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Guardian Page 3

by Valerie King

  My mother asked me the question I had been dreading but expecting just as I stuffed my mouth full of pancakes. “So, about Trey…I hear you two got a little cozy last night. Is that true?”

  I watched as my father’s eyes peeked over the top of his newspaper.

  I struggled to swallow the remaining mass of wadded up pancake before answering her. “If you’re asking if I like him, yes.” I wasn’t about to discuss the heated moment shared between Trey and me with my parents. There are just some things worth keeping locked within your heart.

  “He’s a nice young man, honey. But just be careful. I know…things.”

  I furrowed my brow at her before responding, “Things? Like what, that his mother despises me…us? I’m aware of that, and I don’t rightly care.”

  Apparently my father decided this intimate conversation was more suited to being between a mother and daughter. He rose to his feet, newspaper and coffee mug in hand. “I’m off to the shower.”

  Mom waited until my father was out of earshot before continuing. “Trey is very good looking, extremely devoted to the Guardians, but he has a way with the ladies, Macy. Just don’t fall too quickly.”

  Before even thinking, I blurted out the first thought that came to mind, “Well, you married Dad after only having known him for seven weeks. Isn’t that considered falling quickly?”

  “Okay, okay…you got me there, Mac.” She reached over and grabbed my hand, allowing the tears to spill over. “Love is an amazing feeling. Lust is too. Just sort out the differences before giving your heart away.”

  “Aw, Mom…” I squeezed her hand tightly.

  My mother was always so emotional. She was certainly guilty of wearing her heart on her sleeve. But her spirit was so genuine, as a Guardian and as a beautiful human being.

  “Sorry for being so cross. Everything is just still so new. Things have changed quickly.”

  My mother stroked my hand gently. “No need to apologize, Mac.”

  “I like Trey. I didn’t say I loved him,” I replied quietly.

  “I know.” She drew in her breath and exhaled loudly. “Well, I suppose you should get going. You are now a Guardian. You have business to tend to today. Evan is waiting for you.”

  I watched as a smile washed over her face. Stepping into guardianship meant falling into adulthood. Human I would always remain, but angelic I had become.

  I stood up to clear the table, but Mom grabbed the plate from my hand before I could take another step.

  “I’ve got it this morning. Off you go!”

  I drank the last bit of orange juice in my glass and headed to my room to get dressed, leaving Mom in the kitchen to clean up, as she shooed me away. Thoughts of my rendezvous last night ran through my head. The way he caressed my cheek, how his kiss had tasted, and his warm breath that seemed to devour my inner being. I was completely enthralled with him. I would never admit it to anyone, but I wanted nothing more than to end up with Trey. I had dated a few guys in the past, but never anyone quite like him. The playful crush that I had on Trey had finally turned into a reality. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that someone so strikingly handsome or deeply sweet would ever choose a girl like me.

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I traced the path along my neck where his soft kisses had melted into my skin. I thought of calling him, but quickly decided that perhaps pursuing him would push him away. Instead, I would follow his lead on this one. Today my focus was on my Shomer. Not of passion, but of honor. Not of a new love, but of devotion. Not of selfish desires, but of selflessness. I have been called to serve another. And serve, I shall.

  Chapter Five


  Stepping out onto the streets of bustling New York City, I made my way towards the subway. I knew where I was headed; a Guardian never needed maps. Our sense of direction was unlike the average human. Keen and completely unique, getting lost was impossible for us.

  The shimmery outlines of strangers walked past me, unaware that I knew that they, too, had been chosen. A Guardian was standing close, watching their every move. There were others who showed no outline. No trace of guardianship. These individuals were, as we called them, Forsaken Forces. Unwilling individuals who resonated on earth alone, whose souls never cried out for protection. Once someone was past the age of twenty-five, if no call for need ever surfaced, they were left to walk through life alone. In many facets, this saddened me. My mother always reminded me that it was not my calling to protect and serve everyone. Only those that grasped the deep reverence that our world is an often unfriendly and dark place.

