Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance

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Naughty but Nice: A Best Friend's Dad Christmas Romance Page 46

by Rye Hart



  The next morning, when my alarm went off, I stared at the ceiling and wondered what in the hell I had done last night. Had I agreed to take Emma's virginity? Had I really almost slept with her? My head was hurting from having too much wine and not sleeping very well. Not the best way to start a morning, but I was grateful I had a few hours to myself, although, it would be devoted mainly to work, before the kids got home from my mother's.

  It was rare that they weren't home with me, and as I climbed out of bed, I caught myself still listening for their little feet in the halls and their giggles filling the house. The silence was strange, even though I had to admit that it was nice to be able to spend a few extra minutes in the shower without worrying about them making a mess or getting into some sort of mischief.

  I decided to work outside again this morning. I thought a little sunshine and fresh air would help clear my head and get me thinking straight again. It was a luxury of living in Southern California; the weather was almost always perfect for being outside. I took my laptop and some coffee out back, set up shop on the picnic table I'd shared with Emma the night before, and booted everything up.

  Someone was in the backyard of the Taylor home, and part of me was afraid it would be Emma. Running into her again, so soon, would be a bit awkward. Especially since I wasn't so sure what to make of the little agreement we'd made. But, it wasn't Emma, it was her dad, Dan.

  “Good morning,” I said, waving at him.

  He was working on the garden near our shared fence, so I was reasonably sure he'd heard me, but he didn't say anything at first. I let it go, assuming he was distracted as he pulled at the weeds, cursing under his breath.

  Dan never cursed, he was always so serious, so reserved, and definitely not prone to cursing out loud. So, to hear him cussing up a storm meant something was wrong. I wondered if there had been some sort of drama in his family and decided that it wasn’t any of my business, so I focused my energy on my work. We had a proposal coming due this week and I needed to finish analyzing some of the financials, which had just made it to my inbox that morning. I wasn't the only one working on the weekend at least.

  Finally, Dan stood up and wiped the sweat from his brow. His gaze was zeroed in on me, and I glanced over, smiled, and waved, only for him to scowl at me in return.

  “Everything okay?” I asked him.

  “Just stay away from my daughter, you hear me?” he said, the ferocity of his tone taking me by surprise. “You stay the hell away from her.”

  “What?” I asked. “I don't know what – ”

  “I see the way you look at her,” he said, shaking his head. “The way you stare at her. I know that look in a man's eyes. She's too young for you, Marcus. Find someone your own age and leave my daughter alone.”

  “There's nothing going on between us,” I stammered. “She watches my kids, but that's it.”

  “And the surfing lessons?” he added.

  “I forgot about those, but yes, she's teaching them how to surf,” I said. “But it's purely professional, I promise you. I didn't even know she was going to be our instructor until we showed up the other day.”

  Okay, it was purely professional except for what had happened the night before. And the agreement I'd made to take her virginity next weekend. That wasn't very professional. Not at all. I hated lying to the man, but he was my neighbor and there was no easy way to tell him I'd made an agreement to sleep with his daughter.

  “Keep it that way,” he said. “I'm warning you.”

  Never in all the years I lived next door had Dan Taylor been anything but pleasant toward me. I knew he was protective of his daughters, but this was a new one for me. He was downright angry with me. He went back inside and left me to my work.

  But as I sat at the table, totally stunned by his behavior, all I could think about was how badly I wanted Emma.


  “When do we get to surf with Emma again?” Zoey asked mid-week.

  She was already counting down the days until our next lesson. Knowing her, she was probably already counting down the hours. While I, on the other hand, was actively avoiding Emma as much as possible. The closer we got the weekend, the more nervous I became. I would have to tell her the agreement was off. I couldn't sleep with her. As much as I wanted to, we couldn't be together like that. I needed to remain in good terms with my neighbors, needed to avoid as much drama and stress as possible.

