Finding My Pack

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Finding My Pack Page 23

by Lane Whitt

  Finn groans in pleasure when I run my nails over his scalp and his hand goes to my outer thigh, pulling it over his leg. I moan as soon as my center has contact. Our kiss heats up in intensity and soon, Finn has rolled on top of me, giving me the 'more' that I didn't know I needed. I run one hand down his back, determined to find skin. I need to touch his bare skin like my life depends on it. When I reach the end of his shirt, I find...pants. I let out a growl of frustration, my tongue not leaving his mouth, my hand pulling his hair hard as I yank at the shirt that dares to defy me at this moment.

  Finn growls loudly, my chest vibrating with the sound, his mouth pressing harder to mine. That only spurs me on more. I have the shirt untucked but it's not enough. I regretfully let go of his hair, bringing both hands to his chest and shoving. Finn backs off immediately, sitting back on his knees with a confused expression, panting for air. I lean forward and grab where the buttons meet and pull them apart. Buttons fly as the shirt parts down the center.

  SKIN! Beautiful, glorious, skin. I can't keep my hands off his chest for another moment. My fingers run over his collarbones, down to his lightly defined pecs, circling his tiny excuses for nipples and down to his abs. I see that his pants are tented in the front and something about seeing that, drives me crazy. My fingernails dig into his stomach and he growls again. I like that sound. Finn throws his head back as I do it again. I bring my hands up to his chest and his mint green eyes lock on mine as I scratch down his chest to his stomach.

  Holy crap! He looks like he wants to eat me. My body melts at his sexy reaction. Finn grabs both of hands and throws them to the side, his chest crashing into mine, pushing me back down. His mouth is hungry and as I let him devour me my hand goes back to his luscious hair. Just as I dig into his back with my other hand and pull his at his hair, causing Finns hips to surge into me, making me cry out...... I hear Tristan.

  "Shit...." He whispers. Finn's head comes up and snaps to Tristan.

  "What are you doing in here?" He growls, making me moan at his chest vibrating on mine. Thankfully, he backs off and stands. I knew we should have stopped when I first heard Tristan but...I couldn't, I'm happy he still had some control.

  "I was just bringing you more snacks. When Remy said to teach her, I don't think this is what he meant." I sit up, composing myself. Tristan has a smirk on his face but he looks a little flustered himself. What has me blinking at him, is the fact that he's sitting on the table, Indian style, the snacks long forgotten.

  "How long have you been there?" I ask.

  Tristan looks to me, his chocolate colored eyes swirling. "I got here right before Kitten let her claws out."

  I bring both hands to my face, trying to hide. Tristan chuckles and I sense him move closer. "Don't be embarrassed Sweetie, that was hot as hell to watch. I wasn't trying to be a total perv, it's're my girl too, and I couldn't walk away from seeing you like that."

  Tristan turns to Finn, who gives up on trying to button a shirt with no buttons. "Sorry man."

  "I don't mind, I only care if you embarrassed Kitten." He raises an eyebrow in question at me.

  "I'm fine, as long as he's not laughing at me."

  "I would never laugh at what I just saw. My girl was being sexy. I'm jealous that it was Finn on the receiving end of it." Tristan tells me.

  I look into his eyes, seeing the truth in them. He's not laughing at me. "You're not mad at him?" I ask Finn.

  Finn smirks, making my belly flutter again. Down girl, I tell myself. "No, it's okay. We have to learn to share you and I'm sure this will be a part of it. If you were a wolf.....Never mind." He turns his attention to Tristan. "We need to go get Big Jace for Kitten and....some water."

  Tristan kisses my forehead quickly and the two of them walk awkwardly out of the room. I hear Tristan ask Finn. "Are we calling him Big Jace for a reason?" I let out a breath and sprawl out on the pillows.

  I stare at the ceiling begging the heat to leave my body. What just happened with Finn was....beyond words. And Tristan watching....My mind thinks up many different scenarios involving the both of them but I shut them down, I'm trying to cool off, not overheat.

