Take Heart

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Take Heart Page 14

by Smith, Lauren

  He stares down at me impassively for a moment or so before the song changes to “Dear Prudence.” Abruptly, he stands up and motions for me to do the same. I grab the paper towel he used and wipe my own hands off, then follow suit. He leads me to the middle of the living room floor. Knowing exactly what comes next, I drape my arm across the backs his shoulders and take his left hand in my right. His fingers curl around my hand and he wraps his other arm around my waist. He begins to sway us to the music, his eyes twinkling with pride and happiness. He spins me around as the rhythm picks up, and dips me low to the ground, causing me to giggle.

  “You’re my favorite daughter,” he admits, bringing me back up.

  “I’m your only daughter.”

  “Yeah, but you’re still my favorite.”


  “I mean it,” his says, his face going completely serious. “You’re a good kid, Mia. And you’ve got such a good head on your shoulders. You make me proud.”

  “I’m not really a kid anymore.”

  “I know,” he says nostalgically, his eyes sad. “But you’ll always be my kid—my little girl. No matter how old you get, that never changes.”

  “Ugh, why are you getting all sentimental about this?” I feign exasperation.

  He laughs, twirls me around, and pulls me back in. “What do you want me to say? It’s the holidays, and for once, it’s my turn to have you. Sorry for being lame and cramping your style.”

  “Oh, my God, Dad, please stop. This is getting weird.”

  He lifts me off the ground, making exaggerated noises in the process—as if I weigh a thousand pounds. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gives me the biggest bear hug, tilting us backwards.


  He sets me back down on my feet and releases me from his hold.

  “Hey, do me a favor and help your old man clean all this stuff up, will ya?” he motions his head in the direction of the coffee table. I nod and walk over. We start stacking dishes, one by one. I stop for a brief second, taking a moment to appreciate him.


  He looks at me expectantly.

  “Thanks for the food. It’s been an awesome day.”

  He smiles. “Yeah, it has. You’re welcome, kiddo.”

  Unforgettable is what that was—sitting on the couch that afternoon with our legs crossed, eating KFC, and listening to The Beatles croon in the background. Dad had initially felt bad for what had happened with the turkey; said something about 450 degrees looking like 250 in the middle of the night in low light. Shit happens, is what I told him. He seemed to shake off the disappointment after that.

  Eating a turkey didn’t make that Thanksgiving special, seeing him did. My dad, a bucket of KFC, and the Beatles rocked that holiday. Best Thanksgiving ever.

  * * *

  The celebration with Raven’s family tonight came in second, though, a close second. I can’t believe how safe and loved I felt being with them. It’s easy to forget how fulfilling that time can be when you have no real family left. Each and every person was so warm and inviting, and the food was fantastic. Her mom even sent us both home with a big bag of leftovers. Score!

  Acting solely on my good mood, I pull out my phone and just for a moment, I’m tempted to text my mom and wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. I’m staring at her name on my screen with the option to call just a click away, but I change my mind at the last second. She’s like a shark; when she smells blood, she strikes.

  Suddenly, my phone lights up and vibrates in my hand, startling me.

  Chase: How was your Thanksgiving? Did you miss me?

  Don’t smile, don’t smile, don’t smile. Dammit, I’m smiling. I quickly type out a response.

  Me: Our Thanksgiving was awesome. As far as missing you, um, no, not really…

  It only takes him about ten seconds flat to respond.

  Chase: Yeah, I didn’t really miss you either. It was nice to finally have a break from your overbearing neediness and constant whining.

  I laugh and Raven looks over at me curiously. When we come to the stop sign ahead, I use the free moment to show her the text he sent. She smiles and shakes her head, clearly not getting it. “Y’all are so weird.”

  She continues to drive, while I get back to texting Chase.

  Me: Whatever, all my other boyfriends keep telling me I’m the ideal girlfriend.

  I press send and bite down on my lip, anxiously waiting for his reply.

