The Devils Daughter

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The Devils Daughter Page 5

by Cilla Lee

  When we pulled up to the clubhouse the Devils Soldiers emblem was painted on a huge sign on the front gate, no guessing who lived here. As we waited the gates slowly opened and we all pulled in, Tiny helped me off first and trying to use my fingers that had no blood in them was a little bit difficult. I was all thumbs until I was turned around and Mr Greens eyes was there to take the helmet off for me.

  “Colt take her inside and get her settled” the Razor guy yells, Colt aka Mr Green eyes grabs my wrist and pulls me into the clubhouse. It was bigger than what it looks like on the outside but then you can't see much with all the widows covered, the smell hits me straight away cigarettes cheap perfume and stale beer and something else that’s hard to describe my nose tingling (definitely needs an open window in here) the place had a steak out bar feel to it. There’s a huge TV with speakers on the far wall the Devils Soldiers banner in the middle of them. The place is split into different areas strippers to the left, pool tables to the far-left corner huge bar to the right with stools and tables and a couple of leather sofa placed around for people just to sit and talk concrete floors a real industrial feel to the place. I'm pulled quickly past half-naked women and a couple actual naked women, men playing pool and some sitting at the bar watching us as Colt pulls me through the clubhouse down a dark corridor past a dozen or so doors and more beyond. Colt stops and opens the door half way down the hall pushing me inside.

  “Bed, bathroom and there's some clothes in the draws, I'll bring you something to eat and under no circumstances do you come out of this room you hear me” I nod my head as he closes the door and I sit on the corner of the bed and just wait.


  It had been hours since I was shown into the room the sound of music playing vibrating the walls, laughter of men and women and people walking back and forth past my door lasted for hours. I just sat there wondering what these bikers wanted with me and how I was going to work off my dad’s debt, will it be on my back on my knees oh god what if they make me walk around naked like the women I saw (god I hate my father for putting me in this situation)


  When I woke the next morning, my stomach wouldn’t stop rumbling, Colt only brought me a sandwich and water last night and now I need food. I’d been surviving on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but I needed something other than that. I take a quick shower trying the door handle to see if it open and it does, I pop my head out and look down the hall to see if anyone’s around but it's quiet. I slowly made my way back the way I came in yesterday still listening for any sounds of life, when I get to the main room no one’s around so I make a bee line for the door and slowly open it and freeze when it creaks (shit) I wait to see if anyone comes, but it stays quiet so I open it a little more and look outside. I see a couple of guys standing around smoking and look to the right to the gate, the guy who was driving the van yesterday stood at the gate with a shotgun over his shoulder guarding it (shit fuck shit) my tummy rumbles again so I head back towards the kitchen (might as well get something to eat), I’m blown away by the size of it, it's huge with stainless steel counter tops polished concrete floors and the biggest stove and oven I’ve ever seen and the refrigerator (OMG its huge) like industrial huge I poke my head around the counter to make sure no ones in there and make my way to the pantry, its stacked to the gills with food enough for an army and I suppose these men could be called an army (fine if I'm stuck here I'm not going hungry) I find the cereal, search the cupboards and find everything I need bowl spoon milk. As I'm sitting there in the cafeteria style bench seat and table the first bite is heaven my tummy still rumbling for more, by the time I'm almost done I hear a voice behind me making me choke on my breakfast

  “What the fuck I told you not to leave your room” Colt says patting me on my back as I try to breathe again, I cower away from him (don't let him see your fear) “Well I told you not to leave your room” he says again, I bit my lip waiting for the slap “Well?” he says

  “I was hungry” I tell him, he just stares at me

  “Babe you should have waited for me”

  “I'm sorry I'll go back to my room” I tell him getting up

  “Fuck, just sit down and finish your breakfast” I watch as he goes and gets bread and pops it in the toaster and when it’s done he sits down next to me and I move over but he moves closer again and we eat in silence. Colt looks at me and stands up and I flinch still waiting to be punished for not doing what I was told “No one is going to hurt you Niya, you want a juice” he asks but I shake my head no

  “Why am I here Colt?”

  “You know why your here”

  “Am I really supposed to pay his debt by just cleaning and cooking and stop calling me babe” I raise my voice a little louder

  “That's up to Razor baby” I give him the evil eye, stand up and go to wash my bowl, but Colt takes it from me

  “Give me that babe I got it”

  “Stop calling me babe and I can wash my own bowl thank you” I say feeling a little brave, he chuckles and watches me wash my bowl than dry it and put it away

  “What do I do now?” I ask unsure of what to do

  “It's breakfast baby you cook breakfast” I frown at him

  “For who?”

