Eternal Brand

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Eternal Brand Page 14

by Sami Lee

  “Not afraid, just wary.”

  “Don’t be. Daisy won’t bite, will you, Dais?” The horse whinnied as though in agreement when Brand stroked her muzzle.

  “It’s not the teeth I’m wary of, it’s the hooves.”

  Brand remembered Jet telling him the story of how his mother’s old mare had kicked him when he was a boy, how he’d had a bruise that had hung around for a month.

  Just the concept of Jet being hurt that way sent a chill through Brand, and he almost relented. Then some urge made him say, “Come on, get over here. If you give Daisy her carrot, she’ll love you forever.”

  “In my experience it takes much more than that to get a woman to love you.”

  Brand’s curiosity was piqued by the comment. Had some woman rejected Jet’s love? It seemed unfathomable. Then Brand reminded himself he’d turned down what Jet had offered him more than once. Asking about Jet’s past loves became potentially explosive, so he remained silent as Jet ventured into the stable.

  Jet stood in front of Daisy’s stall and looked the animal over. He sighed and held out his hand. “All right, give me the damn carrot.”

  Brand’s lips twitched as he drew Daisy’s treat out of his back pocket and handed it to Jet. “Be gentle with her.”


  Brand sensed the tension in Jet’s shoulders as he held the carrot in his open hand. Daisy plucked the vegetable up as delicately as she could with her big horsey teeth, as though sensing Jet’s reluctance too. When the feeding went off so successfully, Jet grinned and ventured to stroke Daisy between the ears.

  Brand was inordinately pleased to see Jet’s smile, and couldn’t help the way his own lips curved. “Not so bad, was it?”

  Jet showed him a rueful expression. “You must think I’m pathetic, being skittish of a perfectly harmless horse.”

  “Fuck no.” Brand felt his smile disappear. “You’re the bravest man I’ve ever known.”

  “Don’t bullshit me. You were a commando for Christ’s sake.”

  “Different kind of bravery. That’s all about training and being able to blank your mind when you have to. You’re never blank. You care about people—even all those foster kids that came through your house growing up. You were never afraid to show them you cared. You know the risks and yet you take them anyway. That’s bravery.”

  Brand entered Daisy’s stall on the pretense of checking her hay supply. What he really needed was to escape Jet’s suddenly sharp scrutiny. He’d revealed the depth of respect he’d always held for the other man, and suddenly he felt exposed. And that’s the opposite of bravery, Walker, you giant chickenshit.

  “You should let us take you out on Duke,” he said, trying to deflect attention from his declarations. “He’s a perfect ride for beginners. Too experienced to be tetchy at every unfamiliar noise and too lazy to do anything but follow Daisy wherever she goes.”

  “I could try that I guess. Assuming I stay.”

  Brand’s heart stopped. Simply screeched to a halt in his chest. He concentrated on stroking Daisy’s neck, using the delay to force his voice into a conversational tone. “You have another assignment to get to?”

  “Nothing concrete, but I need to take pictures if I want to eat. I was thinking I could take a few more around here, do some work on spec, but I guess that depends.”

  Brand flicked him a glance. “On?”

  “You,” Jet said, his gaze clinging. “You and Emily.”

  Brand gave Daisy a last pat then left the stall. His heart had started up again and was pounding a frantic rhythm as he slowly approached Jet. “You want to stay on here a while longer, is that it?”

  “If I’m welcome.”

  Brand’s cock was feeling pretty damn welcoming at the mere suggestion. But even as his erection grew his palms started to sweat. Open-ended meant what exactly? Anywhere between another week and forever?

  Forever? No way. Not an option.

  Brand’s mind careened away from the prospect. Surely Jet knew he wasn’t forever material. Brand had failed him too many times before. No, what Jet wanted was what any red-blooded male would want in this situation. More of the incredible sex he, Brand and Emily had been having for the past week.

