked up the phone, placing it on speakerphone and setting it in the middle of the coffee table. “Everyone be quiet so he doesn’t suspect anything’s up.”


  “Preston, it’s Vivian.”

  “Hey, Viv. You’ve decided to talk to me again?” His voiced seemed distracted.

  “Well, yes, that’s why I’m calling. I heard you are flying to Rome tomorrow.

  “Yeah, I want to surprise Gina and get her.”

  Gina’s heart raced at that sweet notion and judging by the swoony looks on the faces of her new friends, they felt the same.

  Vivian put a finger to her lips and gave a warning glance, before she continued. “Our parents and I have prepared a farewell party for you. Nothing big, just a dinner at their place.”

  “Viv, I don’t have time for that…”

  “What are you doing right now?” Vivian asked.

  Preston laughed, “I finished working out at the gym and then I’m going to grab some dinner and have an early night. I have to be at the airport early in the morning.”

  “See, you do have time. We’re all going to meet over at mom and dad’s around seven tonight. And there will be dinner.”

  “Viv, you guys don’t have to go to all this trouble.”

  “No trouble at all. So, we’ll see you? Pleeeeaaaaase.”

  Preston was quiet for several long moments and the girls were having a hard time keeping their giggles voiceless. It seemed they knew Preston well and this was his usual response to anything that might make him the center of attention.

  “Preston, I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “Fine,” he agreed, exasperation in his voice. “I’ll show up.”

  “Great! See you later.” Vivian hung up the phone and gave a thumbs up. Everyone in the room burst into giggles.

  Except for Gina. She was suddenly nervous. In less than four hours she’d see – and touch – Preston again. It was everything she’d wished for the last twelve days.

  “Okay, let’s split up and meet at mom and dad’s say in an hour?” Vivian suggested, handing each woman a list of things that needed to be purchased or gathered up. Then she addressed Gina, “Now, I think you mentioned wanting a short nap? Now would be a good time to sneak one of those in. You can crash here for a bit and I’ll wake you up in an hour to drive to my parent’s house.”

  Despite being exhausted, Gina had a hard time falling asleep. But she must have dozed off, because Linda entered the room to wake her up.

  “Hey Gina, it’s about time to wake up and go see your prince charming,” Linda said.

  “What if his parents don’t like me? Or his brothers?” Gina asked, her nerves getting the best of her.

  Linda sat down on the edge of the bed and patted her arm, “Don’t worry. I felt the same way the first time Chuck brought me here. Everyone will love you. And you have something going for you I didn’t.”

  Gina didn’t dare to ask what that was, because the sudden pain in Linda’s eyes threatened to overwhelm the other woman.

  In this moment Vivian entered the room. She must have heard the last comment, because she said, “None of us liked Sandrine and we’re just happy that Preston has finally found a woman who deserves him. Don’t you worry one bit.”

  Gina felt tears sting her eyes and she rapidly blinked them away. God, I hope she’s right.

  They arrived at the Armstrong residence and four large men who bore a striking resemblance to Preston waited in the driveway, curiosity on their faces.

  “These are my brothers,” Vivian giggled, “they might look scary, but they all have a big heart.”

  “Yes, they do,” Linda sighed and her eyes met with one of them. The energy of love that exchanged between them, made Gina all giddy with need for her own man.

  That same man, whom Gina had recognized as Chuck, Linda’s boyfriend greeted her, “So we finally meet the woman who got some reason into our brother’s head. Welcome.” Then he pulled her into a tight hug.

  Preston’s family wasn’t so different from her own over-emotional huggy-touchy Italian family. A smile tugged at Gina’s lips. So far her nervousness hadn’t been justified.

  “Gina, this is Chuck. He’s a private investigator. The best.” Vivian dragged her out of Chuck’s embrace and over to the next one of her brothers. “This is Drake who thinks fun is climbing atop volcanoes and doing sciency stuff.”

  Another embrace followed, as welcoming as the first one. It seemed like everyone wanted a piece of her. And Linda had been right, there was no reason to worry.

  “You climb volcanoes? We have three active volcanoes in my country,” Gina said with pride.

  “I know. I’ve climbed all of them. And did you know that Mount Vesuvius near Naples is the only active volcano in mainland Europe?”

  Gina raised a brow, “What about Stromboli and Etna?”

