Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3)

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Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3) Page 14

by Lilly Wilde

  “I was only protecting my family,” Connor argued.

  “And I’m planning to protect mine. Aria and Lyric are my family and they come first. Everything else is bullshit.”

  “Son, don’t be ridiculous.”

  “The only ridiculous thing is me thinking you would one day have a clue as to what family really means. It doesn’t mean sacrifice everything you are and everything you want. I’ve done that for far too long—to keep the peace, to keep the family together, to keep this so-called legacy. But that’s not my responsibility. It’s yours! I only went along with it because of Mother, but her inaction tonight has cut the last string.”

  “Aiden, please…” Sienna reached out to Aiden but he stepped back.

  “Don’t touch me. I don’t want to look at you. I never wanted to believe it, but you’re just like him. Willing to risk everything and everyone for that fucking company.”

  “I could say the same of you, Aiden, at least until your involvement with Aria,” Connor said.

  “You’re right. And I can’t thank her enough for that.” Aiden turned to me and pulled me into his arms. He grasped my shoulders and looked at me, his eyes fierce. “Aria, we’re going to find Lyric.”

  Michelle moved away from Allen and hesitantly approached us, her eyes beet red from crying. “We’re so sorry Nadia did this. I just can’t imagine what she must have been thinking,” she said.

  I shrugged away from Aiden and stepped toward Nadia’s mother. “You know exactly what she was thinking. She’s obsessed with Aiden, and you’re partially the blame for her fixation; you’ve encouraged this and look what’s come of it. All of you! You’re all horrible people!”

  Nicholas and Sloan strolled into the room and stopped short. They took in the group of random people and their eyes landed on Aiden and me. “What’s going on?” Nicholas asked.

  “Ask your parents,” I spit out.

  Aiden secured me to his side with a firm arm around my waist and led me to the terrace. I was frantic and I didn’t know what to do or say next. Aiden hugged me tightly as I sobbed into his chest. I cried so hard my head started to spin, and I felt as though I was about to pass out. I couldn’t do that—I needed to be fully present. I needed to clear my head so I could think. I needed to figure out where Nadia could have taken my son.

  Wiping my face, I stepped away from Aiden and then took the farthest seat from the entrance. Aiden quietly followed and took a seat beside me. My mind was racing. How long had Nadia and Lyric been gone? Was she being kind and gentle to my son? Was she planning to bring him back?

  Aiden called Nadia’s phone several times but she never answered. He left message after message—but nothing. We sat in silence on the terrace and waited. And waited. And waited. Each passing minute took my mind to horrible places. What had she done with Lyric? Was he hungry? Was he crying?

  In a daze, I walked to the edge of the terrace and gazed at the night sky. The stars were nonexistent. It was just flat space with puffs of gray patchwork concealing the moon. The blanket of clouds stretched over the sky, giving it a hazy, ominous feel. It was as though Mother Nature read my thoughts. The wind had picked up, and the trees around the estate twisted and wailed as the leaves and small branches were yanked away. In the distance, the rumblings of thunder were building, getting louder and louder until a deafening boom rolled across the property, increasing the foreboding that had already metastasized in my stomach. I looked up into the dark, thunderous night and felt the first stinging drops of water on my cheeks. The clouds suddenly opened and buckets of rain poured from the sky. I continued looking up as the rain mixed with my tears, and watched the jagged bolt of lightning rip the unfriendly heavens. The thunder was only a second behind, jolting my stupor. It was one thunderous roll after another while the bolts of lightning tore through the dark night.

  I prayed Nadia wasn’t on the roads. I knew the thunder would have frightened Lyric and there was no way Nadia could concentrate in hazardous driving conditions if Lyric was being fussy. Maybe she wasn’t near us, or maybe she wasn’t driving. Maybe she’d caught a flight by now and was several hundred miles away—far away from the thunder and lightning. Either scenario scared the hell out of me.

