Star_How Warren Beatty Seduced America

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Star_How Warren Beatty Seduced America Page 81

by Peter Biskind

  The Fortune co-produced and directed by, 179, 188, 198, 200–202, 205–6, 219–20

  The Graduate directed by, 121, 128

  Nicholson, Jack, 6, 153, 214, 326, 344, 386, 418, 420, 422, 463, 551

  at Democratic Party fundraisers, 171

  early career of, 51–52

  in The Fortune, 179, 188, 198–202, 205–7

  friendship of Beatty and, 10, 17, 159, 246

  Hart campaign supported by, 378

  Hyser and, 366, 405

  Kael and, 209

  in The Last Detail, 181

  Mulholland Drive house of, 190

  Phillips’s relationship with, 197, 222, 264

  in Reds, 264, 277, 295, 305–6, 309, 316, 318

  at Toronto Film Festival, 328

  Towne and, 157

  in Two Jakes, 330, 331

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 141

  Nightline, 531

  1900, 269

  Nixon, Richard, 143, 144, 165–66, 172–74, 175, 212, 546

  Nolte, Nick, 331, 456, 486

  North Jersey Playhouse, 22

  Northwestern University, 14, 19, 34

  Nouvelle Vague (New Wave), 65, 66, 87, 165

  Novak, Kim, 54

  November Rain, 462

  Oates, Marylouise, 380

  Obama, Barack, 548

  Ocean of Storms, 488, 501

  Odets, Clifford, 6, 39–40, 50, 54, 74, 75

  O’Farrell Theater (San Francisco), 251

  Olivier, Laurence, 42

  On the Waterfront, 5, 101

  Onassis, Aristotle, 143

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 143, 258

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 389

  O’Neill, Eugene, 19, 26, 42, 51, 225, 264, 268, 277, 306, 316, 317

  On Golden Pond, 315, 317, 318

  Only Game in Town, The, 141–43, 148

  Only Victims (Vaughn), 34

  Oprah, 484

  Ordinary People, 298

  Orion Studios, 374

  Orr, Bill, 42, 114

  Oscars, 5, 36, 54, 63, 97, 181, 202, 335, 340, 368, 389, 390, 472, 512, 521, 550

  Bonnie and Clyde nominations and wins, 123, 125–28, 333

  Bugsy nominations and wins, 453, 454, 460–61, 493

  Caron’s nomination for best actress, 67, 68, 70, 72

  Christie’s win for best actress, 85, 86, 125

  Dick Tracy nominations and wins, 449

  Heaven Can Wait nominations and wins, 258–59, 270, 330

  Keaton’s win for best actress, 254

  Reds nominations and wins, 304, 314, 317–18, 333, 381

  Shampoo and, 208, 211, 330

  Splendor in the Grass nominations and wins, 36

  O’Toole, Peter, 73

  Ovitz, Mark, 475

  Ovitz, Mike, 428, 459, 474–75

  Owl and the Pussycat, The, 234

  Pabst, G. W., 426

  Pacino, Al, 256, 388, 391, 412, 413, 449, 551

  Painted Bird, The (Kosinski), 265

  Pakula, Alan J., 60, 174–78

  Palance, Jack, 460

  Palestine Liberation Front, 346

  Palmer Raids, 225

  Panic in the Streets, 101

  Paper Moon, 182

  Parade magazine, 372

  Parallax View, The, 174–79, 197–98, 236, 363, 377

  Paramount Studios, 176, 177, 184, 186–87, 246, 249, 332, 386, 452

  Heaven Can Wait at, 233, 235, 238, 252, 253, 255, 270, 330, 453

  Kael at, 273

  The Parallax View at, 175–76

  Reds at, 1, 269, 270, 280, 295, 299, 301, 304, 309, 311–16, 330, 453

  sequels produced at, 387

  Sylbert as production head at, 265

  Paris Review, 265

  Parker, Alan, 259, 303, 390

  Parker, Bonnie, 66, 108