  “They’re on islands and therefore aren’t considered mainland Europe.” Drake smiled triumphantly. “And here I thought you paid attention in your tourism classes.”

  “Smart ass,” Roxie said and took his arm, “Don’t listen to him, Gina.”

  “Well, Drake, did you know that P
ompeii, the city buried beneath the ashes of Mount Vesuvius almost two thousand years ago, was threatened to be put on the list ‘World Heritage in Danger’ after torrential rains led to the collapse of Gladiator’s House and the House of the Moralist?” Gina asked with a smirk.

  “Okay, you win.” Drake put his hands in to air and everyone laughed.

  Vivian continued with the introductions, “This is our baby River – he owns a scuba diving company.”

  River shot his sister a scowl. “Just because I’m one year younger than you, doesn’t make me a baby.” Then he addressed Gina, “Do you dive?”

  “Sorry, but no.”

  “We’ll have to change that.” He chuckled and pulled her into a hug. Despite his boyish grin and the fact that he was the shortest of the brothers, his chest was immense and his strong arms were pure muscle. Owning a scuba diving company apparently involved plenty of workout.

  Vivian then grabbed the last man around the neck, “And this is Tyler. He’s our very own hero firefighter and right now he’s pouting.”

  Tyler made a face and then shook hands with Gina, “I have a right to pout. Why didn’t anyone tell me the reason for this little party? Apparently everyone else knew.”

  His brothers all shoved one another and then in unison stated, “Because you can’t keep a secret to save your life.”

  “Can too,” Tyler groused.

  “No, you can’t.” This time the women shook their heads and replied in unison.

  Tyler frowned some more and then chuckled. “Yeah, I really can’t.” He turned to Gina, giving her the omitted hug. “It’s really good to have you here. Preston is going to flip when he sees you.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Believe me, he will. That man hasn’t been himself since he returned from Rome,” a male voice said.

  “Thank you for this.” Gina hugged Vivian to hide her watering eyes.

  “Just make him happy, that’s all the thanks I need or want,” Vivian answered with a soft smile. “Just make him happy.”

  “I will,” Gina promised.


  An hour later, Preston pulled up in front of his parents’ house and knew he was going to have to explain his tardiness. A business partner called the moment he was leaving home with an urgent affair to attend to.

  He’d toyed with the idea to use the call as an excuse to cancel the party, but then he hadn’t wanted to disappoint Vivian. Sometimes having such a big family was a pain in the butt. Judging by the cars in the driveway and in front of the house, all of his siblings plus a few close friends had already arrived.

  Preston entered the house. Something was definitely up. Everyone grinned at him and one another like kids on Christmas Day. He sighed as he greeted his siblings and their partners, hoping they hadn’t thought of anything stupid to surprise him.

  He wrecked his brain, but nothing. The hidden giggles and whispers continued. Even his mother was eerily joyful. At least she’d never allow his younger brothers River or Tyler to hire a stripper to jump out of a cake, or anything along those lines.

  He wasn’t sure what was up, he only hoped it wasn’t…he paused in greeting Tyler at the sound of laughter coming from the kitchen. He’d recognize that voice in the midst of a million voices. Gina’s!

  Confused, he looked around the room at the nods of his borthers and then he met his mother’s smile, “Aren’t you going to go see your surprise?”

  Preston nodded and started for the kitchen, sure he must be hallucinating. Her laughter sounded again, louder this time as he neared the door between the kitchen and dining room, shooting straight to his heart and his groin.

  Before he could enter the kitchen, the door was pushed open and there she was, standing before him looking so beautiful he felt like his heart was about to burst. “Gina!”

  She looked up and the dishtowel in her hands went flying as she launched herself into his arms, “Preston! You’re here!”

  “I’m here,” he whispered just before he sealed her lips with his own. He kissed her like a starving man, feasting on the buffet her mouth offered. He intensified the kiss, flames of passion roaring between them, as he remembered her taste and the feel of her small body against his. His hands roamed across her body and he was about to sweep her up in his arms when the sound of clearing throats and clapping hands penetrated to fog in his brain and brought him back to his senses.

  He broke the kiss, keeping her close and whispering in her ear, “I forgot we are in my mother’s dining room.”

  Gina giggled and squeezed him tight, “It’s okay. Everyone’s smiling at us, even your mom.”

