The One Pound Ponygirl

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The One Pound Ponygirl Page 7

by Charles Graham

  “That’s more like it, pony-girl,” he told her sternly. “A trained pony would be severely disciplined for breaking position as you have just done. But as you are new, I shall be lenient on this occasion and overlook your error. I strongly suggest you do not let it happen again. You may nod to confirm that you understand.”

  She bobbed her head quickly, then resumed her pose and he lowered his whip. “I hope you do, pony-girl, or your training will be hard and quite painful for you. Now we will continue with the trot. As a lover of horses, I am sure you know what that is, but I shall tell you anyway. It’s quite simple. Same high-stepping, only twice as fast and I want a nice, even pace. And for variety, you’ll do this exercise clockwise. Begin on my word of command.”

  Without another word, he strode away towards the central post, leaving her to turn around and try to prepare herself.

  Waiting to commence the next stage of her training, Gabrielle was furious with him for treating her so cruelly and denying her the orgasm she had expected and thought she deserved, but her anger was tinged with more than a little fearful anxiety because she knew he was annoyed with her. He had told her quite clearly that he expected her to keep still and not make a sound and she had disobeyed both instructions.

  She truly believed it hadn’t been her fault…surely, nobody could have resisted the incredible arousal he imposed on her and she had really tried to obey….but he had punished her anyway and she had a horrible, growing certainty that he wasn’t going to accept any excuses, no matter how well-justified, if she failed a second time as she almost inevitably would when he caressed her, for despite her punishment and her fears, she knew that a single touch of his hand would instantly re-ignite the temporarily dormant embers of overwhelming need still glowing fiercely in her belly.

  It would be just about impossible to resist. If she couldn’t, he would punish her. Again. As often as it took to force her to obey.

  Appalled by her conclusions, Gabrielle shuddered in terror, seeing only one way out of her awful plight. No matter how difficult, or uncomfortable, or humiliating it might be, she must strive to be absolutely perfect and give him no cause to be dissatisfied with her, or feel that she required more painful discipline.

  Perfection was her only defense, but when he ordered, “Trot on, pony-girl,” and the coach-whip hissed out to curl across her naked flank, Gabrielle found that it was one thing to want and try to be perfect…and quite another to actually achieve it.

  Trotting was much harder than walking, the increased speed making her breasts jiggle embarrassingly and her arms bump against her buttocks, while the hobble-chain between her knees tended to snap taut unexpectedly, throwing her off balance and distracting her so that it was difficult to maintain a steady pace, in spite of her best efforts.

  Just as she had dreaded, Matthew, her Master, was pitiless, his voice and his whip driving her on relentlessly and punishing her every stumble and hesitation until her bottom and thighs were a stinging, burning inferno of blistering heat. Tears poured from her frantic eyes as she wept and sobbed in despair and misery, fearing that she would never be able to satisfy his demands or reach the impossibly high standards he required of her. She would be forced on and on until she collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

  There came a point, without knowing how or when it had happened, Gabrielle realized that she was trotting around the track with a smooth, coordinated grace that astounded her. Even the whip had ceased to torment her and when she stole a glance to her right, she saw that her Master was watching her with a smile of unmistakable pleasure on his lips.

  A soft glow of pride warmed her belly as she understood that it was her submission and obedience that had pleased him and as he met her eyes and nodded, she pulled her shoulders back as far as she could to accentuate her breasts and trotted on, accepting his Mastery of her and enjoying the delightful sensations of the air currents flowing past her own body, gradually soothing the smarting of her whipped bottom.

  When he finally ordered her to halt, she immediately arched her body into the display position and stood still, looking straight ahead as he walked up to her.

  “You did very well, pony-girl,” he told her approvingly. “I’m impressed. Provided you keep working hard every day, it shouldn’t take more than a few weeks to complete your training.”

  Gabrielle flushed with pleasure at the compliment, then realized what he had actually said. A few more weeks of training?

  He had agreed that she would have to go back to work on Monday. Hadn’t he?

