Finding My Pack

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Finding My Pack Page 27

by Lane Whitt

  "Kitten! Kitten!" I hear Mikey calling me. I turn to see what he's so excited about. "Here, we made you these. Mine's first since it was MY idea." He tell me proudly, doing a surprisingly good impression of Jace's smug smile.

  I take the folded pieces of construction paper. The first one is blue with 'Happy Birthday' scribbled in white crayon. I unfold it to read what it says. "Don't read that out loud!" Mikey says in a panic.

  "Okay, I won't." I tell him. Was I supposed to if he didn't add that? The card reads:

  Deer Kitten,

  Thank u for being my friend. U are a good skater. I hope I am as good as u one day. u are pretty. i like when u play basketball with me even though u are not good at it. dont tell anyone but i like your hugs too. sometimes i wish u were my MOM or my big Sister. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  love BIG MIKE

  P.S. u can still call me MIKEY just not in front of JACE

  P.P.S U are the priettiest girl


  At the bottom is a picture of three stick people. One is really tall and two of them are shorter. I think the one with crazy hair is me. I feel the tears on my face and wipe them away before looking at Mikey. He looks uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot. A frown on his cute little face.

  "You don't like it?" He asks.

  I smile widely at him, hugging him hard. "I love it Mikey. It's my first birthday picture ever. It's perfect."

  "You've never had a birthday card?" His horrified expression is priceless. I shake my head at him.

  "That's sad Kitten. Here, let me show you." He takes the card back and points at the picture. "That's you with your long hair. There's me in the middle, and Jace. I think I made him too tall though." He frowns at his work.

  "No way, it's just perfect. Thank you for the card and the picture Mikey, but who told you it was my birthday?"

  "Jace." He answers simply. Like Jace's word is law and that's the way it is.

  I seek out Jace, standing behind the group of kids. "Happy birthday Kitten. I explained that it was your birthday today and Big Mike here, ordered everyone to make you a card. That's why we were running a little late. I see that it was worth it though. Good call Big Mike." He says the last part as he high fives Mikey.

  I look at the rest of my cards, smiling and shaking my head at the adorable pictures and kind words they gave me. There's one covered in glitter that simply read: Your A, and then there's more glitter in the shape of a star. I look up as Miss Annie makes her way to me.

  "Happy birthday Kitten, ma dearest girl, ta think you're all done growed up." She shakes her head. "I gotta git back, but you have fun taday girl." She walks off as Rob gives me an awkward hug, to the sound of many growls. He blushes and trails after Miss Annie.

  I look at all of them. "This has been the best birthday ever, thank you guys so much." I say honestly. They said it's my birthday, so I just go with it. I've never had one and these cards are a great gift.

  "You really think it's over?" Logan gasps in mock horror. "With me as the party planner, you think this is the best I've got?" He shakes his head at me. Are there more cards?

  "Come on, I think it's time we got these kids back. What do you say Kitten? You and me ride in the van with Jace and the kids?" I nod my head vigorously. Yes, let's annoy Jace with the kids.

  I change out of my skates and take them to my locker as the guys get the kids loaded back up and go to their own vehicles. I pass Adam on the way out, but he doesn't say anything, only stares at me. I rush out of there and hop in the van that is more of a small white bus. Jace is telling the kids to sit down but no one is listening. I giggle at the sight. They ARE crazy in here.

  "HEY! Listen up! Sit down or you don't get any cake!" Mikey shouts. The other kids quiet and take their seats. I sit, shocked as he takes his own seat, next to me across the aisle. Commanding little thing isn't he? Maybe he'd get along with Remy too. I never expected that out of the shy boy. Maybe being around Jace really has had a positive effect on him.

  The kids teach me a game called 'I spy' on our way to the rec center. You have to say 'I spy something' then you name a color. I'm apparently horrible at this because I keep picking things we've already passed. It's not my fault they didn't specify that the object you named had to be IN the van.

  It's one of the little girls' turn and she says. "I spy something pretty."

  "Shhh. There are other girls around, you can't say something is prettier than them in front of them." Says the boy sitting next to Mikey, who looks at him for approval.

  "No doofus that only applies to us menfolk. And it's 'you can't say a girl is pretty in front of another girl. Right Jace?" He rolls his eyes at his friend as he asks Jace in the driver's chair in front of me.

  "Correct, young Sir."

  Logan cracks up laughing next to me. "You taught him that? God that's funny." He leans around me to look at Mikey and his friend. "You should also know that when a girl says something is pretty, you always agree, even if it's butt faced ugly." The three of them roll around laughing as we pull up to the rec center.

  After everyone has parked and gotten out, I jump on Kellan's back for a piggyback ride and we enter the gymnasium part of the rec center. The kids who ran ahead squeal in delight at something causing my guys to chuckle. When Kellan steps in I can see why. There are three tables set up. One with open pizza boxes and white plates, one with a dozen different buckets of ice cream and bowls, and one with all kinds of candies and cookies and peanuts, other stuff too but I don't know what they are. Yet. The gym is decorated in long strands of paper in neon colors and there are like...millions of balloons everywhere.

