
Home > Other > Assumptions > Page 9
Assumptions Page 9

by Melanie Codina

  I nodded, still watching her.

  “Dude, do me a favor and hack the shit out of me next time we’re on the field. I have an insane need to suffer an injury or two,” Robby muttered. I could totally sympathize with the need to inflict injury on oneself, no question. If I’d known that an ACL injury would’ve landed me on her therapy table, I would have made that shit happen sooner. As we stood there like fools, gawking at the dance floor, two guys moved in on Leeann, invading her personal space as they tried to press their bodies up against hers.

  Speaking of inflicting injury, I thought as jealousy and possessiveness began swirling an ugly cocktail within.

  Robby noticed too. “Whoa, better step in there, bro.”

  Taking a step forward, I was about to do just that when Leeann stopped dancing and crossed her arms over that magnificent chest of hers. She glared at the two douchebags for a second before talking to them. It was impossible to hear what she said, but my curiosity peeked—especially when one nodded and the other put his hands up, gesturing his surrender. They backed away shortly after, obviously searching for another conquest. Leeann’s body was tense as she shook her head, watching them retreat. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face as I watched her.

  I hadn’t realized the girl next to her was with her. Leeann turned to her and then nodded before the friend left the dance floor. Her eyes began to scan the room as she went to follow her friend. I wasn’t sure what—or who—she was looking for, but I sure as hell hoped it was me. Moments later, just as Robby’s favorite song ended, her eyes landed on me. She paused and a sexy smile slowly emerged from her previous tight-lipped expression, and then her shoulders relaxed. Almost like she was relieved to find me in the crowd. And call me crazy, but even with the distance between us, I could see excitement flare in her eyes.

  The two of us stood amongst the crowd as people crossed between us, but our eyes remained locked. A new song started to weave its way through the air, and I watched as Leeann’s expression transformed from excited to downright fucking sexy.

  The beat was low and full of bass as I watched her eyelids droop and her arms drop to her sides. Slowly, she began to move her hips in time to the erotic beat. Her long legs encased in tight black pants, she bent at the knees as she swiveled a bit. Her partially exposed shoulders rolled from front to back in tandem with each other, and her hips began to sway. It was the most hypnotic movement I’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing. And it felt like it was all for me.

  The words from Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” registered in my head as Leeann’s sexy smile mouthed the words to me. As she sang the lyrics, she lifted her hand and beckoned me with a crooked finger. Like a tether being tugged, I moved in her direction without hesitation. The music made me drunk on the sight in front of me, the words enhancing my need to go to her. Thank God I didn’t have to use my crutches anymore.

  She continued to sing the words as my body moved with minimal guidance toward her siren call. I couldn’t hear her voice, but the words from the song ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach, telling me to move faster. To capture her and make her mine. I let my eyes travel up and down her body once before finding landing on her face again. The lights in the club pulsated and flickered, drawing my attention back to her lips. Her tongue swept across the enviable curve of her bottom lip, and I imagined the feel of it across my own.

  People mingled and moved to the music around us as I advanced on Leeann. I knew they were there but barely saw them; there was only one person who had my attention at that moment. And only one person who was going to get it. The music picked up its tempo as I finally reached her on the dance floor. Stepping into her personal space, but not yet touching, I watched her intently. Like a predator ready to pounce on his prey, it took every ounce of control I could find to not do just that.

  Now that I was close, I could hear her voice as she sang the words, hypnotizing me with the sound as she held my gaze. When her hand reached out to me, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for the first contact. When her fingertip finally touched my chest, it was like a bolt of electricity shooting through me, making me suck in a deep breath. She smirked, her eyes peeking up at me through her long lashes.

  Still singing the words, her eyes dropped to my lips, while her finger made a slow trail from my abs up to my chest. I visualized her nail slicing open my shirt, it falling to the sides, like a blade exposing it for her gaze. The heated path it left on my skin put my body on edge as she seduced me with both her eyes and touch. I knew I wanted this woman, but now I knew exactly how much. The ferocity of it like nothing I’d ever known. The words of the song rang true as I realized there was definitely no going back. She was going to be mine … in every possible way.

