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The One Pound Ponygirl

Page 9

by Charles Graham

  During her weeks of training, she had come to love being a pony-girl, to enjoy being harnessed and having to obey the commanding tug of reins at her bit, to relish the feel of sunshine and cooling breezes on her naked flesh, even to find a certain guilty excitement in the stinging bite of a whip across her buttocks, urging her on to greater efforts. But above all else, the touch of her Master’s hands and lips on her body, rewarding her with overwhelming pleasure, eclipsed only by the soaring, undreamed-of ecstasy of a full climax when she was taken by him.

  Her life had changed out of all recognition since their first meeting at the International Horse Show and as Gabrielle tried to imagine returning to the dull, boring routine that had once filled her days, her eyes gleamed with amusement. Even if she was given the opportunity, which seemed highly unlikely, she knew she wouldn’t even consider it and as the door of the barn shut with a thud behind her, she straightened her spine and thrust out her breasts to display her body for her Master and prepared to resume her training.

  As his footsteps approached, she heard an odd rustling sound, but couldn’t turn to look and even as she tried to guess what was causing it, it stopped and her Master came into her view, reaching out to untie her reins from the rail.

  “Hmm,” he said, tugging at the knot, “been pulling, have you? Well, it’s never too early to start practicing, I suppose.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant and was just relieved that he didn’t seem upset, but as the reins came loose and he turned her around, his words suddenly made perfect sense. Standing on the grass was a miniature carriage, its two spoked wheels supporting a tubular frame with a single canvas seat, a pair of long shafts projecting from the front.

  The rubber-covered bit between her teeth prevented her from actually laughing, but as her mind instantly flew back to the last night of the horse show and she remembered how intrigued she had been by Matthew’s suggestion that she try being a pony-girl, she gave a snort of half-delighted, half-apprehensive surprise, realizing that even then, he must have had this very moment in mind.

  Just like an angler, he had baited his line and she, the unsuspecting fish, had swallowed it, hook, line and sinker. Now she was about to find out whether being harnessed to a carriage and having to pull him around wherever he chose to drive her, would really be as much fun and as exciting as she had thought at the time.

  With a firm tug on her reins, he led her over to the carriage and let her have a good look. “It’s an aluminum frame and those are bicycle wheels, so it weighs very little,” he explained calmly. “You go between the shafts, of course, and once they’re attached to that waist-belt and I’m in the seat, we’ll be all set for a nice little trot to get you used to pulling. So turn around and back in between the shafts and I’ll get you ready.”

  His air of confident authority sent a ripple of arousal through her belly and although she tried to pretend to be reluctant, her heart wasn’t in it and after a brief hesitation; she stepped backwards and let him fit the wide leather belt around her already-corseted waist.

  “This takes all the strain,” he said chuckling, pulling all three buckles one notch tighter than she would have wished, “so it has to be a snug fit.”

  Snug was hardly the word Gabrielle would have chosen to describe it and as he stood up, she glared at him in the only form of protest left to her.

  Unfortunately, he was fireproof and as his fingers captured her nipples and twirled the sensitive buds, she writhed and squealed, hobble-chains jingling as she danced from foot to foot, her body shot through with scorching arousal.

  “Stand still, pony-girl,” he snapped. She froze, her eyes wide with alarm as he snatched up his whip and flicked it lightly across her left breast, “You should know better than to break position when you are in harness. Clearly, you need to be reminded of that. Display position, now.”

  Faster than conscious thought, Gabrielle jerked her shoulders back and spread her legs to the limit of her hobble, presenting her body as she had been trained, her throat working as she gulped nervously.

  “Better,” he said coldly and as he flicked each of her rigid nipples in turn five or six times, then switched his attentions to the stiff button of her clitoris and tapped it firmly with the tip of his crop, she fought desperately not to give in to the savage jolts of electrifying arousal that speared into her belly. It was torture of the most deliciously cruel and incredibly erotic kind and when he finally lowered his crop and said flatly, “Much better, pony-girl. That is the standard of obedience and discipline I expect of you and which you will give from now on.” Gabrielle shuddered helplessly, her whole body aflame with need and her mind reeling to the appalling realization that if his whip had continued for even a few moments longer, she would have been unable to hold back the climax that seethed and churned in her belly.

