My Lady Vampire

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My Lady Vampire Page 15

by Sahara Kelly

  Quickly, he regrouped himself. “So you understand then. As men of the world, I would expect you to do no less.” Dragging his gaze away from Adrian he turned to Katherine. “Get your things. We’re leaving.”

  Adrian ignored him and in his turn looked at Katherine. “Are you promised to this man?”

  “No.” The word was out of her mouth in a split second, and spoken from the heart.

  “Did he make you an offer of marriage?”

  “Yes. Many times. I refused each one. Even those that were accompanied by…physical threats.”

  “And…?” Adrian’s mind was tickling around the edges of Katherine’s. She could sense him, feel him stroking her thoughts, reading her soul.

  “And when those offers failed to achieve his desired results, he attempted to rape me.”

  “That’s utter nonsense.” Arthur blustered his way into the exchange. “I did no such thing. Your wanton ways led me to believe my attentions would be welcomed. It’s not as if I was intending to throw you by the wayside. I will marry you, wench. By God I shall.”

  The last statement was roared into the room with the full force of Arthur’s anger behind it.

  “You will not. She is already married. To me.”

  Adrian’s calm response stopped Arthur dead in his tracks. His jaw dropped and Katherine could see the pulse throbbing furiously in his neck. She tensed, knowing that symptom of old.

  “You wanton whoring bitch.” Arthur lunged at her, hand raised to strike her, but this time he was intercepted.

  Adrian was between them in a blur of movement, his hand grasping Arthur’s arm in a grip that seemed as if it could easily break it. “Do not move a step closer to her if you ever want to use this arm again.”

  Arthur seemed confused. He looked at Adrian and tried to wrench free, but found himself unable to do so.

  Katherine watched, her heart in her mouth. There was little difference in height between the two men, but Arthur had a good deal more bulk. On the face of it, he would be the victor in a trial of strength.

  Apparently, Adrian had hidden resources. Slowly, inexorably, he forced Arthur backwards, pressuring his arm into an unnatural position above his shoulder until the larger man whimpered.

  “I can snap this bone like a dry twig. And your neck the same way.” Now there was no mistaking the fury in Adrian’s voice. He never raised it, never shouted or cursed or betrayed his emotions with anything other than his eyes.

  But it was enough.

  “Perhaps I should do just that.” He pushed a little more and Arthur paled. “Perhaps I should end your pitiful existence right at this moment. What use to the world are you? A man who brutalizes helpless women in the name of honor. I’m not surprised you attempted to force Katherine. How else could you get a woman in your bed?”

  Arthur was now up against a large bookshelf, staring fearfully at Adrian as if confronted by a dangerous animal. Which, realized Katherine, was very close to the true state of affairs.

  “Adrian. Please do not kill him.” Sidney’s voice crossed the room, staying Adrian’s inexorable progress.

  “Why not?”

  Arthur gasped and whimpered once more. “No.”

  “I say again, sir. Why not?”

  “Because he is an ill-mannered fool. Not worth the effort.” Katherine came to stand by Adrian, feeling the waves of anger shimmering from him like heat from a roaring fire. “He is nothing to me, Adrian. I am your--wife.” She emphasized the word deliberately, and was pleased to notice Adrian’s grip ease a little.

  “I am yours, Adrian. Heart and soul. He has no claim on me and never will.” She snapped her fingers in Arthur’s face. “You. Arthur Byerly. You desire Matthew’s estate and all that goes with it. Well, it’s yours. Run it into the ground, burn it, do what you will with it. I care not.”

  “I-what-you-” Arthur stuttered.

  “I realize you cannot conceive of somebody wanting something more than money, more than property. Especially a woman.” Katherine moved away from him towards Sir Sidney. “He has always been envious of Matthew’s holdings. He waited patiently for Matthew to die, believing he was the heir. Something he still believes. In this, he was incorrect.”

  She spun on her heel and stared at him in distaste. “Contrary to your allegations, I never cheated on Matthew Byerly. And in exchange Matthew named me his heir. I was saddened by his passing and grateful for the legacy. But he was thirty years older than me. It was inevitable.”

