Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3)

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Touched By Him (The Untouched Series Book 3) Page 18

by Lilly Wilde

  Music was playing in the background as we placed ornaments on the tree and sipped on warm alcoholic beverages. I’d been shopping with Lia and Bianca and had hoped to find the perfect gift for Aiden, but I hadn’t stumbled across it until the very last minute.

  On Christmas morning we awoke to even more gifts under the tree. Most of them were for Lyric, of course. One was wrapped in a small, long box. It was from Connor, and he insisted Lyric open his first. Lyric toyed with the ribbon for a while, and I eventually helped him open it. Inside was a document. What the hell made Connor think Lyric would want a piece of paper as a gift? I unfolded it, and my eyes nearly popped from my head. I cautiously glanced at Aiden, and he walked over to me.

  “What is it?”

  I passed it to him.

  Aiden quickly viewed the document and then turned toward Connor. “Dad,” he warned.

  The room fell silent. We were all glancing from Aiden to Connor, and I, for one, was hoping this didn’t blow up into another argument.

  “Now wait a minute before you get into a huff. This is your son’s birthright. He’s entitled to this, and he’s my first grandchild, so he’s setting the precedent.”

  I could see that Aiden was about to go at it with his father, and I didn’t want that. Not today. “Aiden, let’s not do this. Let’s not ruin this time. We can get into this later.” My first Christmas with Aiden, my first Christmas as a mother. I wanted to enjoy every minute of it.

  Aiden passed the document back to me and I returned it to the box. Lyric looked at Connor, who started talking to him. He was excited by his grandfather, but I was worried. Connor reached for him, and I glanced at Aiden. I reluctantly passed over my little angel, and as I watched Connor and Lyric, now one of the wealthiest four month olds in the world, I knew I wouldn’t be able to block certain aspects of the Raine lifestyle from affecting my son, regardless of my efforts.

  We spent the morning seated around the fireplace talking, observing the baby and opening gifts. After dinner the family gathered around the piano and sang Christmas carols as Aiden played for us. It was the perfect scene for a Christmas card, or in this case, for the business and society pages. The Raines’ publicist, still in the midst of buffing the Raines’ public image after the Nadia situation, had stopped in with photographers to capture a few pictures of our holiday.

  Once the photographers left, we dispersed throughout the room. Except Aiden—he remained seated at the piano. I looked up and caught him eyeing me over the lip of his glass. I watched as his eyes crawled down my body. A small smile traced his lips and then he placed his glass on the top of the piano. A few seconds later, he’d started playing another song, but it wasn’t a Christmas carol.

  It was a beautiful melody, one I didn’t recognize. The tunes were intricate and powerful—the perfect embodiment of the complicated man seated at the piano. His talent was absolutely astounding—I choked back tears as I watched him play, his devastatingly handsome face morphing with the tones floating through the air. We were in a room full of people, but somehow that song seemed like an intimate story that he related only to me—a story about us. I could easily recognize the sad parts, not only by the discordant tune, but by the distorted expressions that traced Aiden’s beautiful face. Once he’d finished, he sighed and looked up at me.

  “Get a room you two,” Nicholas said. He slapped Aiden’s arm, and they both grinned.

  Aiden raised his eyebrows suggestively and then came over to join me. He kissed me softly on the cheek and then followed Nicholas to the bar for another drink. I reached up and touched the cheek he’d kissed and then went to sit with my sisters.

  I glanced at Aiden and saw him laughing with Nicholas. He was a beautiful, virile man whom I’d slept with for the last several weeks…but that was all we’d done—sleep. We hadn’t had sex since the night Lyric had been abducted. Our time had been spent talking, playing with Lyric, or sight-seeing. Aiden had taken us to some of his favorite Chicago spots. We’d also spent a considerable amount of time at a couple of his non-profit organizations. I’d never had this much uninterrupted time with him—time where we could just be. We didn’t have to rush anything, and it had been wonderful.