  Brand tamped down the momentary panic. Like Jet had said, he had to take pictures if he wanted to eat. His chosen career required travel, so forever wasn’t an option for him either. Open-ended simply meant for now. Three people didn’t live together in some happy-ever-after haze, and Jet knew it. Even Emily had to realize that.

  No, what they had was sex. A special, one-of-a-kind combination of lust, mutual respect and old and new friendships that was ultimately just sex. Understandably, Jet didn’t want it to end in a hurry.

  Neither did Brand. He was steel-hard at the mere prospect. As for Emily’s response, he was fairly certain he could predict it. He lifted a hand to cup the back of Jet’s head. “Emily is so damn hot for you. She won’t say no.”

  Jet’s lips tilted. “We already talked about it.”

  “Should have known.”

  Jet and Emily got along like a house on fire and seemed to be in sync on so many issues. Brand might have been wary of letting their friendship grow too close, but he enjoyed watching them together too much to try to stop their relationship from developing. They were both so damn sweet with their open souls and their growing list of private jokes. If occasionally their easy camaraderie made Brand feel left out… Well, that was a feeling he was used to. He could handle it so they could be happy.

  “What about you?” Jet’s question brought Brand back to the subject at hand. “Are you so hot for me you won’t say no?”

  Brand’s gaze dropped from Jet’s smoldering gaze to his lips. “All I can think about right now is sinking my hard-on into that talented mouth of yours. Does that answer your question?”

  Jet released a breath, and it shuddered into the space between them. “Do it. Your impassioned bravery speech has me feeling generous.”

  Brand winced. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “I know, but it was the truth. I know when you’re being completely honest because you get that terrified look in your eye.”

  “You’ve always gotta push, don’t you, Durante?”

  Jet showed him that shit-eating grin. “It’s in my nature.”

  “I know what else is in your nature.” Brand swiped his lips across Jet’s, then grazed his lower lip with his teeth. “Sucking cock. Why don’t you do what comes natural?”

  “Why don’t you make me?”

  “My fucking pleasure.”

  Brand took Jet’s mouth in a savage kiss. Jet wrapped his arms around his torso and hung on as Brand angled Jet’s head and ate at his lips. He backed them up until they slammed against the stable wall, where Brand pressed into Jet and devoured him.

  He tasted so damn good, a salty-sweet tang of mingled submission and triumph that was all Jet. Brand was lost in his flavor, in the passion between them that never seemed to die, until Jet turned his head and gasped for breath.

  “Jesus, Brand. Keep kissing me like that and I’ll offer.”

  Brand dipped his head and nipped at Jet’s throat. “You always like it better when I take. Why is that?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m comfortable with it.” He paused. Then, “So is Emily. You can be more of yourself with her. She’ll handle it.”

  Brand lifted his head and stared into Jet’s eyes. More of himself. What did that even mean? Emily wanted more of the empty blackness in his soul? She wanted him to unleash the occasionally violent instincts that reminded him he was his father’s son?

  Emily and Jet, so alike. So blind in their faith. Neither of them knew what they were asking, but right now Brand didn’t feel like pointing out their misguided intentions. Jet wanted the man who took first and asked questions later? That was something h
e could give him.

  “No more talking. I have better uses for your mouth.” With a couple of taut movements, Brand lowered his fly and pulled out his swollen cock. “On your knees, Durante.”

  Excitement flashed in Jet’s eyes as he did as he was told. Why a man who was so damned strong and stubborn got off on being bossed around had always been a mystery to Brand, but the truth was he loved it too. Loved being able to dominate someone like Jet, maybe because he was so damn strong and stubborn. It meant more to conquer him than a woman like Emily, who was already so giving.

  He didn’t want to conquer Emily, he only wanted… “Ah, fuck!”

  All thought sped away as Jet opened for him. Brand sank partway into the heaven that was Jet’s mouth, Jet’s smart-aleck, all-knowing mouth. Jet licked around his cock head, then twirled his tongue around the circumference of Brand’s shaft. His talents teased Brand to higher levels of arousal, but Brand didn’t want teasing. He wanted the mind-numbing blankness that came with the intense pleasure he knew Jet could give him.