  She sat quietly next to Sir Sidney and arranged her skirts. “I have found the husband of my heart now, Arthur. I shall ask my new father-in-law--” She laid one hand on Sidney’s arm. “If he will be kind enough to advise me on how to legally deed that legacy to you. I never wish to see it or you again.”

  “I shall be happy to assist you, my dear.” Sidney covered her hand with his own. “And may I say how happy I am to have you in our family.” He squeezed her fingers, telling her he understood what she was implying.

  “So basically, you’re telling me I can’t kill him?” Adrian sounded almost wistful.

  “I’m afraid not, darling.” Katherine felt the absurd urge to giggle. She was now the declared--if unofficial--wife of Adrian Chesswell, and possibly free from the shadows of the Byerlys forever.

  This was turning out to be quite a night.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Adrian wanted to kill Arthur Byerly. He wanted to let his fangs loose and for once in his curiously twisted existence just kill for the sheer and simple pleasure of it. To avenge the wrongs this bastard had done to Katherine, and prevent such wrongs from ever happening again.

  Apparently, Arthur could read that particular goal quite clearly, since he was now sweating, and Adrian could smell his fear.

  “Well, Mr. Byerly. It seems you are to live through the night.” He smiled, knowing his expression did nothing to reassure the man now trembling in his grasp.

  He could have snapped those bones as easily as he’d promised, and would have taken pleasure in doing so. He fought the urge to do just that.

  But when he thought of this oaf attempting to rape Katherine--to even think about him touching her body--the fury rose in him once more. He would not allow Arthur to escape unscathed. He simply couldn’t live with himself if he did.

  Gently, and with great deliberation, he peeled his lips into a snarl and allowed his fangs to emerge.

  Arthur sobbed out a gasp and turned ghost-white. “What are you?”

  It was a strangled sound of horror, and gave Adrian the utmost pleasure.

  He barely heard Katherine as she spoke. “Adrian--don’t--”

  Sidney’s voice was a mere murmur in his ears. “Control yourself, my son.”

  His entire focus was on the quivering mass of ugliness he held with his gaze. He knew what the man was looking at. He knew there would now be fiery lights dancing in his eyes--he could feel the energy himself.

  He shifted so that the light could catch his fangs. He wanted there to be no doubt in this man’s mind about what he was seeing.

  “Listen to me and listen well, Arthur Byerly.” He neared his prey, fangs hard against his lips but his words crystal clear in the silence that now surrounded him. “I could kill you but I won’t. However, if you ever come near my wife or my family again, I shall not be so merciful. Do you understand?”

  Arthur’s mouth worked but no sound came out.

  Adrian shook him slightly. “Nod if you understand me.”

  That, Arthur could manage. He nodded, eyes wide enough to show the whites all around his pupils, mouth lax, a drop of spittle oozing from one corner.

  “Very good. You will also never raise your hand to a woman again. Ever. If you do, I shall know. Do you believe me when I say this, Arthur?”

  Once more the terrified man nodded.

  “Just so that we are absolutely clear here, I’m going to show you how I shall kill you if you violate your word to me.”

  Adrian leaned in to the man’s neck as a
vague sound choked from Arthur’s throat.

  “This is how I shall kill you, scum. This is how you will die. In agony. Thrashing on the ground like a gutted fish. And I shall enjoy every minute of your demise.”

  The blood hunger thrummed through Adrian’s veins like a musical symphony, blinding him to everything but the throbbing pulse of his victim. He was filled with an overwhelming fury, but it was tempered by something--something bright and clear. Something a part of him knew came from his Kat. Yes, he would feed from Arthur Byerly. But he would not kill him.

  He sank his fangs deeply into the skin and pierced the fountain of life’s essence, letting it flow over his tongue and down his throat. It was sharp and bitter, a little unpleasant to the taste, making it no hardship for Adrian to pull away after a very short time.

  “Euuuccch. The sourness of your disposition is echoed by the sourness of your blood.” Adrian wiped his hand across his mouth, stepping back as Arthur’s eyes rolled wildly and he slid unconscious to the floor.

