The Soldiers of the Cyto Field

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The Soldiers of the Cyto Field Page 10

by Nguyen,Peter

  “Array!” I say.

  Still no response or even a sign of life.

  As we make to the door I see doctors in gas mask, waiting with a gurney. I slowly hand them Arraya and they gently lay her down. They immediately put an oxygen mask on her.

  “Are you ok sir?” the doctors. Ask.

  “I’m okay but she’s not waking up.”

  All of the Soldiers look like they are about to faint. Some of them are still coughing and wheezing.

  “We are missing some people” Hunter shouts.

  I look around but Seth was nowhere to be found. There is also no evidence of the girl that he took.

  Leah’s eyes turn red and she looks into the smoke.

  “I see them Sage, and Lauren. They’re all still in there.”

  “We have to save them,” I say.

  “It’s too late. The smoke should up fill up their lungs by now. They’re dead,” Ace shouts from a far. Realm Leader Greg is walking right beside her and he’s doesn’t look like someone you want to mess with right now. Ace on the other hand seems calm almost as if she isn’t shock about already knows this was going to happen..

  “Who’s responsible for this?!” Greg shouts.

  Leah points at me, “he knows the attacker.”

  Everyone turns their heads towards me and waits for my response. I don’t even know what to say; I can’t make false claims and I know for fact I can’t say I saw illusions.

  “Care to explain?” Greg folds his arms.

  Ace smirks at me knowing I don’t have a legit excuse of being up here.

  “I saw the attacker coming so I called for help and I guess he heard me” says Rylan. Greg raises his eye brow and looks at me suspiciously. I can’t believe Rylan just defended me.

  “If you see the attacker again, don’t hesitate to kill him” Greg eyes me.

  I nod.

  “Get rid of these bodies and go get another group of subjects to replace these dead soldiers.”

  “Right away sir” says the doctor.

  Greg walks down stairs and Ace is still with us. She looks at me with hatred and then turns her head and walks away.

  “So you have no idea who attacked us?”

  “He had on a mask.”

  “Pay attention next time.” Rylan’s voice hardens. He turns around and begins to walk down the steps where the doctors are escorting the Redeemed ones to safety. I quickly notice the familiar watch around Rylan’s wrist; it’s the watch that I offered during the festival.

  “So you know what that is right?” I shout. He turns around and looks at me strangely.

  “That’s our father’s watch,” I said.

  I’m surprise to see his reaction would be different but he just stands there with an unchanged expression. “What? Are you expecting me to hug you? This doesn’t change anything. You gave us the watch and now it’s mine.”

  “No. I didn’t mean to claim anything. I just wanted you to know that the watch truly belongs to you. Rylan I’m your brother,” the words comes out and I’m nearly out of breathe.

  “I don’t have a brother, a mother or a father. The military is my only family. They aren’t the ones who sacrificed me.”

  “I didn’t know you were still alive,” I say.

  “It doesn’t matter. I have work to do,” Rylan turns around and continues down the step, avoiding me as if I’m a stranger to him and I guess I’ll always will be.


  I see Vera and Carter talking at the end of the corridor. People are still waking up and as I approach the two, Vera looks at me with concern. They must of heard the alarm and from above. Vera runs towards me and says, “Hazer what happen?!”

  “Someone kidnapped a Redeemed,” I say.

  ‘Kidnapped, how did they get in?” Vera ask before she comes to her senses, “They were undercover weren’t they?”

  I nod.

  “Is Arraya alright!?” Carter cuts in front of Vera.

  Carter stares at me with hatred in eyes. I don’t know how to reply to him. He’s already grieving for his father and if add this to his stressful mind, he’ll snap.

  “The intruder took someone else,” I say.

  “What about Arraya!?” Carter steps closer to me. His jaws tighten and his hands already in fist.

  “I-I don’t know,” I say.

  “Of course you don’t,” Carter says and storms pass me.

  “Carter!” Vera scolds.

