Take Heart

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Take Heart Page 8

by Smith, Lauren


  She’s right, but she doesn’t need to know that. I’m also trying not to get my hopes up, just in case things don’t work out with Mia, after all.

  “Meg, stop trying to make a big deal out of it.”

  “What’s her name?”


  “Where did you meet her?”

  “At one of Eric’s parties. She’s a friend of Raven’s.”

  “What does she do for a living?”

  “She doesn’t have a job yet. She just moved down here a week ago,” I explain.

  “How old is she?”

  “Jesus, I don’t know, my age, a couple years younger. Can we lay off with the third degree?”

  “Fine. Don’t get your panties in a twist. I was just asking,” she says defensively.

  “I get that, but it’s none of your business,” I snap.

  “Jeez, what crawled up your ass and died today. You’re usually never this sensitive.”

  Just as the words leave her mouth, you can practically see the glow of the light bulb going off in her head. “Wait a second, you’re keeping this a secret because you like her, don’t you?”

  “Meg, let it go,” I warn.

  “I’m right, aren’t I? You care about this girl. That’s why you’re being so evasive.”

  “I’m not being evasive and she’s not a dirty little secret. I was completely forthcoming until you decided to turn it into a fucking interrogation.”

  I stand up and stride into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, which is my way of letting her know that I’m done with this conversation. Meg continues to watch me intently from the couch. I twist the cap off and take a couple of large gulps. The water feels cold and refreshing as it makes its way down my throat, washing away the sawdust taste that I’ve had from working all day.

  Suddenly, I hear the garage door open. I look back to Megan and she gives me a tight, apologetic smile.

  “Yes, I like her,” I admit. “Are you happy now?”

  Before she has a chance to respond, the door to the house swings open, and Luke walks in. He’s dressed in one of his many expensive suits. He sets his keys and wallet down on the counter, walks over, and kisses my sister on the cheek.

  “Hey, baby,” he greets.

  “Hey, how was work?”

  “Good. Closed the Southeast Cineplex deal,” he says proudly, loosening his tie. Luke’s in advertising.

  “That’s great, babe! Don’t forget about dinner with my parents tonight,” she reminds him.

  Luke nods in acknowledgement and walks over to where I’m standing. He reaches out and pulls me in for a one-arm hug.

  “Hey, Chase, how’s it going?”

  “It’s going well,” I reply. “Just came here to check out the floor. I’d rather address more important things, though—like when are you going to come party with my buddies and me again?”

  “Uh, never, jackass,” my sister intervenes. “Quit trying to steal my husband.”

  Last time Luke came out with the boys and me, we ended up getting him completely trashed and then dragged him to a strip club downtown. Megan was furious, even though he didn’t touch any of the girls. She gave me hell for weeks afterwards and made me promise to never do it again. I gave her my word, and unfortunately, Luke has been on his best behavior ever since.

  I’m not sure why, but I always seem to be in hot water over something. It’s kind of been the main theme throughout my entire life.

  “I was in the doghouse for days last time,” he confesses.

  “You and me both, buddy,” I smirk.

  Megan glares at me.

  See? Hot water.

  “Alright, enough. Chase, you came over to check out the floor, so let me show you where it’s messed up. Then we can head to Mom and Dad’s.”

  “Sounds good,” I appease.

  * * *

  By the time I make it back home, it’s well past ten. Feeling beat from all the running around I did today, I skip my usual nightly workout routine and head straight to my room so I can change into sweats. I plug my phone in so it can charge overnight, and as I’m looking down at the screen, I get a sudden, overwhelming urge to text Mia. I open up a new message and begin typing.

  Me: How was your day?

  A minute or so goes by before I receive a response.

  Mia: It was good. How was yours? :)

  Me: Busy, but good. What are you up to?

  In order to keep myself distracted between messages, I start sifting through all of the emails that I rarely ever check. When my phone vibrates, I quickly switch back over.

  Mia: In bed reading a book. You?

  Me: Thinking about you :)

  Mia: Cheesy.