  “There’s no going back,” I said firmly along with the lyrics as I finally reached for her. My hands found her waist and pulled her snugly into my body. Her eyes registered my statement and she stilled against me as the music came to a peak. A second later, she closed her eyes on a sigh before melting against me, the beat resuming its sensual sound. When her body began to move this time, I moved with it, following her lead. Knowing I wasn’t the best dancer, and I probably shouldn’t even try, I couldn’t seem to stop myself. The pull to be with her, against her, a part of her, was like the need to breathe.

  A few chords of the song went by before she opened her eyes and started moving her lips with the words again. She picked select words that seemed to voice her apprehension, which I’d felt the last two weeks, but focused on charming her instead.

  Through the song, she was telling me she wanted me, but feared the risk. I knew she was an ‘all-in’ kind of girl. She didn’t do casual and wouldn’t risk falling for someone who didn’t risk the same. If only she had any idea the hold she had on me already. The destruction she would leave in her wake could be devastating. And I realized all this before I’d even gotten a taste of her. Hell, she’d been a part of virtually every thought I’d had since laying eyes on her that first time.

  When she emphasized the current words, I knew she was making sure I knew what she wanted. There was going to be no wavering. I had to be sure.

  She licked her lips again, and my eyes followed the motion. Though I didn’t want to break eye contact, I couldn’t ignore the sensual movement. My eyes found hers again as our bodies moved faster, her hips moving with the music perfectly as they slid against mine. My body responded as expected, and the pulsing sensation seemed to match the beat of the music.

  As the chorus repeated, I made sure to repeat them to her. Eyes locked on her, I halted our movements and said, “There’s no going back.”

  The lyrics changed and she stopped singing, a man’s voice filled the air as she slowly began to move in a circle around me. My eyes followed her to the right as her hand trailed across my chest, then up over my shoulder. I watched her as far as I could until she disappeared from my view. I quickly turned my head to the left, searching for her eyes again. Waiting for them. I could feel her hand sliding across my shoulder blade before making a detour up to my neck. A sigh and shiver escaped me at the feeling of her fingertips at my hairline, grazing the sensitive skin. My eyes rolled slightly as I absorbed the erotic sensation and imagined feeling it other places. When her fingers traveled back down, and her hand flattened against my left shoulder, my eyes shot open. I didn’t want to miss her when she came back into view.

  She smirked when her eyes found mine. Her hand came over the top of my shoulder before she stopped in front of me. My hands clenched and released, feeling empty, as they sought for the curve of her hips once again.

  As the tempo reached its climax, everything we were doing felt like foreplay. And even though we were in a crowded club, my body couldn’t help but respond. It was hot as hell. Every cell of my body pumped with testosterone and had me fighting the need to throw her down on the floor and show her there was definitely no going back.

  She was no longer singing, but her eyes remained fixed on me. Fla
ttening her hands on my chest, she slid them up to circle my neck. I pulled her body tighter against me, as her face angled toward mine. I could feel her breath against my skin. It was shallow and choppy, telling me she was feeling everything I was. Her lips were inches from mine, and I watched and waited to find out what she would do next. As much as I wanted to slam my mouth over hers and finally taste her, I allowed her to keep control. I could feel a thumping against my chest, and I had no idea if it was my heart, hers, or ours combined.

  Our bodies swayed to the beat as the song rolled to an end. The final words were a whisper against my skin. Then her lips brushed mine, immediately followed by the gentle touch of her tongue against my lower lip. And that was all I needed.

  I didn’t give a shit where we were; I had to taste her. My hands quickly spread across the length of her body, one finding the inward curve of her lower back and the other sliding upward to find the soft skin of her exposed neck. I held her to me as my tongue slid out, searching for hers, to add to the seductive dance we’d been engaging in.