  We were about to open another round of gifts—I had two for Aiden. We’d decided that we’d present one gift to each other in private, so I was anxious for our alone time in the privacy of our bedroom.

  Aiden extended a small turquoise box to me. “This is from Lyric and me.”

  “Thank you, Lyric.” I grabbed his hand. He was scrambling to break free of his dad’s grasp so Aiden placed him on the floor in front of us, but he was soon back in Connor’s arms. I removed the white ribbon from the box, and situated inside it was a pair of princess cut red diamond earrings.

  “They match the necklace,” Aiden said.

  “They’re beautiful. I love them. Hold this. I want to put them on.” I removed my small diamond studs and placed them in the box, and Aiden passed the new earrings to me. “How do they look?” I asked after I’d put them on.

  “Perfect. Lyric has excellent taste.”

  I planted a chaste kiss on his lips. “Thank you.”

  He returned my kiss, but his lingered a bit longer than mine had, and I was starting to feel the effects of his closeness when he pulled away. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol or if we were just long overdue for sex, but I wanted him and I didn’t want to wait. He grasped my hands and stared into my eyes as the others carried on in the background.

  “Let’s see the earrings, Aria,” Allison said, plopping on the sofa beside us.

  I pulled my hands from Aiden’s, but he leaned down and kissed the back of them both before releasing me, and then he was off. I was sure he was about to go pull Lyric away from Connor.

  “They’re gorgeous, and they look perfect with the necklace,” Allison said.

  “Thank you. Let’s see what you got.”

  The day quickly filtered into night. Lyric had fallen asleep, and we were ready to head home to our own house on the estate. Aiden and I said our goodbyes to the others and bundled Lyric up before we walked into the cold night. We were both silent. I was thinking about this day and how wonderful it all was—well, except the part where Connor had surprised us with Lyric’s gift. Other than that, it was another successful holiday with the Raines. Who knew?

  After getting Lyric tucked in, I headed back to our bedroom. I changed into pajamas and took a seat near the fireplace. Aiden soon joined me—he, too, had changed and was wearing pajama bottoms and a T-shirt.

  “Long day,” he said.

  “Yes, but I enjoyed it.”

  “I’m glad,” he replied.

  I glanced under the tree at the two lone gift boxes. “Are you ready for your other gift?”

  He grinned. “Yes.”

  I retrieved it and passed it to him—a long, thin silver box with a silver and gold ribbon. I took a seat and watched him open it. He removed the lid and pulled the papers from the box. His eyebrows rose as he skimmed the documents.

  He glanced up at my waiting eyes. “This is incredible. Thank you.” He leaned over and pulled me into a hug.

  I was so relieved. It was hard to choose a gift for someone like him, but this had felt right as soon as the thought entered my head. I had started a charity in his honor. It was called the Heart of Wyatt Foundation. I’d included a letter in the box that explained the name and the mission of the organization. Aiden had once told me he was more himself when he walked under the guise of Aiden Wyatt. His passion—his heart—rested in music, so the name Heart of Wyatt perfectly captured the essence of this charity.

  “All of your charities are here in Chicago, and since we’re moving, I figured this would be a great way for you to spend your time in Boston. Doing something that has your heart.”

  “Thank you, Aria. This was very thoughtful. I love it. And in case you didn’t know it yet—you and Lyric have my heart.” He passed a box to me. “Now it’s your turn.”

p; I guess paper was the gift theme this Christmas because when I opened the box, it too, contained a document. I unfolded it—it was also a letter. I glanced up to see Aiden watching me. There was a look on his face that I couldn’t quite register. He was nervous! I gave him a reassuring smile, and then read what he’d written.


  I struggled with finding the perfect gift, until I realized the best gift I could give to you is the truth. Since the first day we met—the first day you graced me with your beauty and strength—you’ve been a challenge, and I know you don’t think so, but you still are. I’m sure you’ve realized such challenges are not something to which I’m accustomed. And with you it was something I was determined to get around—and in doing so, I made several mistakes in my pursuit of you. In turn, those mistakes caused you to make painful decisions. I’ve hurt you. I never wanted that, but the same can be said of any man who truly loves a woman.

