Dangerous Protector (Aegis Group Book 5)

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Dangerous Protector (Aegis Group Book 5) Page 19

by Sidney Bristol

  Fiona’s breasts slid along his skin as she made her way up his body. She licked and kissed his neck, then his jaw.

  When had he fallen for her? And how?

  Marco wasn’t sure, but it’d happened, and now here he was. He needed her in a way he wasn’t comfortable with, and if he’d been asked a week ago, it was a way he wouldn’t have wanted. But that was before Fiona. Now, he felt her inside of him when she wasn’t around, and wanted her close when she was.

  He dipped his chin, hungry for a taste, but she pulled back, sitting up. Her smile was mischief and fun. He committed each mole and dimple to memory, because very soon, that was all he’d have left.

  His heart ached, a new sensation for him. The last few days he’d misinterpreted it as heartburn. But now he knew…it was love. Something he was all too unfamiliar with until Fiona, and when she was gone…

  No, he couldn’t think like that.

  Right now, he wanted to be present with her. These moments might be the last happy ones of his life, and he’d make the most of them.

  Fiona hooked her fingers into the waistband of his underwear. One side of her mouth hitched up, probably because he was tenting his shorts big time. But that’s what she did to him. Sure, she’d been tempting—all prim and proper—but when he’d seen her in that red bustier and black shorts…damn.

  She pulled his underwear down. He lifted his hips, shifting here and there to help her get the last of his clothing off.

  Yeah, his leg hurt, but that wasn’t his focus right now.

  All that mattered was this. Being together.

  Fiona slid off the end of the bed and pulled the band from her hair, letting the shoulder length strands fall free in a messy wave.

  “Wallet?” She knew the drill.


  She turned, hips swinging seductively back and forth.

  He could see the network of her different selves now. The fake-her, uncertain and shy. The hacker-her, competent and no-nonsense. The relationship-her, who loved being in love. They were all Fiona. Her different parts. And he wanted to shelter her, keep her safe, but how did he protect her from himself?

  Fiona stepped out of the bathroom, completely naked. She had the condom wrapper between her teeth.

  For these few moments, he’d make her forget. He’d drink her up. All too soon the reality of what was happening would crash back into them, but for right now—it was just them.

  She tore the packet open, freeing the latex, and crossed to the side of the bed.

  Her hot little hand wrapped around him, stroking his length like a woman who knew what she wanted.

  “You’ll tell me if it hurts?” She peered up at him.

  “Sweetheart, the only thing I’m going to feel is your tight pussy hugging my cock. Come up here. Now.” He reached for her, but she danced out of range.

  The little imp.

  She grasped his cock and rolled the condom on. A woman on a mission.

  He offered her a hand, which she took and carefully crawled up to straddle his hips.

  “You stay right there.” She poked his ribs.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He cupped her mound, his fingers slipping between her damp folds.

  Her eyes rolled up in her head and she sighed.

  “Come here.” He grasped her thigh and pulled her forward a little.

  She held his cock in one hand, rose up on her knees, and his world narrowed to the point of contact where they touched. He held his breath as she shifted her hips, finding just the right spot and then—bliss. She sank down. They both groaned. Her tight, hot pussy fit him like a glove. She splayed her hands on his stomach, working him deeper into her channel, eyes shut, lips parted.


  He could come this second just from watching her.

  She was…magnificent.

  Fiona squirmed, shifting as she settled on and around him.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” He reached down, cupping her ass, pulling her toward him a bit.

  She fell forward, catching herself on one arm, their lips nearly touching.

  He guided her, moving her as she nuzzled his face, finding his mouth with hers.

  How was it he’d gone this far in life without realizing he was missing her? Now that he’d found her, the Fiona-shaped hole in his life was obvious.

  She rolled her hips, stroking the length of his cock as she moved. He tightened his grip on her ass, digging in his fingers the way she did on his shoulders. If he lived the rest of his life with those crescent marks on his skin, it would be perfect.

  Fiona whimpered into his mouth.

  He wanted to take control, to flip her over, but chances were he’d pop more than just a stitch if he did that.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he mumbled against her lips.

  She sat up, grasping the thick beam that made the headboard. She tossed her head back and moved over him. From his angle he had a great view of her body, the way her breasts bounced, how wet she was, the way her pink skin stretched around him.

  “You feel fucking fantastic.” He cupped her mound, sliding his thumb over her clit, back and forth.

  Her mouth opened and she groaned.

  “Look at me.” Marco wanted to see her come, the way she wore her heart on her sleeve.

  She grasped the beam with both hands and dropped her head forward. Her lashes fluttered open, her hair falling around her face.

  He’d found the greatest treasure in the least likely of places, and in this moment, balls deep, staring into her eyes, he knew this was it. That punk-ass friend of his was right. There was a woman out there for him, and it was Fiona.

  “Fiona…” Marco’s lips moved, but his throat couldn’t speak the words.

  She tossed her head back, her body rippling with release.

  He groaned, and his vision blurred, the orgasm sweet and sudden, robbing him of the ability to speak those last three words, I love you…

  The chime from across the room stirred Fiona from her near sleep.

