Dirk The Savior - Book 3 of the Raven Series

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Dirk The Savior - Book 3 of the Raven Series Page 9

by Rhiannon Neeley

  Connor let his mind drift. Searching for Casey, he caught the vibration of her thoughts.

  He wanted to laugh. She was confused. She was drawn to Dirk but also feared him in a way. Casey shared a bond with Dirk that was unshakeable. Connor was jealous of it but there was nothing he could do about it for the moment. Casey viewed this bond as love. Possibly it was. But it didn't matter to Connor. Casey would be his in the end. But first, Connor wanted to taste the elixir of Raven blood. Gallons of it. And Dirk was just the one to draw the Ravens to this place.

  As he held his link to Casey, Connor tried to look through her eyes without her detecting his presence. It wasn't easy. She was very sensitive and often could shield herself from him. Right now, though, her mind was preoccupied. What Connor saw through her eyes made him chuckle.

  Dirk was carrying a bag slung over his shoulder. And he was leading Casey straight back to the Clutch. Connor figured the bag contained an array of Raven vampire-fighting tools. It was amusing. Dirk would never be able to vanquish the great Connor Fagan. Not by himself. That was why Connor knew that Dirk would bring more Ravens to the mountain, to the mine.

  “The more the merrier,” Connor said, breaking the link between himself and Casey.

  He could hear them approaching now. They were within a half of a mile and moving through the thick brush. Connor pushed off the tree that he had been leaning against and started toward the twins. They were well fed but not satisfied. He might as well toy with them until Dirk and Casey arrived.

  Then, Connor would set loose the wrath of the twins onto Dirk. For dispensing Mitchell.

  He would not allow them to kill Dirk. Oh no. He needed Dirk until other Ravens arrived to save him. But he would allow them to vent some of their anger. And angry they would be.

  “Come here, my lovelies,” Connor said, beckoning them. “Come satisfy my other hunger.”

  * * * *

  Casey labored to keep up with Dirk's fast pace. She was sweating, out of breath and just darn tired. She jerked on his hand. “I don't understand why we are going back,” she said.

  Dirk came to a stop. “Don't question me.”

  Casey pulled her hand free of his. “Oh, what are you now? My ruler?”

  Dirk rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  Casey could barely see him in the moonlight but she caught his expression. Her hands flew in the air. “Okay … I get it. I'm just the damsel in distress and you, my savior, will take care of business.”

  “Stop. Don't do this,” Dirk said, taking her by the arm. “You don't understand…”

  “What is there to understand?” Casey let out a laugh. “This is some sort of horror movie. It can't be my life.” She pulled away again. “I'm in love with a … a vampire. Another vampire kidnapped me and wants to suck me dry. To turn me into a vampire. We have the chance to escape, but nooooo,” She parked her hands on her hips. “Mr. I'm-gonna-save-the-girl has to go back. Give me a reason, Dirk. One good reason why we should go back and take a chance of getting killed or worse by Connor Fagan.”

  Dirk grabbed her by both arms firmly. “Listen to me. You do not know what you are truly dealing with here. Connor Fagan is not just a vampire. He is very dangerous. I can't run from this fight. We have to go back and I have to destroy him.”

  “But aren't you … you're a vampire.”

  For the first time, Casey caught anger in Dirk's eyes. Just a quick flash and then it was gone.

  “I've told you … I am not what you think I am. You're going to have to trust me.”

  Casey wanted to stay. She wanted to run. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare of unsettled feelings and monsters. “Why should I trust you, Dirk?” Casey held her breath.

  Dirk's hold on her relaxed but he didn't let go. “Because I love you.”

  His words struck a chord in her. Casey looked deep into his eyes. She saw truth there. There was no denying the link of minds that bound them together. Dirk, with his roughened good looks and his sharp fangs. Casey, a person who researched other people's families and had never had a true lover. Alone in the world with no connection to anyone. Except him. Casey, her heart and body both virgin, trusted him.

  He was, after all, her savior.

  “Alright. I trust you. But I'd better not be turned into some sort of monster.”

  Dirk smiled, his fangs glistening in the moonlight. “I won't let that happen. I will warn you though…” he paused and leaned closer, “…don't expect to escape me with your virginity intact.”