  Fifteen minutes later they're back with the bear and snacks. Tristan hands me a water bottle as Finn searches for the book I had started. They place my bear on the pillow section and I lean against him, getting comfortable. The boys disappear around a bookcase and I wonder what they're up to. I don't have to wonder for long, because minutes later two wolves appear. One sandy colored with chocolate eyes and one silky black with mint eyes.

  I smile at them and pat my legs. "Come here, I'll read to you both." They each take a side, laying their heads in my lap. As I read, I alternate which hand holds the book and which pets one of them. As much as I enjoyed myself with Finn earlier, in this moment right here. Just the three of us, I feel whole.

  Sometime later, after my throat was dry and Tristan had dozed off, Remy had come to find us. He didn't say anything when he first came in, just leaned against the table and looked on. I had kept reading and stroking Finn's head until I came to a natural stopping point in our book.

  "I didn't mean to interrupt, I just came to see if Tristan was planning on making dinner. Since he hasn't started anything, I thought you might like it if we went out to dinner." Remy's naturally rough voice is welcoming, I missed it.

  "You and me? Or all of us?" I ask.

  "Would you like for it to just be the two of us?"

  "I like that we always eat dinner together. It's our family time." I shrug. I wouldn't mind spending time with Remy, but I always look forward to seeing them all at the end of the day.

  Remy's smile is brilliant when he replies. "Yes it is, family time. You and your wolves should get ready. Kellan has something for you, why don't you drop by his office and tell him our dinner plans?" I nod that I will and Remy turns to leave.

  "I'm going to go get ready then." I say to Finn, my hand running over his shiny coat one more time. Finn nods his big wolf head and barks at Tristan. The sandy wolf's eyes blink open. So cute. I stand and cross to the door as the wolves head to where they left their clothes.

  Chapter 22

  Kellan was walking out of his doctor room as I rounded the corner. "Hello Kitten, I was just coming to find you." He says with a smile.

  I giggle. "I was just coming to find you too. We are going out for dinner and Rem said you had something for me?" I bite my lip, wondering what it could be.

  "Yes, I do." He reopens the door he just closed and holds his arm out for me to enter. "You'll be happy to hear that our patient has pulled through his surgery and is doing better than ever."

  I see Noah laying on the high table that I once used. He does look better than ever. His ripped foot is sewn together seamlessly, he has two eyes now, and he looks clean. The funny thing is, he's wearing a shirt with his name on it, written in blue.

  "Why does he have a shirt on Kellan? And how did you find one in his size?" I ask as I pick Noah up and give him a squeeze.

  Kellan laughs. "Believe it or not Kitten, there is a whole line of clothing for stuffed animals and dolls. Logan happened by a place called 'Build-A-Bear-Workshop' at the mall, and couldn't help himself I guess. He used an iron to put his name on it himself though."

  Seriously? They make clothes for stuffed animals? Weird but...AEWSOME! I go to Kellan and hug him around the waist. "Thank you so much Kellan. I knew you'd take care of him but you did so much more than you had to. You're my favorite doctor in the whole world." I lean up and kiss his cheek.

  Kellan chuckles. "I'm the only doctor you've ever had Kitten. There's not much competition."

  "Nope, and there never will be. You're the only doctor I'll ever need." I shrug and take Noah with me to find Logan. I need to thank him for the teddy bear shirt and he'll probably want to dress me.

  I was right. I knew he'd want to dress me, but I had no idea he'd dress me like this. He called it my Grecian goddess gown. It's light blue with only one shoulder strap
. The material flows freely from what Logan called a bodice. I thought it was too long at first but Logan strapped my feet into tall golden shoes. I don't even know why they call them shoes, you can still see my feet, only little scraps of material go from one side to the other. No way do they protect me from anything. Ash might get mad if someone steps on my toes in these.