  Chase: They’re just saying that to get into your pants. Ditch those losers and come spend the night with me instead. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.

  Me: Really? Do tell…

  Chase: Come over here and I’ll show you…

  I take a couple minutes to think that one over—to keep him on the edge of his seat more than anything else. When I’m satisfied with the amount of time that’s elapsed, I give him a response.

  Me: As soon as we get back to our place, I’ll head over.

  Chase: Excellent choice, baby :)

  Smiling, I lean my head back against the headrest and stare out the window. My thoughts drift to how much Chase has done for me, without him even realizing it. I’ll admit, when I first met him, I thought there was no way that anything would work between us, but he’s pleasantly surprised me. Who knew he could be so incredibly funny, brutally honest, and wonderfully irresistible? He brings out my wild side, but at the same time, he anchors me. He helps me see what I’m capable of achieving and how strong I really am, even though I don’t always feel that way. I like to think that he feels the same way in return, because honestly, I’m in too deep now. If this relationship ends badly, there’s no way I’ll be able to repair the damage to my heart. And that thought is daunting.


  c h a s e

  I’m taking the day off for a change. I have plenty of vacation time built up, and for once, I have a good reason to use it. I already texted Raven to see if Mia’s home, and she told me she is. I thought it’d be a good idea to surprise her and spend the day together. She works tonight, but at least this way, I’ll get to see her before her shift starts. Unfortunately, due to our work schedules, I won’t get a chance to see her again for the next couple of days.

  I stop at Starbucks on the way to her apartment. I order a pumpkin spiced latté for her and a medium roast coffee for me.

  And you thought I was only useful for my striking good looks...shame on you.

  Once I reach the front door, I balance her coffee on top of mine and let myself in. I asked Raven to leave it unlocked when she left to go study for her finals this morning. It’s early, so I’m hoping Mia’s still asleep. I quietly walk down the hall, not bothering to take my shoes off because Raven isn’t here to yell at me. I slowly turn Mia’s doorknob, careful not to make a sound. I open the door to find her sleeping on her stomach—arms and legs sprawled out across the mattress. She’s wearing a snug, white tee, and a pair of polka dotted underwear.

  Fuck. Yes.

  I set the coffee cups down on her nightstand, and gently crawl onto the bed, being extra careful not to wake her. I watch her sleep soundly for a few minutes, taking her in and enjoying the view. My fingers reach out and lightly glide down her back, over the soft cotton of her shirt. It feels so good to touch her. My hand slips further and further down….

  She lets out a small moan and stirs, waking up. I bring my lips to her ear and whisper, “Good morning, baby.” Her eyes pop open with a hint of alarm, but once she realizes it’s me, she relaxes. Slowly rolling over to face me, I’m greeted with a spectacular view of her hard nipples through her shirt.

  “What time is it?” she asks groggily.

  “A little after eight.”

  She lets out a frustrated groan and drops her head back down on the bed, making me chuckle. My girl is definitely not a morning person.

  “Why are you here so early?” she whines.

  “I brought you nourishment.” I grab her cup off the nightstan
d and wave the opening of the lid below her nose. “See?” She smells the coffee, opens one eye, and regards me warmly.

  “You brought me coffee in bed?” she asks, in awe.

  “Of course I did,” I say, brushing the hair out of her eyes with my fingertips.

  It’s been a long time since a girl has made me feel this proud—like I want to show her off to the world and let everyone know that she’s mine.

  “I figured we could spend the day together.”

  She takes the cup from my hand and sits up against the headboard. “What do you have in mind?”

  “First, we’re going to drink up this coffee, and then I’m taking you out for some breakfast. Afterwards, we’re going to stop by my workshop so you can help me make something.”

  “Really?!” Her eyes brighten up.

  “Really. Now get your cute ass up and get ready before I change my mind and keep you in this bed all day. Staring at you is really starting to mess with my head.”

  “Which one?” she asks coyly.