  Stunned by her own responses to the ruthless subjugation imposed on her by her Master, she stood passively as the shafts of the carriage were lifted and clipped to the side rings of her waist-belt, only snapping out of her shock when she felt pressure at the belt as he climbed into the seat behind her.

  The reins slapped across her shoulders, accompanied by a stinging lash to her buttocks from his whip and as Gabrielle yelped and lunged forward, the carriage jerked into motion.

  “Whoa,” he shouted, pulling back hard on the reins and as she came to a halt, he gave a heavy sigh. “That was terrible, pony-girl. It’s supposed to be nice and smooth, not a fairground ride. So we’ll start again and this time, do it properly, or we’ll keep at it until you get it right. I’m in no hurry and my whip has got all day. OK, off we go then.”

  Once again, the reins and whip sent their clear message, but this time Gabrielle was better prepared and instead of jerking away from the hot stripe on her bottom, she made herself accept the smarting pain and leaned into her waist-belt until she felt the carriage begin to roll forward, before lifting her legs into a high-stepping walk.

  To her surprise, the carriage was much lighter than she had feared and so well balanced that most of her Master’s weight was taken by the wheels, but the relief she felt at discovering that she was equal to the task of pulling him, couldn’t compensate for the alarming fact that she was still humiliatingly aroused. The aching of her engorged nipples and the relentless throbbing of her clitoris refused to go away, combining with the jiggling of the plug holding her new tail in her bottom to keep her from teetering on the brink of orgasm, but not quite able to achieve release.

  Horribly frustrated and in need, Gabrielle groaned in anguish as the reins gave the signal for her to trot and as she increased speed in obedient response, she felt a trickle of her juices ooze from her sex and slide down her thighs to betray the havoc raging through her belly.

  Behind her, a deep chuckle told her that her Master had seen the proof of her sexual heat, but even as she reddened in shame, she couldn’t help but feel a thrill of pride and excitement at the thought of how he must be enjoying the sight of her flexing bottom and thighs and reveling in her submission to his will. Knowing that with a casual tug of her reins or a lazy flick of his whip, he could exert total control over her and make her do his bidding.

  As he drove her around and around the paddock, turning her left and right as he chose and varying her speed from trot, to canter, to walk and back again, then giving her a little time to recover before beginning again, Gabrielle surrendered willingly and totally to her plight, her passion and desire to serve and please her Master burning like a bright, hot flame in her belly. A flame she knew would never be fully extinguished and which made her the true pony-girl she was and would always be.

  Brought at last to a halt, she immediately displayed her body and stood perfectly still as her Master got down from the carriage and inspected her, smiling at the beads of sweat that proved how hard she had worked and the tell-tale silvery trails on her thighs that marked the extent of her need.

  “Good work, Gabrielle,” he told her approvingly. “You’re a natural an
d after the first little hiccup, you made it look as though you’d been a trained pony-girl and pulling carriages your whole life instead of just a few weeks. I’m impressed, so let’s get you unhitched and then I’ll give you a nice reward.”

  Releasing her from between the shafts, he led her over to the fence and tied her reins to the top rail, shortening the leash so that she was forced to bend forward until her torso was parallel to the ground and her nose only an inch from the heavy wood.

  Unable to see downwards past the rail, Gabrielle was intensely aware that her breasts dangled invitingly and as his crop tapped her thighs, she obeyed the unspoken order and spread her ankles as far as her hobble-chain would permit, exposing the glistening folds of her sex behind her purple tail.

  “Walk in place,” he commanded. Her face flamed a vivid scarlet as she lifted each leg in turn and felt her tail swish across the backs of her thighs, every step providing a momentary glimpse of her moist, pink sex-cleft as her buttocks swayed from side to side.