  Casey couldn't help but grin. Just being so close to Dirk made her blood heat. The way his eyes drew her in, sparkling in the moonlight. His mouth, dangerously seductive. Casey placed her hands on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart underneath the solid muscle. She remembered how she had tasted him and her mouth watered at the thought. A deep warmth filled her down low inside, an ache that had yet to be quelled. Casey felt a passion that she knew, once they consummated their bond, would set them on fire.

  “You have the most wicked thoughts for such an innocent young woman,” Dirk said, brushing his lips against her forehead.

  “I have never been wicked in my life,” Casey said, leaning into him. “But when you're near I just…” She couldn't finish. Dirk mouth claimed hers in a fierce kiss, causing her to lose her bearings. She tumbled into a world of feeling. Of touch. Of taste. Dirk's hands moved from her arms to circle her waist, burning a path as they went. Casey's body was electrically alive like never before. His kiss was hot and wet, his tongue moving over her lips then into her mouth, delving inside. Casey opened to him, her body turning to nothing more than a receptor for his touch. Someone moaned. Casey realized that it was her and that just made her want Dirk deeper inside not only her mouth, but … other places.

  Dirk pulled away from her, leaving her feeling like a part of her had been ripped away. “Dirk,” she pleaded, grasping his shirt in her hands.

  “You have no idea how much I want to continue this but,” he said, pulling her hands from his shirt, “we have to get back to the others. I have a job to do.”

  Casey felt chastened. “So, those monsters are more important?” she asked. She began to walk, twigs breaking under her feet.

  “Stop right there,” Dirk's voice echoed off the trees.

  Casey whirled around. “You're ordering me around again, huh?”

  Dirk moved across the space between them, taking her in his arms in the blink of an eye. “There is no one—no one—more important to me than you,” he said, his voice a low growl.

  Casey felt excitement rage inside her at his firm tone. “Prove it,” she dared.

  Dirk threw his bag onto the ground and grasped her by the back of her neck. His mouth closed over hers, devouring her with his kiss.

  A pure surge of desire swept through Casey, her body immediately responding to his attack. Her hands played over his chest, searching for the buttons of his shirt. The mountain seemed to hold its breath as Casey gasped for air when Dirk's mouth moved from her lips to her neck. She felt a wanton, burning lust consume her. Dirk's hands, rough and undeniable, gripped the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head. Casey shook her hair out after the shirt left her body. She wore nothing underneath. Smiling, Casey let his eyes feast on her exposed flesh, her breasts swollen and aching for his touch.

  Dirk dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands rising up to cup her breasts. Casey tangled her fingers in his hair and urged him forward, arching her back. When his tongue, hot and wet, flicked over a sensitized nipple, Casey gasped as undulating waves rippled down through her body. She wanted more. So much more. Casey pulled Dirk forward, offering him more of herself. His mouth closed over her nipple and began to suck, his tongue rasping deliciously against her hardened bud. Casey let out a shivering sigh. She pressed his head against her, whimpering. As he suckled her, Dirk made satisfied noises deep in his throat and one of his hands traveled down to cup her crotch.

  Casey was wet with passion, her juices dampening h
er mound. His mouth pulled at her breast, his hand at her crotch stroking her through her jeans. Casey needed him, wanted him, closer. His thumb rubbed the seam of her jeans, putting sweet pressure on her swollen clit. She had to get these clothes off. Now.

  Casey released her tangle hold in his hair and without moving away from the connection of his mouth on her, she unbuttoned her jeans and wriggled, trying to push them down. Dirk stopped his stroking and helped her, pushing the barrier of her jeans down her legs. His mouth left her breast. His breath was warm against the skin of her tummy as he moved lower, working her jeans from her body.

  Casey trembled but it didn't affect her quest to expose her whole body to his attention. Within seconds, she stood before him, unclothed and exposed.

  “Damn, you're beautiful,” he said, leaning back on his heels in front of her. “I want to taste every part of you.”

  “Take your clothes off, Dirk,” she said, power filling her. She felt heady with sexuality. She wanted to command him. She wanted him to control her. She felt an animal lust that was like a drug—one she could very easily become addicted to.

