THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series Page 56

by CJ Bishop

  Max’s lips pressed tight and the shimmering wall of tears began to crumble, one teardrop at a time.

  Horatio raised one hand and brushed the tears from Max’s face. “From the moment you came to my home, you were my heart and soul. Maybe I didn’t know it at first, too young to understand what I was feeling. But you were my whole world. And when that world came crashing down…I died, too.” He stared at Max, breath shuddering softly between his lips. “I couldn’t imagine a day when I would no longer be in love with you. I knew, if your love ever left my heart…it would stop. Every beat was for you.” He swallowed thickly and clung to Max’s hands. “Every night, for two decades, I prayed that God would bring you back to me…begged him. I promised him that I would never ask for another thing…” he bit his lip, eyes filling. “…if he would just let us be together, give us our miracle.”

  The evidence of the suffering Horatio had endured over the years resonated in his eyes. Max’s heart broke all over again as, for a brief moment, he was that broken and hurting teenage boy standing before him, begging Max for a love that he could no longer give him. Until now.

  “Maybe it took God a while to answer, but when he did…” Horatio smiled through his tears. “…he did so abundantly. In the Bible, the story of Job, God restored him two-fold for all that had been taken from him. He gave me even more. When he returned you to me, I didn’t just get you.” Horatio’s gaze swept over the guests and those on stage. “I got an entire family.” He trembled. “Maybe that’s what took him so long.” Fresh tears spilled over. “Gathering together this amazing family to deliver along with you.” He smiled, his chin trembling. “I am a blessed man.”


  The tears were flowing and Freddy couldn’t seem to stop them. He didn’t know these men yet was equally overcome with emotion as everyone else present. This couple was older than the others and their talk of ‘family’ gave him the sense that they filled the father figure role for many of the ones here today.

  Was it any wonder Dane preferred this family over his biological one? Freddy had seen Dane and one of the older men embrace, cling to one another in a way that suggested a deep, emotional bond. He was loved here. Accepted and respected. Freddy wondered how many of the protestors outside had families as loving and emotionally bonded as this one.

  Freddy’s legs ached from standing for so long but he was compelled to watch the ceremony through to the very end. He didn’t know why the pastor hadn’t mentioned to anyone that he was there. The man clearly respected his desire for anonymity.

  Freddy watched the men as they prepared to take their vows. The deep, intense love they shared encompassed the club, affecting everyone it touched. His gaze drifted to Dane and Angel. They held one another, watching the ceremony, both their faces streaked with tears.

  Do you hear yourself, Dane? Your husband? Men weren’t created to have husbands. Are you really so far gone that you can’t see how wrong that is? Freddy’s words from before lost their power and conviction in the face of these four couples today. Wrong? Sinful? His eyes passed over each couple and new tears formed.

  There is no sin here.


  “It is now time to take your vows,” Pastor Thompson said and smiled. “You may begin.”

  So this is how it feels to live out a dream, Horatio thought with a pleasant tremor. Since the night Max showed up at the penthouse apartment, confessing his love and desire to be with Horatio, his time with Max had felt like a dream, almost surreal. But it was real. So very real.

  The warmth of Max’s hands flowed into Horatio’s palms, warming him through and through. He breathed deep and let it out slow. “I knew I loved you from the moment we first kissed, and I have been helplessly lost in you ever since. All I have in this world I give to you. I promise to hold and keep you, comfort, protect, and shelter you, for all the days of my life.”

  Max’s tongue darted across his lower lip and he added softly, “I promise you my unconditional love, tenderness, and undying devotion. To not ask you to be more than you are, and to love you for being you.”

  “I vow to kiss you every day as we do today,” Horatio continued, his heart swelling inside his chest, “with love and devotion. That each kiss we share from this day forth, will be a remembrance of our wedding vows, our joy, and everything we share.”

  Warm love glowed in Max’s emerald eyes. “I stand by you; a rock to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, a pillow to rest your head. I promise to be here to wipe away tears of sadness, to elicit tears of joy, and to cry out to everyone who will listen, how much I love you.”

  Horatio’s vision blurred as he clung to Max and they spoke the final words together.

  “Marriage bridges two shores, binding us together as one unbroken path, on which I vow never to deviate, never to falter, and to always be by your side.” For a moment, the club and everyone in it faded away as they held onto one another, their hearts in their words, their touch, their eyes. “From this day forward, let us build a home together filled with love, laughter, joy, and light. When two become one we create a family, built on love.”

  The pastor smiled as they completed their vows. “The vows you have taken are recognized by God, your family, and friends as a lifelong commitment to one another. Do you, Maxwell Raines, take Horatio Kaplan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to faithfully uphold your vows taken, for as long as you both shall live?”

  Max gazed at Horatio. “I do.”

  Do you, Horatio Kaplan, take Maxwell Raines to be your lawfully wedded husband, to faithfully uphold your vows taken, for as long as you both shall live?”

  His heart pounding and skipping beats, Horatio answered with a trembled – “I do.” His eyes filled instantly and he fought the need to bury himself in Max’s arms.