  Sleeping with my neighbor's daughter, somebody I considered a friend, wasn't the best way of going about doing that.

  “Just a few more days, sweetheart,” I said.

  “Can Emma come over and play with us tonight?”

  Normally, I'd say it was up to Emma, but I froze. Zoey turned to me and repeated her question, “Can we see if Emma wants to – ”

  “Emma has a job now, sweetie,” I said. “I don't want to bother her all the time.”

  But as luck would have it, my rotten luck anyway, there was a knock on the door a little while later, and it was everyone's favorite babysitter.

  “I made cupcakes,” she said with a sweet smile, holding out a plate with three cupcakes on it. “Thought maybe you and the kids would like some?”

  “Emma!” Zoey said, running into the foyer at top speed.

  She wrapped her arms around Emma's waist, nearly toppling the girl over. Emma just laughed and hugged her back, barely managing to avoid dropping the plate of cupcakes.

  “I come bearing gifts,” she said, but then looked up at me. “That is, if your dad says it's okay.”

  Zoey's eyed grew wide as soon as she saw the cupcakes which were chocolate with pink and blue sprinkles on top. “Please, daddy? Please?”

  “Since it's after dinner, sure,” I said.

  Zoey reached up and grabbed the cupcake. Zack came into the room and his eyes grew as wide as his sister's had been.

  “And give one to your brother.”

  Zoey did as she was told, passing off the second cupcake to Zack. I ushered the kids into the kitchen, trying to avoid crumbs from getting all over the floor, and Emma followed behind. She handed me the last cupcake once we were in the kitchen.

  “And one for you, of course,” she said.

  “What about you?” I asked.

  “Me? I already had three,” she laughed. “It's why I needed to get them out of the house.”

  “You had three?” Zoey asked incredulously, her face covered with chocolate. “I'm jealous. I wish I could have three, they're so yummy!”

  “My stomach hates me right about now,” Emma said with a laugh. “So, don't be jealous.”

  There was something about a girl who could eat cupcakes without guilt that was so damn attractive. I couldn't put my finger on it, but the fact that she never once mentioned needing to watch her weight, or be careful about what she ate, that I admired. She was healthy without obsessing over it or sacrificing the things she enjoyed for the sake of conforming to societal views of attractiveness.

  And I loved that she could be that positive influence on my daughter.

  “Thanks for the cupcake,” I said, sitting it on the counter. “I'll enjoy it later, I'm sure.”

  She shot me a smile and a wink, as if she was hinting at something more. I wasn't an idiot, I knew what she was getting at and it caused me to look away, to focus on my kids instead. If I was going to refuse her, I couldn’t damn well sit there and stare into those gorgeous blue eyes of hers.

  “Wipe your faces and wash your hands,” I said. Giggling like maniacs, Zoey and Zack ran down to the bathroom to clean themselves off, which meant Emma and I were alone for a second.

  She slid up next to me, standing a bit too close, and whispered, “I can't wait for this weekend.”

  “Yeah, about that – ” I started to say, but she kissed me really quickly, pressing her sweet lips to mine, and by the time she pulled away, my kid's footsteps were coming too close for me continue what I was saying.

  “Emma, wanna play a game with us?” Zoey asked.

  “Sure! I'd love to,” Emma said, smiling brightly. “What do you want to play?”

  I heard the kids discussing Candy Land versus Chutes and Ladders as they walked into the living room. I stayed in the kitchen, my lips tingling from that kiss. I had to talk to Emma, to tell her we couldn't be together. There wasn't any easy way to say it and I hoped she wouldn't take it hard, but sleeping with her, taking her virginity, it just wasn't right. It had the potential to do a lot of damage to the both of us.

  I had to talk to her and make her understand. I just had no idea what the fuck I was going to say.


  Saturday came before I knew it and I'd had no time to talk to Emma in private. My kids were always around. There were no more secret kisses, no more flirtations, but I saw the way she looked at me and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she was not changing her mind about our little agreement. That meant I had to change her mind for her.

