The Collected Westerns of William MacLeod Raine: 21 Novels in One Volume

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The Collected Westerns of William MacLeod Raine: 21 Novels in One Volume Page 118

by Unknown

  "Not till I know why you betrayed me."

  "You can ask that." Her indignation gathered and broke. "Because you are what you are. Because I know what you told Jim Yeager this afternoon. Why don't you go?"

  "What did I tell Yeager? About the knife, you mean?"

  "You tried to lay it on Phil to save yourself."

  "Did Yeager tell you that?"

  "No, but I know it," She pushed him toward the door. "Go, while there is still a chance."

  "I'm not going--not yet. Not till you promise to ask Yeager what I said."

  A footstep sounded, and the door opened. The intruder stopped, his hand still on the handle, aware that there were others in the room.

  "Who is it?" Phyllis breathed, stricken almost dumb with terror.

  "It's Slim. Hope I ain't buttin' in, Phyllie."

  Unconsciously he had given her the cue she needed.

  "Well, you are." She laughed nervously, as might a lover caught unexpectedly. "It's--it's Phil," she pretended to pretend.

  "Oh, it's Phil." Slim laughed in kindly derision, and declared before he went out: "I expect you would spell his name B-r-i-double l. Don't forget to invite me to the wedding, Phyllie. Meanwhile I'll be mum as a clam till you say the word."

  With which he jingled away. The door was scarce closed before the girl turned on Keller.

  "There! You see. They may catch you any moment."

  "Will you ask Yeager?"

  "Yes, if you'll go."

  "All right. I'll go."

  Still he did not leave. The magic of this slim girl had swept him from his feet. In imagination he still felt the touch of her warm fingers, soft as a caress, the thrill of her hair as it had brushed his cheek when she had stooped over him. The drag of sex was upon him and had set him trembling strangely.

  "Why don't you go?" she cried softly.

  He snatched himself away.

  But before he had reached the door he came back in two strides. Startled and unnerved, she waited on him. He caught both her hands in his, and opened them wide so that she was drawn toward him by the swing of the motion. There for an instant he stood, looking down into her eyes by the faint light that sifted through the window upon her.

  "What--what do you want?" she demanded tremulously, emotion flooding her in waves.

  "Why are you saving me, girl?"

  "I--don't know. I've told you why."

  "I'm a villain, by your way of it, yet you save my life even while you think me a skunk. I can't thank you. What's the use of trying?"

  He looked down into her eyes, and that gaze did more than thank her. It told her he would never forget and never let her forget. How it happened she could not afterward remember, but she found herself in his arms, his kiss tingling through her blood like wine.

  She thrust him from her--and he was gone.

  She sank into a chair beside the kitchen table, her pulses athrob with excitement. Scorn herself she might and would in good time, but just now her whole capacity for emotion was keyed to an agony of apprehension for this prince of scamps. By the beating of her galloping heart she timed his steps. He must have reached the horse now. Already he would have it untied, would be in the saddle. Surely by this time he had eluded the sentries and was slipping out of the danger zone. Before him lay the open road, the hills, and safety.

  A cry rang out in the stillness--and another. A shot, the beat of running feet, a panted oath, more shots! The silent night had suddenly become vocal with action and the fierce passions of men. She covered her face with her hands to shut out the vision of what her imagination conjured--a horse flying with empty saddle into the darkness, while a huddled figure sank together lifeless by the roadside.



  How long she remained there Phyllis did not know. Fear drummed at her heart. She was sick with apprehension. At last her very terror drove her out to learn the worst. She walked round to the front of the house and saw a light in the store. Swiftly she ran across and up the steps to the porch. Three men were inside examining the empty chair by the light of a lantern one held in his hand.

  "Did--did he get away?" the girl faltered.

  The men turned. One of them was Slim. He held in his hand pieces of the slashed rope and the open pocket-knife that had freed the prisoner.

  "Looks like it," Slim answered. "With some help from a friend. Now, I wonder who that useful friend was and how in time he got in here?"

  Her eyes betrayed her. Just for an instant they swept to the cellar door, to make sure it was still shut. But that one glance was enough. Slim, about to speak, changed his mind, and stared at her with parted lips. She saw suspicion grow in his face and resolve itself to certainty, helped to decision by the telltale color dyeing her cheeks.

  "Does the cellar stairway from the store connect with the kitchen cellar, Phyllie?" he asked.


  He nodded, then laughed without mirth. "I reckon I can tell you, boys, who Mr. Keller's friend in need is."

  "Who? I'd like right well to know." Brill Healy, in a pallid fury, had just come in and was listening.

  Phyllis turned and faced him. "I was that friend, Brill."

  "You!" He stared at her in astonishment. "You! Why, it was you sent me out to run him down."

  "I didn't tell you that I wanted you to murder him, did I?"

  "I guess there's a lot between him and you that you didn't tell me," he jeered.

