A Taste of Winter: 1 (Red Masks)

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A Taste of Winter: 1 (Red Masks) Page 7

by Gia Dawn

  The thought took its toll. Already too near the point of orgasm, Alaina cried out in warning and Ryan understood her failing control, clamping his fingers hard enough around her clit that she gasped at the unexpected rush of pain.

  He removed his hand with a disappointed shake of his head. “Too soon for you to find release.”

  “Agreed,” Zayne growled behind her back, smacking his hand hard against her thigh.

  Biting back a sting of tears that she had so disappointed them, Alaina’s knees gave out and she fell to the floor when Zayne released her. But she quickly regained her composure when she saw the bulges that threatened to rip through both men’s pants. One for each, she thought in satisfaction as she rose to her knees, running a hand along each man’s erection, reveling in the power as she heard their combined intake of breaths.

  But which should she undress first? What would get her punished and what would get her praised? Giving Ryan a questioning look she waited for his command but he remained stubbornly stoic, leaving her to make her own decision.

  It was Zayne who saved her, bending low to whisper in her ear, “Master first. I will sit back and enjoy the show—for now.” With that, he retrieved his champagne in one elegant hand and moved back to his chair.

  Beyond grateful, Alaina vowed to give the architect the ride of his life before she turned her full attention to Ryan. Knowing Zayne watched made her exquisitely aware of her every move. She wanted him to think her capable, well-trained and able to handle whatever she was asked—or told—to do. It didn’t matter now. She was already so turned-on she felt like Cleopatra or Helen of Troy, both women so desirable they changed the course of the world forever.

  She caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror, her mask the only splash of color in the otherwise singular scale of gray, and she thought she looked as wanton as she felt, her skin as smooth as polished marble and her body lush and ready for the taking.

  Ryan grabbed her hair and yanked, bringing her attention forcefully back to the task at hand. Before she could move to take off his belt he’d already unbuckled it and the button of his pants, his fingers slowly lowering his zipper as he pulled her head to the mass of his cock.

  She pulled down his briefs with her teeth, using her hands to remove his pants until he was bared before her, his erection more impressive than she remembered. So he was getting off on the novelty of having another watch their play.

  She took Ryan slowly between her lips, making certain Zayne could see every inch she swallowed, glancing at him occasionally so he understood she intended to give him the same treatment in full and equal measure. Ryan growled in warning as he noticed her attention had wandered, but when Alaina sucked him in deeper he purred his pleasure instead, as if finally giving in to the inevitability of the moment.

  All too soon, Ryan felt the orgasm rearing its head. With unsteady hands, he pulled Alaina’s mouth away and turned her to face Zayne. His fists clenched in futile rage as she crawled across the floor to where Zayne waited, all too ready for her delicate touch.

  Standing there, his dick so hard it could cut through glass, Ryan watched Alaina pleasure Zayne with her mouth and wondered what in the hell he’d been thinking when he’d agreed to this cock-assed plan.

  A part of him had been thrilled that his friend had suggested the encounter. It was the first time Zayne had shown interest in any woman since his wife had been killed in Iraq nearly five years before and Ryan knew the man had grieved almost to the point of no return. That he had wanted to share Alaina, however, had been a thing he’d had to consider most carefully.

  Now as jealousy burned its bitter way into his heart, Ryan was forced to admit he cared for the woman far more than he’d liked to believe. And he’d only just regained her trust, a trust he would never again take for granted.

  He’d enjoyed being with her as she worked in the garden, tending to the plants with her delicate hands. The physical activity of digging up the roots and hauling out the rocks that had lodged in the dirt had given him something to take his mind off his obsessive need to succeed.

  He’d also found a calm satisfaction in helping Zayne come to terms with his life but the sight of the other man’s cock lodged deep inside his woman’s throat made him want to pull an Othello and strangle them both. And after Zayne had found his release, Ryan would take Alaina unmercifully, effectively wiping the thought of any other man forever from her mind.

  Finally, when Ryan thought he would burst from the pressure, Zayne opened his eyes and nodded toward the bed.

  Ryan agreed, moving to sweep Alaina up in his arms as he carried her across the room. Her cheeks were flushed and her mouth was a perfect red pout, one that he had the sudden urge to make his own. He’d never kissed her before but now he could not deny the urge to taste her lips, muffle her screams with his mouth as she came.