  She thought back, trying to remember his exact words and it suddenly dawned on her that he hadn’t agreed to any such thing and had only said that they didn’t need to think about her job until then. She had simply assumed that he would free her…but what if he didn’t? It wouldn’t be difficult to arrange her disappearance, a couple of phone calls and nobody would even question it or think to investigate.

  She gulped, aware of the heat in her belly as she realized that he could easily hold her captive for as long as he wanted and as he casually unclipped the lunge-rein from her collar, she shivered in helpless arousal to the touch of his hands on her skin.

  “Steady, pony-girl.” He chuckled. “You’ll get your reward when you’re back in your stable, so you’ll just have to learn to be patient, won’t you. Walk on.”

  As he strolled behind her, drinking in the erotic sight of her naked buttocks and tightly harnessed body as she high-stepped her way from the barn back to the house with her hobble-chain jingling and clinking musically. Gabrielle chewed on the rubber-coated bit in her jaws, her arousal burning like a bright, hot flame as she exhibited her submission and obedience and anticipated the moment when she would be given her long-awaited reward.

  Back in her loose-box, her body in display position, he padlocked the chain directly to her posture-collar, grinning as she flinched when the cold links met her flesh, then moved to stand in front of her.

  “Reward time, pony-girl,” he told her calmly and Gabrielle tensed, determined not to repeat the error which had cost her so dearly in the barn.

  Slowly, he reached out to let the backs of his hands brush across her taut breasts and erect nipples and as his touch brought an explosive gasp from her and her eyes widened in helpless response to the irresistible arousal that instantly shot through her body, she fought a titanic, silent battle not to move.

  It took every ounce of will she possessed to stay still as he toyed with her breasts for two endless minutes and when he finally ordered, “Down on the straw, pony-girl. On your back,” she shuddered in relief and overwhelmingly submissive excitement, uncaring of what her obedience said about her as she lay down and spread her legs to the limit of her hobble-chain.

  Gripping her ankles, he stretched her out until the chain to her collar drew taut, but then, to her confusion, he took another length of chain from his pocket, clipped it to the centre of her hobble and pulled until her legs were straight and her ankles side-by-side, her body fully extended.

  When he locked the chain to the bars of her stable, then gazed down at her and chuckled, her eyes filled with horrified despair to the dreadful knowledge that he wasn’t going to take her. She tried to struggle, but with her body still harnessed and tight chains holding her flat, she could barely move and was afraid to try to voice her anger and frustration in case he punished her.

  There was nothing she could do and as he bent down and casually rolled her nipples with one hand while the other burrowed between her thighs to find the swollen, exquisitely sensitive button of her clitoris, she trembled wildly and squealed into her bit-gag as bolts of electric arousal speared through her belly and breasts, triggering a mini-climax. Unfortunately, only a small one…nowhere near enough to satisfy the raging inferno of her need and only serving to intensify and accentuate her feelings of total helplessness and subjugation.

  Removing his hands, her Master smiled down into her pleading eyes and shook his head, “Oh no, pony-girl. I know you want more, but th
at’s all you get for tonight. Perhaps if you perform exceptionally well tomorrow, I may let you have a proper climax. It’s up to you, you know. So why don’t you sleep on it and I’ll be back to feed you in the morning and get you ready for more training.”

  Gabrielle stared numbly at him, desperately hoping that he would relent and take her, but as he strode from her stable and the door clanged shut to lock her in, she understood that she was going to have to endure her strict bondage and the ferocious heat of her unsatisfied sexual passion until he chose to grant her release. Which, she feared, would not be until after the next day’s training session and only then if she obeyed him perfectly and proved what an outstanding pony-girl she could be.

  Her eyes widened at the memory of how firmly he had controlled her and made her obey his commands and as ripples of deliciously-frustrating arousal spread through her belly and breasts, Gabrielle shivered to a mixture of excitement and apprehension, knowing that he would demand not only perfection from her, but would not hesitate to enforce his wishes with the coach-whip.