  Carter turns around I knew something was up. I assume Vera had talked to him about his father and an about me. I wanted to make things right with him but I’m still grateful for Vera’s effort to get rid of our fuel.

  “L-look I know it wasn’t entirely your fault, but dad is in a coma right now. We’re going into the Cyto field soon and I don’t want this go anywhere further. So here’s the deal, I won’t talk to you and you won’t talk me ok?”

  “Carter!” Vera snaps

  “Carter I’m sorry,” I say.

  “No I’m done here,” Carter walks off.

  Vera rolls her eyes and says, “I tried.”

  “Thanks but I deserved that.”

  “Hazer it’s not your fault, okay? He’s just blinded by anger and wants someone to blame. I’ll talk..”

  “No you don’t. It’s not your problem. I don’t want you to be distrcted for that whats about to come. We’re going into the Cyto Filed soon and we all have to get our mind striaght,” I say.

  Vera nods.

  “We’re leaving in a few hours,” Vera says.


  After I left the corridor I step into the boys shower room. Most of the showers were full except for the one at the very end, near the window. The shower curtain has mold on it but It doesn’t bother me. I took off my clothes and turn on the shower head. I begin to clean the red dust off my skin. It doesn’t come off easy. I painfully scrub my wrist and the water is running red. The air around me seems to be thinning, familiar toxic smell fills my lung, making me gag. I was just in the deadly red smoke and the screams keep replaying in my head like a nightmare. The water finally runs clear and I can breathe normal now.

  You can do this Hazer.

  As I run my hands into my wet hair, I begin to think about how all of this will be over once the gates are closed. The fact that my mom I running somewhere in the Cyto Field makes this impossible to get through. Even though I feel anxious, there’s hope that we’ll find her.

  I begin t hear two people mumbling and then their voices gets louder.

  “Did you hear what happen this morning?”

  “Yea, some of the Redeemed died and one of them is missing.”

  The words dance around my ears and like a tragic reminder. I could have done more to save them. Imagine the dangers I’ll face soon when I pass the gates. What if I become frozen in fear that it costs everyone’s life?

  I tell myself that death is a natural thing when it comes to war, but the thought of seeing dying soldiers on the battle haunts me. It’s like our bodies will never find peace, forever trap in a war zone that will constantly go on till the end of time.

  After I got out the shower, I grab breakfast from the greasy lunch room. The food is terrible today, and by the look everyone’s sick face, they all agree. The table on the far end with buff soldiers didn’t seem to care. They munch down their food till their tray is clean.

  “Hazer!” Alex calls out from behind.

  “How’s it going dude?”

  Alex sits down and takes out a brown leather book. Some of the pages seem torn or wet as it stuck out.

  “My brother gave me his journal that he keeps. It’s everything that has been discovered in the Cyto Field by Capa’s soldiers and scientist.”

  As we read through the journal, Chris wrote about the intense changes in the weather. Forsaken cities, which have been shaped by violent storms. Radiation levels that contaminated the soil and bizarre creature released into the Field. One of the pictures was very familiar, revealing Gamma Wolves that I had foug

  Alex turns the page and I notice his hands are shaky. It’s hard to believe Ace picked him for this mission. He’s so young compare to the rest of us.

  “We’re going to die aren’t we?” Alex ask.

  “Hey you’re going to be alright,” I say.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I won’t let anything happen and I know there won’t be anything more evil then Ace,” I chuckle.

  Alex chuckles.

  “Hey what are you guys laughing about?” Vera and Garrett sits down with their food in front of us.

  “Chris gave Alex a journal about the Cyto Field.”

  “Wait really?! I want to see,” Garrett snatches the book from Alex and quickly skims through it.

  “I wonder if you can find that rock you offered in that book,” Vera giggles.

  “Hey! Even though I wasn’t chosen on the mission, that doesn’t mean I’m going to be later,” Garret turns the pages and then suddenly stops on one. His eyes widen drops the book back on the table.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  We look at the page and there’s an unclear picture of shadowy creature, standing on four legs from afar. The name “Havore,” is written on top of the page. Right below it says, “killed 12 men and is known as the Field’s beast. When it roars, the hunt is on.”

