Timeless Tides

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Timeless Tides Page 16

by M. R. Polish

  “Yea… That’s what I thought.” My mind flew a hundred miles an hour, thinking of ways on how to escape. My head pounded as my blood pressure catapulted, and my level of anxiety reached a capacity I was certain I couldn’t handle any more without throwing up.

  After several moments, he cocked his head. “What if she is?”

  I could taste the bile that now burned in the back of my throat. “Am I gonna die?”

  He had a wide grin. “Not today.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, and clenched my hands into tight fists. What was that supposed to mean—not today? Did that mean he would torture me for a week before killing me?

  I glanced up but avoided his eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze. “You’re crazy.”

  “Oh really? I’m the crazy one? Who exactly made the flowers bloom in front of everyone? That wasn’t me.”

  The heavy feeling from stress weighed my body down. “If I’ve gone off the deep end, then you pushed me there. Maybe you drugged me at the hospital while you took care of my mom.” I had no explanation for the flowers. I couldn’t give him one even if I wanted to—which I didn’t.

  He tilted his head. “How would I have done that? You need to calm down.”

  Calm down? Was he serious? I looked down at my shaking hands. A soft light hovered around them again. What was going on? Ugh! “I want to get out of this car!”

  “Let’s change the subject a little, and talk about your mom.”

  I refused to talk. Glancing around the car, I looked for anything to hit him with. Of course, the car was clean, nothing anywhere.

  “You’re just like her, except for your red hair and green eyes.” He swallowed and stared at the grey–carpeted floor. “The afternoon she—died—was supposed to be the day for me to help her get away, but your dad found out before I could get there to help. I should have been there and then she wouldn’t need to do this…” His eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to overflow.

  I scrunched my eyes. “The day for what? What are you talking about?”

  “I knew Meadow long ago. It was fate. I’ve been searching for you both the whole eighteen years. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her.” His mouth curved up, tugging at the corners of his lips, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “I’m not sure I understand.” Then it was as if light bulbs flickered in my head. “Wait—you were searching for me?” Oh, that was just terrific. My kidnapper was also a stalker! I shuddered at the thought of how many times I left my bedroom window open growing up.

  He spoke up, breaking my thoughts. “She said that she couldn’t leave.” His lips tightened in a straight line. “I can’t say too much right now, but I’ll tell you that she is drained. It took every ounce of magic she had to keep you concealed. Among other things.”

  “Magic? You’re saying my mom has—or had—magic? And it’s because of me that she has no more?” This was insane. He was insane.

  “You have it too, don’t forget the flowers, and no, it is not because of you that she won’t have her magic anymore.” He leaned back in his seat. “To help answer some of your questions, I wanted to help her, but the wards around your house were too strong for me to break. The warlock who placed the spell over her and the house is exceptionally talented and has more abilities than even I do.”

  “A warlock?” Oh, he undoubtedly was delusional.

  He chuckled a little, holding his hand up. “I mean no disrespect to you witches, trust me—there are some of you who can put us warlocks to shame. I just speculated since your dad is one.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I just meant… oh never mind.” I wrapped my arms around my middle tighter, and leaned over in my seat, trying not to throw up. I could imagine the sick and twisted games he would play before killing me. Oh God, he probably thought he lived at Hogwarts. I hugged myself so tight I was sure I bruised my sides. My fingers tingled from lack of oxygen as I held my breath.

  “You know you’re special,” he continued, placing a hand on my back.

  Opening one eye, I shrugged off his touch. “Yeah, yeah, I’m a witch.” I couldn’t restrain my need to be sarcastic.

  “Your mom was a zealous witch at one time…” He trailed off in silent thought, still looking out of the window.

  I could not believe he honestly thought this was real. I love Halloween and all, but presuming witches were real was too much. I glimpsed down at my hands. Or, maybe it was real. Deciding that at least for right now, I would play along with what he said. Maybe it would keep me alive longer.

  I looked up at the darkening sky, it gave the impression of being even later in the day than it was. My eyes were heavy from such a long day of stress and crying. I tried to settle myself in the seat, but I was too tense to get comfortable.

  “So if my mom isn’t dead, then where is she?” I prayed he wouldn’t say she was a hostage, bound and gagged in some abandoned cabin.

  He hesitated before talking. “Before I tell you where she is, let me say a little about what happened first. Clear the air so to speak… Your dad found out about our plans to meet, but he was not about to let her walk away.”

  I nodded. That wasn’t something new. My mom and dad argued all the time. It bewildered me that they’d stayed married as long as they did. My mom running off and having an affair didn’t seem like a big deal to me.

  Victor’s nostrils flared and then he looked out his window. “On her way to meet me is when the truck hit her.” He glanced back over at me. “I went immediately to be by her side—you have to understand, I only have so much power and my magic alone can’t heal her.”

  I grabbed my head in my hands, releasing an aggravated sigh. Everything was extremely confusing. With my face still buried in my hands, I managed to mumble something that resembled words through my fingers. “I don’t understand. Why kidnap me?”

  “Would you have come willingly?”


  Peeking through my fingers, I watched as he rubbed his neck.

  “What do you know about magic?”

  I raised my eyebrow and lowered my hands away from my face, letting them drop to my lap. “Seriously—magic?” He was persistent I’d give him that. “You’re so confusing!”

  “What do you know?”

  I couldn’t help but smirk at his serious tone. “It’s kid stuff. Things fairytales thrive on and make the imagination scream for more, but if you’re looking for a real answer, it simply isn’t real. Magic is not real.”