  Slim grinned, not at all maliciously. "I reckon that's right. I don't need to ask you now, Phyllie, who it was I found with you in the kitchen."

  "He was just going," she protested.

  "Sure, and I busted into the good-bys right inconsiderate."

  "Go ahead, Slim. I'm only a girl. You and Brill say what you like," she flashed at him, the nails of her fingers biting into the palms of her hands.

  "Only don't say it out loud," cautioned a new voice. Jim Yeager was at the door, and he was looking very pointedly at Healy.

  "I say what I think, Jim," Brill retorted promptly.

  "And you think?"

  Healy slammed his fist down hard on the counter. "I think things ain't right when a Malpais girl helps a hawss thief and a rustler to escape twice."

  "Take care, Brill," advised Phyllis.

  "Not right how?" asked Yeager quietly, but in an ominous tone.

  "Don't you two go to twisting my meaning. All Malpais knows that no better girl than Phyl Sanderson ever breathed."

  The young woman's lip curled. "I'm grateful for this indorsement, sir," she murmured with mock humility.

  "Do I understand that Keller has made his getaway?" Jim Yeager asked.

  "He sure has--clean as a whistle."

  "Then you idiots want to be plumb grateful to Phyllie. He ain't any more a rustler than I am. If you had hanged him you would have hanged an innocent man."

  "Prove it," cried Healy.

  Jim looked at him quietly. "I cayn't prove it just now. You'll have to take my word for it."

  "Yore word goes with me, Jim, even if I am an idiot by yore say-so," his father announced promptly.

  Jim smiled and let an arm fall across the shoulders of James Yeager, Senior. "I ain't countin' you in on that class, dad. You got to trailing with bad company. I'll have to bring you up stricter."

  "I hate to be a knocker, Jim, but I've got to trust my own eyes before your indorsement," Healy sneered.

  "That's your privilege, Brill."

  "I reckon Jim knows what he's talking about," said Yeager, Senior, with intent to conciliate.

  "Of course I know you're right friendly with him, Jim. There's nobody more competent to pass an opinion on him. Like enough you know all about his affairs," conceded Healy with polite malice.

  The two young men were looking at each other steadily. They never had been friends, and lately they had been a good deal less than that. Rival leaders of the range for years, another cause had lately fanned their rivalry to a flame. Now a challenge had been fl
ung down and accepted.

  "I expect I know more about them than you do, Brill."

  "Sure you do. Ain't he just got through being your guest? Didn't he come visiting you in a hurry? Didn't you tie up his wound? And when Phil and I came asking questions didn't you antedate his arrival about six hours? I'm not denying you know all about him. What I'm wondering is why you didn't tell all you knew. Of course, I understand they are your reasons, though, not mine."

  "You've said it. They're my reasons."

  "I ain't saying they are not good reasons. Whyfor should a man round on his friend?"

  The innuendo was plain, and Yeager put it into words. "I'd be right proud to have him for a friend. But we all know what you mean, Brill. Go right ahead. Try and persuade the boys I'm a rustler, too. They haven't known me on an average much over twenty years. But that doesn't matter. They're so durned teachable to-day maybe you can get them to swallow that with the rest."

  With which parting shot he followed Phyllis out of the store. She turned on him at the top of the porch steps leading to the house.

  "Did he tell you that Phil was the rustler?"

  "You mean did Keller tell me?" he said, surprised.

  "Yes. 'Rastus was in the live oak and heard all you said."

  "No. He didn't tell me that. We neither of us think it was Phil. It couldn't be, for he was riding with you at the time. But he found your knife there by the dead cow. Now, how did it come there? You let Phil have the knife. Had he lent his knife to some one?"

  "I don't know." She went on, after a momentary hesitation: "Are you quite sure, Jim, that he really found the knife there?"

  "He said so. I believe him."

  She sighed softly, as if she would have liked to feel as sure. "The reason I spoke of it was that I accused him of trying to throw the blame on Phil, and he told me to ask you about it."

  Jim shook his head. "Nothing to it. If you want my opinion, Keller is white clear enough. He wouldn't try a trick like that."

  The girl's face lit, and she held out an impulsive hand. "Anyhow, you're a good friend, Jim."

  "I've been that ever since you was knee high to a duck, Phyl."

  "Yes--yes, you have. The best I've got, next to Phil and Dad." Her heart just now was very warm to him.

  "Don't you reckon maybe a good friend might make a good--something else."

  She gasped. "Oh, Jim! You don't mean----"

  "Yep. That's what I do mean. Course I'm not good enough. I know that."

  "Good. You're the best ever. It isn't that. Only I don't like you that way."

  "Maybe you might some day."

  She shook her head slowly. "I wish I could, Jim. But I never will."

  "Is there--someone else, Phyl?"

  If it had been light enough he could have seen a wave of color sweep her face.

  "No. Of course there isn't. How could there be? I'm only a girl."