  Tossing her on the bed in pretended aloofness he grabbed her knees and spread her legs wide so both men could see the swollen lips of her cunt, her clit a knot of rosy flesh waiting to be tortured.

  When Zayne raised a brow in question Ryan motioned him to kneel between Alaina’s legs and take her with his tongue. The other man willingly complied, pushing her knees to pin them on the bed as he bit his way up the inside of one thigh.

  Alaina bucked as Zayne’s tongue found its way into her body, arching her breasts so temptingly high Ryan bent his head and sucked one nipple into his own mouth, forgetting to even chastise her when her arms snaked around his head and pulled him closer. He reveled in the strength of her desire, enjoyed every whimper and cry as he mouthed his way up her neck, his fingers continuing to pluck her nipples until she shook her head as if begging him to stop.

  In response he pinched them harder, fascinated by the way she trembled and tried to adjust as he forced her to the edge.

  He knew every time Zayne’s tongue drove home, the rhythm growing in both intensity and duration. And when he knew she was poised on the very brink of orgasm, he knew he had to see her face. “Take off the mask, Alaina,” he ordered.

  Her fingers trembled as she reached around to untie the lacings and when she had removed the barrier and tossed it across the bed, he captured her mouth with his, driving his own tongue deep inside. At that moment he was lost, as he heard her cry out his name for the very first time.

  Alaina was beyond thought, beyond reason as the experience of being taken by two men brought her to a world of pleasure she’d never known existed. She felt wild and wicked beyond her most fevered imaginings and as awed as Sleeping Beauty being woken with a kiss, when she felt Ryan’s mouth descend on hers.

  In some ways it was the most intimate thing he’d ever done and she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed kissing him until he’d decided to break the ban. It didn’t matter that her mask was gone. She no longer needed its anonymous protection.

  Ryan would keep her safe and grounded.

  She clung to him as she felt herself spinning out of control, his solid mass an anchor that held her safe while the waves of pleasure rose higher and higher.

  Zayne’s tongue thrummed across her clit while his elegant fingers drove high into her cunt, over and over until she felt the pressure building to a point where she thought she would surely pass out from the pleasure. And Ryan’s mouth on hers caused an agony of emotion to tremble in her stomach.

  “No, please,” she heard herself beg as he pulled his lips away, but he smiled to show he had no intention of leaving her for long as he motioned to Zayne.

  “Take her now,” he said in a voice so raspy she could barely make out the words. “Do it now or I swear I will kill you, you bastard, before the night is through.”

  Zayne snickered in reply but he moved to grab a condom and lube from the nightstand before he repositioned himself between her legs, sliding his cock into her aching sex. He was big—nearly as big as Ryan—and Alaina couldn’t hold back her gasp of surprise at the way he filled her, the muscles of her cunt clamping around his length as he pul
led back and drove into her once more.

  She caught a glimpse of the pleasure on his face before Ryan bent his head to kiss her again, his hand sleeking down the length of her body until his fingers tightened around her clit, rubbing the oversensitive bud until Alaina felt the first dark jolt of release. But Ryan refused to let her come so quickly, removing his hand to slap her thigh, her jerk of pain driving Zayne even farther inside her.

  “God damn it,” Ryan swore, dragging his mouth away as he turned to glare at Zayne and snatching the lube. “Turn her over while I take her in the ass. But don’t you dare kiss her,” he added in a tone that bordered on violence.

  “Agreed.” Zayne lowered himself until their bodies were melded almost as one. “Will you like that, little one, to feel us both inside you at once? Something you’ve never done before, hmmm?”

  Before she could form a coherent reply Zayne rolled over, taking her with him until she was positioned on top, his cock never once slipping out of place. Anticipation mixed with dread as she felt Ryan move behind her while Zayne grabbed her knees and pulled them alongside his chest, spreading her cheeks for Ryan’s invasion.

  She’d never had him fully take her ass before, no matter how much he’d threatened the deed—and she was torn between the need to beg him to stop and the even greater need to give him whatever he demanded.

  Alaina tensed when she heard the rip of the foil packet as Ryan rolled on a condom and then slathered lube on it. And even expecting his coming action she cried out in shock when she felt him breach her ass, the tight ring of muscle clamping like a vise around his lubed fingers.

  “That’s right,” he praised her as she tried to relax. His other hand snaked around her waist to find her clit once more while Zayne turned his attention to her breasts, stroking them with gentle fingers. She could feel his need to move beneath her and admired his control as he waited for her to accept them both.