  I took the kids to the beach for their lesson, ready to sit on the sidelines and watch again, lost in my thoughts, when Emma pulled on my arm.

  “You said you'd join in this time,” she reminded me.

  “I changed my mind,” I said. “I don't feel like it.”

  She cocked her head to the side and shot me an incredulous look. “No, you promised the kids, and I'm not going to let you get out of it this time.”

  “You promised, daddy,” Zack piped in.

  “Yeah, you promised,” Zoey added.

  Geez. All three of them were ganging up on me, all pulling on me to join them.

  “Fine,” I said. “Let me change.”

  The kids cheered as Emma smiled, obviously pleased with herself. She could be convincing, that was for sure. The idea of wearing a wetsuit around her made me nervous, as did my potential failings at surfing. But I'd promised my kids, and there was no way they were going to let me wiggle my way out of it again.

  I changed and came out of the bathroom, dragging my feet the entire time. Emma was smiling wide as she looked me up and down, a look of raw hunger in her eyes. She obviously approved.

  “Alright,” she said, clapping her hands together. “Let's get started. Last week, we did some body boarding in the water, just to get a feel for the waves. Today, we're going to practice standing up on your board.”

  I suddenly felt very nervous. Emma put the surfboard down on the ground and instructed us to all do the same thing. Then, she laid down and we followed suit.

  “Now, we are going to practice here on land first,” she said. “Let's get the hang of this before we go out on the water, okay? Watch me.”

  She placed her hands on either side of her, with her fingers curling over the side of the board. Then in one quick movement, she pushed her body up with her arms, almost in a yoga pose, and then tucked her feet. She moved her body in one swift movement and was on her feet in a flash. She made it look all too easy, which I knew was a lie. And it wouldn't be easy on the water, for sure.

  Why did I think this was a good idea again?

  “You may find it easier to get on your knees first,” she said. “Then from there, bring one foot up at a time until you're standing. Now let's try it.”

  She went over to Zoey first and they worked on technique one-on-one.

  “Good job, Zoey,” she said after spending a little time with her. “Now here's how you stand, with your feet like this. Keep practicing while I help Zack.”

  She looked over at me and smiled. “Why aren't you practicing, Marcus?”

  She sounded like a teacher with that tone in her voice.

  “I'm watching the kids,” I said.

  “You need to practice too,” she said. “Because we're going to get you out on the water.”

  I groaned, but did as she instructed, feeling like I nailed it on the first try. She finished showing Zack and came over to me.

  “Lie down,” she said.

  I did as instructed and laid flat on the board.

  “Now put your hands here,” she moved my hands to the correct position, “And lift up your body through here.”

  Her hands were now on my torso and she was looking me right in the eye, a mischievous, flirty grin on her face as she moved my body into position. I was amazed that she could be so professional, and yet so flirtatious at the same time. I were being honest, I was more than a little turned on by it as well.

  I did my best to banish those thoughts from my head. There was no way in hell I could let myself go there with her. I wouldn't.

  “Now hop up on your knees,” she instructed.

  As I did so, her hands moved lower, grazing my ass ever so slightly. She winked at me, letting me know it was intentional. She gave me a seductive little lick of her lips and a flash of more to come in her eyes.

  Yeah, telling her we weren't hooking up should be fun, I thought.

  “Let's try that again,” she said.

  “No, I think I'm good,” I said, my throat dry. “Let me keep practicing. Maybe work with Zack and Zoey on their stance some more?”

  Emma shook her head. “You don't have to be afraid of me, Marcus,” she said with a laugh. “I'm not going to judge you. Everyone starts somewhere.”

  Oh, if that was my only concern, I'd be more than happy in that moment. But the way she'd touched me, the way she'd looked at me, I could feel myself growing hard in my wetsuit and the last thing I needed was an obvious erection. Especially with my kids right there.

