The Mercenary's Girl

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The Mercenary's Girl Page 5

by Emily Tilton

  The way I deserve. The way I need. The thoughts that had seemed so insane when Tess had had to think them about the sociopathic mercenary commander who had taken her prisoner as one of his disciplined whores suddenly seemed to make much more sense, with Jack whipping her and Jack fucking her. They seemed almost healing, now… as if a part of Tess that she had always pressed back into the darkness had crept out into the light so that she could cherish it, and hold it close, even though what it wanted was, strangely enough, to be put over Jack’s knee and spanked.

  Just as Jack will… Oh, please… please, will he… over his knee… his huge hand coming down on my little bottom…

  On the absolute edge of her orgasm, she sobbed, “Jack… please…” She meant, though it made no sense at all, that she wanted him to take her over his lap right then, like a naughty little girl, and make everything alright again.

  “Shh,” he said, and then to her distress he pulled his cock out of her pussy. For a moment she thought he had read her mind, and she wanted to say, No… I was wrong… keep fucking me… please don’t stop!

  But then he said, “Tess, I’m going to fuck your bottom now. Open up for me like you did for the plug.”

  “Oh, God,” she said. “Please… Jeffrey will…”

  She knew that if they were discovered that way, with Jack’s cock in her ass, the consequences would more terrible than she could probably imagine. Torture, not discipline. Real death. Jeffrey had told her that her ass belonged to him, and she had known somehow even on the first night that he had meant he would kill anyone who tried to steal its pleasure, and would kill her as part of the bargain if she showed any complicity in the theft.

  But could she deny that a part of her at least would rather die than live like this? Would rather die than not have that shameful, special part of her stolen from the man who had first ravished it and so cruelly punished her there, so arrogantly fucked her there night after night.

  In that strange moment, hovering between rationality and the irresistible ecstasy of the pleasure just out of reach, Tess remembered being over Jeffrey’s knee, for saying, oddly enough, the word fuck. It had happened on her third day in his compound, by the pool, before she had known the sometimes quirky rules under which she and his other girls had to live.

  “Tess, darling,” he had said from his seat at the table where his tall Amstel rested, “that’s not a word a lady says. Come here. You have a spanking coming.” He had patted his left knee.

  “What?” she had said, but she had known immediately that he meant it, and the horribly ambiguous feeling in the pit of her stomach had told her that she would go over that knee, because… because he had mastered her, and he had guessed what she had always needed.

  “You better go,” Judy had said, feigning sympathy. “It’ll be worse if he has to come get you.”

  As Jack put the head of his cock at the little ring of her anus, and Tess instinctively pressed down with her clit against the lovely leather-covered firmness of the bolster, she recalled how it had seemed both right and wrong to have Jeffrey upend her, pull down her bikini bottom, and start to punish her, saying, “Naughty girls have to learn their lessons, darling.”

  And when it had stopped being pleasurable in the slightest, even in that way Tess had always told herself was sick, she had wept with her head hung almost to the pool deck , unable to understand why part of her had seemed to want this—had found it for an instant attractive in this wealthy, dangerous man that he spanked his girls.

  Now, though… now she very nearly begged Jack not to put his cock there, though she felt desperate for that thorough claiming—that stealing—too, but rather to claim her by taking her over his knee and spanking where the marks of his belt would make it hurt so much, so much.

  But when he pressed with his hardness, patiently—not forcefully like Jeffrey, even that first night—and said, “Good girl,” and Tess felt herself open to him like a flower, so well prepared by the horrible black plug that she could see, sitting there on the nightstand now like a reminder of the difference between the two men who had fucked her bottom… well, she still wanted that spanking, especially if they were both going to die at Jeffrey’s hand, soon—in the ecstasy of that moment of claiming Tess could almost giggle at death itself—but Jack had chosen to fuck her bottom, and Tess knew he had made a good choice, since she instantly started to come, as the cock in her anus caused her to push her clit one more time against the bolster, and the world seemed to go away completely.