  The next day, Sunday, after a long, restless night disturbed by the discomfort of her harnessed limbs and the refusal of her belly to calm from its sexual arousal and excitement, she made herself accept the humiliations of having to use the loo while her Master watched and waited patiently, then being made to eat her breakfast from the dog-bowl while she knelt at his feet.

  Then, as the ground was still wet, it was back to the barn for more training and a fresh crop of stinging whip-marks on her flanks and bottom as the exercises of the previous day were repeated over and over until he was satisfied with her performance of both the walk and the trot.

  She nearly rebelled several times, her temper almost getting the better of her as the whip flicked out and his voice reprimanded her for not lifting her knees high enough, or failing to keep an even pace…but on each occasion, her inability to voice a complaint or think of any way to make an effective protest that wouldn’t simply result in more lashes from the whip, forced her to suppress her annoyance and work even harder to obey his commands perfectly. The harder she tried, the more aroused she became and the deeper her sense of submission and of being controlled grew. Until, finally, she gave up trying to resist and simply accepted the reality of his power over her.

  Trotting around the track, the heat in her belly rose higher, her nipples hard and aching and her sex oozing damply as she surrendered to the eroticism of her helpless plight. She was a harnessed pony-girl, being trained by her Master and while she was tethered by her lunge-rein, she had no choice but to respond to his orders instantly and precisely and try as best she could to be pleasing. Just as he had told her the previous day, it was in her best interests to do so, because a pleasing pony-girl could earn herself rewards. And Gabrielle really, really wanted to be permitted the climax that seethed in her belly.

  After the night-long frustration she had endured and the arousal she was still experiencing, she needed it and longed for it with a fervor that far outweighed any other concerns of modesty or embarrassment about how she was having to earn it. That was no longer relevant or important and as her Master ordered her to halt, Gabrielle stopped and instantly displayed her body as she had been taught; remaining silent and immobile as he walked to her and calmly inspected her posed nudity.

  “I am impressed, pony-girl,” he said at length, unclipping the rein from her collar. “That was a most satisfactory training session. You are beginning to show real improvement and as I promised you, good performance deserves to be rewarded.”

  Gabrielle’s arousal notched higher in anticipation of being allowed to come and as he told her to go to the post in the centre of the arena, she walked gracefully across the peat floor, keeping her head up, her back slightly hollowed and her knees lifted high at every step to give him absolutely no cause to change his mind and deprive her of the sexual pleasure she had worked so hard to earn.

  Reaching the tall post, she stopped and stood perfectly still as he bent to remove the hobble-chain from between her knees, but then, to her dismay he clipped one end to the front ring of her collar and ordered her to bend forward from the waist. She didn’t want to obey, but knew that if she refused or even hesitated, she would lose her reward…and Gabrielle wanted her climax.

  Careful not to lose her balance, she leaned forward and put her head down until her torso was parallel to the ground, but as her Master reached below her to grip the chain and pull it lower, she had no choice but to bend even further until she was completely doubled-over with her head level with her spread knees.

  When he clipped the free end of the chain to a ring at the base of the post, she gasped in alarm and humiliation, realizing that she was incapable of straightening up or of closing her gaping thighs without destroying her precarious balance.

  With her buttocks raised high and her sex and anus shamefully exposed, she was utterly helpless and vulnerable and as she visualized how easy it would be for her Master to take her or whip her, she felt a trickle of hot juices ooze from her belly at the thought of the erotic picture she must present to his eyes.

  “Well now, my hot little pony-girl,” his cheerful voice came from above her bowed head. “You are quite clearly ready to claim your reward, I see. As ready as I am to have you serve me, by the look of it.”

  Gabrielle gave a soft whimper and shuddered, her belly churning with overwhelming need and as she gazed upwards at the glistening pink folds of her defenseless sex, he sent his hands between her wide-spread thighs. Unable to resist or protect herself in any way, she gave a shrill squeal of unbearable ecstasy as his fingers caressed her labia and fondled the prominent button of her clitoris, then sank into the tight cleft of her sex and as his touch sent jolt after jolt of shattering arousal raging through her body, she climaxed with immense power.

