Book Read Free

13 (The LIST Series Book 2)

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by Rhonda James

  Table of Contents











































  Copyright © 2017 by Rhonda James

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1986951302

  ISBN-10: 1986951308

  Published by Rhonda James, Author LLC

  Cover Layout and Design by Taylor James

  Cover Image: Depositphotos

  Editing by: Julia Goda at Diamond in the Rough Editing

  Formatting by: C.P. Smith

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  The following story contains mature themes, profanity, and explicit sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


  To Julia ~

  Thank you for making my words sparkle, and for always falling in love with my characters.

  This story would not be what it is without you. Love you, my friend!



  Tori: I can’t believe you slept with that guy on national television! You are SO bad! BTW, I’m sorry they voted you off. I’m done with work at 2. Calling you then.

  Of course, my best friend, Tori, was referring to last night’s episode of Almost Famous, the reality television show I’d starred in until my untimely eviction a few weeks ago. Weeks during which I’d been carrying around so many secrets.

  I was on my way to school when the phone rang, and I laughed when I saw Tori’s face light up my screen. Two o’clock on the dot. She always was a vulture when it came to gossip about my love life.

  “What’s up, chica?” My tone was breezy, as if her call had come completely out of the blue.

  “Don’t even try pretending you don’t know why I’m calling,” Tori admonished. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this! Honestly, Soph, I’m your best friend. Besties don’t keep secrets of this magnitude.” I chuckled while she continued ranting. “I mean, I know you couldn’t tell me everything, but a little hint would have been nice. Instead, I had to watch along with five million other viewers!”

  She was right. I could have hinted, and I felt horrible that I had given her nothing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t even the show’s non-disclosure agreement that had kept me quiet—it was wanting to keep what I’d found in Gavin to myself. Things with him were that good.

  But now that the world knew the biggest of my secrets, there was no one I trusted more with the rest. Tori was more of a sister to me than a best friend. My most trusted confidante. The sugar to my vinegar and—more often than not—the voice of reason I lacked.

  “Sorry, Tori,” I sighed. “If it helps, I feel like the world’s worst best friend, and I promise to make it up to you in a big way.” Hopefully, I’d be able to introduce her to Gavin soon, too. Having her see me this happy would go a long way to earning her forgiveness.

  “I don’t know… This is pretty major, Soph. Nothing like the time you let Cody Wilson get to second base under the bleachers after the football game and didn’t tell me.”

  I giggled, remembering the look on Cody’s face when he’d discovered I hadn’t been wearing a bra. Benefits of having small boobs. He’d smiled like a kid on Christmas morning. “That was totally different. I didn’t tell you that time because Cody Wilson was a weirdo with braces and had a crush on the school secretary.”

  Tori snorted. “True. But you still let him pinch your nipples.”

  I groaned audibly. “Please, don’t remind me. I already have nightmares about that lapse in judgement.”

  “So… Was this another lapse, or is there something you want to tell me? After all, I just watched you lose control and flash your naked ass on national television.”

  “Believe me, control is highly overrated, and if you’d been on the receiving end of my boyfriend’s amazing tongue, you wouldn’t be questioning my ass flashing.”

  While she gasped at the confession, I savored the feel of that word on my tongue. Boyfriend. Mmm, I like the sound of that.

  I’d first met Gavin Rexroth while auditioning for Almost Famous. Once the auditions were over, we exchanged numbers and met for a drink. By the time we both received the congratulatory call, we’d already gone on our second date. Sadly, I was voted off the show during the sixth week, but by that time, we were inseparable. While I was disappointed to miss out on earning a television contract, I’d been more distraught about leaving Gavin behind.

  Tori made a gagging sound. “You’re disgusting!”

  “You’re jealous because he’s hot as hell,” I gloated, stepping around the couple blocking the entrance of Beans, my all-time favorite coffee shop.

  “Yep. That’s me. Uber jealous. Oh, Gavin,” she panted breathlessly, and I barked out a laugh because she’d sounded just like me.

  “Don’t even start with that shit. Give me a sec, just need to order some coffee.” Tori snorted and waited for me to step up to the counter.

  “Grande low fat caramel macchiato with an extra drizzle of caramel.” My favorite barista and good friend, Dani, called out before I had a chance to order. I’d been coming here so long most of the staff knew my favorite drink order. Dani jotted my name and a quick message on an empty cup before handing it off to her co-worker Joel. He topped my concoction with a dollop of whipped cream and a heaping drizzle of caramel before handing it off to me with a wink. I spun the cup in my hand and read what she’d written.

  Sophie — The GUY! Details!

  I mouthed Call you later before using my hip to open the door and stepping back out onto the bustling streets of New York City. I turned a corner and slowed my pace to appreciate the crisp fall morning. The heat from the coffee cup warmed my hands as I lifted it to my lips and took a tentative sip. Notes of caramel and cream danced across my tongue, bringing to mind the time Gavin brought the caramel sundae sauce into bed.