  “For the guys who live here at the clubhouse” I frown at him

  “How many guys live here?”

  “Eight at the moment, but all of us have rooms here plus the seven club-whores”

  “I have to cook for the whores to”

  “Nah just us guys”

  “Fine what do you guys eat” he laughs

  “Baby where men we eat pussy” I roll my eyes (pig)

  “Well I'm sorry but I can't cook that, so what do you want” he laughs again

  “Just bacon and eggs will do” I go to the huge fridge and get everything I need, I've always enjoyed cooking, just not on the scale of these guys. I stop and try to think of how much I should cook when I feel Colt come up behind me.

  “You know how to cook right” I roll my eyes and turn to face him

  “Yes, I know how to cook I just don't know how much to cook”

  “Just cook what's there, trust me we eat a lot” I look at the three packets of bacon and about two dozen eggs

  “All of it” he nods his head and I shrug my shoulders

  “Alright if you say so, but if I get in trouble for cooking all of this, I'm blaming you” he laughs again and slaps me on the ass making me scream and I turn rubbing my ass and give him the evil eye but he just laughs harder

  “And don't forget the coffee” he says as he walks out the door (asshole, gorgeous gorgeous asshole)


  Colt comes and gets me each morning and I help him and Stryker clean the clubhouse, I cook every morning and night. I’ve become a seamstress and an occasional bar tender and waitress and a cleaner. I watch the guys carefully wondering when I'll have to do more but so far, the guys have been good, at first, I was scared shitless of them and refused to talk unless one of them asked me a direct question. I'd meet a few of the women or Old Ladies as the guys call them and a few girlfriends. I spent most of my time with Colt and Stryker who I found out are Prospecting for the club earning their way by doing anything any of the members asked, I felt sorry for them but Colt and Stryker told me they do it because they'd do anything to be members. I didn't get it but they were happy to do it, me on the other hand hated cleaning up after the guys had parties. The first time I picked up a used condom of the floor was so distressing I threw up for about an hour, even thinking about it made me sick. The jizz in the rubber leaking out onto my hand (oh god the horror) Colt and Stryker laughed there asses off for about just as long as I threw up. But Colt was great going out and getting me one of those hand grabbers so I could clean without the worry of touching another used condom again, shit like that stays with you forever and I mean forever.

  Getting to know Colt and Stryker was great, I'd found out that they were only two years older than me and that Stryker
and Colt had been friends from when they were ten. I loved watching the two together, how they gave each other shit and just had this flow to their friendship. Something I've never had, having never really having any friends growing up. I found out that we had gone to the same high school, I was only there for a few years when my dad pulled me out to be home schooled but I still remember the most popular guy in school Scott Petersen. I remember Scott Petersen and his friends had gotten into a huge fight at school and even me the social outcast new when the popular kids did something, everyone knew about it and it turned out that it was Stryker and Colt who were the other half of the story and I wish that I had known them back then.

  “No way that was you”

  “Yep fucker pushed me into the lockers for screwing his girl”

  “Oh my god you slept with Julie Moore”

  “Yeah” he said with a big smile

  “No wonder he started a fight, he was totally in love with her”

  “Did you know them?”

  “Not personally, but who didn't know the two most popular kids in school”

  “Yeah well”

  “You know she started to date Devon Collins two months later”

  “Always new she was a slut”

  “Oh, Stryker that's a horrible thing to say about a girl”

  “What that she was a slut?”

  “Yes, just because she slept with a couple of guys”

  “More like the entire school” Colt says and I frown at him

  “Yeah well that doesn’t mean you can call her a slut”

  “Why? She was”

  “Oh, so it's ok for a guy to sleep with twenty girls and he's a stud, but a girl doesn’t it and she's a slut how is that fair”

  “Didn't say it was fair it's just the way it is”

  “Yeah well this is the twenty-first century and women can sleep with as many men as they want and shouldn't be called horrible names for it why a guy is praised for it”

  “Oh yeah how many men have you fucked Niya” I immediately go red

  “Oh, is that a blush, is little Niya a virgin” I give Stryker the finger and he laughs

  “I think she is Colt” Stryker says, Colt looks at me and gives me a wink (god kill me now)

  Getting to know the guys was slow but I was slowly getting there, it was when they were having fuck-fests in the main room was when I wished I wasn't there. The amount of times I'd come out of my room to get a drink or something to eat at night and find one or more of them fucking some women up against something. Friday nights especially were the worst women from town would come to the club looking for a good time. I remember one night I could hear yelling and laughing getting louder and louder, I opened the door to see what was going on and made my way out to the main room when I saw the guys all in a circle, I made my way to the front and froze Tucker and Cuff had Smoky and Pixie on their knees in front of them competing to see which girl could suck them off faster, the guys all placing bets encouraging the girls