  What was she doing? How would she manage to take them both?

  Suddenly, she felt Ryan snug the head of his cock between her cheeks, the massive slab of muscle poised to break her ass wide open. “Remember your safeword,” he gritted into her ear, grabbing her thighs in hands as strong as stone as he began to tunnel into the puckered opening, stretching her so far she swore he’d break her in two.

  And it was too much, too intense, the pain enough to make her flinch and try to break away but there were hands on her breasts and hands in her hair, a long finger reaching down to rub her clit and she screamed and fought and begged them to stop, that she could not take it, that she would never survive the assault—but not once did she even come close to saying peppermint.

  And then he was all the way inside her. She could feel the weight of his balls against her legs and Zayne was stuffing his cock into her cunt. The pain was morphing into an all-too-familiar pleasure, her body stiffening as the orgasm began and both men were urging her to let go and come. And then the wave of pleasure took her, so strong she could barely gasp out a breath, her body shaking so hard it took both men to hold her as her muscles clenched and fisted their cocks. They thrust into her a final time, praising her courage and the way she had pleased them.

  Then when it was over and she could not move a muscle, they moved her and held her between them. Ryan slipped his tongue into her mouth while Zayne flicked his along her battered clit, bringing her to another release so strong she swore they were angels fallen from heaven on a mission to indulge her every sinful pleasure.

  * * * * *

  Sometime later Zayne took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Thank you,” he said simply. “I have been alone for a very long time.” His voice held such sorrow Alaina longed to wrap her arms around him and tell him it would be all right, he was not alone, he had her and he had Ryan, both of them steady friends he could rely on.

  And she wanted to tell him she knew what had caused him such pain, a pain he kept hidden so far beneath the surface it never appeared in the harsh light of day.

  But she understood it was forbidden to ever speak to him of this moment—that tomorrow when they met at work they would go about their business as they had so many days before, both pretending this night had never happened.

  He sat up quietly, gathering his clothes and slipping them on before he crossed the room, giving her a last look of longing before closing the door between them forever.

  By her side, Ryan remained unusually silent, his face turned toward the ceiling.

  “Why did you do that?” She tried to read his features, find some clue to his mood in his body language but he lay still as a stone, giving nothing of his mood away.

  “Didn’t you enjoy it?” he finally queried. Although he turned to face her he made no move to touch her and she felt a chill of aloneness creep across her flesh.

  Did he even care that she had been with another man? Did she meant so little to him that he didn’t care who had her or did he think he was passing her off so he could be free to find someone new for himself?

  “That wasn’t the question.”

  “No.” His sigh was loud in the silence between them. Alaina watched the shadows move as he reached up to run a hand through his hair, the gesture poignant in its uncertainty. “I owed Zayne a very great debt. And I am grateful that you were willing to help me repay him.”

  “Will it happen again?”

  “No.” A pause. “Are you angry?”

  “No.” Another long pause.

  “Will you come back to work for me when the job with Zayne is finished?”

  “Will you promise not to obsess over every decision I make?”

  His rumble of laughter was a glorious thing. “Oh my dear Miss Winter, I promise to obsess over everything you do—but I will do my best to keep you so well-rewarded you will never want out of our contract again.” Then he turned and gave her a look that made her shiver to her toes. “You belong to me, Alaina, now and always. In fact, I am thinking about offering you a permanent position. Would you care to discuss terms for our lifetime agreement?”

  The End

  About Gia Dawn

  Gia Dawn has loved reading romance since she was a girl. She started with Harlequins in her early teens—sneaking them into church because the sermons were so long, much to the chagrin of her grandmother. She decided to write her first book after she graduated from college—which, of course, never made it past chapter three.

  Then she discovered erotic romance and a whole new world of writing opened up. She has several titles already published, and is thrilled to be bringing new works to Ellora’s Cave!

  Her big brush with fame is that she graduated from college with Woody Harrelson, and one day wants to write a book he could actually star in—although it will probably have to be titled “Fifty Shades Greyest” by then.

  Gia welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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  Ellora’s Cave Publishing


  A Taste of Winter

  ISBN 9781419948879


  A Taste of Winter Copyright © 2013 Gia Dawn

  Edited by Julie Naughton

  Cover design by Erin Dameron-Hill

  Cover photography by George Tsartsiandiasis, millisenta123rf.com, periodimages.com

  Electronic book publication November 2013

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  Table of Contents




  Chapter One


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