  “Um, hello? Are you still there?” Tori snapped in my ear, dragging me away from the fantasy. Damn, I sure did that a lot lately.

  “I’m sorry. Just trying to get to class on time.” And thinking about when I’d see my man again. “Hey, I just remembered you never answered my text. Are you still planning to visit next weekend? You’ll love New York in the fall. All the colo
rs. The leaves in Central Park. The fall displays in the store windows. We could go to the apple orchard, and maybe I could introduce you to Gavin.” I threw in that last part hoping it would entice her to say yes, but Tori’s groan gave me another answer.

  “I really want to, but my class schedule is jammed. It doesn’t look as though I will be going anywhere if I have any hopes of graduating in May.”

  Boo. A visit with my bestie would be the icing on top of my already perfect cake. Tori and I hadn’t seen each other in six months with her being in Florida and me being here in NYC. I really wanted her to share my new-found happiness.

  “I’ll admit I’m bummed, but I understand. Why don’t we just agree to do that cross-country trip during Thanksgiving break we talked about a while back? We’ll rent one of those big-ass SUVs!”

  “You’re on! But just so you know, we’re driving to Kansas to see that giant ball of twine I was telling you about. The same one I read about in that book, Alaska or Bust,” she reminded me.

  “Fine,” I conceded. “We’ll go sniff your stinky ball of yarn.”

  “Yes!” she squealed. “Now, tell me more about Gavin. What kind of kisser is he? Is he good in bed?”

  “Jumping straight to the juicy stuff, huh?” I clucked my tongue against the roof of my mouth and gave her all the details, from Gavin’s talent as a musician to the way he stroked my body as expertly as he did his guitar. By the time I reached my class, I was squirming.

  “Oh, Soph, I’m so happy for you. Though, I’m not surprised. You’ve been hung up on musicians since the day you laid eyes on Dylan. I told you, you should have gone after him,” she reminded me, referencing her loser boyfriend’s older half-brother

  “Um, it’s safe to say that Dylan was clearly more interested in you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” she sighed. “But anyway…”

  I smiled, so glad to finally hear her voice. “Look, babe, I’m at class now. Talk soon?”

  “You got it! And behave yourself in the meantime. Like, no falling head over heels in love with this guy, okay?”

  Too late for that. “I’ll see what I can do,” I lied. “And I’m calling in no less than a week. No more letting months fly by.”

  Tori agreed, we blew each other kisses, and I disconnected.

  I spent the rest of the afternoon daydreaming about seeing Gavin tonight. Since the taping of the show had ended—and my man won a one-hundred-thousand-dollar recording contract—our time together had been limited. I missed him so much it hurt. And that was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.

  I was in love with a musician. A freaking musician! What was more? I was pretty sure he loved me, too, if the way he made love to me was any indication. No man had ever been so content just cuddling on the couch or lying in bed sharing laughter and kisses.

  Gavin was the one, and pretty soon we’d be able to share it with the world.


  Later that night, after I’d shaved all the pertinent places and slipped into a dress I knew would make him sweat, I caught a cab to the Nectarine, where Gavin’s band was playing their last gig. Thanks to his big contract, he’d be a solo artist from here on out, and I knew tonight would be difficult for him.

  He wouldn’t admit that the sudden rise to super stardom weighed heavily on him, but I knew him well enough by now to see the subtle changes. He’d become quieter than normal, and even during interviews, which he typically loved, he’d become closed off, particularly about his love life.

  Because the show was still airing, and the general public had yet to learn who’d won, all of the cast members were prohibited from mentioning the specifics of their relationships. Those who had paired up had simply changed their social media statuses to “in a relationship” and left it at that. I’d done that during the show, partly because it made for good buzz, but Gavin hadn’t. I’d even posted a few inconspicuous pictures of us cuddled up on all my social media sites, but Gavin… Well, the most he cared to share was the big stack of pancakes he’d devoured for breakfast with the hashtags #refueling and #buildingstamina.

  I knew this relationship would be a big waiting game, but the more I fell in love, the harder and harder it became to keep it all in.

  Gavin’s band always drew a large crowd, and I had to fight my way to the bar to order a drink. He was singing a song I didn’t recognize. It was good. His voice was deep and possessed a sexual undertone that made women crazy. Myself included. I was on my second seven and seven when Dani came up behind me and gave the back of my shirt a tug.

  “Hey, chica. I heard a rumor that Gavin was heading off to California to try his hand at music.” She nodded toward the stage before waving the bartender over and ordering a microbrew. “So, don’t keep me in suspense. Will you be leaving New York for the glamour of Hollywood?”

