THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series Page 43

by CJ Bishop

  “Sounds like a blast,” Maddy smiled.

  “Club?” Noah murmured. “What club?”

  The others looked at him, uncertain. Maddy asked Savannah, “Abel didn’t tell them about the club?”

  “I guess not.”

  Noah stared at them curiously. “What kind of club?”

  “Uh…” Maddy laughed nervously. “Maybe you should ask Abel.”

  His reply made Noah feel like a child. He glanced anxiously at Chris then told Maddy, “I’m not a little kid,” he mumbled.

  “I know,” Maddy assured. “It’s just…the club is…a place for adults. I’ve only been inside there a couple times. But you’ll get to see it tonight if you come with us.”

  “You are coming with us, aren’t you?” Savannah asked, looking at both boys.

  “Yeah, you got to come,” Miranda smiled. “It’ll be fun.”

  Noah’s gaze darted to Chris again then jumped away. “Yeah.”

  “You guys, too,” Maddy told Donald, John, and Zoe. “We’ll have us our own private party bash.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Zoe grinned. Donald and John nodded in agreement.

  “Fantastic,” Chris said. “We should have enough hands to get the place whipped into shape in no time. We’ll meet there about five-thirty,” he told Zoe. “Savannah and the boys will already be at the restaurant, so they can all ride over with us or Samuel.”

  Noah hoped he could ride in Chris’ car.

  The two little boys and the puppies raced up to the small group. Jules grabbed Noel’s hand. “Come on! Come play with us!”

  Noel smiled and looked at Noah. “You want to play?”

  Noah hesitated, wanting to hang out with Chris, but the look on Noel’s face melted his will. Noel was opening up to his new family much faster than Noah thought he would. “Yeah,” Noah grinned, and they took off with Jules and Reuben, Noah’s gimp leg slowing him a bit as the puppies attacked their ankles.


  Nolan stood at the top of the porch steps and watched Reuben playing with the other kids. This was a good place, with good people. The kind of environment that he wished for his son to grow up in. Would Reuben have the chance, though? Nolan didn’t know what to do. If he fought Patrice, the instant she found out he was going against her wishes, he would be cut off from Reuben.

  “Don’t lose heart.” Caleb stood beside him. “You’re not alone. We’ll all fight this thing with you any way we can. I mean, that right there is worth putting up a fight.” He smiled and indicated the little boys laughing and playing. “Talk about an instant bond. Who knows…” he squeezed Nolan’s shoulder. “Maybe they’re soul mates. There’s no cosmic law that says you have to be a certain age before you can meet your soul mate.”

  “I don’t suppose there is,” Nolan whispered and his heart twisted into a knot as Grid’s face rose in his mind.

  “In fact,” Caleb went on. “I’m pretty sure you can meet them at any age.”

  Nolan knew what the younger man was getting at, but things were too precarious at the moment to allow himself such notions. If he grabbed onto it and then things took a turn for the worst—which he expected—then it would hurt all the more having to let go.

  As if on cue, Samuel and Grid came out of the house and walked across the porch. Samuel stepped up next to Caleb and Grid moved casually around Nolan and stood on the opposite side of him. His fingertips discreetly brushed Nolan’s palm, providing an unexpected comfort. Nolan wanted to grasp his hand, cling to him. But he just stood motionless, watching the kids play.

  When Samuel and Caleb engaged in talk amongst themselves, Grid leaned a fraction closer and whispered, “Can I see you tonight?”

  Nolan tensed, his heart hammering.

  “We can just talk…if you want,” Grid told him.

  Nolan didn’t want to just talk. In fact, he didn’t want to talk at all. But invite Grid to his apartment? What if Patrice showed up unexpectedly? She wasn’t due back to pick up Reuben until Monday, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t ‘pop in’ unannounced to check up on things. Nolan could already feel her leash around his neck, steadily shortening.

  Warm shivers quivered through Nolan when Grid touched his hand again, lightly stroking his fingers. Heat pooled in his groin and spread up through his chest, causing his heart to pump faster, harder. He couldn’t figure Grid out; why would a guy his age want to get caught up in this mess?