  Aiden was suddenly behind me. His hands were on my shoulders pulling me from the rain. I jerked away from his touch as if boiling water had seared my skin. I was enraged by his attempt to comfort me. “Get away from me!” My entire body shook with the only thing that could protect me now—anger. And I wanted it. I needed it. It had become my weapon of choice. “This is all your fault!”

  “What? Aria, this is not my fault,” he replied, rejecting the accusation.

  “If it’s not your fault, whose is it? If you hadn’t insisted on trying to prove a point or punish me, Lyric would’ve never been here. This never would have happened!” I shouted.

  Aiden shook his head as he stared at me. “You’re blaming me?”

  “You’re damned right I am!” I was afraid and angry and right about now, blame looked pretty damned good on him. As far as I saw it, he was just as guilty as Nadia!

  “What could I have done differently, Aria?”

  “For one, you didn’t have to flaunt my child in front of that psychopath.”

  “He’s my child, too, Aria. Should I have ignored the fact that I had a child you’d hidden from me? A child that I have just as much right to as you?”

  “A child you didn’t want! You didn’t want kids. Remember? The one you could have had—well, you made damned sure it didn’t happen. So why the hell would I have assumed you’d want Lyric?”

  “I can’t believe you’re bringing that up,” he said, shoving a hand through his hair. “You know damned well why that happened! I didn’t want Nadia, I didn’t love Nadia. How could you ever compare yourself or what we had to that sham of a relationship?”

  “And let’s not forget your bitch of a mother. She told me the exact same thing—that you didn’t want kids, that you would never settle down or have a family. That Raine Industries was your priority.”

  “She said what? When did this happen?”

  “The day when I’d planned to tell you I was pregnant. I had my doubts about telling you, but in the end, I knew you should know. But then she happened, so I made the choice to leave. I didn’t want Lyric to feel like we felt when we were kids, and I didn’t want to come between you and your family. So I thought I’d make it easier for you, and I left.”

  His eyes softened as he stepped closer to me. “Aria, I loved you more than anything in this world, and I would have moved heaven and earth for you. I would have given you any and every thing you wanted—including a family. I would have done anything for you. Don’t you know that? You destroyed me when you left me. But when April told me I had a child—that you and I had created a child from a love that had consumed us both—it was as if my heart started beating again. Then I realized what you’d done and the anger took over. I wanted to hurt you—like you’d hurt me. I wanted to take away your choices. I wanted you to feel the rage I felt.”

  After being closed off for so long, he was finally being honest with me. He would have really wanted Lyric. I could see it in his eyes. I could hear it in his voice. I did this—I’d taken away a piece of Aiden when I’d left him. Could I really blame him for how he handled things once he’d found out? Could I honestly say I would have done this any differently?

  “But you have to know I don’t feel that way anymore, Aria. I’m still in love with you. I’m in love with our son. I’m in love with us.”

  We both fell silent. I stared at him, the gravity of his words was displayed on his face…and in his eyes. They were full of love and compassion, and they bored into me.

  “Aiden, the police are here.” It was Allison, and she looked as torn up as I felt. She reached to hug me, but Aiden pulled me away from her.

  “Let’s talk to the police, Aria.” Aiden and I exchanged tense glances. ”And when we get our son back, we will fix all of this. I

  Aiden and I answered the police detectives’ questions and provided pictures of Lyric and Nadia. We’d discussed making a public appeal with a reward, but the police advised against it. They said it would result in a shit load of dead leads, and they didn’t want to waste resources exploring those.

  An Amber Alert was immediately released. How many times had my phone announced one of those about someone else’s child and I’d paid little to no attention to it? Now I was staring at the message displayed on the screen about my child, and I was hoping and praying that someone would see Nadia and alert the authorities.

  I turned around and saw one guilty face after another. I wanted to tell them all to fuck off. “I want to go to the nursery.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Aiden asked.

  “Aiden, please.”

  Grasping my hand, he led me up the stairs. We walked down the hall and opened the door to Lyric’s nursery. I wasn’t able to go in, so I stood in the doorway and glanced around the room. All was in its proper place—all but Lyric. Suddenly, my legs gave way and my head started to spin as something pulled me away from my body. I disappeared into the darkness. My body became lax and everything faded to black.