  I don't say anything to Logan about it though, he looks happy and even a little smug as he turns my long white hair into curly cues. It takes forever before he's putting the finishing touches on my hair. The dreaded spray makes an appearance once again, after he uses a sparkly gold clip to hold some of my hair back.

  "Okay, stand up sexy girl. Take a look at my masterpiece." Logan says, grinning like a crazy person. I do as he says and look in the mirror. I can't believe how pretty I look. I feel like one of those princesses from the fairytale books. I didn't understand them then, but I get it now. Dressing up feels amazing and I want to do it all over again. My crazy boy has taken my breath away.

  "Logan...I...I can't believe you made me look so...."

  "Stunning." He whispers in my ear, coming to stand behind me at the mirror. "The word you are looking for is absolutely stunning. It's not the dress or the hair though Kitten, it's just you. You look gorgeous in Tristan's shirts. All I did was put you in something a little more deserving of your beauty." He slowly turns me, kissing me lightly.

  "But it's time to go now Kitten." He says when he pulls back. "Time to throw your sexy ass to the wolves." He smacks my butt, making me squeak in shock. He saunters out the door and I follow him. I'd kick him for that, but I kind of liked it.

  As we come down the stairs, I see the guys are already waiting on us. They sing their praises at Logan's work, making me blush seven kinds of red. Jace looked stunned at first, but his face went sad after my boys surrounded me, kissing my temples or giving me hugs.

  "We should take pictures." He said in a voice that wasn't his normal haughty tone.

  "Right, I'll go get my camera." Reed dashed up the stairs so fast I thought I was seeing things. When he came back down, the guys took turns posing next to me. Reed had to keep reminding me to smile at the CAMERA and not at the attractive boy beside me. It was hard though, they all looked so good in their dress pants, button up shirts and suit jackets. They were downright overwhelming to look at.

  And even though they all looked similar, I could see little things they did that made them each different. Tristan's bright red tie. Logan's silky blue button up shirt, Finn's orange thing sticking up in his chest pocket, Ash's all black, Reed's white tie and cuffs. Remy had a gray pinstriped suit on, while Kellan's was also gray but he had a green shirt underneath his jacket. I thought they went quite well together. I couldn't see Jace's telltale gold anywhere until I noticed his big shiny gold watch and the buttons on his sleeves were gold too. I never took him for subtle. Toned down like that, he's actually quite stunning.

  After Reed pushed a magic button to make the camera take its own picture, so we could have one of us all together, we headed out to the black and white SUVs. I sat in the back of the black one between Reed and Ash. Reed had grabbed his camera before we left and was showing me all the pictures he just took.

  "I want that one." I said when he reached the group one. I chew on my lip, knowing that you somehow got the pictures off the camera, but not quite sure about the process. "Actually, I want all of them. Can you get them out of there for me Reed?"

  "Sure thing Kitten, not a problem. I know I said it before, but you look so beautiful tonight." I blush again.

  "You look very nice yourself Reed. All of you do. I think we should do this dressing up thing more often."

  "HA! I finally got you interested in clothes. I think we should too Kitten. Most of them didn't have a reason to get decked out, so I couldn't dress them up. Although Ash is not fucking coming with me next time. The motherfucker had look at everything we passed. It took forever." Logan goes on from the passenger seat.

  I look at the man in black next to me. He really does do that. He snorts out a laugh. "I don't want to go next time. I just needed to get something. That's the only reason I went THIS time." He replies while staring out the window. I spend the rest of the car ride studying the pictures on Reed's camera.

  When we get there, I hand the camera back, telling Reed. "It's a very nice camera, maybe one day you can show me how to use it."

  Reed puts it in his pocket as he steps out and holds his hand for me to take. "Maybe Kitten." He says with a soft smile. Remy comes around the car and takes my other hand, tucking it into the crook of his arm, and guides me into the restaurant.