  Preston’s mind swirled with unanswered questions, but now wasn’t the time to ask. He wrapped an arm around Gina’s waist, holding her close to him. Right now, all was right in his world because she was in his arms.


  Gina was happier than she’d ever dreamed possible. So much had happened since the moment she’d stepped out of Preston mom’s kitchen to rush into his arms.

  They had flown back to Italy a week later and in addition to packing up her apartment, they’d made the trip to Tuscany where she’d introduced him to her parents and the rest of the village.

  They’d fallen in love with him just like she had. Thankfully the press hadn’t bothered her parents and they’d been spared seeing their daughter’s disgrace scattered across the pages of the magazines, newspapers, and social media sites.

  News of Sandrine being married to the Croatian had leaked to the press and that had become the focus of the media’s attention, leaving Preston and Gina alone.

  She’d found a job she loved, working for Preston as part of his management team, overseeing the construction of the new beachfront hotel outside Rome, the Palazzo Borghese’s twin.

  It was the perfect job, because it meant she could spend plenty of time in Italy, but also be with Preston in the States. She travelled back and forth at least twice a month. It was the best of both worlds, because she still saw her friends and family in Italy, while she was building new relationships with his parents and friends in Los Angeles.

  The Armstrong family had welcomed her with open arms. They were a close-knit bunch and she felt privileged to be a part of their lives.

  Gina joined Preston in their luxurious living room with floor to ceiling windows at the end of a long day for a glass of wine to watch the lights of the city come on.

  “I’ve never been happier in my life,” she said and leaned against him.

  “That makes two of us,” Preston kissed her neck and shoulder and she felt the familiar warmth in her heart transform into lust.

  “I’ve never been so thankful for someone causing an accident as I am with you.”

  “That seems like such a long time ago, but you’re right. By the way, I’ve probably said this before, but thanks for ditching your bike and not running me over.” Preston chuckled.

  Gina smiled and placed a kiss on his lips, “No thanks are needed. You were my destiny. I love you, Preston Armstrong.”

  Preston took her wine glass from her fingers and set it on the side table, pulling her over and onto his lap, “And I love you, Gina Giordano. My little Italian spitfire.”


  This was the third book in the Los Angeles Armstrongs series.

  Book four features Vivian Armstrong. It’ll take you right back to her hometown Los Angeles and she’ll snatch herself a true hero. And you’ll get to know more about the lives of the Armstrong siblings as well as Vivian’s best friend Gwen and her hot-as-hell ex-criminal boyfriend Fernando.

  Coming soon….. CLICK HERE to get an email reminder as soon as Vivian’s story is released.

  Curious how everything started with the Armstrongs? The first book of the original Chicago Armstrongs POWER OF LOVE is available for free on most retailers.

  Download here:

  If you prefer a badass heartbreaker, then Fernando is your man. The chemistry
between Fernando and his probation officer Gwen Cohen ignites from the moment they meet – but there’s more than one insurmountable obstacle to overcome for him if he ever want to call her his.

  Order your copy right here: BAD BOY LOVE – FERNANDO

  Thank you,

  Please enjoy a preview of the story of Fernando and Gwen


  Book 1


  Jessica Gray

  Preview FERNANDO

  Fernando Garcia leaned against the streetlight, keeping watch over the front doors of the social services office, wondering what his probation officer would be like. Just like everything, there were good ones and some who completely sucked. Fortunately, at least in his experience, most of them had a quest to help their clients turn their lives around and become honest, hard-working, upright citizens.

  As if I even had a chance to become an honest person.

  This wasn’t his first brush with the law. On the contrary, at the age of twenty-five, he’d amassed a long history of petty crimes and misdemeanors. Nothing really bad. But this time had been different. He’d crossed the line and was lucky to have gotten away with probation.

  He sucked in a breath and kicked some pebbles out of his way. He’d been here before, so why was he nervous now? His assigned probation officer would be nice, even friendly, trying to gain his trust. And Fernando would put on his act, pretending he could turn his life around, even though everyone knew it wouldn’t happen. Not by a long shot.

  There was nothing to be nervous about. He’d long ago accepted the fact that he would lead the life of a criminal, whether he wanted to or not. His wishes didn’t matter. Taking care of his younger sister mattered.

  But Amada’s grown up now.

  Depressed by that thought, Fernando opened the front door and trudged up the stairs to the third floor where he presented himself at reception.


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