  Awaking later in Aiden’s bedroom, the TV was on, and Aiden was sitting in the chair next to the bed. I sat up, and he was immediately at my side.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his brows furrowed with worry.

  “Yes. Any word?”


  My eyes welled with tears, and huge drops fell down my cheeks. Where was Nadia with my son? I cried and cried until I was out of breath and my chest was hurting. Aiden didn’t touch me. He just sat beside me and let me sob. I didn’t want to be comforted. There was no way to be comforted. When the tears finally stopped, he passed me a tissue, and I dried my face. “How long was I out?”

  “Not long—just a few minutes.”

  I slid from the bed, and Aiden grasped my hand. We went downstairs to the study and turned on the TV. I sat near it, staring until the images on the screen became a blur.

  This wasn’t Aiden’s fault at all. It was mine and mine alone. I’d caused months of needless pain. I should have done the right thing and worked with the consequences. Instead I’d pulled Kellan into my mess and caused him even more hurt. I’d lost more time with my sisters, and I’d lost my best friend. I’d walked around half empty for months, and I’d deprived Aiden of the beginning of Lyric’s life. I was already managing enough mistakes, and it seemed I was only adding more to the pile. This was one for which I couldn’t forgive myself.

  “Can I get you something to drink? Water, tea…or something stronger?” It was Dianna. I looked up to her tear-stained face. I reached out and she squeezed my hand. I saw the grandmother in her I’d seen the first time we’d met. Knowing what I knew now, I saw her in that capacity even more. “They’ll find our sweet boy,” she reassured me, “and he’ll be back happy and safe. I know it.” She released my hand and turned to Aiden.

  He was standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. Dianna reached out to him and he pulled her into an embrace. I watched the two of them together, so much like mother and son. Aiden’s shoulders were moving as if he were crying. I turned away. I couldn’t watch him fall apart.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I pressed the autodial for Lia. I needed to let my sisters know what was going on. But before it rang I tapped to end the call. I couldn’t tell them this—not now. I had to believe Aiden was right—that we’d find Lyric.

  It had been hours and we hadn’t heard anything. I could barely breathe. Each passing second terrified me, and I considered the possibilities of what some obsessed psychopath could do with a child. Aiden tried again to comfort me in between making phone calls, but I couldn’t accept it. I didn’t want it. And in turn, I wasn’t able to offer any comfort to him.

  His mess of a family was now seated around us…waiting. Connor made an attempt at an apology, but I just didn’t want to hear it. Next to Aiden and me, Allison was the most outwardly upset. The Lanes were still here. I wished they would all fucking go away.

  The doorbell rang and I jumped, clutching my chest as I looked at Aiden. He may have tried to conceal it, but I saw the sharp worry in his eyes. He held his hand out to me, and I placed mine into his and followed him out of the room. As soon as we entered the foyer, the door opened and two security men filed in with Nadia between them. My eyes dropped to the baby carrier that one of the men was holding. It wasn’t Lyric’s carrier.

  Chapter Eleven

  My heart was about to explode. I rushed over to the security guard and exhaled in a surge of relief when I looked into the carrier and saw Lyric’s sweet face. He was secured, innocently toying with his fingers. Unbuckling Lyric, I lifted him from the carrier and snuggled him firmly in my arms. Aiden was already at my side, enveloping us both. Lyric squirmed and cooed and Aiden released us, his eyes darting from Lyric to me. Holding Lyric up, I turned him backward and then toward me, looking for signs that he was anything other than okay. I nearly burst into tears when his tiny lips curled into a smile —he thought I was playing with him.

  I glanced at Aiden and saw the relief in his eyes as he studied our son. “Hey, little guy. You’re okay, aren’t you?”

  “Of course he’s okay, Aiden,” Nadia said. She sounded as if it was absurd to think anything else.

  Aiden’s attention immediately shifted from Lyric. Other than the repeated flexes of his jaw, he remained very still as the calm he’d reserved for me started to disappear. I knew he was trying to contain himself, but when he turned and faced the person who’d taken our child, part of me wished he wouldn’t.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “I said he was okay. Why would you think otherwise?”