  It was important.

  Wasn’t it?

  She picked her head up off Marco’s shoulder and blinked. She’d dozed. Must have. Her jeans cut painfully into her hip from the way she’d twisted her body, and sleeping in a bra had to be a crime against humanity, but Marco had insisted they be ready to run at the drop of a hat.

  He was right.

  Even if she had wanted to lay around naked for a bit longer.

  The temperature in the room had shifted. It was warmer. Marco’s skin was sticky and her body felt tacky despite the quick shower.

  Fiona slipped off the side of the bed and circled around to the vanity.

  The code breaker.

  She had the password.

  She was into the NueEnergy servers.


  She tapped the keys, fully awake now. There wouldn’t be much time once she got in. Even doing her best to remain stealthy would only go so far.

  “Hm?” He sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

  “I’m in. I’ll only be able to get a fraction…”

  Her eyes opened wider.

  She clicked through the familiar root directory.

  Her stomach dropped.

  Her fingers stopped moving.

  “What is it?” Marco pushed up, crossed to her side and leaned on the vanity, watching over her shoulder.


  She backtracked and went through another part of the directory…

  “It’s gone.” Her hands trembled.

  “The file?”

  “No, everything. Look. This is where all the accounts payable data should be stored. Look.” She clicked through a dozen files. Every single one empty. Not so much as .txt document was left.

  “Where could it have gone? You don’t just move that much data, do you?” Marco straightened.

  “I don’t know, Marco. I don’t know.” She covered her mouth with her hands.

  Their whole plan had centered on
this. On exposing what NueEnergy was trying to do. Without it…


  “We’ll figure it out.” He squeezed her shoulder.

  “They could have wiped everything. They could have transferred it all. We could be looking at a mirrored server. This might be a trap.” Too late, that thought occurred to her. Fiona jabbed at the keys, severing the connection, but was it enough? Had she let them into her rig while thinking she was better than them? She should never have thought her skills were up to the task. She wasn’t that woman anymore.

  She powered the laptop down and stared at the black screen.

  “Come on. We’ve got to go.” Marco nudged her shoulder.

  Fiona packed up her things, that sick, numb feeling back in the pit of her stomach.

  What had she done?

  Marco pulled a bottle of bleach out from under the sink and tossed it around the bathroom, on the tile and over the plastic sheet. Obscuring their DNA trail. She’d learned that little bit when she was a young, activist hacker. How stupid she’d been in those days.

  Fiona slung her laptop bag over her shoulder.

  “We’ll pump the gas out of one ATV and head out toward the edge of town. I can get us a car, and we’ll meet up with Ghost. Make a plan from there.”

  She nodded and went where Marco nudged her.

  They closed up the bedroom, double checking to ensure everything was off before they entered the rest of the house.

  She had to wonder if the other rooms were like that. Preserved, in the hope that the owners might return someday. She hoped Marco’s family could come back here, but she didn’t know how that was going to happen if she couldn’t do something.

  Marco stepped into the living room first, his feet crunching on sand and other debris. There was the barest hint of light filtering in through the dusty and broken windows.

  What was she going to do? Where was she going to go?

  Marco shoved her back down the hall.

  “Fiona?” A man’s voice startled her and Marco. “Fiona, I need to talk to you.”

  “Scott?” She stared at Marco, her heart going from zero to sixty.

  “Shh.” Marco laid his finger over her lips.

  “Fiona, I just want to talk. It’s just me out here, no one else.”

  “Is that true? Is it just him?” she whispered. If it was just Scott, Marco could take him. Right? But he was hurt. What if Scott brought a gun? What then? Could she…do something?

  “Fiona? Fiona, I work for the federal government. We have an ongoing investigation into NueEnergy. I know you think I’m the enemy, but I’m not. I have reason to believe the man you’re with? Marco Benally? He’s using you to get to your employers.”

  “What?” She shook her head.

  “We had a look at your work computer. We found spyware programmed to search out information on NueEnergy’s Moab holdings. Who else would want to know what NueEnergy was doing here, Fiona? Marco is using you.”

  That was the most ridiculous crock of bull she’d ever heard. Marco had nothing to do with this. He’d just happened to be…around…when she’d…gotten off work…

  Marco glanced away.

  She swallowed and stared at him, waiting—praying—he would say something.

  But he didn’t.

  Was…? Why…?

  She sucked down a deep breath.

  She knew why.

  Marco wasn’t denying what Scott was saying.

  No. No, that couldn’t be right.

  Marco was trying to help her. Save her.

  He wouldn’t hurt her.

  It just couldn’t be him.

  Could it?

  A deep, quaking started in her center, rippling out.

  He wasn’t denying it. The way he was staring at her… His eyes so vacant… So hollow…

  Oh, God…


  Not Marco…

  “Is that true?” Braced herself with one hand against the wall. It felt as though she’d been punched in the gut. Pain radiated down her limbs.

  She’d trusted him.

  Scott wasn’t done, he kept yelling. “I just want you to come in. I’ve been in contact with Eric. You know Eric?”

  “Marco?” She grasped a handful of his shirt, begging him to deny Scott’s claims.