  Say yes. Don’t think about it, just go with it. Grid’s fingertips tingled as they grazed Nolan’s hand. The other man’s tension wafted off him in waves. Not a bad tension, rather an inner struggle to keep his composure. Grid took that as a good thing; he wasn’t simply dismissing Grid or turning him down.

  Grid didn’t want to push him. He understood the pressure Nolan was under. The man was between a rock and a hard place; damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t, kind of situation. His nerves had to be wound up tight, his mind a cloud of confusion. And on top of everything with his son, Nolan was discovering his attraction to men. Grid was surprised the man could even breathe with all that was coming at him all at once.

  He needs a night of unrestrained passion and sex. Their first night together had been evidence enough that Nolan needed the release of tension and frustration. But that one night wasn’t enough. It had been too spontaneous between two strangers. Grid didn’t feel like they were strangers anymore, and a night together now would be so much more intense and intimate…fulfilling and satisfying; on every level.

  Maybe that’s what Nolan was afraid of. Maybe Grid was afraid of that as well, but not so much that it would keep him from showing up at Nolan’s door should the man give him any indication he wanted him there.

  “Nolan…” Grid whispered and stroked his fingertips down Nolan’s palm. This time, the man responded with a slight curling of his fingers, catching Grid’s hand in a light grip that slowly tightened. He looked at Nolan’s face as the other man continued to stare out at the kids playing in the yard, and faint dampness glistened in Nolan’s eyes.

  I’ll be there, he assured Nolan with a squeeze of his hand. And for one night, we’ll make all this go away.

  Chapter 12

  “You like him, don’t you?” Noel sat on the bed next to Noah.


  “You know who.”

  Noah ducked his head and picked at his jeans.

  “I don’t care if you’re gay,” Noel said quietly. “And he is really cute.”

  “You think he’s cute?”

  Noel nodded. “Maybe I’m gay, too.” The two boys stared at each other then laughed.

  “Did you two have a good time today?” Devlin came into the bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. The twins nodded. Devlin smiled. “I’m glad.” He looked at Noah. “How’s your leg? It seemed like it was hurting you some. You going to be okay to go to the restaurant?”

  “Yeah,” Noah answered quickly. “I’m okay. It don’t hurt so bad.”

  Devlin looked at Noel. “And how about you? You feeling okay?”

  “Yeah,” Noel smiled.

  “So…what were you two laughing about?” Devlin asked curiously. “Or was it an inside joke?”

  Warmth flushed Noah’s cheeks, and he glanced away.

  “Noah likes Chris,” Noel blurted out through a pursed smile.

  “Noel!” Noah ducked his head, his face burning.

  Devlin chuckled. “Aw, don’t be embarrassed, son. Chris is a cutie.”

  “You weren’t supposed to tell,” Noah grumbled at his brother.

  “Well, I promise not to tell,” Devlin assured. “And I’m sure Noel won’t tell anyone else. Right, kiddo?”

  “I won’t,” Noel shook his head, smiling. “I promise.”

  “There you go.” Devlin patted his leg. “Your secret’s safe with us.” He stood. “Someone will be by in a couple hours to pick you guys up. You should rest your leg a bit before they get here.”

  Noah nodded. Devlin lef
t the room, and Noah scowled at Noel. “Why’d you tell him?”

  “I don’t know,” Noel laughed quietly. His smile wavered. “Are you mad at me?”

  Groaning, Noah flopped onto the bed and grinned. “No. I’m not mad at you, silly.”

  Crawling up against the pillows, Noel asked, “Do you really like him?”

  Noah sat up. “I don’t know,” he mumbled with a smile. “I guess so. But he just sees me as a kid.”

  “You are a kid,” Noel snickered.

  “Not a little kid.”

  “You’re kind of little.”

  Noah rolled his eyes and laughed. “Shut up.”

  Noel shrugged. “You won’t always be a kid, though.”

  “By then he’ll probably be married,” Noah sighed. “To a girl.”

  “You don’t know he’s straight.”

  “Pretty sure,” Noah mumbled. “Don’t matter anyway. He’s too old.”

  “He’s not that old,” Noel smiled. “Like Abel’s age.”

  “Might as well be ancient.”