  “Oh dear.” Adrian considered him. “You didn’t mention he had a weak bladder, Katherine.” He stared at the dark stain on the front of the limp man’s breeches.

  Sidney sighed. “Dammit, Adrian. Did you kill him?”

  “Of course not. He’s unconscious. All he’ll remember is a horrible nightmare. At least I think that’s all he’ll remember.”

  Katherine came to his side and reached for his hand. “Thank you. Thank you for not killing him. He’s a bad man, but you showed mercy.”

  Adrian pulled her to him. “You were in my mind, Kat. You showed me how to be merciful. If it wasn’t for you, he’d be dead now.”

  They both looked down at Arthur once more. Adrian wrinkled his nose. “And by God he tasted awful. Like a cheap wine that has soured.”

  The sound of Katherine’s giggle brought an answering smile to Adrian’s face and he held her closer. “Father, I think it’s time my wife and I retired for the night.” Feeding from Arthur had been done in anger. The arousal he felt now was partly fueled by the blood, but mostly by the woman in his embrace.

  “Oh lovely.” Sidney snorted. “And I’m left to clean up your mess, I suppose.” He sighed theatrically. “Such is the lot of a parent.”

  Adrian shrugged. “Have Cheverly call a couple of our lads to take him to one of the St. Chesswell inns. He’ll wake on the morrow with a headache and a need to be gone from here. If I handled things correctly he’ll scurry back to his hole and not darken our doors again. If not…” He licked his lips. “Then I’ll finish it next time.”

  “Hmm.” Sidney rang the bell for Cheverly. “I might toss one of my special brandies into his carriage. The one with the dash of laudanum in it. If he’s going to have nightmares, he may as well have a couple more to go with them.”

  Adrian laughed. “Nice touch, father.” His gaze fell to Katherine, still standing comfortably in the circle of his arm. She blushed, as if knowing his thoughts stripped her clothing from her.

  “We will see you on the morrow. There is much to settle now, I’m thinking.”

  “Yes, very well.” Busy with Cheverly, Sir Sidney absently waved them away, and Adrian lost no time in sweeping his Kat from the room.

  “To bed, wife.”

  “Um, Adrian?” Katherine panted as she almost ran behind him. “Should we not discuss this?”

  “Discuss what?” Adrian dragged her along, hurrying her into his suite and closing the door firmly as she stumbled over the threshold. “You’re my wife. You said so. I said so. Let’s go to bed.”

  “But…” She tried ineffectually to bat his hands away as he quickly and efficiently undid her lacings and freed her from her clothing.

  “But nothing. Your woman’s time is finished. There is nothing to bar our way.” He paused. “Unless you’re having second thoughts, Kat.”

  Katherine looked at him, pushed his hands from her shoulders and finished dropping her undergarments to the floor. She stood nude in the rumpled silks and laces, proudly meeting his gaze.

  She smiled. “I am not having much of any thoughts at all, right now, Adrian, save for one.” She lifted her hands slowly to her head and withdrew the pins securing her hair. In a cloud of red warmth it tumbled down her back, framing the whiteness of her shoulders and making Adrian’s mouth water. “I need to tell you of my former life. I need to ask your forgiveness for the lies I have told.” She moved to the bed and sat down. “But I’m thinking such a conversation can wait.”

  Slowly and with a degree of lasciviousness that made Adrian dizzy, Katherine lay back on the covers and relaxed. She let her legs fall apart naturally, the tuft of red hair topping her mound a brilliant jewel against the cream velvet of her hips and thighs.

  Adrian easily slid from his own clothes. “I want to play with you, Kat.” His cock bobbed in agreement, hard and already moist with a drop of liquid desire at its tip.

  “Then play, my love. I’m all yours.”

  - - - -

  For a fleeting moment, Katherine wondered if she really was a wicked and wanton creature. Then she saw the lust and desire in Adrian’s eyes and thrilled at the knowledge she had put it there. This was not wicked, this was exciting. It was not wanton, it was loving. No matter what they did, whatever happened between them was part and parcel of that love.