  Having finally figured out the order of things, Jules and Reuben came forward with the rings without having to ask or be told. “The last rings,” Jules grinned up at the pastor as the man loosened the tiny bows.

  “Yes,” Pastor Thompson smiled. “The last ones.”

  The two boys went back to Clint. Jules tilted his head up and looked at the cowboy. “That’s all?”

  Clint chuckled. “Yep.”

  “Phew.” Jules swept his hand across his brow and dropped the pillow between Clint’s feet and plopped down on it, sagging against Clint’s shin. Reuben dropped down next to him, sighing heavily.

  “Shit,” Max shook his head and chuckled. A wave of soft laughter swept over the guests and rippled across the stage.

  “It must be exhausting being a ring bear,” Horatio laughed.

  “Apparently so,” the pastor nodded, thoroughly amused. He cleared his throat, though the smile remained glued to his lips. “Shall we continue?”

  “Yes, please.”

  The pastor handed them each a ring. “You will address one another by name then repeat after me.” One last time, he recited the words for the exchanging of the rings.

  The two men looked at each other.

  “Horatio Kaplan.”

  “Maxwell Raines.”

  Together, they continued. “I give you this ring, that you may wear it as a symbol of the vows we have made this day. Vows that I see not as just promises, but as privileges. I pledge you my love, and respect. My laughter and my tears. With all that I am, I honor you.”

  Horatio gently placed his ring on Max’s finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Max swallowed, his eyes glossy with tears as he slid the second wedding band onto Horatio’s finger. “With this ring…I thee wed.”

  Trembling, Horatio caressed his thumb over Max’s ring. “You’re really mine,” he whispered.

  “Forever, baby.”


  William motioned to the three other couples. “Please come forward for the affirmation of marriage.”

  The four couples stood side by side, their best men joining them. William looked at each of them. “Now may those who wear these rings live in love all their days. Now ma
y the love, which has brought you together, continue to grow and enrich your lives. May you continue to meet with courage any problems which may arise to challenge you. May your relationship always be one of love and trust. May the happiness you share today be with you always. And may everything you have said and done here today become a living truth in your lives.

  “Cole Young and Gabriel Smith, Devlin Grant and Abel Sims, Angel Harris and Dane Chambers, Maxwell Raines and Horatio Kaplan…we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. We recognize and respect the covenant you have made here this day before God and each one of us as witnesses. Therefore, in the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today and by the power vested in me by the state of New York, it is my honor and delight to declare you married and partners in life...for life.” He smiled. “And now…you may kiss your husband.”

  Cole grinned. “The moment we’ve been waiting for.”

  The others agreed with soft laughter as they each kissed their new husband. William detected movement in the entryway and was glad the young man had stayed until the end. He gazed at the newly married men and for the first time glimpsed what he was missing, not without a sliver of regret. But he wasn’t one to question God’s grand design and divine plan. Just as these men were born the way they were, so was William.

  He smiled, his joy for the couples unfazed by his wandering thoughts. “And lastly, something to take to heart; Marriage is an institution created by God. Marriage was not initially created between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation, but was created for all persons for emotional, physical, and spiritual companionship. For God acknowledged that it is not good that man should be alone. Marriage is a new beginning to a new life now shared with another person. A fresh start. It is not humanly possible to forget what came before, but as new couples, you should strive to lay to rest the pain, affliction, and strife of the past and move forward into your new life with a clean slate. Hold onto the good memories you have already created together but let go of the bad things. Begin again, not as two separate persons, but two halves of one whole. Allow the old things to pass away as all things become new.”

  Soft amens sifted through the couples.

  William stepped to the side and addressed the guests. “It is now my personal privilege and great joy to be the first one to introduce Cole and Gabe, Devlin and Abel, Angel and Dane, and Max and Horatio as the newly married couples. Partners in life...for life. Please greet them warmly.”

  Chapter 12

  The guests left their seats and surged forward to congratulate and hug the new couples. Axel lingered behind, watching the procession. Jules hopped excitedly between the men, dragging Reuben with him. They were scooped up by Cole and Gabe then passed down the line. Axel smiled, his eyes shifting to Clint as the cowboy laughed at the little boys’ antics and excitement.

  I want to marry you right now. The thought danced through Axel’s head and skipped down into his heart, causing a tickling flutter in his pulse. He belonged to Clint—married or not—but watching the others stand up there, openly vow their love and life to one another, and place the rings on each other’s hands…it sealed their commitment to the one they loved. That’s what Axel found himself wanting now; that final step that would bond him to his cowboy forever.

  Clint caught him staring and a different smile quirked the edge of his lips. He left the stage and walked over to Axel. “What’s up?” Clint ran his finger through Axel’s hair and kissed him. “Why’re you standing down here all alone?” He continued to run his fingers through Axel’s soft strands.

  “Just waiting for the throng to thin,” he smiled and looked at Clint. “And…thinking.”

  “About what?”