  “Huh-uh,” Noel laughed and nudged him with his foot. “He’ll only be like twenty-four or twenty-five when you’re eighteen. Clint is way older than Axel. A lot more than that.”


  “So, maybe he really is your Prince Charming,” Noel grinned.

  “Yeah, right.” Noah flopped back on the bed, smiling regardless. His heart fluttered, and he couldn’t wait to see Chris again.


  “Well, it’s official.” Devlin entered the kitchen. “The boy is in love.”

  “Yeah?” Abel grinned as he prepared the coffee maker. “He admitted to liking Chris?”

  “No,” Devlin chuckled. “Noel told me.”

  “Noel?” Abel laughed. “That little rat.”

  “Yeah. Embarrassed his brother good.” Devlin hugged him and kissed his shoulder. “It’s hard to believe that just a couple days ago, they were these two frightened orphans scared of their own shadows. Especially Noel.” He squeezed Abel tighter. “It’s a miracle how quickly they’re settling in and adapting.”

  Abel nodded. “Today was good for them. I think Jules and Rueben played a huge part in getting Noel to open up. Them and the puppies.”

  “I think so,” Devlin smiled and pressed his lips to his hair. “They’re going to be all right,” he whispered. “Thank the Lord.”

  “This family is very healing.” Abel turned on the coffee maker then twisted around and hugged Devlin’s neck. “Just ask anyone who joins it.” He kissed Devlin on the mouth.

  “There is something special about it, isn’t there?”

  “Indeed,” Abel smiled.

  Devlin sighed and rubbed Abel’s back as he gazed into the young man’s amber eyes. “I can’t wait for tomorrow,” he murmured softly. “Since the moment I first saw you, I’ve been waiting for this day. You may have to anchor me to the floor because standing up there with you tomorrow, I might just float away on cloud nine.”

  “I would float away with you.”

  Devlin kissed him deeply then groaned against his lips. “I could wring Cole and Gabe’s necks.” He pulled Abel closer, their bodies responding with strong arousal. “I want to make love to you so damn bad.”

  “I want it, too,” Abel whimpered. “I may have to sleep on the sofa tonight if we hope to hold out until tomorrow. I don’t think I can get into bed with you and keep my hands to myself. Or anything else to myself.”

  “And I’m too weak to fight you,” Devlin grinned and slid his hands over Abel’s ass, squeezing his wonderfully firm cheeks. His member jumped in anticipation, stretching his shorts. God, he felt good. It seemed ages since they’d last had sex, though it was hardly more than a day and a half. But that was a day and a half too long. Devlin nuzzled his neck and gripped Abel’s ass tighter, pulling him harder against him as he pinned the younger man to the counter. “God, baby, I want to fuck you.”

  Abel ran his fingers up the back of Devlin’s head, sending shivers skittering through him. His soft lips tugged Devlin’s earlobe, then sucked his neck. It was a good thing the boys were home, or the pact might go out the window about now.

  “Mmm…” Abel drew back, his breath quick and unsteady. “We better stop.”

  “Not just yet.” Devlin kissed him hungrily, swirling his tongue inside Abel’s warm, delicious mouth. He massaged his ass, fingers digging into his coveted flesh through his pants.

  “Devlin…” Abel gasped on a shaky laugh. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

  It was already started, but Devlin withdrew and stepped back, swiping a trembling hand down his face. “It’s a good thing Brandon will be spending the evening with us,” he panted. “Otherwise…once those boys vacated the house…” his fevered eyes crawled up and down Abel’s delectable body.

  “Will he be here before the boys leave?”

  “Shortly after,” Devlin said.

  “That could be a dangerous window,” Abel smiled.

  “Yeah.” Devlin was overheating beneath Abel’s tempting smile and burning eyes. “Dangerous, indeed.”


  Samuel walked with Nolan up to his apartment. Reuben had fallen asleep on the way home, and Nolan carried him now, his head resting on Nolan’s shoulder.

  “Jules really wore him out,” Samuel smiled.

  Nolan nodded and hugged the child closer, kissing his head. “Yeah,” he murmured. “He should sleep good tonight.”

  The man was barely keeping his despair in check. “Horatio will talk to Jensen this evening,” Samuel said when they entered the apartment. “You’re going to win this thing.”