  movie about, see Bonnie and Clyde

  Parker, Sachi, 463

  Parker, Steve, 85

  Parks, Michael, 24

  Parrish, 15, 25

  Parsons, Estelle, 97, 104, 106, 123, 127, 128, 388

  Parsons, Louella, 53

  Partisan Review, 209

  Partners, 283

  Passenger, The, 201

  Past Imperfect (Collins), 13

  Patinkin, Mandy, 388, 413–14

  Peckinpah, Sam, 5, 153

  Pecorini, Nicola, 351–54, 356, 416, 504, 505

  Penn, Arthur, 28, 45, 74, 82, 147, 218, 233–34, 258, 330, 441

  Bonnie and Clyde directed by, 80, 84, 87–90, 92–99, 102, 104–12, 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 127–29, 165

  Mickey One directed by, 63–64, 68–70, 116–17

  Penn, Sean, 375, 394, 397, 409, 417

  Pentagon Papers, 166

  Penthouse magazine, 373

  People magazine, 218, 337

  Perelman, Ron, 435

  Perkins, Tony, 24

  Perry, Eleanor, 98

  Perry, Frank, 98

  Persky, Lester, 186, 188, 189, 208, 210, 213

  Personal Best, 78

  Peters, Jon, 434

  Peterson, Oscar, 16

  Petulia, 113

  Philco Television Playhouse, The, 63

  Phillips, Chynna, 203–4, 223, 293

  Phillips, Julia, 361–62, 364

  Phillips, Michelle, 190, 196, 209, 217–19, 238, 264, 284, 293, 295, 297, 402, 405, 485

  Beatty’s relationship with, 197, 203–6, 221–23

  Piaf, Edith, 80

  Pick-up Artist, The, 331–33, 362–65

  Picker, David, 83

  Picnic (Inge), 23

  Pikser, Jeremy, 129–30, 141, 261, 263, 314, 430, 463, 488, 550

  Bulworth co-written by, 129, 489–91, 493–97, 499–500

  and Reds, 129, 138, 226, 260, 266–68, 281–82, 284, 285, 309, 310, 499

  Pinewood Studios, 86

  Place in the Sun, A, 17–18, 20, 141

  Platt, Oliver, 500, 504

  Playboy magazine, 52, 215, 463

  Playgirl magazine, 338

  Playhouse 90, 20, 25, 63, 230

  Plimpton, George, 265, 278, 321

  Plisetskaya, Maya, 90, 112, 137

  Plowright, Joan, 42

  Point Blank, 117, 122

  Polanski, Roman, 64, 106, 144, 149, 246

  Polisario Front, 346, 348

  Polk, Willis, 238

  Pollack, Kevin, 470

  Pollack, Sydney, 420

  Pollard, Michael J., 26, 97, 104, 123,


  Polonsky, Abraham, 268, 547

  Polowska (ship), 275

  Pompidou, Georges, 126

  Postcards from the Edge, 438

  Post-Freudians, 129

  Powell, Tony, 335

  Power, Tyrone, 16

  Premiere magazine, 2, 7, 421

  Preminger, Otto, 28, 60, 98, 105

  Prentiss, Paula, 175, 179

  Press, Terry, 398, 421, 422, 429

  Pretty in Pink, 362

  Pretty Woman, 428

  Primary Colors, 495

  Prince of Tides, The, 456

  Promise Her Anything, 79–80, 87

  Protestantism, 29, 68

  Prowse, Juliet, 112

  Proxmire, William, 373

  Pryor, Richard, 159, 492

  PT 109, 53, 93

  Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 443

  Public Citizen, 534

  Public Enemy, 115

  Pulitzer Prize, 15

  Puttnam, David, 314, 318, 360–61, 365, 379, 382–83, 428

  Quant, Mary, 120

  Quintero, José, 42, 45, 82

  Radio Days, 358

  Rafelson, Bob, 198, 234

  Rafelson, Toby, 234

  Raging Bull, 269

  Ragtime, 309

  Raiders of the Lost Ark, 317, 318

  Raimi, Sam, 387

  Rain Man, 436, 441

  Rains, Claude, 229

  Randall, Corky, 348

  Ray, Nicholas, 59, 130

  Raye, Martha, 127 />
  Reagan, Nancy, 313

  Reagan, Ronald, 1, 6, 274, 304, 311, 313, 321–23, 336, 337, 340, 489, 372, 379, 426, 528