  As I searched for an empty seat on the crowded subway train, I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. A young man vacated his seat and waved me forth, just as I was about to give up and grasp the clammy, cold, germ-infested pole as the train lurched forward.

  “Here, have a seat,” he said, his eyes fiery gold as they bored into mine. He seemed inhuman, a shimmer not present around his slim figure. His distressed jeans hugged his frame in a rather sensual way, and a red V-neck tee hung from his muscular, broad shoulders. He was strikingly handsome despite the weathered look of his face that had seen a bit too much sun.

  “Hey, thanks.” I sat down, withdrawing my cell phone from the pocket of my pants, pulling my gaze away from the stranger who had sacrificed his seat for me. He stood in front of me, hand tightly grasping the silver pole as the train lurched forward. A text message flashed across my screen from Trey, pulling my thoughts back to the one I longed for.

  “Lady Milligan…May I have the privilege of seeing you this evening? It would be an honor. How about the rooftop of the Empire State Building at eight? I’ve heard this is a great place to win a woman’s heart. I would love the chance to win yours.”

  A smile spread across my face as his words washed over me. I have to admit, his invitation was a bit cheesy, but I didn’t care a bit. Infatuation had a tight grasp on the heart of this girl. The Empire State Building? How original. I shook my head, rereading his message over and over again. My cheeks blushed as I thought about the kiss we had just shared. I felt so comfortable around him…so uninhibited and free.

  As the train came to a halt, a mass of people exited the open doors as an even bigger horde of individuals climbed on board, making the subway car extremely crowded and stuffy. I felt his leg brush against my knee as he made room for the others. I glanced up at him, and he turned to face me, a crooked smile written across his face. His eyes were even more golden this time; it was enough to cause an uneasy shiver to course through my body. His glare was unnatural and somewhat vile in nature.

  “I’m Aaron,” he said above the loudspeaker and the voices that echoed around us.

  I was at a loss for words, my voice unable to rise above the lump in my throat. My hesitation seemed to heighten his curiosity.

  “And you are?”

  “I’m-m sorry. I was just listening for my stop.” I wasn’t really, of course. I knew where I was going, but he certainly didn’t need to know that. “Macy. My name’s Macy,” I stuttered.

  “Where you headed, Macy?” he asked coyly.

  “To meet a friend. Uptown. You?”


  I felt the train begin to slow. Now was the time to step off. I prayed he wouldn’t follow me.

  “This is my stop. See ya,” I said, keeping my voice calm and collected. I pushed forward, trying desperately to get off of the train as quickly as possible, but a woman with a baby stroller was holding up traffic. His face was only a foot from mine, which caused my eyes to fall into his again. I saw them: flames dancing within the depths of his irises. Forbidden darkness coursing through his glare. The image caused my stomach to hit the floor as I recounted the nightmare I had encountered years ago as a young girl. Watching my mother standing within the fire of our burning apartment building filled my thoughts. His sheer presence scared me. It was if he knew me, of me…from the inside out.

  “It was nice to meet you, Macy.” Hi
s voice was icy and foreboding as it carried over the heavy voices of those around us.

  I pressed forward, choosing not to answer him, my elbow jabbing a young woman in the ribs. Her look was sour as she glared at me.

  “S-sorry,” I said quickly.

  Once I made it safely out onto the edge of the subway platform, I spun around to glance once more at the crowded subway car. He stared straight at me, expressionless, through the dirty subway car window. The light of his eyes now glowed even brighter, his lips offering a hideous smile of thirst as my heart raced out of control. As the subway car lurched forward once more, I watched it speed away into the maddened blackness of the tunnel, the wind whipping my hair around my face. He knew who I was…what I was. And he knew where I was going. My spirit was great at telling me things. Unnatural things. Things often found within the depths a nightmare.