  Aiden rushed toward Nadia, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you do something like this?”

  “Aiden, it’s not what you think. I just wanted to take him out. I lost track of time,” Nadia said.

  “Lost track of time? Lost track of time? Do you think I’m an idiot? You didn’t just take him out! You kidnapped him! You know it, I know it…we all know it!”

  “That isn’t true. I was coming back,” she insisted.

  Aiden shook her again. “Is that why you didn’t answer my calls? Because you were coming back?”

  “Let go. You’re hurting me,” she exclaimed. But Aiden didn’t release her.

  “Mr. Raine, we’ll handle it from here.” The police stepped beside Aiden and Nadia, ready to separate them, but Aiden ignored the officer.

  “Stop lying, Nadia. No one is buying your shit. You weren’t allowed to be near him, let alone take him out.”

  “Aiden, I just wanted some time with him. Is that so wrong?” she asked.

  Aiden pushed Nadia against the wall, and the Lanes rushed toward them. One of the officers stepped in front of them before they made contact with Aiden.

  “Can you please make him release her?” Michelle pleaded.

  The other officer seemed as if he was hesitant to intervene, but he finally reached for Nadia. “Sir, we’ll need you to let her go. I assure you she won’t be leaving the premises.”

  Nicholas walked toward Aiden and Nadia. “Aiden, bro. We have Lyric and he’s safe. The police will handle it from here. Let her go,” he coaxed.

  Aiden maintained his stance until Lyric started to cry, then he looked back at us. I understood his rage—I, too, wanted to hurt her. I wanted to cause her as much physical pain as she’d caused me mentally, but not like this. There was another way to make her pay. I rocked Lyric, trying to quiet him before he got any fussier. Dianna offered to get a bottle, and Aiden turned back toward Nadia. He finally released her, stepping back and glancing at the police.

  Michelle quickly embraced Nadia. “What were you thinking?”

  “I told you.” Nadia’s voice broke as she looked at her father. “I just wanted to spe
nd some time with him—that’s all this was.”

  I didn’t pay any more attention to Nadia. Her lies were infuriating and the more I listened to her, the angrier I’d become. I only wanted to focus on Lyric. Was he hurt? Was that the reason he was crying? I had no idea of what to look for beyond outward signs. He seemed fine, as far as I could tell, but I wanted Aiden to take a look at him, just in case. Dianna came back with a bottle, and I started to feed Lyric. He was looking up at me expectantly just as he always had, his beautiful eyes focused on my face.

  Having been engrossed with Lyric, I’d only been half listening to what was going on around me. I looked up and surveyed the room. Aiden still looked as if he were about to strangle Nadia, and Allison was still in tears. Connor and Allen were talking to the police and the security team. Sienna was standing near Allison, watching Michelle and Nadia, who was spitting out lie after lie to cover up what she’d done.

  Aiden stepped toward Nadia and the police. “You’ve clearly lost your mind. Regardless if you say it aloud or not, I know what you did, and you’re going to pay for it.”

  “Pay for what? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Nadia looked around and spotted Allison. “Just ask her. She’s the one who gave me permission to spend time with him.”

  We all looked at Allison, a guilty expression crossing her features. She hurried to Aiden’s side. “Aiden, please don’t be mad at me. Nadia came over, and she seemed fine. She asked to see Lyric, and I told her she wasn’t allowed to see him, and then she told me about the baby she’d lost, and I felt bad for her, so when she asked to hold Lyric just once, I agreed. We were in the nursery and Dianna came up to tell me that Libbey was here, so I told Nadia I’d be right back, but when I returned, Nadia was gone.”

  “Allison, how could you?” I asked. “And why didn’t you call us or the police as soon as you discovered Lyric was missing?”

  Nadia interjected, not allowing Allison a chance to respond. “Oh, Aria, please. Give it a rest. She didn’t do anything wrong, so just get over yourself. You’ve done nothing but cause upheaval in this family.”


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