  She was screaming with pleasure, submission, and discomfort, in a way she had never cried out before, and… Oh, no. She had screamed his name. She had screamed “Jack, oh God. Please…”

  As she came, though, the giggle at death she had almost let out before became something more existential: laughing in the face of danger, or… not laughing but… but coming, in the face of danger, and death, and Sir Jeffrey Young, bart. Coming, and coming, and coming, as Jeffrey himself did burst through the door, did see Jack Regensburg, head of his security team, with his cock in the ass Jeffrey had claimed as his own.

  Did draw the Glock he always wore, and point it at Jack.

  Did fall down, his knee buckling where Jack, drawing his own Glock, had shot him.

  And then everything became truly confusing: because the whole compound outside the bungalow window had suddenly lit up as bright as day, and there were men in dark clothing, holding military rifles, and everyone seemed to be shouting.

  Jack had pulled his penis out of her bottom, and after he took Jeffrey’s pistol he began to stroke her back, saying, “Don’t worry, honey. It’s going to be okay.”

  Jeffrey was saying from the floor, “What? What the fuck have you done, Jack?”

  And Jack said, “Well, actually, I’ve just put you out of business, Sir Jeffrey, and made sure you’ll be in an American prison for a very long time. The special ops folks who just arrived will take care of you from here.”

  “You…” The mercenary’s voice took on a tone more scornful than Tess could have imagined. Maybe the pain added to it—she had heard that knee injuries could give the most excruciating pain—but the naked brutality in his tone and in his words made her whole body go hot with anger. “You fucking whore… I hope your ass was worth what’s going to happen to this traitorous cocksucker when my vengeance finds him.”

  The sound of feet, of weapons, came from the hallway.

  “Target is down,” Jack called. “Wounded and disarmed.”

  “Not to mention untouchable,” Jeffrey snarled. “You’re insane if you think I won’t be free within a week.”

  Tess’ heart quailed. How could he be wrong? He was a baronet, for goodness’ sake.

  Jack met the quizzical looks on the faces of the three soldiers who entered, at his nakedness, at Tess’ nakedness and very, very compromising position, with a wry smile. He started to pull on his underwear and pants, clearly seeing that they had Jeffrey covered.

  “You’re forgetting that I know what was really happening at that picnic tomorrow, Jeffrey,” he said.

  Now Jeffrey’s face contorted with true rage. “Fuck you,” he said, and then said nothing else, as he limped out of the room.

  Jack sat on Tess’ bed, and helped her turn over and sit up, still weak from the huge orgasm that had precipitated, it seemed, some kind of international incident. He took her in his arms and kissed her over and over.

  “I’m sorry, honey. There wasn’t any other way that I could see.”

  “Sorry?” she whispered. “Why?”

  “Because I had to lie to you and scare you like that. I had to make you come like that, so that Jeffrey would come in, and his men would be confused—so that the special forces could come in cleanly.”

  “What’s on the island? Where the picnic was going to be?”

  “A very big arms deal. With any luck we’ve got them all, now.”

  Tess buried her head in his chest as her thoughts about, well, everything all seemed to change. Free…
she was free.

  “What about Judy and Anne-Marie?” she asked.

  “They’ll be alright.” Jack stroked her hair. “As long as they testify, they can have a ticket anywhere in the world they want to go, to start over.”

  A special forces soldier entered the room. “Mr. Regensburg?”

  “That’s me,” Jack said.

  “We need to go.”

  “Alright. Give us five minutes so Tess can get dressed.”

  “Roger that. Good work, sir.”

  “Thanks,” Jack said. Then, “Alright, honey, let’s find you a going-away outfit.”

  To her astonishment, Tess giggled. Strange as it seemed, she felt suddenly playful, as if everything that had seemed so dark and terrible had been transformed into bright, shiny sparkles.

  “What if I don’t want to get dressed?” she asked.

  “Tess…” Jack said tenderly.

  The tenderness, never experienced from Jeffrey, made her brazen. “Would you spank me?”

  Jack gave a snort of laughter. “I promise you, honey, I’ll spank you until you can’t sit down for a week, if you want, just as soon as I can get you somewhere private. You’ve got a lot to learn.”

  Tess felt her eyes go wide, and she swallowed hard. How could he do that with such simple words? “I do?” she whispered.

  Jack nodded and stood her up, off his lap. He turned her to face him, so that their faces were level, him sitting on the bed and her standing between his knees. He reached around and took in his hand the little cheeks that had received so much consequential attention that exceptional evening. Tess shivered.