  I allowed my anger and pride to interfere with my decisions. When you suggested living with me until the court decision had been reached, I could have easily said no, but the simple truth is that I couldn’t. I wanted to punish you, but I also wanted you close. Your decision to conceal the fact that I had a son cut me deeply. That cut was that much deeper when I learned of your intent to raise him with another man. It wounded my heart and my pride. I was an ass to you and I knew it, but I didn’t care because I thought you deserved it. What you really deserved was my understanding.

  I know you thought you were protecting Lyric. We really need to talk more about that, but first I would like to give you some assurances. I love Lyric. From the moment I held him, I was hooked. I was totally captivated by him and equally amazed you’d brought him into this world. You needn’t worry about my leaving him, or my substituting a member of my staff to fulfill the role of a father. That privilege is mine and mine alone. Lyric’s changed me. He’s touched a part of me I didn’t know existed, and no matter what comes, you should know that will never change.

  These last few weeks have broadened my understanding of a multitude of subjects, ranging from loyalty and integrity, to responsibilities and priorities, to love and family. I’ve also discovered another side of you. It’s almost as if I’m meeting you again for the first time, and it’s enabled me to connect with you in a way I never thought possible.

  I know we’ve yet to discuss our time apart, nor have we really discussed what’s happening between us now, but I want you to know I love you, and I need you. I’ll do everything within my power to have you, because the thought of not having you makes it hard to breathe.

  I’m sorry for making you feel less than the wonderful beautiful gift you are to me. I’m sorry for every tear I’ve caused. I would like to make all of that up to you, if you’ll give me the chance. I want to show you that I can be the man you deserve.

  This has truly been a Christmas I’ll never forget. This is a magical season that brings with it joy, wishes, and hopes for new beginnings. You’ve given me that, and I can only hope I’ve given the same to you. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to get to know you again. Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for giving me Lyric.

  When I was a child, someone very close to me shared a Christmas story with me. It was about the power of the Christmas wish. I was told to close my eyes and wish for something very special, and in time my wish would come true. “The Christmas Wish” became one of my favorite traditions, and I looked forward to it every year. Last night, for the first time in years, I partook of that tradition and I made a Christmas wish. I wished that you would truly commit to being mine. And now I’m hoping you’ll close your eyes and make a Christmas wish, too. I hope you wish for me. I hope you wish for us.

  You’re not only my wish this Christmas—you’re my lifetime of wishes, and together we can make them all come true.

  Merry Christmas, princess.


  Every now and then, Aiden would give me a glimpse into this side of him, and it pulled at me like nothing else. He’d taken a chance and shown the vulnerability he had for me. I looked up from the letter, truly astounded to see someone so powerful—someone so secure in his own skin—nervously awaiting my reply to his sentiment. But I didn’t have any words—only raw emotion. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. I melted into him, finally home.

  “I love you, too, Aiden. I never stopped.”

  “I love you more,” he whispered. It was so soft, almost as if he didn’t want me to hear it.

  The dim lights of the Christmas tree flashed across his face. All was quiet except the soft, intermittent crackles of the fire that attempted to fill the silence. Aiden and I were the still shadows cast on the wall.

  He extended his hands and I moved closer, placing my palms into his. His touch was like the warmth of the sun, sending rays of heat that moved fiercely through my veins. He pulled me to him and then leaned down and placed his lips on mine. A low moan escaped him, similar to my own when the scent of his skin washed over me. He kissed my cheek and then started a trail of sweet kisses to my neck. I’d missed this side of him. The side that reminded me with every touch that he loved me, that he cherished me.

  His green eyes bored into mine as he placed a hand on either side of my face. He then lowered his head and pressed our lips together. My hands clung to his back, moving over his muscles, relishing the feel of him beneath my fingertips. His tongue glided into my mouth, tracing and licking deeply. It was a slow, sweet journey of rediscovery.