  Redbook, 49, 463

  Redford, Robert, 24, 88, 166, 177, 390, 393, 437, 482, 548

  Redgrave, Vanessa, 26

  Reds, 1, 2, 6, 224–25, 259–97, 304, 305–19, 326, 332, 385, 427, 474, 499, 501–3, 507, 511, 514

  Beatty’s feelings of indebtedness toward May for, 305, 325, 356

  casting of, 263–65, 321

  cinematography for, 265–66

  cost of, 313–14, 382, 387, 413, 478

  Directors Guild screening of, 420

  earnings of, 315

  editing of, 203, 288–97, 304–11, 361, 390, 485

  genre conventions in, 381

  historical sources for, see Bryant, Louise; Reed, John

  Kael’s negativity toward, 246, 272, 315–17

  locations for, 264–65

  MacLeod and, 223–24, 363

  marketing of, 311–15, 379, 435, 453

  Oscar nominations and wins for, 5, 317–19, 323, 330, 333, 381, 424

  poster for, 299–301

  Puttnam’s attacks on, 314, 365

  research for, 129, 138

  reviews of, 315

  screenwriting credits on, 310

  script development for, 225–29, 259–63, 267–68, 400

  shooting of, 274–88, 304, 307–8, 388

  studio deal for, 187, 270–72, 378

  veterans of, on Ishtar crew, 347

  Witnesses in, 61, 266–67, 321, 407, 485, 513

  Reed, John, 110–11, 137–38, 224–27, 259–60, 264–67, 278, 281, 296, 310, 441–42

  movie about, see Reds

  Reed, Rex, 44, 115–16

  Reflections in a Golden Eye, 121, 123

  Reform Party, 530

  Reich, Wilhelm, 129

  Reiner, Rob, 488

  Relph, Simon, 264, 274–76, 278, 281

  Renais, Alain, 64

  Renoir, Jean, 5, 6, 40, 83, 116, 156, 209, 321

  Republican Party, 135, 322, 372, 377, 450, 493, 530, 533, 547, 548

  Bull Moose, 489

  Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, The (Brecht), 388

  Resurrection (Tolstoy), 375

  Reynolds, Bill, 361

  Reynolds, Burt, 256, 488

  Reynolds, Debbie, 183–84

  Rice, Donna, 373–75, 377, 395

  Rich, Frank, 210, 220, 255–57, 260

  Right Stuff, The, 361

  Ringwald, Molly, 361, 362, 364

  Ritts, Herb, 432, 455

  Road to Hong Kong, The, 46

  Road Warrior, The, 359

  Robards, Jason, Jr., 42

  Robb, Chuck, 322

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 166

  Roeg, Nicolas, 169, 184–85

  Rolling Stone, 314, 421

  Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The, 42–45, 51–52, 215

  Roos, Fred, 511, 519, 525, 540

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 493

  Rose, Axl, 462

  Rose, The, 389

  Rose, William, 127–28