  From behind her came the unmistakable rasp of a zip being opened and as her tail was brushed aside his thick, hard shaft nudged at the entry to her belly, Gabrielle gasped and faltered. Strong fingers snaked around her bent body, capturing her stiff nipples and giving a cruel pinch to the sensitive buds and as he snapped, “Keep the pace, pony-girl,” she shuddered in ferocious arousal, the sharp twinges of pain only adding to the inferno in her belly as she was forced to continue.

  At each step his shaft sank a fraction deeper, the movement of her hips massaging his rigid flesh and the flexing of her buttocks slowly and automatically drawing it further into her body as she pranced from foot to foot.

  There was nothing she could do to stop it and as her own actions assisted him to penetrate her, Gabrielle quivered and whimpered as he inched forward until his full length was solidly embedded, impaling and filling her with his iron-hard maleness.

  “Trot,” he snapped, pinching her nipples a second time and as she squealed and doubled her speed, the amazing sensation of her internal muscles clenching and releasing as she rose and fell on his rigid shaft…and the realization that she was being forced to ravage herself while he simply stood still and made her do all the work…was too much for her to resist.

  From deep down in her belly, a giant orgasm raged upwards and as a flood of her juices burst into her sex and over his shaft, Gabrielle climaxed massively to the thrilling ecstasy of total submission to her Master and the overwhelming pleasure that her willing service and subjugation sent racing through her body and mind.

  Bathed in the wet heat of her spasms, her Master clamped his hands on her breasts, rolling and squeezing her nipples as his own passion neared its peak and as his spend jetted into her juddering belly, Gabrielle screamed her desire and surrender into her bit-gag and hurtled into a second climax even more intense than her first.

  For endless minutes, Master and pony-girl shared the rapture of simultaneous orgasm, their bodies locked together until both were sated and her frenzied contractions began to abate.

  Stepping back, he pulled his drained shaft from her quivering sex and smiled as he realized that in spite of her immense climaxes, her booted feet still tramped up and down in the rhythm of the trot he had ordered her to maintain, proving beyond any doubt the depth and effectiveness of the ingrained training he had imposed upon her.

  “Halt,” he told her and she instantly stopped. He heard her give a soft gasp as she understood just how thoroughly she had been conditioned to carry out his commands. He chuckled in satisfaction, knowing that she would be both embarrassed and hopelessly excited by such unmistakable proof of the success of his efforts to transform her into his obedient pony-girl.

  A task which was well on the way to being completed.

  Like her Master, Gabrielle was only too well aware of how far she had come since the fateful evening when she had first heard his astonishing suggestion that she should become his pony-girl.

  At the time, she had had no idea that it would be anything more than a sexy game and it had only been later, after she had signed the Bill of Sale and accepted the solitary pound coin she had agreed on as the price of her purchase that she had learned just how serious and determined Matthew was.

  Of course, she had tried to object and argue, but all to no avail and as she had realized that he was not going to let her go, or permit her to defy his wishes, her will-power and self-control had been undermined and fatally weakened by a combination of a deep vein of submissiveness she had not even known was in her nature and an irresistible curiosity to find out just how far he would go to make her his.

  With a potent and addictive blend of bondage, helplessness, strict discipline and devastating sexual pleasure added into the mixture, she had been drawn in so fast and so far that by the time she had finally recognized what had happened, it was already too late to turn back.

  Because she no longer wanted to…

  As her Master untied her reins from the fence and turned her to face him, Gabrielle arched her spine to display her body, her belly swirling with heat as he smiled and said, “Thank you, Gabrielle. I am so pleased and proud of you, you know. You are quite superb and I shall never free you. You are mine, my pony-girl, and that is what you will always be. So, one more hour of training and then you can rest.”

  She gazed into his eyes and shivered in delicious fright, knowing that he meant every word.

  Tired though she was and although she would have much preferred to be taken back to her stable and allowed to recover from her exertions, she was a harnessed pony-girl and it was not for a pony to defy the wishes of her owner and Master.