  And something else. A hunger for something that she couldn't place.

  Silver blue moonlight cast them in a ghostly light as it passed through the branches of the trees. Casey watched Dirk as he rose from the ground and shed his clothes, revealing his hard muscled body to her hungry gaze. His desire for her was apparent, his cock standing at attention. Casey felt like giggling. For the first time in her life, she felt like a harlot, wanton and desiring. Desiring of his body.

  As he moved toward her, Casey could smell the scent of her lust wafting up from her wet crotch. The scent blended with the tinge of odor from the coal oil that she had used to protect her skin from the bugs. She also caught the smell of the mountain, the tang of fresh green things underneath the aroma of animals and decaying leaves. Casey's senses were heightened to the point of impending overload. The smells in the night air, the sounds of animals scurrying about assaulted her. The caress of the thin blades of grass against the heated skin of her bare calves felt like a hundred tiny fingers playing over her legs. Her sight was even sharpened. She could see the glint of the moon in Dirk's cool blue eyes as he closed in on her. His male scent filled her now, making her fingers itch to touch, her mouth water to taste his salty skin.

  Casey's stomach quivered in anticipation when Dirk roughly grabbed her by the waist with firm hands. In less than a heartbeat, her world focused on him. She didn't care about what he was. All she knew was that she wanted him like she had never wanted any other man.

  Casey wrapped her arms around Dirk's neck, pressing herself against him, skin to skin. Her mouth found his, her tongue diving inside, swiping over his fangs in a dangerous dance. Dirk groaned, his pleasure apparent by the branding heat of his stiff member against her stomach. Casey reveled in her wickedness, her body's response anything but virginal. She ground her hips against him tauntingly.

  Dirk's hands dropped to cup her bottom, doing his own part in the quest to meld their bodies into one.

  Casey dug her fingernails into Dirk's shoulders. She gasped for breath, moving her lips from his mouth, trailing kisses over his jaw and down to his neck. Dirk's fingers kneaded the globes of her behind as he began to rock his hips against her. Casey continued her sampling of Dirk's skin, stopping at the juncture of his neck where it met his shoulder. Casey couldn't help herself. She swiped her tongue across Dirk's warm skin at that tender spot where his blood pulsed. It tasted so good. Salty and male, no coal oil here. She wanted more. Pressing her kiss-swollen lips against his skin, she felt the flood of his blood tiding through his jugular vein. Strong and rushing, Dirk's pulse had a rhythm that lured her. Casey whimpered with her need. She wanted all of him. Her lips parted. As her hands slid over his shoulders, her sensitized breasts pressing against his muscled chest, her juices wetting her completely and slickening her thighs, Casey locked her mouth on Dirk's neck and began to suck.

  * * * *

  Dirk tightened his grip on Casey's firm, round bottom and groaned. He tilted his head to the side, allowing her hungry mouth full access to the vulnerable place where she sucked at his skin. He knew that she hungered. She had been bitten twice by a vampire. She was beginning to feel the change in her being and her body. Dirk shivered, feeling the scrape of her teeth against his skin as she sucked harder, her mouth becoming more demanding against his neck. Her hands grasped at him, her body vibrating against his where their skin touched. He could feel the quivering of his own muscles as she squirmed against him, her skin slick with sweat and coal oil. The coal oil only covered their arms but the rest of Casey's body radiated her heat, dewing her skin with desire. She whimpered against his neck hungrily.

  Dirk closed his eyes. His own hunger began to burn inside him. He shook his head. “Casey,” he said, barely able to speak her name, his need for her was so consuming. “Casey…” He tangled his fingers in her long dark hair and pulled her from his neck before her teeth could break the skin and she sampled his blood. With one thumb, he stroked the pulse in her neck. Her eyes glittered in the moonlight. Her lips, luscious and full, parted. Her breath came in short bursts. Then she smiled wantonly.

  Damn, he wanted to taste her. To sink his teeth into that slender neck at the same time he buried his throbbing cock into her tight pussy. He had to have some satisfaction before he combusted in flames. An animal raged inside him and it demanded that he take her. One way or the other.

  Or both.