  “What’s wrong Garrett scared?” Vera laughs.

  “No, I just never heard of creature capable of taking out soldiers in a mere instant and the fact there are ominous signs when it’s near.”

  “We’ll be fine,” I look over to Alex who is just staring at the book as if he’s in some sort of fearful trance. “All of us,” I say, closing the book.

  I know once we pass the gates and into the Field, Alex is going to be the most afraid of all. I can only imagine the thoughts running inside his head.

  Vera taps me and points towards the entrance of the lunch room. I turn around and see Rylan, Hunter and Devin, the Redeemed. Their tone arms are folded in front of their chest as they stare at me.

  “What do they want?” Vera ask.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well whatever it is they seem like they want to take to you,” Garrett says.

  Rylan nods at me to come to him. I nearly recall from Seth, yelling at Carter for communicating with Arraya. Heaven knows what would happen if I get caught, talking to three Redeemed. I remember Hunter, the guy with piercing who ran out with Leah. Devin is the one with the stocky build to Rylan’s left.

  “Is this about the smoke?” I ask.

  “No,” Rylan says.

  “You know the rules, Rylan we can’t associate with him,” Devin whispers.

  “Shut it Devin,” says Hunter.

  I could tell Hunter is irritated, I assume it’s because Lauren had meant something to him and her death was unexpected.

  Rylan looks around the room and I notice everyone is staring at us, including the cooks behind the counter. I can’t be more embarrassed but at same time I feel honored that I’m talking to three Redeemed

  “We know you’re going into the Cyto Field soon.”

  “Is this a prep talk?” I ask.

  “No listen, I need a favor.”

  “What is it?”

  “This is illegal Rylan,” Devin takes a deep breath.

  “Commander Ace has arranged Demetrius as your group’s Barge.”

  Back in the military lectures that Chris had told, a Barge is Redeemed with the ability to push any object out of his way, even bullets. We also learned that all of the Redeemed on a mission used as weapon care package. They are transported inside a safe pod that drops to the team that is calling for help.


  “Only you can get close enough to the sergeant that is leading this mission. I need you to swap out Demetrius name with mine.”

  “I-I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “It’s easy. Just grab his mini holographic screen and replace the flash drive with this one. The only thing different is that the Redeemed code Demetrius is replaced with Rylan.”

  I look at them in with confusion. I can’t believe what I’m hearing, my brother actually entrusts me with something so crazy.

  “I told you we should have picked someone smarter,” Hunter mumbles.

  “I agree. What you guys are asking me to do is just insane,” I say, but before I can walk away, Rylan grabs my arm and I can immediately feel his abnormal strength. He then shoves a small flash drive into my hands.

  “I’m trusting you,” Rylan says.

  “Why is it so important for you to go on this mission?” I ask.

  “There’s something or someone important I need to rescue and this is my only way. You have to do this for me Hazer,” Rylan stares at me as if I owe him for life, for what happen 8 years ago. I hate that he’s using it against me but its right thing to do. I assume he is referring to Kala but I don’t want to say anything.

  “Ok I’ll do it,” I say.

  I begin to walk back to my seat before he replies, “Oh and Hazer.” I turn around for his response. “Try not to get yourself killed.”

  I walk back to my and as I glance back; the three were gone in an instant. Everyone around us return back to their conversation, pretending they weren’t eavesdropping.

  “What was that all about? It looked serious.”

  “They just wanted to say keep a look out in the Cyto Field. I figured they are just trying to scare me,” I lie.


  An hour has gone by and the initiates who were selected are now lined up in front of Commander Ace at the military base. The look in hers eyes tells me this is no longer just joining the military, we are actually going to inside the Cyto Field. The training that we had to endure so far is now being put to the test. I mostly worried for Alex, knowing he is the youngest.