  I can picture her rolling her eyes while she typed that one out and it makes me smile.

  Me: You like it, don’t deny it. What are you reading?

  Mia: Hardly…

  Me: Hardly doesn’t qualify as not at all. And you still haven’t told me what you’re reading. *Gasp* Are you reading smut? Don’t you dare lie to me, Mia.

  Mia: You wish. Go to bed.

  Me: Are you?

  Mia: GO TO BED!

  Me: I knew it! You totally are. That’s really sexy. I approve and applaud.

  Mia: Omg, don’t you ever stop?

  Me: Nope. I can go All. Night. Long.

  Mia: Um…

  Seeing an opportunity, I strike.

  Me: Can I call you?

  Mia: I suppose…

  I press the call button and patiently wait for it to go through. Once it starts ringing, she picks up almost immediately. We spend the next hour talking to each other about anything and everything. I can’t remember the last time I spent this much time talking to anyone on the phone—let alone a woman I’m interested in. It’s only when I hear her steady, heavy breathing on the other end of the line that I finally decide to hang up for the night.


  a m e l i a

  Zilker Park is packed. Most of the people here are either drinking, or they’re already drunk—I’m the former...for now. This is an all day event, so pacing myself is the key to a fabulous experience. I decided to ride with Eric so that way Chase didn’t have to go out of his way pick me up. He told me it wasn’t a big deal, that he’d be happy to come get me, but I’d insisted. Besides, I haven't seen Eric since the night of the party.

  We raided the food carts beforehand, like a pair of famished velociraptors. I won’t even tell you how many wings I ate. It’s straight up repulsive, and I’m not in the mood to be judged. But I did it for the greater good, I promise. I’m no fun to be around when I’m hungry. It’s the equivalent to being on the rag and finding out that my chocolate stash has been depleted. Someone will surely die.

  Since some of the streets are closed off (and parking within a five-mile radius is impossible), Eric had to park way out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. I’m not complaining, though. It gave me a chance to walk those wings off, which consequently gave me a craving for more beer.

  “You thirsty?” Eric asks, reading my mind.

  “God, yes.”

  “Me too. How about I buy and you fetch?”


  He reaches into his back pocket to grab his wallet. He pulls out a crisp twenty dollar bill, folds it between his fingers, and holds it out in front of me. I snag the bill and look around for the closest place to get drinks. There’s a beer tent on my radar, but a zillion people are standing in the way. It looks like I’m going to be doing some more walking. Whatever. I’ve got nothing but time on my hands.

  I patiently wait in line. Grabbing our beers, I walk back through the enormous crowd and attempt to find Eric. So far, I’ve managed to keep most of the beer contained, but some spilled onto my clothes when other people collided with me. Good thing I dressed appropriately. I’m sporting jeans and a low-cut T-shirt. Members of The Clash are splashed across the front with tour dates listed on the back. My hair is done in
a loose fishtail braid that hooks around to the side, and my eyes are hidden beneath my sunglasses—naturally.

  “Hey, Bono, over here!” Eric yells. I spot his hand in the air, motioning me to come his way. He’s found a great place for us to stand. It’s a ways out from the stage, but it’s still a good view.

  “Thanks, Strawberry,” he says once I reach him. I place his change in one hand and his drink in the other. I think it’s safe to assume that at this rate, we won’t be driving home.

  “Thank you for paying.”

  “Of course,” he winks.

  We stand and sip our beers, enjoying the moment while waiting for Broken Bells to perform. It’s hot out today, but between the alcohol, and the masses of awesome people surrounding us, we’re going to be just fine.

  “So...” Eric looks down. “What’s the deal with you and Chase?”

  I shrug my shoulders and take another long sip of beer. Based on his awkward demeanor, I’m guessing Eric feels conflicted about two of his closest friends dating. I can’t say I blame him. It’s a situation that has the potential to end badly.

  “I don’t know. We went out Monday night and then he stopped by the apartment on Tuesday. That’s the last time I saw him.”

  “But you’ve heard from him, right?”

  I nod. “We’ve been texting each other all week.”