  I sat on an empty park bench in front of his apartment building. He would be leaving for work soon; his spirit now spoke to me frequently without a single ounce of reserve. I pulled my headphones and a book out of my backpack to allow myself to blend more easily into the background.

  As Guardians, we lived amongst the human race as normal everyday people. We associated with others outside of our society, but the secrecy of the life we led in the shadows stayed within the shadows. If we allowed an average person to walk into the depths of our everyday life, we risked the downfall of our purpose…the purpose of saving the lives of those who strayed or were endangered by the evil masks of this world.

  The front door opened, and he stepped outside. His shimmery figure engulfed my view entirely, leaving a trail of sheer magnificence, as I watched him walk down the steps of his apartment. He was tall and thin, short brown hair and deep brown eyes that radiated from a boyishly handsome face covered with a five o’clock shadow. As he walked away from me briskly, I couldn’t help but second-guess my decision on becoming his Guardian. It was suddenly clear. This duty was going to be the hardest encounter I would ever face in life. There was something about Evan…he captivated me completely. In the most ravenous and raw sort of way that left me completely breathless. Breathe, Macy…breathe. But the pounding in my chest and the lump in my throat wouldn’t let me.

  Chapter Six


  Nothing seemed good enough, not for Trey. I had ten minutes to pull myself together before I had to leave, having pulled every piece of clothing from my closet and not happy with a single thing. My parents thought I was going out to have dinner with Aria. She, too, was a Guardian, only having joined the journey just three months before me. She was incredibly beautiful: pixie-cut blonde hair and toasted chestnut eyes that she hid behind a pair of black retro glasses. The two of us had spent countless days and nights together over the past five years or so when her family had moved from Wisconsin to New York. Magdalene and Pax, her mother and father, were close family friends. A prestigious family that respected the Guardian name and all that it encumbered.

  To say I wasn’t nervous would be a monstrous lie. This was our first real date, and the newness of my feelings for him left my head woozy. I knew I could have told my mother about my date tonight, but after our conversation this morning, I felt that keeping things quiet was the best decision for now.

  Piles of tops, jeans, skirts and dresses covered the floor of my bedroom. Plopping myself down on the edge of my bed, I ran my hands through my hair as I thought about Evan. I had every right to think about Evan, he was my Shomer. But there was a distinctly strange emotion coursing through my veins when I thought of him. A feeling that I knew was perversely wrong in so many ways. I was his Guardian…and that’s where it ended. When my eyes had traced his figure for the very first time, I immediately felt connected to him. Yet my connection seemed so much deeper than a simple watchful eye. I longed to know him in this world, not behind the velvet curtain of guardianship…of secrecy.

  A soft knock on my bedroom door shook me from my thoughts. I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table. 7:24 p.m. I’m so late! It would take me thirty minutes just to get to the Empire State Building from our apartment.

  “Macy, are you dressed, honey?” Mom said casually.

  “No, give me just a minute.”

  Jumping up from my bed I pulled a deep, cosmic blue maxi dress out from underneath a pile of wrinkled tops. It would highlight the depths of my pale, icy blue eyes. I pulled it over my head and looked at my reflection in the mirror that hung on the back of my bedroom door. Smoothing out the wrinkles, I twirled around once before pulling my hair up into a loose bun. Dabbing my lips with gloss and slipping a simple diamond drop around my neck completed my look.

  “As perfect as I’ll ever be,” I mouthed quietly to myself.

  Pulling my bedroom door open, I stepped out into the hallway, running smack dab into my father.

  “Where are you off to in such a hurry, princess?”

  My heart was racing, but I did my best to remain calm and collected. “Off to dinner with Aria. What are your plans tonight, Dad?”

  “Nothing quite as fun and enjoyable as you, apparently. Have a great time. Tell her hello for me…” His voice trailed off as he sped down the hallway and into his office, closing the door behind him.

  Walking out into the living room, I found my mother curled up within a pile of blankets, Larkin, our orange Tabby, lying on the arm of the chair beside her.