  I narrow my eyes in a playful warning, and she quickly moves off the bed. I give her a good smack on the ass and she squeals. Bringing both hands behind my head, I lean back and rest against the headboard, watching her get ready with rapt fascination.

  We arrive shortly after eleven. I enter the code on the side of the garage to open up one of the doors. My dad keeps his tools and all of his spare supplies in the garage. He’s been letting me store my stuff here to use it as a workspace, so I don’t have to rent out my own storage unit anymore.

  “Whose house is this?” Mia asks, uneasy.

  “My parents’ house.”

  “What?!” she shrieks.

  It makes me flinch. I glance over my shoulder to see her panicking. She pulls the sunglasses off her shirt and slides them over her eyes to try to conceal her discomfort, but I’ve caught onto that trick. Well, I didn’t so much catch onto it—more like Eric filled me in—but she doesn’t need to know that part. I reach out and grab her waist, bringing her into me. I slide the sunglasses on top of her head, and watch her with ease, hoping my relaxed demeanor rubs off.

  “Chill, baby.”

  “I’m not good with parents,” she blurts out.

  Not wanting her to feel anxious about this, I cup her face in my hands, and leisurely part her lips with a slow, passionate kiss to distract her.

  It works.

  Neurons fire rapidly at the collision of our mouths, and I feel the sensations inside of me slowly trickle down and take over. It raises the hair on my arms and the back of my neck, as it travels upward and shoots out of my scalp, making me shiver involuntarily. I feel my cock stir in my pants, but all I can do is let out a deep moan against her lips. Her mouth opens up to me, and I take the opportunity to join our tongues together. She tastes like pumpkin spice and smells like heaven.

  I sense her anxiety start to melt away and her body relaxes into mine. I pull back to study her reaction. She looks bewildered, which is exactly what I was shooting for. “Don’t worry. Both of my parents are working. Besides, even if they were here, don’t you think they’d love you as much as I do?” I say earnestly.

  Her eyes widen like saucers, and I immediately freeze, processing what I’ve just said. I’m immobile, still as a statue, while her face is being held in my stiff hands. I’m trying to figure out my next move and what I should say. I think it’s safe to assume from the look on her face, that she’s doing the same. This isn’t how I planned on telling her, but it slipped out. I have no idea how it makes her feel to hear that, but the longer this silence goes on, the more uneasy I feel.

  “You love me?” she whispers, in shock.

  I let out a heavy sigh and release her face. I run both of my hands through my hair. I’m way out of my element, and I have no idea how to handle this. I feel myself detaching from this conversation to save what little pride I have left. She looks so confused, either by my admission, or by my reaction.

  “Look, let’s just forget I said anything and focus on this project I have planned for us, okay?” I say defensively.

  “You’re shutting me out?” she asks, her voice laced with hurt.

  Shit, this is not how I saw this conversation going. And frankly, I’m tired of my ego taking such substantial hits. Before I can find a way to backpedal out of this mess, she steps forward to run her hands up my chest.

  “Close your eyes,” she orders softly.

  I let out an unsure breath, and reluctantly oblige. I sense, rather than feel, her lean in close. She isn’t touching me anymore, but I can feel her right there. Not being able to see what she’s going to do next puts my body on high alert. Everything is heightened, and my heart is pounding so hard that I can feel it radiating out from my fingertips. I sense her start to move around me, and I mentally follow her, anticipating her whereabouts. She stops directly behind me, and places her hands low on my hips. My body shudders at the sudden contact. She walks me backwards into the garage, guiding me.

  The garage is chilly. There’s a faint scent of sawdust in the air. I feel the heat from her body envelop me, but all too soon, it’s gone. Her feet shuffle across the floor and I can hear her move things around. The garage door starts to close. Suddenly, I feel her in front of me again, and she slides her finger inside the waistband of my jeans, using it to pull me. My eyes are still closed, and I’m being extremely careful not to bump into anything. When she comes to a halt, she gracefully switches our places, so that I’m backed up against what I instantly recognize as my workbench. My hands grip the edge as she deftly unbuckles my belt and kisses my lips.