  Ace walks towards us with her chest out and erect shoulders. “Your mission is to track down patient zero and stop the virus from spreading any further. Kill anything she has infected, but be warned. The virus isn’t only thing you’ll be facing. Distorted creatures that have evolved through decades of harsh environment will try to kill you along with uncertain experiments from other terristories that were trapped inside the Cyto Field years before.”

  The large medal door opens and a group about 20 men all armed. I notice Chris is in the crowd, I spot him immediately, considering he’s shorter than the soldiers behind him.

  “I will not be joining you on this mission; instead Sergeant Yuri will be in charge. Do not fail me,” Ace scolds.

  Sergeant Yuri steps forward, Asian with piercing black eyes and black hair that combs over nearly to his right. He sharp, someone you don’t want to mess with.

  “I’ll take it from here, Commander,” says Yuri.

  Ace nods and begins to walk back to her quarters. The moment she leaves I begin to feel relief, knowing she isn’t going to watch our every move, with predator eyes. One of Yuri’s men hands him holographic tablet and my mind jumps to Rylan’s words. He wanted me to insert this flash drive, replacing Demetrius’s name with his. Not knowing the consequences I’ll do it anyways.

  “Listen up initiates, I know this is the first time you’re crossing the Gates of Capa. The rules that you have learned still applies out there. There will be harsh consequence if you step out of line. DO I make myself clear?”

  “Yes sir!” we say.

  “Now then, we should get started.”

  As we reach the gates, I become more intimated with the dangers that lie before me. I know the demonic wolves that I had faced were just the beginning. I have to focus on finding my mom even though it means Capa might continue experimenting on her.

  “You there!” Yuri points.

  I glance over and he is talking to me. “Yes sir?” I say as I approach him.

  “Commander Ace has informed me that Patient Zero is your mother.”

  I nod.

  “In most case I would disprove you coming along, knowing you�
�re emotions might get in the way, but if anything you would be the most motivated in finding her.”

  I tell Yuri my emotions will not cloud my judgments and that my loyalty belongs to Capa’s military. I can tell he isn’t convince, he said he’ll be keeping an eye on me. This made things a lot harder. Now I can’t insert this flash driving, knowing Yuri will be on my radar.

  I would tell Carter to do it for me, but I know he is still upset. Vera is my next choice. She nods and I hand her the flash drive. As we march further into the Field, Vera gets closer to the sergeant, holding the holographic screen.

  As we enter the Cyto Field I begin to remember struggling in the woods, fighting Seth along with Faye. We peer past the trees and thirsty mosquitoes starts become a problem. We walk for what seems to be a mile. Vera still hasn’t inserted the flash drive and I begin to worry that what Rylan react if I never did what he asked. Eventually we came to break and one of the sergeants passes out water bottles to regain out energy. Surprisingly, Alex doesn’t seem too worried, knowing his brother is part of this mission. I notice Chris drinks half of his bottle and hands the rest to his little brother.

  The Soldier sits down on a rock as he places the holographic screen on top of his leather satchel, containing ammunitions.

  “Alright here’s my chance.” Vera whispers.

  “Wait, I have an idea” I say.

  To prevent getting caught I tell Vera to be a distraction while I inserts the flash drive myself. She nods and hands me back the medal plate.

  I begin to curiously wonder around group, looking to Vera as she walks towards the trees. I wait until she gets into position and the next think I know she screams.


  That is my signal.

  Everyone jumps to her attention, readying their guns. They all approach Vera to see what’s going on. The sergeant, guarding the holographic screen gets up as well, leaving his device behind. I quickly reach for the screen, heart pounding and hands trembling at I try to find my way around computer program. Luckily there is no password locks, only a lot of files. If only Garret was here, he’d know exactly where to go. I nearly panic as I press through the wrong files, flustering my mind with misinterpretation but then I come across it. A category of color coded abilities appear. Immune, Barge, Discern, Mirage, Glitch and Shatter. There is name in each category. I quickly find Barge and delete Demetrius name. I then enter the flash drive with Rylan’s, linking him into this mission. Almost there


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