  Massive convulsions ripped through her pounding belly, triggering foaming waves of scalding love juices to deluge his probing fingers as she surrendered utterly to the exquisite pleasure of her long-delayed orgasm and exhibited the full, awesome depth of her capacity to submit to his ruthless dominance, her buttocks flexing madly and her internal muscles squeezing his embedded fingers as if to pull them deeper into her body.

  Far beyond any hope of self-control, Gabrielle moaned in loss as he took his fingers from her. She then gave a full-blooded scream as his thick, rigid shaft thrust remorselessly into her sex, impaling her and driving to the pit of her seething belly while his hands snaked around her waist, capturing her dangling breasts to roll and squeeze her erect, achingly-hard nipples.

  Her passion redoubled instantly and as he began to take her with hard, fast lunges, she gasped and panted in fearful disbelief as her body responded fiercely and another flood of heated juices poured into her flooded belly as she was propelled into a second climax before her first had even begun to wane.

  She could do nothing but submit to the inferno of sexual heat and lust that engulfed her as her Master used her as a full pony-slave and as he reached his peak and his buried shaft pulsed mightily to send his spend jetting into the bubbling cauldron of her belly, Gabrielle shrieked in ecstasy as his release set a long series of explosive mini-orgasms raging through her shuddering body.

  For several minutes, she was oblivious to everything but the incredible fury and pleasure of the spasms racking her belly and was no longer even conscious of her situation as a harnessed, tethered captive until her Master eventually allowed his drained shaft to slip from her belly and stepped back to dress himself.

  With no choice but to wait until he chose to release her, Gabrielle flushed as she saw a mixture of his seed and her own juices trickle from her sex and slide slowly down her thighs and as her belly kicked strongly at the sight, she gulped to the realization that it would take only a very little arousal to re-ignite the fire of her passion and send her racing towards yet another irresistible orgasm. Bound and at his mercy, she had no control over her body or what he pleased to do with it and knew that her enforced respon
ses had been far more powerful and intense than anything she had ever known. Stronger than the day before, or the day before that, but not, she suspected with a shiver of half-delicious fear, as strong as tomorrow and the days and weeks that would follow if her Master carried out his intention to train her as his full pony-girl and slave.

  Chapter Eight

  Monday had come and gone and Gabrielle had not been freed to return to her job at the Bank. She had tried to reason with her Master, pointing out that she had a career and a life and an apartment of her own, all of which required her attention if she was to earn the money to pay her rent and bills.

  He simply nodded at everything she said, then told her that all she had to do was concentrate on her new career as his pony-girl, because that was her life from now on and he would take care of everything else.

  She couldn’t sway him and when he reminded her cheerfully that she had agreed to become his pony-girl and signed a Bill of Sale transferring ownership of her to him, she unwisely protested that it was only a silly piece of paper that had no legal status and didn’t really mean anything.

  Technically, of course, she was right, but as he frowned and snapped that whether it was legal or not, it meant exactly what it said and that as far as he was concerned, she was his until she paid back her purchase price. Gabrielle understood that he had no intention of letting her go.

  The one-pound coin she had jokingly accepted as the price of her “sale” to him, was presumably still in his pocket and with her purse at his apartment, she had no means of buying back her freedom. And before her whirling brain could come up with a way out of her situation, her Master decided that he had heard enough and ended the matter by buckling the bit-gag into her mouth.

  Reduced to impotent silence, she could only follow helplessly as he leashed her and took her out to the barn to continue her training, her anxious eyes mirroring the turmoil of her thoughts as she was forced to accept that her job and apartment and normal, safe, everyday routine were gone and would never return. She was the collared, harnessed pony-girl of her determined and demanding Master and for as long as he chose to keep her, she knew she would have no choice but to obey and serve him as perfectly as she could, submitting fully to his wishes and orders and striving to please him in whatever manner he required of her.


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