  Rosemary’s Baby, 236

  Rosenblum, Nina, 264, 275

  Rosenstone, Robert, 227

  Ross, Lillian, 85

  Ross, Steve, 148, 465

  Rossen, Robert, 6, 54–55, 57, 60–63, 69, 74, 82, 96, 551

  Rotter, Steve, 361, 369, 371

  Rotunno, Giuseppe, 335

  Royal Shakespeare Company, 67

  Rubell, Steve, 258

  Rubin, Jerry, 126

  Rubin, Miles, 340

  Rubinstein, Artur, 126

  Rules of the Game, 5, 40, 156, 209, 213

  Russian Revolution, 1, 224, 225, 274, 321

  Ryan’s Daughter, 166

  Rydell, Mark, 182

  Sail a Crooked Ship, 46

  Saint, Eva Marie, 48

  Saint Joan, 60

  St. John, Jill, 43

  Salamanca, J. R., 45

  Salinger, Pierre, 53

  Salon magazine, 540

  Salt, Waldo, 268

  Sands, Tibor, 61–63

  San Quentin, 166

  Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 126

  Sarafian, Richard, 444, 504

  Saroyan, Lucy, 245

  Sarris, Andrew, 65, 105, 112, 245

  Sassoon, Vidal, 120

  Saturday Night Fever, 270

  Saturday Night Live, 234

  Savitt, Jill, 289

  Scarfiotti, Nando, 467, 468

  Scent of a Woman, 390

  Scharf, Billy, 278, 291, 306, 308–9, 347, 349, 370

  Schell, Maurice, 308–9

  Schindler’s List, 433

  Schlesinger, John, 23, 85, 86, 91, 113, 120, 124, 142, 153

  Schopper, Phillip, 296, 349, 351, 371

  Schrader, Paul, 220, 272, 470

  Schulberg, Budd, 6, 226, 267

  Schwartzman, Jack, 95

  Schwarzbaum, Lisa, 541

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 547–48

  Schweiker, Richard, 377

  Scientific American, 244

  Scorsese, Martin, 5, 132, 320, 326–27, 387, 477, 550

  Scott, Adrian, 34

  Scott, George C., 220

  Screen Actors Guild, 103, 359

  Seberg, Jean, 60–63, 98

  Sebring, Jay, 144

  Sellers, Peter, 73

  Selznick, David, 82, 206

  Semel, Terry, 419

  Semple, Lorenzo, Jr., 175

  Senate, U.S., 323

  Banking Committee, 373

  Church Committee, 377

  Serendipity, 538, 541

  Serpico, 265

  Servant, The, 64

  Se7en, 512

  Seven Arts Productions, 93, 121, 123, 148

  Seven Samurai, The, 109

  Seven Thieves, 14, 17, 26

  Seven Year Itch, The, 41

  Sexual Politics (Millett), 216

  Seymour, Stephanie, 431–32, 442, 462

  Shacove, George, 84

  Shakespeare, William, 492

  Shakur, Tupac, 498, 500

  Shales, Tom, 379

  Shall We Dance, 550

  Shampoo, 1, 6, 8, 133, 145, 146, 165, 179, 181–98, 201, 242, 248, 255, 269, 381, 463, 466, 514, 548