  “Scott’s only going to use you. I don’t trust him.” Marco glanced back and forth, as if contemplating going back into the bedroom.

  They couldn’t rewind this.

  “Eric is awfully worried about you,” Scott yelled.

  Eric was a clerk with the U.S. Marshalls. Whenever she needed to do paperwork, she spoke with Eric. While the agent assigned to her case had changed, Eric hadn’t. He was one of the few constants in her life.


  She stared at him, bits of her world breaking. Shattering. Here she’d thought he was caught up in this because of her. Because he’d been at the wrong place at the wrong time. In reality, he’d always meant to be here. He’d intended to risk her life. And for what? A bit of land? A house?

  Fiona wiggled out from his grasp.

  If he’d wanted to keep her there, he could have, but he let her go.

  “It’s true.” She wanted to hit him. Fling herself at him. But she didn’t want to cry. And yet, the tears rolled down her cheeks. “Marco? Why?”

  “Fiona…” He opened his mouth and closed it. “You’re making a mistake.”

  “A mistake? Coming from you? You used me. You slept with me. You…how many lies did you tell me? Would any of this have happened if it weren’t for you? How…how could you?”

  She waited for him to say something, tell her why, justify his actions, but he just stood there. Staring at the wall.

  This man…she’d believed in him. Grown to love him. She’d been so thankful, so appreciative, and the whole time he was probably laughing at her behind her back.

  Righteous anger bubbled up inside of her.

  How dare he?

  She took a step, hauled back and slapped him. The blow stung her palm and her fingers ached.

  Marco didn’t even seem to feel it.

  Why should he?

  He didn’t know how to feel or care about anyone. Especially not her.

  Scott had used her, but at least she knew what team he was on.

  “Fiona. Don’t.”

  “Fuck you.” She turned and quick stepped out of the house before Marco could grab her.

  Scott stood twenty yards from the house, one of those big black SUVs behind him. The kind government agencies used.

  He was dressed in slacks and a button-down. Casual, normal Scott. He’d never seemed like a government guy. At least not the kind she’d known.

  “Hello, Fiona.” Scott’s stare was not kind, but then again, maybe it never had been.

  Both Scott and Marco had used her.

  Shit. Marco had possibly shot a federal officer last night. But not for her. He’d done it for himself. A little more of her broke into pieces. She sucked down a deep breath. Just because he was a shit didn’t change how she felt about him. At least not the version she’d known.

  “I’ll come with you on one condition.” Her mouth was getting away from her. What right did she have to make demands?

  “What is it?” Scott shifted his weight, hands in his pockets. He didn’t seem the least bit concerned.

  “Marco doesn’t get charged with anything.” Oh, she wanted to deck him, but…her heart was still wrapped around that man in a way it hadn’t been in knots over anyone. Ever.

  “I’m sure we can work that out, if you come with me?”

  She nodded.

  “Fiona.” Marco’s voice sent shivers down her spine.

  Despite her better sense, part of her wanted to go back to him. Even if he was a lying sack of shit. She hunched her shoulders and stared at the vehicle.

  “Can we go? Now?” She had to get away from Marco, before she made more wrong choices.

  Scott gestured toward the
SUV. She made it to the passenger seat before he climbed into the driver’s side. She belted in, doing her best to not look up, to not see Marco.

  “You sure you don’t want to press charges?” Scott asked.

  She glanced up against her better judgment and her gaze snagged on Marco’s. Even at this distance, he seemed to stare into her soul. Deep down, a part of her knew him, but she couldn’t love this version of him. She knew all about having different parts of herself, and they weren’t all loveable. Too bad who she was, couldn’t love who he was.

  “I’m sure. Just go.”

  “All right.”

  She eased back into the seat, feeling every grain of sand, the tacky feel of sweat and sore muscles. Every one of them branding her Marco’s, even though he’d used her.

  “You’re doing the right thing,” Scott said.

  “Shut up and drive.”

  She squeezed her eyes close and breathed.

  Men had touched her before, but had one ever gotten under her skin like Marco had? She didn’t think so.


  Marco pointed his stolen car out of Moab and rode the gas hard.

  Nothing mattered anymore.

  Fiona was gone. He’d fucked it all up. All that was left to do was wrap up his crap and go back to work. If he was lucky, this whole thing would blow over.

  Yeah, right. The blowback was going to suck him down in a bad way.

  Maybe Ghost needed a partner.

  Whatever the man had on Uncle Sam, it kept the authorities off his case.

  Speaking of, it was past time to make contact.

  Marco pulled out his—no—Fiona’s burner phone.


  He swiped his thumb over the screen. He’d grabbed it off the desk. He’d meant to give it to her when they got in the ATV, but she’d left without it. Without him.

  This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  She wasn’t supposed to matter.

  But she did.

  For the first time in his life, he got those cheesy country songs his sister liked to listen to. The ones about heartbreak, dogs getting ran over in the rain, and your ex leaving you high and dry. Only…it served him right.

  Ghost had said Marco would probably regret this, and he hadn’t listened. The consequences hadn’t mattered until they’d had a name.


  And she was gone.


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