  I groaned the second her taste exploded on my tongue. Adding pressure, she opened to me and sighed as her hands gripped the ends of my hair. I’d never been so freaking thankful to have longer-than-usual hair in all my life. I felt the slight tug from the roots of my hair down to my balls. My hold on her tightened.

  I took one final taste, then reluctantly pulled my lips from hers. Opening my eyes, I found hers as they slowly opened to meet mine. Our breaths mingled in the space between us, my chest rising forcefully and pressing further into hers.

  A new song had started, but I couldn’t hear it because the words she’d been singing to me still echoed in my head. Maintaining my hold, I gently pressed my lips against hers before quickly pulling back—the soft gesture a complete contradiction to the need coursing through me. Looking at her, I repeated myself, without the music, so she knew I heard her message loud and clear.

  “There’s definitely no going back now, Leeann.”

  We stood there, surrounded by moving bodies as the music echoed through the club, but I couldn’t hear a thing. I could only feel. I could feel Jonathan’s hair between my fingers as I continued to stroke its soft ends. His long arms holding me against him, tightening a little when my nails rubbed against his scalp. His ragged breath as it feathered against my skin, stimulating my nerves and firing them up. Even more so than they already were. Jonathan’s gaze traveled from my eyes, to my lips, then my hair, before coming back to my eyes again. It was like he was taking all of me in. Absorbing me. I hadn’t realized until that moment exactly how much I wanted to be absorbed by him.

  Against my neck, his hand tensed and he closed his eyes. I watched as he took in a deep, steadying breath. I thought he might’ve been in pain until he said, “I’m not sure I can be a gentleman for much longer, Leeann. If your fingers keep doing that to my hair, you’ll be leaving this club draped over my shoulder in under ten seconds.”

  I didn’t even realize I was doing it, and I immediately pulled my hands back. His arms didn’t release me, though. He opened his eyes and gave me a purely predatory smile. “Don’t think for one second I don’t want your hands on me. Just how ‘bout we not tug on my hair.”

  My skin flushed hot at his words. Even more so when he added, “We’ll reserve that for another time.”

  Finally finding my voice, I teased, “Oh yeah. Another time? Hopefully I’ll remember.”

  I felt, more than heard, the growl rumble in his chest when he brought his lips within an inch of mine. “You better believe I won’t let you forget.” And then his lips were on mine again. It was a quick, forceful reminder. Telling me there was no way I’d forget. He was right.

  A few breathless moments later, he pulled away, and that gaze was back. I shivered before gaining my composure. He noticed it and smiled. “So, now that you have me here, what do you intend to do with me? I fear if we stay on this dance floor any longer, I may be leaving by way of emergency personnel.”

  His knee! I reluctantly put space between our bodies. He resisted the move but gave in, letting me look down at his knee. “Is your knee okay? Did you hurt it? Why didn’t you say something?”

  I almost didn’t see his knee brace because he had it fitted over a dark pair of pants. Not to mention the lighting in the club didn’t exactly allow it. He chuckled, drawing my attention back to his face.

  “My knee isn’t the problem, Leeann. But if you continue to dance, and all the douchebags in this club keep looking at you, I might be arrested for assault before the night is over.”

  Relieved he wasn’t hurt, I almost missed his comment. I snorted and shook my head. “Typical jock.”

  Together we turned, and his arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into his side as we walked off the dance floor. “It’s a guy thing, Leeann, not a jock thing.”

  “Whatever. My friends must’ve all gone back to the table we have. You okay meeting them?” I asked, suddenly a little nervous about introducing them. Not that I was embarrassed, but I knew they might pummel Jonathan with stupid questions. I groaned inwardly.

  “I’m game for meeting your friends. I brought one too … I wonder where he went,” Jonathan admitted as he scanned the club for a moment. “Oh well, he’ll find me.”

  Almost as if on cue, a guy just a bit taller than Jonathan came up next to us. “Dude, did you not learn anything when Goose died? You never leave your wingman.”

  I watched as Jonathan extended his fist to him. “Sorry, man. I was a little preoccupied.”