  "It ain't Brill then?"

  "No. It's--it isn't anybody." She carried the war, womanlike, into his camp. "And I don't believe you care for me--that way. It's just a fancy."

  "One I've had two years, little girl."

  "Oh, I'm sorry. I do like you, better than any one else. You know that, dear old Jim."

  He smiled wistfully. "If you didn't like me so well I reckon I'd have a better chance. Well, I mustn't keep you here. Good night."

  Her ringers were lost in his big fist. "Good night, Jim." And again she added, "I'm so sorry."

  "Don't you be. It's all right with me, Phyl. I just thought I'd mention it. You never can tell, though I most knew how it would be. _Buenos noches, nina._"

  He released her hand, and without once looking back strode to his horse, swung to the saddle, and rode into the night.

  She carried into the house with her a memory of his cheerful smile. It had been meant as a reassurance to her. It told her he would get over it, and she knew he would. For he was no puling schoolboy, but a man, game to the core.

  The face of another man rose before her, saturnine and engaging and debonair. With the picture came wave on wave of shame. He was a detected villain, and she had let him kiss her. But beneath the self-scorn was something new, something that stung her blood, that left her flushed and tingling with her first experience of sex relations.

  A week ago she had not yet emerged fully from the chrysalis of childhood. But in the Southland flowers ripen fast. Adolescence steals hard upon the heels of infancy. Nature was pushing her relentlessly toward a womanhood for which her splendid vitality and unschooled impulses but scantily safeguarded her. The lank, shy innocence of the fawn still wrapped her, but in the heart of this frank daughter of the desert had been born a poignant shyness, a vague, delightful trembling that marked a change. A quality which had lain banked in her nature like a fire since childhood now threw forth its first flame of heat. At sunset she had been still treading the primrose path of youth; at sunrise she had entered upon the world-old heritage of her sex.



  From the valley there drifted up a breeze-swept sound. The rider on the rock-rim trail above, shifting in his saddle to one of the easy, careless attitudes of the habitual horseman, recognized it as a rifle shot.

  Presently, from a hidden wash rose little balloon-like puffs of smoke, followed by a faint, far popping, as if somebody had touched off a bunch of firecrackers. Men on horseback, dwarfed by distance to pygmy size, clambered to the bank--now one and then another firing into the mesquite that ran like a broad tongue from the roll of hills into the valley.

  "Looks like something's broke loose," the young man drawled aloud. "The band's sure playing a right lively tune this glad mo'ning."

  Save for one or two farewell shots, the firing ceased. The riders had disappeared into the chaparral.

  The rider did not need to be told that this was a man hunt, destined perhaps to be one of a hundred unwritten desert tragedies. Some subtle instinct in him differentiated between these hurried shots and those born of the casual exuberance of the cow-puncher at play. He had a reason for taking an interest in it--an interest that was more than casual.

  Skirting the rim of the saucer-shaped valley, he rode forward warily, came at length to a cañon that ran like a sword cleft into the hills, and descended cautiously by a cattle trail, its scarred slope.

  Through the defile ran a mountain stream, splashing over and round boulders in its swift fall.

  "I reckon we'll slide down, Keno, and work out close to the fire zone," the rider said to his horse, as they began to slither down the precipitous slope, starting rubble at every motion.

  Man and horse were both of the frontier, fit to the minute for any call that might be made on them. The broncho was a roan, with muscles of elastic leather, sure-footed as a mountain goat. Its master--a slim, brown man, of medium height, well knit and muscular--looked on the world, quietly and often humorously, with shrewd gray eyes.

  As he reached the bottom of the gulch, his glance fell upon another rider--a woman. She crossed the stream hurriedly, her pony flinging water at every step, and cantered up toward him.

  Her glance was once and again over her shoulder, so that it was not until she was almost upon him that she saw the young man among the cottonwoods, and drew her pony to an instant halt. The rifle that had been lying across her saddle leaped halfway to her shoulder, covering him instantly.

  "_Buenos dios, senorita._ Are you going for to shoot my head off?" he drawled.

  "The rustler!" she cried.

  "The alleged rustler, Miss Sanderson," he corrected gently.

  "Let me past," she panted.

  He observed that her eyes mirrored terror of the scene she had just left.

  "It's you that has got the drop on me, isn't it?" he suggested.

  The rifle went back to the saddle. Instantly the girl was in motion again, flying up the cañon past the white-stockinged roan, her pony's hindquarters gathered to take the sheep trail like those of a wild cat.

sp; Keller gazed after her. As she disappeared, he took off his hat, bowed elaborately, and remarked to himself, in his low, soft drawl:

  "Good mo'ning, ma'am. See you again one of these days, mebbe, when you ain't in such a hurry."

  But though he appeared to take the adventure whimsically his mind was busy with its meaning. She was in danger, and he must save her. So much he knew at least.


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