  “Yes, honey. You do. And a good deal of it will involve this being bare, over my knee.”

  Then she kissed him, and she said, “I love you,” because what else could she say to the gorgeous hunk of a mercenary who had saved her life by putting his cock in her ass?

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Emily Tilton

  Geoffrey’s Rules

  For as long as she can remember, Chloe has imagined what it would be like to be utterly and completely dominated by a man. When she meets Geoffrey—a man who can make her blush red with shame and quiver with lust at the same time with nothing more than a word or a glance—Chloe begins to wonder if her fantasy could become reality.

  As hot as her desire burns, though, Chloe struggles with herself. How can a modern woman feel this way? Should she not berate herself for longing to be taken over her man’s knee for a bare-bottom spanking? No matter how she yearns for it, does she really belong on her knees at Geoffrey’s feet, naked and waiting for him to take her any way he pleases?

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  Bought and Trained

  Desperate to be dominated, twenty-five-year-old Rose signs up for a concubine training program and agrees to have her memory of consenting erased, allowing her to experience being forced to explore her fantasies of complete and utter submission.

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  A Punishment Exam for Jane

  Unwilling to admit to desires that fill her with shame, investigative journalist Jane Redford is on a mission to infiltrate and then bring down the Institute. But to her shock, soon after her arrival she discovers that those who run the Institute are fully aware of her intentions and have their own plans for her, starting with a thorough, humiliating punishment examination.

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  Shared by the Barbarians

  In the time since she was abducted from her world by a cruel, tyrannical general, eighteen-year-old Jalinda has been given little reason to trust any man, let alone three barbarian brothers who take it upon themselves to rescue her. But the rough, handsome warriors intend to share a wife, and they mean for that wife to be Jalinda. Shocked by the thought of belonging to three men, she refuses to go along with their plan, but her lack of cooperation is quickly overcome by way of a switch applied to her bare bottom.

  Upon reaching their home planet, the brothers waste no time in beginning their shared bride’s training. As Jalinda soon discovers, she will be expected to submit to them absolutely, and disobedience will result in punishments far more humiliating than a mere bare-bottom spanking. Her barbarian husbands will protect her, provide for her, and love her, but they will also enjoy her in any way they desire. She will be claimed by each of them and by all of them together, in private and in public, in ways that will leave her blushing crimson yet also burning with need.

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  Also by Emily Tilton

  The Count’s Discipline

  Tamed by the Highlander

  Their Firm Men

  Bred by the Spartans

  Her Doctor’s Orders

  An Extreme Marriage

  Breaking Abigail

  At Leo’s Command

  Her True Lord’s Claim

  The Emperor’s New Pony

  The Outlaw’s Daughter

  Old-Fashioned Values

  Stolen by Her Master

  Innocence Examined

  Under His Watch

  Trained at the Castle

  Her Shameful Audition

  An Indecent Awakening

  The Duke’s School for Young Ladies

  Saved by the Highlander

  Controlling Caitlin

  Buying His Mate


  Bought by the Doctor

  Bound and Initiated

  An Indecent Voyage

  The Lord’s Scandalous Bride

  The Sergeant’s Claim

  A Legacy of Dominance

  Thoroughly Trained

  A Wife’s Correction

  Begging to Be Owned

  His City Girl

  Governing His Bride

  Reformed for the Senator

  A Punishment Marriage

  The Modesty Cure

  In Loco Parentis

  Drastic Measures

  Their Wayward Wives
  His Little Troublemaker

  Five Naughty Little Girls

  Claimed by the Machine

  A Concubine for the Trillionaire

  The Immortal’s Pet

  His Blushing Rose

  Tamed by the Sheikh

  Examined and Corrected

  The Correctional Program

  Taken from School

  Reforming Rebecca

  His Old-Fashioned World

  The Oak Street Method: Wendy

  The Billionaire and the Wedding Planner

  Shared by the Billionaires

  The Oak Street Method: Ginnie

  Her Old-Fashioned Husbands

  Emily Tilton Links

  You can keep up with Emily Tilton via her blog, her Twitter account, her Facebook page, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:




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