  Nolan carried his son to the sofa and carefully laid him down, removed his shoes then covered him with a light blanket. “At what cost?” he whispered and faced Samuel. “A court battle could drag out for years. By the time I see my son again—if I ever do—he won’t even remember me. And Patrice will poison him against me merely for spite.” He walked into the kitchen area. “I don’t want to be her husband. But even if I won in court, I’m afraid I would still lose Reuben.”

  “No, you wouldn’t. You love your son. And regardless what his mother tells him about you, in time he would see that it was all lies. Kids are smart. It doesn’t take them long to figure out who truly loves and cares for them. He would come around.”

  Gripping the back of a kitchen chair, Nolan closed his eyes. “I’m scared.”

  “I know.” Samuel went to him. “But you’re not alone.”

  Nolan straightened and opened his eyes, tears shimmering. “I feel like everything is suddenly in chaos, and I didn’t have a chance to prepare for it.” He looked at Samuel. “I never thought I would have a child. And I had no idea how it would make me feel if I did. I look at Reuben, and I can’t believe that I helped create him, that he’s actually a part of me. I can’t lose him, Samuel.”

  “You’re not going to.” Samuel touched his shoulder, hesitated, then suggested quietly, “Maybe you should give Grid a call, have him come over for a little…stress relief. All this tension is unhealthy.”

  Nolan shook his head. “That isn’t going to solve anything.”

  “I didn’t say it would,” Samuel told him. “But it’s about the best stress reducer there is. The guy is crazy about you. He told me so himself. But somehow I think you already know that.”

  A pained look masked Nolan’s face. “I don’t want him caught up in my mess.”

  “I was just suggesting some hot sex. Where it goes from there is up to you and him.”

  “We’ve already…” Nolan swallowed but didn’t finish.

  Samuel stared at him. “You and Grid have…?”

  Nolan nodded.

  “Oh. Wow.” Samuel cleared his throat. “So…was it good?”

  Nolan rubbed his eyes. “The best I’ve ever had,” he mumbled.

  Samuel smiled. “Then all the more reason to have him come over. You need the distraction and the release of stress.”

nbsp; “I don’t know if it’s a good idea for him to be here,” Nolan murmured. “Patrice almost caught us together the first time.”

  “And you think she might show up tonight?”

  “No,” he whispered. “But even so…”

  “Is that all you’re afraid of? Being caught by her?”

  Turning away, Nolan shook his head. “No. I don’t want to make this into something, then…” He squeezed the back of his neck. “Then have to end it.”

  “So don’t end it.”

  “I may not have a choice, Samuel,” Nolan stated tensely. “I won’t choose anyone over my son.”

  “No one expects you to,” Samuel said gently. “Least of all Grid. But don’t be afraid to give it a try because of what might happen down the road.”

  “He’s a young, good-looking man,” Nolan said. “Why would he want to put himself in this situation?”

  Samuel shrugged. “You’ll have to ask him.” He cocked an eyebrow. “Do you need his number?”


  When Samuel left, Nolan transferred Reuben from the sofa to the spare bedroom. The boy was out cold, totally exhausted. Nolan gently brushed dark strands from his brow and kissed his warm head. Please, God, don’t take my son away from me. He stroked his thumb down Reuben’s soft cheek and blinked away tears. “Please.”

  He left the bedroom door ajar and returned to the living room. The piece of paper with Grid’s number on it lay on the end table next to the sofa. He stared at it for a long moment then went into the kitchen and poured himself a stiff drink. His eyes drifted to the end table as he drank down the liquor.

  Can I see you tonight?

  Would he show up whether Nolan called him or not? Should he let that be the sign? If Grid showed up on his own, then it meant they were supposed to be together?

  Nolan sighed. “What are you—thirteen?” he mumbled. A person couldn’t spend their life looking for “signs” that something was right or wrong. Wasn’t that what the heart was for? Nolan continued to stare at the piece of paper as he poured himself another drink. He took one swallow then dumped the contents down the sink and put away the bottle of liquor. His son was here, in his care; this wasn’t the time to be dulling his senses or filling up on liquid courage. He already knew where Grid wanted to be tonight.


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