In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3)

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In Case of Death (The Adventures of Gabriel Celtic Book 3) Page 21

by J. T. Lewis

  “This guy matches the general description we have of Bill Jones. Among other things, he had purchased a shipping tube from them the day before the explosion. We found a tube matching the one purchased under the assassin’s bed.”

  Allen nodded, looking over the picture before eyeing me suspiciously. “Lucky call scoping out that delivery service,” he said flatly.

  Opening another folder, he pulled out two pictures of his own, passing both of them and the security photo of Bill around the room.

  “That would match with this other piece of evidence it seems. We found a set of plans for Raven’s house stuck behind the furnace, including directions on where to park the truck. There were also instructions on where to find the materials needed, and how much of everything he would need to build the bomb.”

  “Percy Vogel has the prints at the moment, trying to glean any other information that may be hidden on the paper,” Allen continued.

  “The other one there is a sketch of our perp,” Allen added, “garnered from descriptions from Jessica Jordan and a few others.”

  The sketch revealed a dark-haired man, average looking in every way save for a defined cleft in his chin. I would be hard pressed to pick him out in a crowd.

  Concentrating on his notes for a few moments while the rest of us studied the pictures, he suddenly asked, “Anyone got anything else?”

  No one spoke as the room remained silent.

  “Well then,” Allen said, “That only leaves one question.”

  Looking up from the folder suddenly, he slammed it shut loudly with the palm of his hand.

  “How do we find this bastard?”

  Chapter 69

  September 27, 1999

  Abby and I decided to go over to Percy Vogel’s underground lair and see if he had come up with anything we could use to find our elusive Bill Jones.

  As usual, when we entered Percy’s lab, it took a few moments for our eyes to adjust to the ultra dark environment. Pools of light glowed directly over multiple lab tables, while the rest of the lab was dark as pitch.

  I caught movement off to my right, as a ghostly apparition made its way across the lab. The white, knee-length lab coat was the lone item we could make out, Percy’s black pants giving the illusion that the coat was floating through the air by itself.

  “Who is that?” we finally heard as he spotted visitors.

  “Well, if it isn’t the beautiful Gabriela Tran!” Percy gushed as he sauntered over to our location, “And the indomitable Gabriel Celtic! To what do I owe this honor, this honor?” he asked, repeating the phrase as he was apt to do.

  “We need to look at any findings you have on the Alonzo Gates’ case,” I announced as he first hugged Abby and then shook my hand.

  “Well,” he started, turning and waving his hand for us to follow. “I’ve not completed my testing yet of course, but I may have a couple of tidbits that you might find interesting, find interesting.”

  Stopping at a table, I noticed the house plans spread out under the bright light.

  “There are some interesting things I found on these plans. Nothing in the way of fingerprints or DNA unfortunately, but take a look at these.”

  Percy pointed to multiple places on the paper and I leaned in close to make out what he was indicating

  “Tape?” I asked as I realized what he had been pointing to.

  “An abundant amount of tape!” Percy exclaimed with a smile, “Every two inches across the page in four rows, on every page but the first five and the very last, the very last.”

  “Hmmm,” I gave his pronouncement some thought, “I’m at a loss… do you know what it means?”

  “Indeed!” Percy exclaimed, “I found residue that indicates that it was currency. Apparently that was the way your mastermind paid his help…at least in this instance.”

  “That’s awesome!” Abby nearly shouted, “Ingenious really.”

  Nodding, Percy then waved us over to another table. As I walked over, I noticed a laminated map of the world behind this table, with red and green pins piercing various locations around the world. Many had strings attached to them, with most of these ending in Germany.

  “What have you got there Percy?” I asked as I tried to make out a pattern.

  “Oh that,” he intoned excitedly as he looked over his shoulder at the map. “As you know, my mother passed not too long ago, and I find that I have an ample amount of extra time on my hands. So as a hobby, I have been delving into the world of conspiracy theories in my spare time. There are so many out there that I thought maybe I could prove or disprove a couple.”

  Everyone knew Percy was a genius, the wall full of diplomas in his office just one indication. If anyone could prove whether a conspiracy was true or not, it would be Percy.

  “Interesting,” I mumbled as I stared at the map, my interest in the pins scattered around the world suddenly piercing my imagination. So much so, that I barely heard Percy when he started describing another finding.

  “What? I’m sorry Percy; I didn’t hear what you just said.”

  “Not a problem Gabriel, you seemed very intent on the map.”

  Looking back at the laminated world view, I muttered, “Yes…for some odd reason, it intrigues me.”

  Shaking off my reverie, I turned fully toward the lab table in front of Percy. “So, you found something else?

  “Indeed!” he exclaimed excitedly. “Histplasma capsulatum to be exact.”

  “Histpla what?” Abby asked, her face showing her confusion.

  “Histplasma capsulatum my dear girl, it’s a mold spore common to Indiana, as well as most of the Midwestern and southern parts of the United States. It’s a fungus found in the soil in these areas, and lately has been associated with bird and bat droppings also. It can cause a condition called Histoplasmosis, a respiratory condition that usually doesn’t affect a healthy human, only those very young or with a compromised immune system. For most of us, it is of little concern.”