  The trip to the restaurant was a fun adventure but the French food we had wasn't as good as Tristan's food and I had told him so. He kissed me in the backseat of the white SUV the whole way home for saying that. His kisses tasted better than the food too.

  I ended up going to bed with Logan so he could take my hair down for me and dry it when I got out of the shower. He put me in a pair of comfortable pink shorts and one of his shirts. Logan also gave me a pair of the rainbow striped toe socks Ash had gotten for me. It felt like they were hugging my toes.

  Of course I had to go show them to Ash. He played with my sock covered toes for a while as I perched on his lap, snuggling into him and soaking in his scent. We tucked AJ in together and we kissed goodnight. That was so much fun I decided to do it with each of my guys as well.

  Remy was still in his office after having gone back there when we got home. I knocked on his door.

  "Come in."

  "Hi Remy, I just came to tell you goodnight." I said after entering. I cross the room to stand beside his chair. When he doesn't move I push at his shoulder so he sits back. "Why aren't you in bed?" I ask as I climb in his lap.

  "I have a few things to finish up here then I was going to go for a run." Remy smiles down at me with an amused look on his face.

  "Anything I can help with?" I ask.

  "No, curious girl, I think I can handle it. You get some sleep." He kissed my forehead and pushed away from the desk so I could get up. "Goodnight Kitten."

  "Good night Remy, have fun."

  I walk around to what I think is Kellan's room. The one across the hall from his doctor room. I knock and he answers in just a pair of sleep bottoms. After several minutes, my eyes finally find his grass green ones. They are so pretty.

  "Need something Kitten?" He asks kindly.

  "No, I just want to tell you goodnight is all. Were you asleep already?" I hope I didn't wake him.

  "No, no. Just getting ready for bed. I have to be at the clinic early tomorrow." Kellan says through a yawn.

  "Oh, okay. Will I see you at breakfast?" I ask, leaning into him and resting my head on his chest. My hands have a mind of their own as they run over the warm skin of his back. Mmmm...Skin. Reminded of my time with his brother, I can't help but wonder if Kellan's midnight hair is as soft as Finn's. One of my hands slide up....yes, yes it is.

  "I'll be gone before then." Kellan responds in a husky whisper.

  I pull back and frown at him. "Okay. I'll miss seeing you then. Goodnight Kellan." I lean up to kiss his cheek, but Kellan must have other ideas, because his lips find mine for a sweet kiss.

  "Goodnight sweet girl." I poke my head in his room, looking for Noah. He's sitting on the bench at the end of his bed. Good, he'll be alright there.

  "Do you know where Finn's room is?" I ask him before he closes the door. Kellan smiles and points at the closed door right next to his. Figures. The twin thing is a whole nother level of cuteness.

  When I go to knock on Finn's door, it swings open before my hand reaches it. "Hey Kitten."

  My head tilts to the side as I ask. "How did you know I was here?"

  Finn shakes his head slowly. "Werewolf hearing. I heard you ask where my room was."

  I nod. "Well, I just came to..."

  "Tell me goodnight. I know."

  I stick my tongue out at him. "
Know it all." I say playfully.

  Finn laughs, bending down and kissing my lips lightly. "Goodnight."

  "Goodnight Finn."

  Tristan's room is easy to find since I've been there many times. Instead of knocking on his door, I throw it open quickly and jump on his bed, making him laugh. His arms go around me and he rolls us around. "You sleeping here cutie?" He asks.

  I shake my head, calming my giggles. "No, with Logan. I just wanted to say goodnight."

  "Oh really?" He asks with a smirk. His lips crash down on mine, hard. My hands move to his shaggy hair and I kiss him back, meeting his tongue, stroke for stroke. When he finally pulls back, I'm a little breathless. "Sweet dreams sweet girl." He says as he helps me to the door. My legs like Jell-O.

  "See you in the morning Tris."

  I make it back to Logan's hallway and knock on Reed's door. He opens it and I take in his cloud room. Pristine as ever. "Hi Reed."


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