  She’s taking the lead on this one. I’ll gladly let her dominate me once in a while. It’s so sexy. My girl can take charge from time to time, but we won’t make a habit out of this. If she’s busy dominating me, who’s going to be worshipping her? That’s right—no one. And that, my dear friend, is a fucking tragedy.

  “Is this your way of trying to switch the subject in regards to what I said to you earlier, because it’s working,” I half joke, as she removes my belt and lets it fall to the floor.

  She goes still for a moment and all I hear is our combined breathing. “No. This is my way of showing you that what you feel for me is reciprocated. I love you, too, Chase,” she says with the utmost sincerity.

  Well, shit. That did it. That penetrated my heart. I open my eyes so I can see her face. “Say that again, baby.”

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  I roughly grab her and crush her lips to mine, effectively destroying her chances at taking the lead. She startles for a moment, but quickly wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back with painful fervor. She’s locked onto me like a life raft during a violent ocean storm. It’s like she never wants to let me go, and I feel the exact same way.

  I hoist her up onto the workbench, and step between her legs to resume kissing. Everything between us is frantic and rushed. I stealthily unzip her hoodie and force it down her shoulders impatiently. Her hands pop open the button on my jeans, and she pulls down the zipper. Halting her progress, I place my hand on her chest and push her backwards until her back is pinned flat against the surface. I grab her legs and use them to move her body, steering her upwards until she’s lying lengthwise. I remove my hoodie and lift her head to slide it underneath, ensuring she has something comfortable to rest it on.

  I caress her cheek and stare into her beautiful eyes. There’s a ray of light shining through the small window, bringing out the sharpest intensity in them. Around her pupil, there’s a solid ring of burning gold, which bleeds out into a pool of forest green. The sight of it steals my breath.

  She grabs my wrist, and boldly glides my hand over the tops of her breasts, down her stomach, and into the waistband of her jeans. She places her feet flat on the table, bending her knees. Her legs fold out lazily to the sides as an invitation. I use my other hand to unbutton her pants and slide her zipper down. My fingers skim over the soft fabric of her panties and I can instantly fe
el how damp she is. I move them to the side and begin to tease her, eliciting a few soft moans. She unabashedly moves against my hand, seeking more pleasure.

  I give her body what it needs and slip a finger inside. I add another one and make a “come hither” motion, my fingers brushing up against her wall. She gasps loudly and pushes against my palm to stimulate her clit. Together, the two of us build her up. She lifts her lower back off the table to raise her hips to me, a sign that she wants me to keep at it. I pump her with my fingers and she reaches down between her legs with her other hand to rub her clit. She closes her eyes and absorbs the pleasure. Fuck. Watching her do this to herself has got to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to rip these panties off and bury myself deep inside her body where I belong.

  “Chase, why are your clothes still on?”

  Good question.

  I retract my fingers—despite her protest—and taste her passion. Her eyes instantly darken at the visual. I raise my other arm and reach behind my neck to grasp the collar of my shirt and slowly pull it over my head. She eagerly pushes her jeans down, along with her underwear, and drops them to the floor next to my shirt. When she’s fully undressed, I pull a condom out from my wallet, and drop my jeans and boxers.

  I roll the condom on and boost myself up onto the workbench, crawling over her. Once I’m in place and all lined up, I swiftly sink into her, marveling at how good she feels around me. I unhurriedly begin to move, thoroughly exploring her body, inside and out. I give it to her slow and gentle. She runs her fingers through my hair, giving it a slight pull. I reach down and hitch her leg up on my hip so I can penetrate her more deeply and she groans appreciatively. She lightly rakes her fingernails down my back, and I swear to you, I fucking see stars.

  Her body tightens up and her legs squeeze my torso. She arches her back and closes her eyes as she’s taken into a dramatic climax. I watch her free fall, and my cock throbs as I pump into her two more times before I go rigid, coming hard. My body shudders as spurts of semen flood the condom.


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