  “It doesn’t sound like that’s very useful information,” I mumbled, hoping he would prove me wrong.

  “Au contraire my intrepid detective, it gives us a lot of information in this particular case, at least in a limited way, a limited way”

  Walking over to another map showing the State of Indiana, he took a marker and circled an area south of Indianapolis.

  “There has been a recent increase in the spore count in the Greensburg, IN area due to a clearing of some large wooded areas for development. It’s not a precise indicator mind you, but I would guess that with the concentration of the spore that I found on some of the tape’s adhesive, your perpetrator probably lives close by. I would also surmise by some of the other pollen spores that I discovered in the sample, that your man lives in a wooded area, probably next to the area being cleared.”

  I grinned. It was the best news I had heard in days!

  “That’s great!” Abby exclaimed, holding her fist out in front of Percy, who promptly “bumped” it with a smile.

  “Glad to be of service my dear!”

  Looking at me again, “Hopefully it narrows your search area some. Of course I could be off in my assumptions, but I would hazard that you may still have a wide region to look at. I’m sorry I don’t have anything more definitive for you at the moment.”

  Shaking my old friend’s hand in appreciation, “That’s what we get paid for my friend. We’ll see what we can do with the information you have found already!”

  Feeling lighter than we had in weeks, we said our goodbyes and left the lab.

  It felt like a good day to do some research!

  “Your neck bothering you again?” Abby asked as we left the lab.

  “Yep,” I exclaimed as I rubbed the burning skin again, “It’s been burning like crazy.

  Stopping midstride, Abby unceremoniously pushed my head down and looked at the back of my neck.

  “Your mark is glowing again….bright blue,” she stated while releasing my head.

“How long has it been doing it this time?” She asked with concern on her face.

  “Ever since I looked at Percy’s pin-filled map,” I answered with confusion.

  Chapter 70

  September 28, 1999

  “This area here,” Abby explained as she pointed to the map, “Is my first choice of locations.”

  Circling another area with her marker, “But it could be here also I don’t know. The prevailing winds are out of the west, which would point to this first location. If Bill’s house is very close to the area being cleared however, this area on the west side still has possibilities.”

  Abby reminded me of a teacher as she stood in front of the map, expounding on her theories as Preacher and I huddled around her. Scouting out the area around Greensburg, Abby had found one large development where there was clearing being done of a wooded area for a future factory. Situated on the northeast edge of town, this area was now covered with a multitude of red X’s on her map, while the search areas were circled on each side of it.

  “This is great having a place to start looking and all, but how will we be able to tell what we are looking at when we see it?” Preacher asked seriously. “How are we going to know if we have found Bill Jones’ house unless we observe someone that generally matches the sketch that we have? We can’t just jump everyone that has dark hair and a cleft chin!”

  Abby and I were stumped at Preacher’s question. Looking back toward the map once more Abby studied it intently, biting her lip as she seemed to be making a decision.

  “I vote we head here and start,” indicating the larger wooded area to the East. “My information indicates that this area has higher-end housing. Since we know Bill is rolling in dough, I say we stake out some of the opulent houses. Maybe we ask around. We know that he travels a lot, and since his victims are mostly regional, he would undoubtedly be driving a car. Could be we could get some info from local garages or convenience stores about someone that drives a lot of miles in the area that matches our sketch.”

  “I definitely think you two should head up there, but we need to coordinate with Nate. I’d like to know that you wouldn’t be picked up by the locals for suspicious behavior or loitering or something.”

  “He’ll probably want to go you know,” Abby said with a tight smile, probably unsure how I would react to her suggestion.

  “Take him!” I exclaimed, “We need to catch this guy, and we have agreed to play nice with the Prosecutor’s Office. Preacher can drive his own car and you can stay in touch by cell.”

  Her grin told me she agreed with my assessment. It also told me she was probably looking forward to spending time with her beau.

  “What will you be up to while we are gone,” Abby questioned as she started to make a big pot of coffee for the trip.

  “Raven wants to see me,” I replied. “She wants to upgrade her security when she rebuilds her house, so we will be going over her plans.”

  “Ahhhh…” Abby started, winding up to what I knew would follow. “A midmorning tryst in the guise of work!”

  Preacher snickered at her suggestion, and I gave him the evil eye before addressing my daughter.

  “Must you see passion in every mention of my friends, kid? It’s getting quite annoying you know!”

  Crossing the kitchen quickly, she wrapped her arms around me in a hug, whispering in my ear, “It’s cause I love you, and I wanna see you happy.”

  Pulling back then and looking me in the eye, “And maybe then you wouldn’t be so grumpy all of the time!”

  Preacher spit out his coffee over that one.


  I was still smiling at Abby’s antics when I pulled into the service driveway at Raven’s house. Since the back of her house had survived the blast, Raven had set up her living quarters there, having to now survive in a mere 10 rooms.