  He sank his fingers into Jet’s hair and held him in place, prizing his jaw open so could bury his cock deep to the back of Jet’s throat. “Oh, yeah, take it like that. Take all of me.”

  Brand looked down, having always loved to watch Jet blow him. Jet’s gaze didn’t waver as it held Brand’s. He opened wide and swallowed him whole, holding on to his shaft and balls as he sucked him hard. Brand rocked into him, pushed him, but Jet took everything like he wanted everything and much more.


  Despite being the sexual top in their relationship, Brand had never felt as in command as he appeared when it came to Jet. He thrust in ever more frantic motions. It didn’t take long before the liquid heat gathered momentum, and he knew he was going to lose it. He growled, “Get ready to swallow my come. I’ve got a load of it all for you.”

  Jet moaned in anticipation, the vibration in his throat making Brand’s cock shudder with delight. Jet flicked his tongue, squeezed Brand’s balls, sucked him with relentless pressure until Brand had no restraint left. He climaxed in a blinding flash of ecstasy, letting out a long, low groan as Jet eagerly drank what he released.

  It was only afterward, when his limbs were jelly and the fog of lust cleared from his mind, that Brand realized what he’d done. He’d let Jet get him off when Emily wasn’t around, the first time that had happened in the week Jet had been here. On every occasion it had been the three of them—until now.

  Jet stood and wrapped an arm around Brand’s shoulders, holding him close in his weakened state. “Man, I can’t get enough of doing that to you.”

  Brand’s lips curved against Jet’s throat. “That’s because you like being on your knees.”

  “Or because I like bringing you to yours.”

  Jet stroked the short hairs at Brand’s nape, while Brand remained quiet, not refuting the idea that Jet mastered him most of the time. He couldn’t. He was the one whose limbs weren’t functional at the moment.

  Eventually, Brand straightened and tucked his now flaccid dick back into his jeans. Jet watched him pensively. “You never tell me where your mind goes. Afterwards I mean. What do you think about?”

  “This time? About Emily.” Brand tilted his lips ruefully. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. She has a way of sticking in your mind.” Jet continued to study Brand with that same shrewd look that saw too much. “I don’t think she’d object to what we did.”

  Christ. How did the man always know how to read him? “Guess I feel like I should have checked first.”

  “Should I check if I want to fuck Emily while you’re not around?”

  Brand stilled. “Do you?”

  “The woman turns me on like nobody’s business. I’ve stopped myself a couple of times because I wasn’t sure if you’re both okay with it.”

  Maybe a normal guy would have felt possessive at the idea of another man wanting to have sex with his girlfriend. Brand had never figured himself as normal, so he didn’t struggle too hard with the fact it turned him on instead. Emily and Jet were spectacular together. How could he object to something so perfect? Something that made them both happy?

  “Other than being disappointed to miss the show, I guess I’m all right with it. But it’s Emily you should be asking.”

  Jet grinned. “Oh, I will.”

  Brand couldn’t help returning the smile. “Cheeky bastard, aren’t ya?”

  “Horny bastard, more like.” Jet adjusted his jeans pointedly. “How long am I going to have to wait to get my situation resolved, huh?”

  “Not too long.” Brand cupped the bulge behind Jet’s fly. “But I like the idea of you sitting all through dinner with a giant boner. Maybe afterward I’ll tell Emily to suck it for you while I watch. Tell her she can’t use her hands just to make it tricky.”

  “Sadistic prick,” Jet complained, even as he thrust his hips into Brand’s touch.

  “Nah. I just know what you like.” Giving Jet one final squeeze, Brand released him. “Let’s head inside. I need a shower.”

  “And I didn’t need the mental picture of you in the shower, thanks very much,” Jet groused.

  Brand laughed, feeling buoyant as he rarely felt. Jet had always made him forget himself that way, made him laugh and feel good, until he felt so good Brand got scared and did a disappearing act.