  Dirk groaned and claimed her mouth with his own as he guided her down to the pile of clothes that they had shed. He urged her onto her back, his tongue exploring the wet recesses of her delicious mouth. Damn, she tastes good, he thought. Her hands roamed his body, leaving fiery trails wherever she touched. Breaking their kiss, he leaned up to look at her, letting his eyes feast on her beautiful face.

  Casey's expression was sultry with longing. Her eyes held a heat in their chocolate depths, a heat that needed quenching. Dirk smiled down at her. “Do you want something?” he asked.

  Casey's tongue swiped across her lips. “Oh yeah,” she breathed, her voice low and sexy.

  Dirk felt a thrill travel down to his groin. He was so hard he felt like he was going to explode. He propped himself on one elbow, his hand beneath her head. With his other hand, he cupped one of her lovely breasts, feeling its firmness, its heat. Her nipple was taut, begging to be sucked. He rolled the little nubbin between his thumb and forefinger. Casey arched her back in response. “Feel good?” he asked.


  Dirk leaned over and ran his tongue around her rosy areola, then caught her nipple between his teeth.

  She gasped, burying her hands in his hair.

  But Dirk wanted to taste other places.

  Releasing her hardened nipple, he shifted his weight and slowly moved down her body, stopping to kiss and lick as he went. With every brush of his mouth on her skin, Casey let out a soft sound. It spurred him on. Dirk not only wanted to hear her cooing, he wanted to make her scream with the pleasure he was going to inflict.

  Stopping his movement down her body, he hovered over the mass of silky dark curls that covered her mound. He breathed in her scent, heady and tempting. He shifted again, opening her thighs and placing himself in prime position to feast on Casey's sweet, warm honey.

  Her skin was hot under his hands. Dirk gently opened her thighs wider, exposing her to the night. As he did, she shivered. Unable to wait any longer for the sustenance he desired, Dirk used his fingers to spread her cleft, opening the folds of her pussy to his hungry mouth. He closed his eyes and ran his tongue over the silky pink flesh that his fingers had exposed, lingering to savor the wet flow of her lust. Casey shifted under him, her hips pressing up for more. Dirk blew a warm breath over her swollen clit. Casey shuddered and dug her fingers into his hair, urging his head forward. He flicked his tongue across her bud, teasing. Her hips jerked up. “Please,” she whispered.

  Dirk wo
uldn't make her wait any longer. He wanted her wet and slick, her honey on his lips and in his mouth. Ready for him when he slid his cock inside her. He gripped her thighs, forcing them wider still and captured her clit in his mouth.

  * * * *

  Casey gasped, then stopped breathing completely for a moment.

  Her legs were spread wide, Dirk's head buried between them, and his mouth—oh God, his mouth—sucked her clit in deeply, pulling at her, tickling her sensitized bud with his tongue. Feasting.

  Trickles of pleasure spiraled up through her, tightening into a coiled spring deep in her core. Casey's mind reeled as her muscles quivered in anticipation, on the edge of sweet release. Dirk's mouth was hot and demanding, his tongue circling her nub expertly, driving her to the brink of insanity. His teeth scraped against her center, the friction sharp, dangerous and oh so seductive. Casey's hips bucked at the pressure, daring him to go further still. When he nipped her clit between his teeth, Casey came unsprung. Her world exploded as she thrust her hips up to meet him, pulling his face down against her in an effort to meld his mouth to her mound. Casey's breath caught in her throat. Sparks flashed behind her eyelids. Her muscles turned to jelly as wave after wave of the most exquisite orgasm rocked through her.

  Limp and gasping, Casey felt cool air across her as Dirk finally rose from between her legs.

  She let her hands fall away from his disheveled hair as he crawled up her body, his hard-on rubbing against her ravaged clit. Casey moaned, shifting her hips, the contact sending ripples of pleasure tripping up through her veins.

  Dirk's lips brushed hers and she rose to the kiss, tasting herself still warm on his mouth. She felt languid, warmth filling her, as she sampled her own flavor, deepening the kiss. She felt Dirk's hand behind one of her knees as he lifted her leg, locking it in the crook of his elbow. “What are you doing?” she asked, looking deep into those ocean blue eyes that threatened to drown her.


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