  Before I could answer, Gavin announced the band would be taking a fifteen-minute break. I slid off my barstool and covered her hand with mine.

  “I hate to ask this, but can you give me fifteen minutes? I just want to let Gavin know I’m here. He’s leaving right after this set, so this will probably be my last chance to steal a good-bye kiss before his flight.” I gave her a wink and pushed my way through the crowd.

  “He said fifteen minutes. You better steal more than a kiss!” Dani hollered after me.

  When I reached the entrance to the back rooms, I was stopped by one of the bouncers. I’d been coming here for months, so most of the staff knew me, but this guy didn’t look familiar. This guy was a giant with bulging muscles. His tree trunk forearms were crossed in front of him, and as I approached, he stepped to the left, preventing me from going further.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I’ve got strict orders to keep everyone out unless they’re with the band.”

  I straightened my spine, bringing myself up to my full height, all sixty-six inches, and gave him my prettiest smile. “That’s just it. I am with the band. The lead singer is my boyfriend.” That wasn’t a lie. Right?

  “Name?” he asked mechanically, as if he didn’t believe me.

  “Sophie Banks,” I answered proudly, hoping he’d watched the show and would finally recognize me. After all, my name and Gavin’s had been plastered all over the entertainment news shows. He picked up his clipboard and skimmed a finger over his list before looking back at me, shaking his head.

  As he tossed the clipboard aside, his gaze landed on something over my shoulder. “Name’s not on the list. You’ll have to wait and catch him later.”

  “But—” I started to protest just as a fight broke out behind me. The bouncer brushed past me and pushed his way through the crowd to break up the fight. With his post empty, I took advantage of the distraction and dashed down the hall in search of Gavin.

  The first few rooms I checked turned up empty, but when I reached the end of the hall, I heard his voice. It was faint, but I’d recognize that voice anywhere. I paused to catch my breath and ran my fingers through my hair, hoping like hell he’d be happy to see me when I stepped through the door.

  I don’t know what I’d been expecting to find, but Gavin sitting in a chair with his pants pushed past his perfect ass and a buxom brunette between his legs hadn’t been it. I watched in horror as his head fell back against the cushion and he gave a final thrust of his hips, groaning out his orgasm. That is supposed to be me between his legs. Not some groupie slut. A muffled sob fell from my lips, snapping him out of his post-orgasm daze. His eyes met mine, and he opened his mouth to defend himself. Out of instinct, I backed away, needing to get the hell out of there. Tears prickled the backs of my eyes, and I wished for everything I could erase what I’d just witnessed.

  “Sophie! Wait! It’s not what it looks like.” He shoved the brunette away and jerked his pants up, leaving them unbuttoned.

  I turned to run, but he snared an arm around my waist before I made it out the door. By then, I was full-on blubbering. Snotty nose and all. Just great, Sophie. Way to be strong.
/>   Instinctively, I smacked him across the face, then shook my hand at my side, trying to take the sting out. “How. Dare. You.”

  His eyes welled with tears, and for a moment I thought he might cry, but he swallowed hard and looked the other way until he’d composed himself.

  “I-I trusted you. I thought we had a future. I thought you…” Despite the obvious, part of me needed to know why. Needed to hear him say the words before I would fully accept that what we’d shared was over.

  The brunette, obviously drunk or on drugs, wrapped a hand around his arm, but he told her to go away. When she was gone, he looked down at me, and his eyes were sad. “You thought what, Sophie?”

  “I’m in love with you.” I buried my head in the crook of his neck. “And I thought you loved me, too.” His thumbs moved in small circles over my back, and even though I knew I should tell him to stop, I couldn’t bring myself to utter the words. With each press of his fingers I felt the swell of his body against mine.

  Please. Don’t say it’s over.

  “Baby. I do care about you. I’m crazy about you, Blondie.” Why did I feel a but coming? “But… My career is finally taking off, and I don’t want to be tied down. These last few months have been a lot of fun, but what more did you see happening between us? Marriage? Kids?”

  “People who love each other do those things,” I argued feebly.

  “I’m a musician. I’m moving to California. Pretty soon I’ll be on the road.”


  “Don’t you get it? We don’t want the same things.”

  Feeling defensive, I tipped my head back and stared into his eyes. “I wasn’t asking for those things right at this moment. I’d just hoped this relationship was about something more than two people committed to fucking their brains out.”

  A cocky grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “There’s nothing wrong with that kind of commitment. I think it’s safe to say we excelled in that department.”

  “I know that, but I want more,”

  “And I’m telling you there isn’t room in my life for all that other stuff. Musicians are passionate about making music and the thrill of performing. Kids would only be a distraction. Besides, monogamy isn’t for me. It’s nothing personal. I just get bored easily.” He sighed, sounding as if he was bored with this conversation.


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