  “Good,” he says. He seems pleased, which makes me pleased.

  A few minutes go by before I work up the courage to ask a question that I’m not entirely sure I want to know the answer to.

  “Hey, Eric?” I tilt my head up.

  He looks down at me and smiles. “Yeah?”

  I take a deep breath. “What’s the deal with Chase and Christa?”

  He lifts an eyebrow. “Isn’t that something you should ask Chase about?”

  He’s right. I shouldn’t be asking him, but it’s been in the back of my mind since the night I met Chase. I didn’t want to bring it up so soon. I really like him and I don’t want to give him a reason to run off or think that I’m jealous. I’m sure if he hadn’t met me, he probably would’ve gone home with her at the party that first night. It’s like a scab I can’t stop picking at. Morbid curiosity is a bitch.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry I’m asking you. He’s given me no reason to doubt him thus far, but I trust you, Eric. I don’t want to get hurt. If they’re still hooking up, I don’t want to get in the middle and wind up getting screwed over.”

  He sighs. “You do realize I’m breaking guy code, right?”

  “Please, Eric,” I beg.

  He looks around the crowd distractedly, uncomfortable, like he’s being put on the spot.

  “As far as I know that’s over between them—for now.” He runs a hand through his blonde hair. “Listen, you have to understand that Chase is a lot like me. It’s why we get along so well. We’ve been each other’s wingman for years. It’s our thing. We don’t like to lock ourselves down and commit to one, single girl.”

  My stomach drops.

  “That being said, I firmly believe that if he told you it’s over between them, then it’s over. We may be womanizers but we aren’t liars. And I don’t think he’d juggle you and Christa at the same time.”

  “What do you mean it’s over between them ‘for now’?”

  “I mean that Christa is Chase’s constant. They have never been exclusive, but she was never just a random booty call. She has some kind of hold over him. She’s the only girl that’s gotten under his skin since Nicole.”

  “Who’s Nicole?” I ask.

  Eric winces, shaking his head. “You aren’t going to hear about that one from me. I’ve already said more than I should. His personal life is none of my business, but I also don’t want you to be blindsided by anything.”

  Too late for that.

  I quickly chug the rest of my beer. I’ve been looking forward to ACL all week, but now my mood has soured. Serves me right for asking a question I didn’t want to know the answer to in the first place. Eric gives me a pained, sympathetic look. I hate it when people look at me that way. I don’t want or need his pity.

  “You’re reading too much into this, Mia. Don’t overanalyze it. He likes you; I know he does. He wouldn’t be wasting his time taking you out on dates and showing up at your apartment just to see you if he didn’t. Trust me.”

  I smack my lips together and stare straight ahead. Physically, I’m here, but my head is off somewhere else. I need another drink...or three.

  “I’m going to find the bathrooms and grab another beer. Want one?”

  “Nah, I’m still good on this one,” he says, raising his can.

  Feeling my phone vibrate, I reach into my pocket and pull it out. I have two messages—one from Chase, and one from Raven.

  Chase: Parking and walking that way. I’ll call you when I get close. Can’t wait to see you :)

  Seeing his message softens me a little. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear my head. The alcohol is intensifying my emotions. I hate that his past bothers me so much. Why do I even care? It makes me feel better to know that Eric believes he really likes me, but I can’t stop thinking about him and Christa. Knowing that she gets to him, gets to me. I quickly pull up Raven’s message to help distract me.

  Raven: Just got off work. Heading home to change and then I’ll drive straight there. Also, if I know Eric, he’ll be probably be wasted by the time I arrive, so I can always drive us back.

  I type out a response and head off in search for a bathroom. I need to slow down on the beer now that I’ll be breaking the seal, because once the show starts, I don’t want to have to make thirty trips to pee. Oh, and note to self: hydrate.

  When I meet up with Eric again, I’m much more relaxed and carefree. It’s funny how when you’re buzzed, time seems to slow down and speed up at the same time. It’s like everything blurs together and your mind is trying to make sense of it all. I can’t even tell you the last time I felt this much like my own age.