  If he required her to train for a further hour, then a further hour of training it would be and as she was led back to the cart and fastened between the shafts, Gabrielle took a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore the swirling heat in her belly and concentrate on the perfection of her responses to the reins and whip.

  She could do it…she would do it…and as the bit in her mouth tugged firmly, she moved smoothly forward in the elegant, graceful rhythm of the trot, her knees lifting high, the plumes atop her hood nodding and the tail emerging from her plugged anus swishing gaily at every step.

  Chapter Ten

  The weather continued warm and dry and each day, Gabrielle spent several hours out in the paddock with her Master, honing her skills and improving her stamina until she was able to pull him for longer and longer periods before needing a rest.

  Her obedience became second nature to her, too, an automatic and quite instinctive submission to his will that she no longer resented or even considered, merely accepting it as the normal, unremarkable daily routine of her life as his pony-girl.

  She was cared for, looked after and loved by the man she had chosen…and even if he insisted on keeping her at least partially bound or tethered in some way at all times and demanded her unquestioning obedience to his Mastery, it was a price she was happy to pay in return for the joy and delight she found in her willing subjugation and sexual service to him.

  Lying on the straw in her loose-box where she had spent every night, Gabrielle rolled instantly to her knees and displayed her body with her wrists behind her back and thighs spread wide as she heard the bolts on the door to the stable slide back.

  It was how she was required to show her submission and, like her obedience, was unthinking and no longer embarrassed her with its obvious symbolism. Her Master wished it to be so and she had come to enjoy offering her body to him so humbly, for the action invariably ignited a hot glow of warmth in her belly as she knelt before him.

  “Good morning, pony-girl. Did you sleep well?”

  “Good morning, my Master. Yes, thank you, Master.”

  “I hope so,” he said cheerfully, “because today is going to be different.”

  She waited for him to explain further, but when he didn’t, she realized he was waiting for her to ask why.

  “Different, Master?” she obliged and he nodded calmly.

/>   “Oh, yes, pony-girl. Today, we are both going to find out just how obedient and well trained you really are. A little test for you.”

  “I see, Master,” she replied nervously.

  “No, you don’t,” he said chuckling, “but after breakfast, you will and I’m sure you’ll do well and make me even prouder of you.”

  “I-I hope so, Master,” she stammered, “I’ll tr-try my best, Master.”

  “I know you will, Gabrielle,” he agreed warmly. “You have never disappointed me since the very first day we met and I know you won’t let me down now. So let’s eat and then get you ready.”

  Gabrielle wanted to know more, but her curiosity remained unsatisfied as her Master shook his head, refusing to elaborate as he fed her breakfast and then restrained her arms in the familiar single-glove and fitted her ankle-hobble in preparation for whatever was to come.

  Already excited by the delicious feelings of helplessness that had become second nature to her as she submitted to being harnessed, she barely hesitated when he ordered her to bend over and as the plug sank into her anus to attach her tail, she shivered in pleasure, savoring the sensation of fullness that sent ripples of arousal through her belly as she straightened up.

  The hood with its pony-plumes followed and Gabrielle opened her mouth, accepting the bit-gag that completed her harnessing, but as she stood before him with her body perfectly displayed, he reached into his pocket and took out a length of thin, silver chain. A chain with a glittering one-pound coin attached at its centre.

  Her blue eyes widened in recognition as he held it for her to see, “That’s right, pony-girl. This is the pound that I paid for you. I told you right back at the start that I’d keep it safe in case you ever wanted to buy yourself back from me. Well, here it is, but there’s a problem. You see, now that you’re fully trained and have accepted me as your Master, you’re worth far, far more to me than that and I couldn’t possibly consider selling you for so little. In fact, I can’t imagine giving you up for any amount of money. So, as you’re going to be staying with me for the rest of your life, I decided to have it turned into a necklace, to remind us both that you belong to me. Now…and forever.”


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