  I slowly pulled away, breaking our kiss and staring into the passion of his dark eyes. He kissed my forehead and then reached for the buttons on my top. The intensity of his gaze was focused on mine as he unbuttoned the shirt and let it fall to the floor. He then kneeled in front of me, placed his hands at my waist, and slid my pajamas and panties down my legs. I stepped out of them, and then it was my turn to undress him. I reached to remove his shirt, lifting it over his head. I then pulled at his waist to lower his pajamas. He stepped out of them, and we both stood in front of each other, naked and unabashed.

  Aiden moved toward me, scooped me up, and gently laid me on the floor. He moved his body over mine and pressed his lips against my throat. The warmth and scent of his body covered me. My hands moved up his back as he traced his lips back and forth on my skin. His erection was tempting and hard against my leg. I reached down and slowly stroked his still growing shaft. He groaned into my neck and softly sank his teeth into me.

  I opened my legs and guided him to my silkened cleft. With a flex of his hips, the head of his manhood slowly pushed through, and then he gently eased his hardened length all the way into me. It was the linking of two souls that fit like the harmony of the most beautiful love song.

  My nails dug into his flesh. “Ah. I’ve missed you,” I breathed.

  He lifted his head and started moving in and out of me, endowing me with long, skilled strokes while he stared into my eyes. “I’ve missed you more.”

  It was as if this moment in time was all we had, and each touch, each kiss, each stroke was a poignant reminder of our love—of our belonging. We both needed this, and for the next several hours we showed each other just how much.

  That night, under the soft glow of the Christmas lights, we made love like the world was ending. We were soaking wet, glistening with lust and the inexplicable need to keep going, to never break our perfect connection. There was no separation, no space between us. There was only the amorous binding of two lost loves. Everything had faded away except us, and the sensual sounds of two souls being reunited—of two souls touched by love, of two souls touched by him.



  The upcoming hours without Lyric gave Aiden and me the uninterrupted opportunity to really open up about our time apart and what, if anything, it meant for our future. I passed a glass of wine to Aiden and then joined him at the dining table. I was worried about the direction the conversation would go, and the look in his eyes revealed
he was just as concerned, if not more so.

  “So,” he started, glancing at me after he’d taken a couple of sips of the burgundy.

  “Where do we begin?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.” He exhaled and placed his glass on the table. “I do have a question. I’ve read your blog, and you’ve told me bits and pieces, but how was it for you…being away from me? Tell me about the parts you left out.”

  For a guy who said he didn’t know where to start, he certainly fired off one of the tougher questions first.

  Discussion Questions

  Do you think Aria made the right decision in not telling Aiden about her pregnancy?

  Do you think Aria was being selfish with Kellan?

  Did Aria really love Kellan? Why do you think so?

  Aiden was cold toward Aria for several weeks after discovering Lyric. Do you think his treatment of Aria was justified?

  Were you surprised by Sienna’s reaction to Aria when she returned to Chicago with Aiden?

  When JoJo first appeared on the scene, did you think more was going on between Aiden and JoJo?

  Did Aiden hire Anja just to further torment Aria? Or did he simply want two nannies because he was raised with two nannies?

  If Melena was still alive, do you think Aria would have told her that Lyric was Aiden or Kellan’s child? Why?

  Was Aiden jealous when he found Aria dancing with Jeremy or was he just angered by her behavior? Or was it a little or a lot of both?

  Why was Connor so forgiving about Aria’s deception?

  Did Aiden’s closeness with Dianna surprise you? Why do you think he was able to talk to her but not his mother about Aria?

  Do you think Nadia was planning to keep Lyric?

  How did you feel when Aria and Nadia finally came to blows?

  Was Aiden justified in his rejection of Raine Industries and his family?

  What do you think is next for Aiden and Aria?

  If April had betrayed your confidence as she did Aria’s, how would you have reacted?


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