  “You wanna try Niya” Gunner asks me and I gave him the finger and went back to my bedroom, all the guys laughing their asses off but making me smile

  Razor’s wife or Old lady Maggie came by daily to check on me, she was sweet and even showed me how to cook some recipes. So, when the club had their summer cook outs, I could help more. She insisted on taking me out shopping for clothes, Razor had already had the boys clear out my old house, so I got my things my dad’s car and money I had stashed. One-week Maggie announced that the clubhouse was no place for me and took me to her and Razor’s house, he grumbled about it but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

  So, by the third month of living in the clubhouse I now lived in Razor and Maggie’s house a couple of miles away, it was a big four bedrooms ranch house with a large living areas huge kitchen and a wraparound porch on a couple of acres of land. Maggie said the land had been in Razor’s family for generation, I think my mom would have loved Maggie as a friend, I know I have in the short time I'd known her. I still had to go to the clubhouse every day to help Stryker and Colt, but I had freedom I never had from my father and to tell the truth I like all of the guys a lot more than I ever did my father.

  After hanging some washing on the line, I decided to sit and read, Colt comes up and sits in the fold out chair next to me. I turn and look at him (god he's so good looking) I blush almost immediately and put my head down in my book so he can't see the dreams of have of him play over in my head as I look at him so I keep my head down because every time I looked at him I got wet.

  “Hay babe what are reading” He still called me babe or baby and even though I kept telling him to stop, he never did plus I secretly liked it

  “Pride and Prejudice” I tell him

  “Pride and what?” Colt asks

  “You've never heard of Pride and Prejudice”

  “No who's it by?”

  “OMG Colt you've never heard of the most romantic book ever apart from the notebook”

  “Are they chick books”

  “Chick books”

  “Yeah you know where the guy is a pussy and does everything the women wants” I roll my eyes at him

  “No Colt their romance books, you know like Romeo and Juliet”

  “Didn't those two, die in the end, how in the fuck is that romantic”

  “Aw, you’re such a guy”

  “What? babe give me guns and ammo any day over any chick book”

  “Ok now you’re just being dumb Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice is one of the best books and movies ever”

  “Why you reading the book if you can just watch the movie?”

  “Oh My God seriously Colt, how many books have you read in your life”

  “Um I had to read that book oh what’s it called about that girl who hid in the wall with her family during the war”

  “The story of Anne Frank”

  “Yep that’s it”

  “That’s it that’s the only book you've read”

  “Well not so much read perused a little maybe”

  “Perused a little... nothing else”

  “Babe I’m a guy we don’t read romance girlie books”

  “Colt you can learn a lot of things from romance books”

  “Baby unless they've got tips on how to lick pussy than I'm not interested not that I need that I got a wicked tongue” I instantly get wet with just the thought of what his tongue can do and I look at his mouth and cringe when he licks his lips (fuck busted)

  “There are books out there for guys you know adventure, crime, true stories”

  “Yeah well readings not my thing, now give me a great movie to watch with loads of action guns blood and explosions than I'm there if not forget it”

  “You’re such a guy”

  “You know it baby” he says and winks at me, just than the door to the club house opens and Razors on his phone yelling at someone

  “Better go baby see ya later” he leans over and kisses my cheek making the blush reappear and I instantly feel wetter, (god I love it when he kisses me) its only ever been on the cheek but every kiss hits me straight to the heart and some were else that's now drenched.

  “FUUUUK” I hear Razor yell “Niya come on sweetheart Maggie's got dinner ready”

  “Ok I'm ready” as we drive home I can see Razors on edge 'pardon the pun'

  “You ok Razor”

  “No darlin' fuckin' Dover out sick and the fucks at the IRS are doing and audit”

  “An audit”


  “Is that usual”

  “No, it's fuckin' not”

  “Do you need help I'm great with maths you know”

  “Nah I'll handle it”

  “Razor I want to help and if I still have to pay off my dad’s debt than I can help with the books at least please you've been so good to me”

  “Darlin' you work at the club your debts being paid”

  “I know you say that but I cost more to feed and clothe.... please Ra

  “Darlin’” I stare out the window

  “You don’t trust me” he looks at me

  “Niya it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s the clubs’ business books”

  “I know, please Razor let me help, I want to I promise I won’t mess up and I’ll even make sure Dover checks it”


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