  Emma's eyes moved down my body, as if she could read my mind. But then, being a man in the presence of a gorgeous woman, she probably didn't need psychic powers to determine what was going through my mind.

  “That's not what I'm afraid of,” I muttered under my breath.

  Laughing, she patted me on the butt playfully. “Fine,” she said, “Lie down and work on your feet and hands some more. I'll help the kids.”

  She walked over, and yes, I watched her tight little ass as she walked away. I couldn't help myself. I was grateful to be able to lie down flat on my stomach, hiding myself against the surfboard, because I really didn't want my kids, not to mention everyone else on the beach, to see me standing there with a raging hard-on.

  Thankfully, Emma spent the rest of the time with the kids. We never did make it in the water, which Zoey protested, of course, but Emma was there to defuse the situation and talk Zoey down off that particular ledge.

  “Slow and steady,” Emma said. “We have to put safety first. We need to get the basics down before we get in the water, okay?”

  “Fine,” Zoey said. She turned to me and asked, “Since we didn't get to surf, can I play in the waves for a bit before we leave, daddy? Pretty please?”

  “Sure,” I said, still lying flat and feeling incredibly awkward about it. “Go ahead. I need to change anyway.”

  “I'll keep an eye on them,” Emma said. “Go ahead, change into something more comfortable.”

  Emma and the kids walked toward the ocean, and I stopped and stared as they played happily in the waves. I could hear their laughter from far away, and I couldn't help but smile. It brought so much joy to my life to see my kids smiling and having fun. I really didn't want to ruin things with Emma. She was perfect for my children, and I was so grateful that she was a part of their lives.

  I feared that if I slept with her, it would ruin it. But then, if I didn't sleep with her, I ran the same risk. I felt damned if I did and damned if I didn't.

  I felt caught in a no-win situation and had zero idea how I was going to get out of it.


  That night, I was staying inside my house. Hiding, really. It was perhaps a little immature, but I was hoping to avoid the potential awkwardness with Emma. But right around nine or so that night, there was a soft knock at my door. When I heard it, my heart sank into my shoes.

  Part of me wanted to go into hiding, to quickly turn out the lights and pretend I wasn't there. I didn't trust myself around her. She
was an attractive woman, and I wanted to do things with her that I shouldn't want to do. And she was not only agreeable to sleeping with me, but was pursuing me aggressively.

  I couldn't avoid her forever.

  When I answered the door, my jaw nearly hit the floor. There was Emma, but she looked so entirely different. No longer was she the cute little girl next door in her sundresses and short-shorts; she was a woman and there was no denying it. She wore a black sheath dress that hugged her curves just right. The dress was low cut, showing off her perky breasts and making it hard not to stare.

  On top of the sexy attire, her blonde hair was pulled back in a French twist and she was wearing red lipstick. She hardly ever wore makeup, and when she did, it was always so natural, it looked as if she wasn't wearing any at all. Even now, with her delicious red lips and thick, black lashes, she still wasn't overdone. She was still Emma underneath it all, just more dressed up than I'd ever seen her before.

  The effect was beyond stunning.

  As I stared at her, I could feel the fire burning low in my belly. Oh God, how I wanted her.

  “May I come in?” she said, smiling awkwardly.

  She barely looked up at me, almost like she was feeling a little self-conscious herself. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her own waist , as if she was afraid of showing off too much of herself. She was shy. Never in a million years would I expect Emma to be shy, but there she was, trying to hide even while, at the same time, she was trying to show off her beautiful body.

  “Of course,” I said, opening the door wider for her to come inside. “But we need to – ”

  Before I could finish my sentence, she pressed herself against me and kissed me. And just like that, shy Emma went straight out the window.

  “I've been waiting all week to do that,” she said, blushing as she pulled away. “I was afraid I'd lose the nerve if I waited.”

  I closed the door behind her, unable to speak. My gaze fell on her once more and I felt myself growing harder just looking at her. I could only imagine what seeing her naked would do to me.


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