  Since Raven had refused to leave her home, I had hired additional security. Using off-duty policemen from the area, there was now always at least two men on patrol at her property at all times. Raven had insisted that May also stay at her house until the danger had passed. Although she had indeed been staying there, we had secretly spirited her out of the house the day before so she could visit her son in Iowa. She would be returning tomorrow.

  James answered the door on the first knock. Although still stiff when presenting himself, I could sense a softening of his attitude toward me as of late. Brothers in arms I guessed, having both survived the attack. I certainly thought more of him after learning of his protectiveness of the girls during the explosion.

  Holding out my hand, I offered it to him in friendship. “Good to see you James.”

  Unaccustomed to familiarity by Raven’s guests, he was momentarily taken aback. After a few moments however, a small smile formed on his lips as he gripped my hand firmly.

  “You as well Mr. Celtic.”

  “Please, call me Gabe.”

  “Very well…Gabe. Please come in, Mrs. Forester is expecting you.”

  Leading me into the Solarium, I found Raven pouring over plans at the table. Jumping up when she spied me, she rushed over and gave me a tight hug, pulling away enough then to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “You are a sight for sore eyes!”

  Unsure of how to respond, I merely smiled as she turned and led me to the table by the hand.

  The coffee service was set up on a rolling table beside Raven’s chair, and she wasted no time in pouring me a cup and setting it in front of me.

  She immediately started in on the plans, her excitement for the project apparent. She had already had a detailed set of prints drawn up for the new house. Although the outside façade would look little different from the old structure, the interior would be vastly changed as she eliminated the ‘Great Hall’, which she said she had never liked anyway.

  “This is quite a house you’re building Raven,” I exclaimed two hours later when we had finished going over the new security.

  “I love it!” she gushed, flipping the plans closed again running her fingers along the edge of the paper longingly. “I can’t wait to get started!”

  Thinking about her grandiose plans reminded me of the profile we had put together for finding the mysterious Bill Jones. On impulse, I gave her the outline of what we had found out from Percy, as well as Abby’s research on the two areas we would search. Telling her we were concentrating on the upscale area as our primary focus, her smile turned tight as she listened to the theory. She seemed to be mulling something over in her mind.

  “Would you excuse me for a few seconds?” she asked quietly, standing quickly and leaving the room before I had a chance to answer.

  I was getting a little worried before she returned ten minutes later, carrying an old spiral-bound notebook.

  “I’m sorry it took so long, I had forgotten where I kept this.”

  Setting the notebook on the table, I noticed that the cover had been covered in duct tape, the whole of the face covered in black from a marker.

  “This was my life when I was 12,” she said softly, a tear now making its way down her face. Looking around to make sure that we were alone, she scooted her chair closer to me and looked into my eyes seriously.

  “I’ve never told anyone this,” she sighed quietly, taking my right hand in hers and holding it to her chest, “As I’ve never let anyone look into my journal…my life from that time.”

  I felt an uneasiness as she talked, not sure if I wanted to hear what she was apparently getting ready to tell me.

  Squeezing her eyes shut tightly for a few seconds, she opened them again and looked at me sadly, tears brimming at the edges.

  “I was abused…sexually…when I was twelve Gabe. My dad…”

  My heart sank as her words and her tears both spilled out of her soul. Not knowing what to say, I reached out to her, wrapping her in my arms as she started quietly sobbing.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered into her ear.

  Not knowing how else to help, I held her to me for the t
en minutes it took her to grieve, my heart breaking at her sadness.

  Sitting up suddenly, she found a tissue and dabbed at her eyes as she took some deep breaths to calm herself.

  “I’m sorry to burden you with this,” she sighed sadly, turning away to blow her nose quietly before continuing.

  “It’s ancient history, and I had a point to make…it’s just…”

  Pulling her close again, I shushed her quietly, letting her know she didn’t need to explain.

  “Anyway…” she started, sitting up fully now and wiping away the tears. “Like I said…I had a point.”

  Pulling the journal close, she placed both hands upon it.

  “When all of this happened…the abuse…the money problems…it changed me as you can imagine.”

  Sniffing, she opened the journal.

  “Our relationship suffered for it as you know, as did many others that I had over the years. But I wasn’t as bad as I would have been had my mom not found out about what was going on. To her credit, she stepped in this one time to change things. She took a butcher knife to my dad’s throat, telling him if he ever touched me again it would be the last thing he ever did. She stopped the abuse, and even got me help. Had it not been for her intervention, I do believe I would have been much different than I am today.”

  Looking up at me, “I’m not trying to excuse myself for how I treated you Gabe, I can never make that up to you. The point I am trying to make however, is that if the abuse had continued, the world of opulence I live in now may not have been as important to me.”

  Flipping back several pages in the journal, Raven stopped at a page filled with drawings. Moving the book in front of me, she pointed to one particular sketch.

  “This was my dream house then.”

  I looked at my friend closely before moving my eyes to the sketch. Her determined look told me I needed to look at this.

  What I saw was a crude cutaway sketch of what I would guess would be a normal looking ranch house. Drawn in underneath the house however, was what appeared to be a multileveled basement of some sort?


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