  “Well, I’m off,” I said aloud, smoothing out my dress.

  Mom removed her reading glasses, biting the earpiece between her front teeth. A beautiful smile radiated across her face as she motioned for me to sit beside her on the couch.

  “You look gorgeous, Mac. Dinner with Aria, huh?” The hushed sense of curiosity flowed aimlessly about in the room, and I hesitated before answering her.

  My eyes fell to the floor as I walked over, taking a seat beside her. I felt the touch of her hand encircle my shoulder. Raising my eyes to hers, I knew that hiding behind a wicked lie was no longer optional.

  “Actually…no. I’m meeting…”

  “Trey, right?” she said, finishing my sentence.

  “Are you mad?”

  Mom sighed, placing her glasses in her lap and turning directly towards me. “No, I’m not angry with you. What I am concerned about is that you’re keeping secrets. You’re a grown woman now, Macy. Your father and I can’t live your life for you, but we can lend you our advice. Whether you take that advice or not is your choice.”

  I watched as the hesitation grew on her face.

  “Just remember who you are, Mac. The vow that you have taken requires a life of many expectations and rights of faithfulness. You can’t live a lie, because you are watching over another spirit. One that needs your grace to keep them from being swallowed up aimlessly within the confines of life. Don’t let your own life swallow you whole, okay?”

  I reached out for Mom’s hand and nodded my head yes. She interlaced her fingers with mine, the warmth of her hand extremely comforting. The sound of my phone rang loudly out into the quiet stillness of the room. Glancing down, I saw Trey’s name pop up on the screen.

  “You better get that. You don’t want to keep your prince waiting now, do you?”

  I stood up, putting the phone to my ear and letting my hand fall from my mother’s.

  “Hey! I’m on my way.” I felt a smile rise across my lips. Looking over my shoulder, I mouthed the words, “Thanks, Mom,” as I walked out the front door. My stomach twirled and danced about, causing my nerves to surface.

  “Can’t wait to see you, Macy. I have something magical planned for us this evening,” he said, his voice raspy and undeniably sexy.

  “Well, I can’t wait. I’ll be there as quick as I can. Promise.”

  Stuffing the phone back into my purse, I hailed a cab instead of walking. It would cost me, but I couldn’t keep him waiting. Nor could I wait to see his face once more.


  The wind was crisp and cool on the rooftop of o
ne of the most miraculous buildings in the world. I saw the outline of his figure just ten feet in front of me, his eyes focused on the beauty of the city below us, lights blazing brightly out into the star-dusted sky.

  Slipping my arms around his waist from behind, I nuzzled my lips to his ear. “Lady Milligan is here to meet Lord Parsons.”

  He spun around without saying a word and kissed me with fiery fervor, just like the night of my Guardian induction, only more passionately this time. Goosebumps rose, covering my arms as a chill coursed down my spine. The breeze caressed my neck as I fell into the confines of his sultry lips. There was something so ravishing and tantalizing about Trey. He was easy on the eyes, but he was so amorous when it came to letting you know how he felt with the heat of his kiss.

  People passed by the two of us, inquisitively watching our ravishing public display of affection. Whether you were an angel or an average person, there was something magical about being here. Especially on a night like tonight, when the stars dripped their jewels of light onto the people beneath them. You couldn’t help but feel closer to heaven when you were 104 floors above the streets below. Reality couldn’t help but fade away.

  Pulling his lips from mine, he pulled me close. I kept my eyes closed and nuzzled my head into his chest as I breathed in the sensuality of this amazing creature that made my blood boil with desire.

  “You look amazing, by the way.” His breath was hot as it passed over my ear.

  “As do you, Trey.”

  Opening my eyes, I watched the people buzzing about around us, many with their shimmery bursts of light following them aimlessly. It only heightened the sensation of perfection as I lived in the moment, Trey’s arms wrapped around me tightly.


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