  Just then, a hard body comes up behind me and rests against my back. I instantly know who it is without looking. My heart leaps as two large hands settle on my hips. Soft lips gently press against the side of my neck. I tilt my head back to give him better access. My eyes flutter closed and my entire body rapidly responds to that one simple gesture. I blame the alcohol. He continues to trail kisses up my throat, his rough hands tightening on my hips. The stubble on his face tickles my skin and drives me crazy.

  To my disappointment, he stops and pulls back to press his nose to my hair, inhaling deeply. I secretly give myself three big cheers for deciding to wash it this morning. He presses a chaste kiss to my head and lowers his lips to my ear, his breath giving me tingles. “Mmmm. You smell good,” he murmurs, appreciative.

  I groan. Jeez, I can’t concentrate when he says things like that. He’s distracting enough to look at. I don’t need him giving me heart-jolting, panty-shredding compliments.

  “Jesus, you two—get a room,” Eric teases.

  Chase chuckles against my ear and nips the lobe in good humor as I’m rudely brought back to reality. I’d gotten so caught up in what Chase was doing, that I forgot Eric was standing right next to us. My body instantly cools at his interruption and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Even with my sunglasses on, I can’t hide the obvious blush. Thankfully, everyone’s attention is summoned to the stage for Broken Bells. I recognize the first few notes of “October,” and the crowd erupts in cheers.

  When the show ends I check my phone. Raven’s called twice already. There’s no way I’ll be able to hear with all the commotion, so I let Chase and Eric know I’ll be back shortly.

  When I get far enough away, I call her back, and she answers on the second ring.

  “Hey, Mia!”

  “Hey, how close are you?”

  “Um, it looks like I’m a couple blocks away. I’m walking that way right now.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

Are Eric and Chase with you?”

  “Yes and no.”

  I explain that the guys are here, but they stayed behind. I look around and give her some descriptions of what I’m close to, hoping she’ll have some idea of where to find me. Five minutes later, I see her making her way towards me. She’s dressed in dark jeans, ankle boots, and a plum-colored camisole. Her hair is down and loosely curled. She looks fierce and confident as she struts over the grass like it’s a damn runway. Only Raven would find it practical to wear an outfit like that to an event like this—specifically the heels.

  “I need a drink,” she professes.

  “Rough night at the restaurant?”

  “Very,” she stresses.

  “Should we make it a double?”

  “No. I’m driving tonight,” she reminds me.

  “Oh, right. Good call.”

  Raven’s rule is one drink only on the nights she’s driving. Because she’s a pretty cautious person by nature, she doesn’t usually push it. As someone who lost their dad to a drunk driver, I appreciate that.

  “Let’s stop by the bathrooms on the way.”

  “Broke the seal did you?” she asks, her eyes glittering with humor.

  I nod and she laughs.

  I’m cutting myself off. After five, I start getting sloppy and obnoxious. Nobody likes a hot mess. That’s the last impression I want to make on Chase, or anyone else for that matter. I grab Raven’s hand and we begin our hunt for Eric and Chase. They’re much harder to find this time. I try to weave us around the crowd to avoid colliding with other people. Raven’s yelling something but I can’t hear her over the music. Once we reach a less crowded spot, we stop and scan.

  “I don’t see them anywhere!” I yell in her ear.

  “Me neither!” she yells back.

  It doesn’t help that I’m short and can’t see over anyone in front of me. Suddenly, Raven tugs on my arm. I look back and she points off to the side. Chase and Eric are both standing a few feet away from us with two girls hanging around them.

  My fists clench up, and I immediately go into defensive, ass-kicking mode. The girl with Chase has long black hair and beautiful dark skin. She’s dressed in a pair of cowgirl boots, an obscenely short skirt, and a blue halter top that doesn’t quite cover her mid-drift. She’s gorgeous and I immediately hate her for that. I watch her boldly reach out and brush her fingers along Chase’s upper arm, smiling sweetly at him. She’s flirting—heavily. He isn’t touching her in return, but he’s not stopping her either.


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