  "'re kind of choking me here." Kellan says. I release my death grip that I didn't know I had and hop down to the floor.

  My guys surround me as the stupid tears threaten to fall again. "Is this all for me?" I ask in wonder.

  Jace starts to answer but Tristan interrupts him. "Don't tell her anything here is definitely hers. I don't think they'd like if we took the basketball hoop with us on our way out." Tristan winks at me and I stick my tongue out at him. He does it back.

  "As I was saying.....Yes, Kitten, this is your party,'s for everyone to enjoy." Jace high fives Tristan and I kick him in the shin. Lightly, after all, that was pretty funny.

  Remy clears his throat. "I believe the staff here have some gifts for you Kitten. I hope you don't mind but we thought it would be best if we told them that it's your eighteenth birthday. The more people who think you're an adult, the better for all of us. No one can take you away if you're of age."

  "Who knows, you might actually be eighteen anyway." Reed says, shrugging.

  "That's true." Ash chimes in. He tugs at my hair tie, making Logan huff. He just raises a brow at him and turns back to me. "Happy birthday Sunshine."

  I wave him to bend down and I kiss his cheek. "Thank you my Shadow." He smiles at me before heading off to the pizza table.

  Tristan fixes me a plate of pizza and sits next to me and Kellan as we lean against the closed bleachers and watch the craziness in front of us. Reed, Jace, Remy, and Logan are playing basketball with a group of boys. Each one of them is totally cheating, giving the boys the ball and lifting them up to the baskets so they drop it in. It looks like Finn is giving a science lesson on static electricity to a few kids. Taking a balloon and rubbing it on their heads as they watch them stick to the wall. I watch in disbelief as a group of tiny little girls reduce big, strong Ash, to a pony and take turns, two or three at a time, riding his back as he crawls around on his hands and knees.

  "I wish Reed has his camera right now." I mutter.

  "Already a step ahead of you sweetie." I look over to Tristan and he has his phone out, pointing it at Ash. I lean back to look at the screen.

  "Are you taking pictures with that?" I ask.

  "Better, I'm recording a video of him. Blackmail's a bitch." He laughs. While it is funny, I can't help but love Ash for doing this. My insides melt watching him. All the gu
ys seem to be great with kids in their own ways.

  After I play a game of basketball with the guys and little boys, and we took turns racing, and we beat up a helpless paper horse filled with candy, we had bubble races. Those were fun. We each got a small can of bubbles, then we'd blow on the little stick and blow the bubbles over a finish line. I couldn't stop laughing long enough to win, but I had a great time trying.

  I got pulled away by the staff, Ash insisting he come with me, to the office where I blew out a candle on a cupcake. Which I shoved in my mouth immediately after I was told to make a wish. It was chocolate and I couldn't help myself. I was given a t-shirt wrapped in pink paper with the word 'staff' written on the back, the rec's logo on the front. I also got a whistle like the workers here have. I always wanted one these.

  "We all pitched in on your real present Kitten." An older woman named Mrs. Smith told me, handing me a small box. I open it and my hands fly to my mouth as I gasp. It's a gold bracelet with little dangly things. I pick the bracelet up and flick one of them, giggling as it sways back and forth. "Those charms are in the shape of people and we thought it could represent the kids here. You've been coming here for years Kitten and we'd love it if you joined the staff as a volunteer. The children just adore you and look up to you. I think I speak for everyone when I say that it has been an honor to watch you grow up into the beautiful young woman you've become."

  She gets teary eyed and so do I. I didn't know they had been paying attention. Technically, I never should have been allowed here. You either have to pay dues or prove that you can't afford it. Maybe it was just obvious that I couldn't afford it?

  "Thank you. Thank you all so much. You didn't have to do this, spend money I mean. You already did enough just by letting me come here and not kicking me out." They laugh, some wiping a stray tear.

  "Nonsense, Kitten. We were happy to have you. We still are." When they're done, Ash takes my new treasures for me, placing my bracelet on my wrist for me too. He puts his big arm around my shoulders as we walk back to the gym.

  The little girls that seem to be entranced with Ash run at us the second we enter. "Mr. Ash, Mr. Ash! Will you help us?" They plead. Ash kneels down in front of them.

  "With what?" He asks. The leader of the group whispers something in his ear that makes him smile. He nods and turns to me. "You're supposed to go color with Reed and the other kids, the rest of us have work to do."

  "Okay." I smile at him. He picks up the whole group of girls with his long arms, making them giggle in delight and carries them off to a table being set up by one of the staff members. Aww my sweet, sweet Shadow.

  I stretch out on the ground next to Reed, laying on my tummy and propping myself on my elbows like he is. The kids sitting across from us do the same, moving their coloring books to the other side of ours. Reed reaches over and hands me a few crayons from his box.

  "I think he likes you." Says the girl, maybe eight years old, laying directly in front of Reed.

  "Why do you say that?" I ask while I flip through, looking for what I want to color.

  "Because he shared his crayons with you. Boys only do that if they like you. You should like him back. He must think you're special since he even gave you the blue one, not just the pink one that boys hate. You should probably fall in love with now." Reed chokes at the last part, probably trying to hold back laughter. The girl never looks up from her coloring.