  Not this time. Jet would be the one to leave, as he would have to eventually for his job. A slight change in the pattern which wouldn’t change the ultimate outcome. With him and Jet, the timing was always off. They’d never been able to work as a couple, but as mates and lovers they worked just fine.

  Brand couldn’t resist taking what he could get while it was on offer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next two weeks passed in a blur of passion and laughter that had Emily surfing on Cloud Nine. When Brand had suggested Jet stay on at Mulholland even after his photography assignment was finished, Emily had agreed with enthusiasm. She loved having Jet around, but she’d figured she might have her work cut out for her convincing Brand to ask him to stay. To have Brand bring the idea to her as a fait accompli was more than she’d dared hope for.

  And it had to mean Brand was happy with the way things were, which was all she wanted for him. Happiness. Completion. She’d noticed he was smiling more, laughing on a semiregular basis. It did her soul good.

  As for what went on in the bedroom…suffice it to say she was one very satisfied woman. Brand had always been a wonderful lover, but since Jet had arrived something had changed in their lovemaking. It wasn’t merely the fact there was another person in bed with them. Brand had become more explicit about what he wanted. He didn’t hold back from telling her what would please him, and oftentimes what pleased him was to watch her make love to Jet.

  Emily turned off the shower taps, the warm water having suddenly grown too hot for her flushed skin. A mental picture of the night before flickered through her mind as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel.

  Brand had lain on his side, propped on one elbow to study her every move. He’d told her how to touch Jet, how fast and deep to take him in her mouth. Then when she’d been overcome by her own needs and she’d straddled Jet, Brand’s huskily issued instructions had kept her movements slow. And when Jet had taken her breasts in his mouth, it had been Brand who’d told him how to work his tongue, when to use his teeth.

  A fresh wave of arousal washed over Emily at the memory. Having Brand be so dominant was crazy hot, but just as exciting was having Jet beneath her, his gaze clinging to hers as she rode him, his hands shaping her breasts, his mouth possessing hers in that final moment when they both shattered. The man was every bit as compelling as Brand.

  It’s possible you like him a tad too much, Emily. He’s not going to hang around forever.

  She was jolted from her thoughts w
hen the man in question knocked on the bathroom door. “You fallen down the drain hole in there? I thought you wanted to get to Billings early.”

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Emily quickly dried her hair, then wrapped the towel around her body once more. Business was always a bit slower in winter, but they had picked up two more clients looking for long-term accommodation for their horses. The vital expenses were taken care of, and there were enough tourists looking for an exciting beach ride to provide money for extra things.

  Like new clothes. Less than a week out from Penny’s party, and Emily had nothing to wear but jeans and dirty boots. Yesterday she’d mentioned needing to take a trip into Billings to buy something party appropriate, and Jet had said he needed some new filter lenses for his camera so they’d agreed to go together.

  Securing the towel between her breasts, Emily opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam. Jet was waiting in the hallway. When she emerged his eyes tracked over her in open appreciation. “On second thought, don’t hurry. You should walk around here like that for a while.”

  “Ha ha. We do need to get moving. If you drive into Billings after ten a.m. on a weekday, you can forget getting a parking space in the main street.”

  Emily strode across the hall to the bedroom and started going through her drawers. She found bra and panties and tossed them on the bed. She was about to remove the towel when she saw Jet standing in the doorway, watching her.

  She arched a brow. “Do you mind?”

  He flashed her a grin. “Not at all.”

  “You really are a pervert.”

  Emily whipped off the towel and tossed it at Jet’s face. He caught it easily and held it in both hands. From the corner of her eye she noticed the way his grip tightened on it when she bent over to step into her white satin panties.

  Filled with a wicked desire to tease him, Emily took her time hooking up her bra and adjusting her breasts in the lace-edged cups. Then she walked to the dresser and started brushing her hair, something she might ordinarily have done after she’d pulled on the rest of her clothes. She felt Jet’s hot gaze on her as she smoothed the brush over her long strands with deliberately slow strokes.


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