  Axel shrugged. “I don’t know. Stuff.”

  “You’re not going to tell me?”

  A small smile spread across Axel’s face and he wrapped his arms around Clint’s waist and kissed his throat. “Maybe I was thinking how bad I want to make love to you right this minute.” He kissed him again and murmured, “Or rather, how good I want to.” He realized it wasn’t a fib as his body instantly reacted to the feel of Clint’s hardening crotch. He slipped his hands under the back of Clint’s tux jacket and rubbed his warm muscles through his shirt. “I guess all this wedding stuff has put me in a wildly romantic mood.” He grinned against Clint’s neck and lightly nipped his skin.

  Clint groaned and nearly crushed him in a tense embrace. “You’re a cruel little brat, you know that?” His lips touched Axel’s hair, his breath unsteady, growing ragged. “Not nice to tell me this shit when I can’t do a damn thing about it yet.”

  “Maybe…” Axel breathed against the swell of his throat, “…we can take a short detour on the way to the restaurant and you can do something about it then. Come to think of it, we haven’t christened the car yet and what better day to do it than today?”

  Clint drew back and looked at him skeptically. “Is that really what you were thinking about? Or are you just trying to distract me?”

  Kissing his mouth, Axel whispered, “Does it matter?” For clarification, he pressed himself more firmly against Clint’s growing arousal.

  A hard sigh pushed out of the cowboy as heat burned through his jade green eyes. “Nope.”


  William casually made his way to the club entrance. The young man was gone. He had expected as much. It was all up to God now if He wanted William to connect with him. He left it at that and sought out Lex once more, informing him that he was heading over to the church and would meet up with them at the restaurant.

  “Want an escort to your car?” Lex asked with a smile. “I bet our cowboy friend would love to go out there and meet our accusers face to face.”

  William chuckled. “Thanks, but I’ll be fine.”

  Before he opened the outer doors, he knew the demonstrators were still there by their continued chants and raised voices. Taking a deep breath, he gripped the door handle and looked heavenward. “Give me strength, Lord,” he whispered, “not to judge them as they are judging these men and myself.”

  William emerged with confidence, the sunlight immediately warming his face like a gentle caress from God himself, assuring William he was on his side. William chuckled; he was pretty sure that Hank Milton and his people felt exactly the same.

  His car was parked across the street near the picketers. After checking for traffic, he stepped off the sidewalk and headed their way. Hank Milton moved to the end of the picket line, veering in the same direction as William. When he drew closer, William smiled at the other pastor. “You missed a beautiful wedding, Pastor Milton.”

  The man’s face remained stony, eyes narrowed and hard. “There is nothing beautiful about what took place inside that brothel today.”

  I think God would disagree with you, William thought but knew his words would be wasted on Hank Milton. He shrugged. “I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself and these others of that.”

  Milton sighed, some of the hardness leaving his features as he stared at William like a man who was headed straight for hell. “You are a misguided soul, William. My church and I will pray for you.”

  Pausing at his car, William looked at him with sincere curiosity. “Will you pray that God works His will in my life?” William asked without malice. “Or will you pray according to your prejudices, instructing God what to do rather than turning the issue over to Him and allowing Him to handle it as He sees fit?”

  “We will pray for your enlightenment,” Hank said stiffly. “For your soul.”

  “So, the latter?”

  “You are on a dangerous path,” Milton warned. “And as a pastor and shepherd of the Lord, you are leading your flock astray.”

  William unlocked the driver door and opened it. “Instead of teaching my congregation to compassionately embrace everyone, I should rather have them standing on the street condemning others to hell? And in turn, driving those people away from God?” He stared at Hank. “Clearly, we eac
h have our own method of leadership.” He stepped around the door. “But by all means, pray for my enlightenment.” He smiled. “And I will pray for yours.” He slid in behind the wheel and closed the door as the other pastor stood rigidly on the sidewalk, eyes heated with indignation and the Holy Bible clutched fiercely in his fist.


  “Are they still out there?” Savannah asked anxiously when Maddy came back into the club from the entryway.

  He nodded and hugged her. “Don’t listen to them,” he said quietly. “They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Don’t let it bug you.”

  “It’s not me,” she whispered and drew back, casting a look across the room. “It’s Jules and Reuben, and the twins. They don’t need to be hearing the things those people are saying. Noah is gay, and Noel already feels insecure enough about himself. It can’t help him to have people waving those awful signs and shouting equally awful things at all of us.”

  Maddy kissed her brow. “Don’t worry. Jules and Reuben are too young to even understand what it’s all about, and they can’t read the signs. And the twins…we’ll make sure they understand that what’s going on outside is just a bunch of bullshit.” He cupped her face and kissed her lips. “They’ll be okay.”

  I love you, Maddy Harris. Savannah gazed up at him adoringly. Every second she was in his presence, it was hard to remember he was only sixteen. Everything about him screamed ‘Man’…not boy. Sometimes it was hard to remember that she was only sixteen as well; she didn’t feel like a kid…especially when Maddy was holding her.


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