  "Oh, really. And why should I do that?" I ask, playing along.

  She drops her crayon, looking up at me like I'm the dumbest person on earth. "You should always love a boy who shares his crayons." He states seriously. I have to laugh at that.

  I look to Reed, who seems to be giggling silently to himself as he shades in a purple monkey. "You're right. You gotta love a boy who shares his crayons." Reed looks up at me and smiles brilliantly.

  "Just don't start kissing. That's yucky." Says the girl. Reed and I crack up laughing together. I color a red spaceship, two puppies, and a horse with a horn on its head before Ash returns with his troop of little girls.

  "They have something for you Kitten." Ash tells me. I close my book, handing Reed back his crayons, making us both laugh again, and stand to face the tiny girls slightly hiding behind Ash. Oh God, that's cute.

  "Here." A shy little girl says as she practically throws what I think is a rubber band at me. I catch it and she hides behind Ash's leg again. I look at the pink and white rubber band, then up to Ash, the question clear in my eyes. "The girls and I made you friendship bracelets using tiny rubber bands.

  Oh, I see it now. I lean around Ash to look at the little girl. I've never seen her before so she must be new. "You made this all by yourself?" I ask her as I slip it around my wrist.

  She shakes her head. "Mr. Ash helped me." She answers.

  "What's your name honey?"

  "Julie. But my friends call me Jewels." I guess her to be around five.

  "Well Jewels, my name is Kitten and since you came to my birthday party, I think we should be friends. And since you're my friend and Mr. Ash is my friend..." I lean closer so only she can hear. "...that means that you guys made me a double friendship bracelet and that is the best kind ever!" She smiles brightly and finally steps from behind Ash.

  "You mean it?" She asks shyly. I nod, making my expression as serious as possible. She smiles up at Ash then jumps at me, nearly knocking me off my feet, giving me a hug. The other little girls hand me the bracelets they made explaining exactly why they used each color. Who knew little girls could take rubber band bracelets so seriously? I find it both odd and delightful.

  We finally get to eat the ice cream. I think someone put it away while we played, which makes me question why it was out in the first place if we couldn't eat it then. I mentally shrug. The world's a cruel place sometimes. I couldn't decide which toppings I wanted so I let Mikey and his friends choose for me. By the time it was done you couldn't even tell there was ice cream under it all. The boys were very proud of their masterpiece so I didn't say anything, just thanked them for their expertise and sat next to Kellan.

  I shared my ice cream with Kellan, who pointed out the toppings I didn't recognize. I learned that he loves Oreo cookies and I like the sprinkles. I ended up with vanilla ice cream because Julie pointed out that it almost matched my hair. I was unsure of the child's reasoning for my ice cream choice, but as I dug to the bottom to try it, I had to applaud her decision. It's good.

  "Enjoying day one of your birthday Kitten?" Kellan asks me, taking a big bite of cookie.

  I try to answer him but it feels like something is squeezing my brain. I drop my spoon and hold my head with both hands. "Ouch! What the heck was that?" I look worriedly at Kellan, he's a doctor, he should know.

  Kellan laughs, sprawling on his back on the floor. "Oh God, I was hoping that would happen. Just to see your reaction." He manages to get out through his laughter. I frown at him. He was hoping that would happen? "It was just brain freeze Kitten. No reason to panic, it happens when you eat cold things too fast."

  "How was I supposed to know there was a correct speed at which to eat ice cream?" I grumble at him.

  "I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at you Kitten. Okay, I was a little. But it happens to everyone. Don't feel bad." I pick up my spoon and push the melting mess around. I hate being laughed at and he totally set me up. "Will you forgive me if I go get more sprinkles?" He asks.

  I nod. I think sprinkles could make anything better. "Maybe some of those peanut butter things too." He kisses the top of my head before he goes. He returns with a handful of each and all is forgotten.

  When I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach from too much ice cream, Remy approaches me. "It's almost time to go. Did you enjoy yourself?" I nod. "Did you like the games?" I nod again, I love games. "Did you like your presents?" I nod again, yes I love all my new treasures. "Did you eat too much ice cream and are only capable of nodding?" He asks with a smile in his voice. I look up at him and nod again. "Oh, Kitten. What am I
gonna do with you?" He chuckles.

  Remy bends down and scoops me up in his arms. I groan, holding my full tummy and resting my head on his shoulder. I feel his laughter rumble through him and groan again.

  I hear a smack somewhere before I hear Logan's voice. "Damn Kellan, why'd you let her eat herself into a fucking ice cream coma. We totally broke her on her damn birthday."

  "I got her stuff." Says Ash.

  "I just finished cleaning up. We should be set to go." Reed says.

  "I got her shoes." Kellan says.

  "Her shoes? Why did she take her shoes off?" Finn asks him.

  "She said to make more room for ice cream. I don't think she was thinking clearly at that point." Kellan responds, making them all laugh as we head to the cars outside. I don't know which one I ended up in because I was dead asleep before we even got to the door. The last thought I had, was of Kellan saying this was day one......


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