  She waited, the air of the room soft and cooling against her hot pussy.

  Adrian’s gaze roved over her body, an arousal all its own. Her nipples beaded as he looked at them, and her sex throbbed with the knowledge he was looking between her legs. She didn’t care. Everything she had, everything she was, belonged to him now. She’d made that pledge before Arthur and Sir Sidney, and--in her own mind--God.

  They were as good as wed. There was no going back. She needed this, needed to love him and to show him how deeply those feelings ran. Because when the night came for her to offer him more than just her body, she knew she was going to have a hard time persuading him to accept.

  So for now, she would seduce him with her heart and her flesh. And hope that later on he would also willingly take her soul.

  She was a little surprised when instead of joining her on the bed, he took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest, cradling his chin in one hand as if in thought. “Hmm.”

  “What?” She colored a little as his thorough inspection continued unabated.

  “I must consider this delectable treat that is in store for me.”

  “Oh.” She blinked. “Must you?”


  A devilish smiled crossed his face. “Normally, I’d be inside you by now. My urges are not always this controllable. Especially where you’re concerned.” He moved to the foot of the bed. “But thanks to that worm Arthur, I’ve taken the edge off the blood hunger. I intent to enjoy the few benefits his foul taste has brought me.”

  “Ah. So you won’t be--feeding from me?”

  A fleeting frown creased his brow. “No, Kat. I will not risk you that way. I will not risk your immortal soul. I--I dare not.” He unclasped his arms and reached for her ankles, pushing them even wider apart. “But I can relish the sight of you. Drink your scent like fine wine. Savor your body. Taste your honey. I can do all those things.” He smiled once more. “And I will.”

  Katherine closed her eyes against the fire that burned in his. Something about Adrian dragged away the years of schooling in what was “acceptable” behavior. With him, she could be the sensual woman she yearned to be.

  “Oh good.” Two words. Two small words she could never have imagined herself ever speaking to a man under these circumstances. Two words that were the utter and absolute truth. She wanted him to do all those things and more. And she’d be there with him learning how to reciprocate. How to make love to a man with her heart and soul, not just her body. “Can I do them too?”

  “I hope you will.” A rough note crept into his voice and he cleared his throat. “I sincerely hope you will.” He leaned against the bedpost. “Will you tea
ch me about you, Kat? Everything there is to know about you. I want to give you pleasure and I need to know how.”

  Katherine managed a snort. “I think you already do.”

  “Not quite. I don’t know exactly where to touch you. How to bring you the most delight. Will you show me?”

  She blinked. “How?”

  “Touch yourself. Put your hands on your body and show me what excites you.”

  “You excite me, Adrian.” Katherine stared at him. “You know you do.”

  He smiled. “That’s good. But there is so much more. Just do it, Kat. It would please me greatly.”

  She thought for a moment, not quite sure what he wanted. Then she realized. He hadn’t asked to see what he wanted, but what she wanted. With awkward moves, she lifted her hands and rested them on her belly.

  The heat in his eyes told her she was on the right track.

  “I don’t know…” She hesitated.

  “Yes you do. Show me where you’d like me to kiss you.”

  Slowly one hand rose to her breast, gently cupping it. “Here?”

  “Don’t ask. Show me.” He was insistent, leaning against the wood and staring at her with intensity. “Show me how you’d like my lips to touch you there. That spot where your skin turns to dark rose and there’s a little center bud getting hard as you listen to my words…”

  He was right. Katherine’s fingers found her nipple beaded to the touch, shrinking and peaking as she moved her hand upwards, cradling the lush curve that felt strangely warm beneath her palm. It was an erotically charged sensation, multiplied ten times by the man standing and looking at her.

  “How does it feel, Kat?”

  “Strange.” She daringly squeezed her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. “Like…like…as if somebody is piercing me with a hot dart.”

  “And where is the dart going?”

  Once again she blushed as her other hand traveled down towards her mound and rested just above the curly hair. “Here.”


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