  His friend met his fist with his own before turning his attention to me. It was when he smiled I realized he was the teammate. The one his family was also cheering for.

  “You’re Robby, right?” I blurted like my own discovery was as exciting for them as it was for me.

  Jonathan looked at me strangely, but Robby smiled. A full teeth smile that looked brighter than it probably was, but the lighting coupled with his bronzed skin made it stand out. It was kind of funny and might’ve taken away from his beautifully masculine face, but I realized that wasn’t possible. He extended his hand, saying, “Apparently my reputation precedes me. You must be the lovely Leeann.”

  Placing my hand in his, I smiled as he bowed and kissed it. “The one and only,” I said as I looked up at Jonathan in question. Was this guy for real? Guys our age didn’t do that. Jonathan shook his head and glared at Robby.

  “All right, asshole, you can let go of her hand now. Try finding a willing victim to molest,” Jonathan grumbled, before asking me, “How did you know his name was Robby?”

  Robby laughed next to us as I answered, “I told you I watched more than just you play that day. Besides, I think Robby scored the winning goal after you left the game. Right?”

  Robby laughed again. “Dude, your girl has an awesome memory.” Jonathan scowled and pursed his lips.

  Clearly he did think he was the only player I watched. I felt like less of a stalker for knowing who Robby was, too. It was oddly comforting. Now I looked like a devoted fan and not the dumbstruck girl I felt like at the game. Good thing I hadn’t mentioned I was sitting in front of his family and thought he was waving to me when actually waving at them. Yeah, that’ll be my little secret.

  “Hey Robby, my friends and I have a table. You’re more than welcome to join us. I’m sure you’ll find a willing victim to molest amongst the group,” I said with humor.

  “Dude, I love your girl. She brought friends!” Robby’s excited look was hilarious. If only he knew what was in store for him. Some of my girls were full blown predators. Shaking my head, I laughed as we approached the table. Now, not only was I looking forward to their reaction over Jonathan, but also his hot friend.

  Taking the lead, I moved in front of Jonathan, pulling him by the hand. Robby fell in step behind him, so when we emerged on the other side of the dance floor, they saw me first. When I watched Mari’s face light up I knew she’d seen Jonathan. She quickly tapped the girls on each side, and, lik
e dominoes, I watched their reactions. Angie’s eyes widened, Brenda’s mouth gaped open, Jen was smirking, Miriam nodded with a slight smile, and Mari was grinning like the devil. And then Robby must have come into sight, because their expressions magnified.

  Laughing outright, I leaned into Jonathan when his hand found my waist. Half of them stared at Jonathan, and the other half ogled Robby. I looked at him towering next to me and laughed a little more. He smirked then looked at Jonathan and repeated himself, “Dude, I really love your girl.”

  Mari spoke up next, saying, “So super-sexy-soccer-man brought a friend … Yum.”

  Figuring introductions were in order, I interrupted before Mari let loose. If I knew her, and I totally did, she’d be all over Robby. “Girls, this is Jonathan.” I gestured to him.

  He raised his hand with a wave and a head nod. “Ladies.”

  “And this is his friend, and teammate, Robby. Try not to devour him in one sitting,” I admonished them but knew it went in one ear and out the other. Besides the befuddled look in all of their eyes, there was Mari’s look of determination.

  Mari mumbled something that sounded like, no promises, as Robby moved toward the booth.

  “Got room for us in that booth? I promise I don’t bite too hard. But I’m thinking I need to be in the center—that way I can see all your smiling faces,” he said confidently.

  Next to me, Jonathan snorted before whispering, “Watch him work. He’ll have them hand feeding him in no time. I’m sorry in advance if he pisses off any of your friends.”

  I smiled and watched as half the table emptied to make room for him to slide in. They all sat down and gave him their full attention. I leaned up and said, “I probably should’ve warned him before letting him step into the lioness den. They’re gonna eat him alive.”

  Jonathan gave me a look of disbelief. Then I saw Mari move in close. Gesturing for Jonathan to pay attention, I said, “Watch this.”


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