  Ashby and directing of, 181–82, 185, 191–96, 234, 355

  casting of, 182–84

  The Country Wife as inspiration for, 83–84

  early screenings of, 207–8

  earnings of, 210, 330

  editing of, 202–3, 236, 467

  Kazan’s criticism of, 319

  origins of Bulworth in, 492

  Oscar nominations for, 5, 211

  personal and political subtext of, 213–18, 226, 427

  reviews of, 208–10

  script development of, 101, 110, 140–41, 156, 174, 185–86, 225

  shooting of, 191–96, 198

  studio deal for, 186–89, 232, 233, 270, 446

  Town & Country envisioned as sequel to, 515, 539, 546

  Towne’s dissatisfaction with deal for, 211–13, 490

  TV news clips in, 320

  Shandling, Garry, 470, 514, 520–21, 523, 527, 543

  Shane, 120

  Shanghai Surprise, 397

  Shawcross, William, 8

  Shaye, Bob, 512, 522, 538, 542–43

  Shearer, Harry, 528

  Shearing, George, 16

  Sheehy, Gail, 338, 340

  Sheinbaum, Stanley, 498

  Shepherd, Cybil, 465

  Sherak, Tom, 506

  Shining, The, 264

  Shisgal, Murray, 334, 335

  Shoot the Moon, 303, 389–90

  Shortz, Will, 203

  Shriver, Bobby, 498

  Shrum, Bob, 172, 380

  Shrum, Michael, 380

  Shutt, Buffy, 444, 453, 456–58, 461

  Sid and Nancy, 468

  Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 257, 331, 433–34, 441–42

  movie about, see Bugsy

  Siegel, Don
, 200–201

  Siegel, Joel, 507

  Silence of the Lambs, The, 460

  Silverstein, Elliot, 98

  Simmons, Russell, 498

  Simon, Carly, 159, 180, 247

  Simon, Neil, 230

  Simpson, Claire, 538

  Simpson, Don, 233, 273, 425

  Sinatra, Frank, 135, 141, 168, 447

  Sinclair, Upton, 224

  Singer, Loren, 175

  Singin’ in the Rain, 183

  Sixteen Candles, 362

  Sleepless in Seattle, 472, 486

  Smalls, Biggie, 498

  Smiles of a Summer Night, 209

  Smith, Liz, 420, 540

  Smith, Lois, 362

  Smith, Steven, 134

  Snake Pit, The, 55

  Socialist Party, 266

  Solidarity, 274

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 138

  Some Like It Hot, 55

  Sondheim, Stephen, 265, 291, 388, 418, 449

  Sonny, 406

  Sons and Lovers, 26, 36

  Sony Pictures Entertainment, 383, 434, 459, 507

  Sophie’s Choice, 175

  Sorensen, Ted, 323

  Sorkin, Aaron, 488, 501, 502

  Soros, George, 8

  Sorvino, Paul, 264, 275–77, 388, 500, 504

  South Pacific, 15

  Spacek, Sissy, 298

  Spartacus, 28

  Spiegel, Sam, 82, 88, 116, 156, 158

  Spielberg, Steven, 318, 320, 419, 420, 422, 433, 453, 459

  Spikings, Barry, 259

  Splash, 330

  Splendor in the Grass, 6, 13, 23, 24, 27–39, 41, 42, 44, 47, 49–52, 55, 64, 129, 178, 217, 327, 333

  Springer, John, 49

  Springsteen, Bruce, 366, 367

  Staircase, 142

  Stalin, Joseph, 137, 138

  Stalinism, 226, 281–82

  Stamp, Terence, 83

  Stanislavsky, Constantin, 22

  Stapleton, Maureen, 136, 264, 275, 276, 318

  Star Is Born, A, 452

  Stark, Ray, 82, 383

  Star Trek, 332

  Steely Dan, 213

  Steiger, Rod, 123, 127

  Stein, Jules, 313

  Sterile Cuckoo, The, 175

  Stevens, Cat, 159

  Stevens, George, 6, 17, 41, 84, 116, 120, 141, 148, 196, 265–66, 319, 320

  Stevens, Inger, 45

  Stevenson, Adlai, III, 134

  Stewart, Alexandra, 70, 83

  Stewart, James, 63

  Sting, The, 166

  Stokes, Bill, 107

  Storaro, Vittorio, 265–66, 274, 318, 335, 350–51, 353, 359, 388, 391, 399, 449, 501

  Story of Adele H, The, 340

  Strasberg, Lee, 22, 28, 45, 60

  Strasberg, Paula, 28, 45

  Strasburg, Susan, 45

  Strauss, Robert, 174

  Stravinsky, Igor, 356

  Streetcar Named Desire, A, 5, 41, 43

  Streisand, Barbra, 171

  Studio One, 20

  Sturges, Preston, 206, 507

  Sullivan, Father, 114

  Summer of Love, 113, 117, 132

  Sundance Institute, 7, 548

  Superman, 332

  Supreme Court, U.S., 166, 266

  Surgal, Alan, 68

  Sutherland, Donald, 147, 150, 169, 184


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