  He snorted. “You seem to know everything about magic, except for the truth.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. He exasperated me. There was no getting through to him.

  He flashed me a grin as he fidgeted with the ring on his right hand. “I wish you had been given the opportunity to know the truth. You’d be one heck of a witch by now.”

  I didn’t hide my scoff at the mention of me being a witch this time. “Do you honestly believe that? Because I think you’re delusional. I’m sure there is a good hospital we can take you to.”

  “I could show you if you’d like.”

  My heart lurched with his words. I couldn’t decide if he was serious or not. “No, I’m good without visuals.” I remembered my glowing hands from earlier, and a small shiver ran through me from the thought that what he said could be true.

  “Your mom is special, but she only has days left before she changes.”

  “Changes? You’re confusing and scaring me even more.”

  “The only way she can survive is to change into a … half vampire.”

  My breathing hitched. “A what?”

  “Vampire. Magic cannot heal her. It has gone too far. A rare and venomous plant is killing her. In other words, she was poisoned. It either happened before or right after the accident. I was the only one who knew about the poison. It is something doctors would never be able to detect, but to a witch it is deadly. So her magical life is ending, and her new life is beginning as a dark creature of the night… a vampire.”

  “You are sick. Vampires? Really? First witches and now this? You need help.”

  “I know it must be hard to accept since your whole life everyone kept the truth from you, but it’s real. All of it. You’re a witch, I’m a warlock, and there are vampires, among other supernaturals. It’s hard to accept this I know. Vampires are dark creatures who care for no mortal. They hunt for blood.”

  My stomach rolled with his delusions. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Arabeth, long before you were born, a war broke out between magical beings. Vampires, witches, guardians, and then there emerged crossbreeds. They are the result of a power hungry warlock, Nicholas, who thought creating half vampire, half magic would help him get the upper hand in the fight. Vampires are sired, so whoever creates them can manipulate them to do their bidding. Nicholas is a warlock so he can’t sire a vampire, but he can sire a crossbreed where the magical half is sired to him.

  “When your mom, Adonia, found out she was pregnant with you there was hope. You see, Adonia was the most powerful witch, the one who led us all in the war against Nicholas. She wanted us to stay free and not become slaves to a domineering dictator. Or worse, become a crossbreed against our will.”

  I stared at him, entranced at his fairytale. “What happened?”

  “Right before you were born, Adonia was captured. She had you will she was imprisoned, but Meadow, who worked for Nicholas, stole you away. She was supposed to bring you to me, but Bry found her and that resulted in a spell where nether of them could leave or communicate with anyone about you. A safeguard spell of sorts. Anyway, as I said, I searched for you for years and finally found you. Now, here we are.”

  “Why do you want me?”

  He grinned. “Let’s just see if you can help Meadow first. If you can do that, then I’ll know you can help me.”

  I wouldn't argue with him anymore about his imaginary magic life. “Just get me to her.” Desperation settled itself into my soul. I didn’t care anymore. I just wanted my mom back. A stronger tug at my soul made me think about his story. What if it was true and she wasn’t my mom?

  “You don’t know what it means to save her, what is entailed, or even how I will forever be grateful if it works...” His eyes softened as he finished speaking.

  “I honestly don’t care, as long as she’s okay.” For the most part, that was true.

  Victor leaned over to me and grasped my hand. “Just think about it and it will all make sense.”

  “Are you going to kill me?”

  He laughed. “No.”

  I looked out the window. The last remaining streaks of sunlight fell on my skin then only shadows danced in the dark. Lights flashed in the distance, lighting up a runway. “Where are we going?” I panicked as I realized we were stopping at the airport.

  “I told you, to see your mom.”

  “We need an airplane for that? I assumed she was across town.”

  “Yes, I had her flown out to Madrid. Ree is taking extremely good care of her.”

  My eyes widened. “Madrid, as in Spain?”

  “Yes. I have an old friend who has agreed to change her and take care of her after the turning process. She lives there, and it would be less noticeable since Meadow supposedly died here.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “No, but I assure you that she’s is waiting for you.”

  My mind told me to run as far away as I could get, but my heart ached for my mom, and a little part of me wanted what Victor said to be true.

  Another thought came to mind. I was not prepared to leave the country. “What’s your plan to sneak me into another country?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I have no ID with me. No passport means no entrance. You kidnapped me. Remember?”

  “About that… I have a bag of your belongings from your apartment. I took the liberty of packing for you since you didn’t know about this little trip.”

  “You were in my apartment!” I interjected.

  “It’s not like you locked it. It was easy enough to enter. Besides, you’ll thank me later.”

  Ugh! I folded my arms. My skin crawled. It’s not like being stalked and kidnapped weren’t enough; I was now a victim of a burglary. As soon as I got out of this predicament, I was so talking to Ailaina about locking the door from now on.

  The car stopped on the tarmac. I tried the door and to my surprise, it opened. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity. Why hadn’t I tried sooner? The cold night air caressed my flushed skin. My hair whipped in the breeze around my face and stuck to my lip glossed lips, irritating me.

  The roar of the jet’s engines screamed. Red, green and white lights flashed on the plane. Despite my sweater wrapped around my body, the chilly air found its way in.

  Victor came around behind me, holding out his arm for me to take. “Ready?”

  I hesitated before linking my arm with his. I could see why my mom liked him. He acted like such a gentleman—except for the kidnapping thing—but if my mom was alive, I could definitely forgive him of that. Not that I supported her actions to cheat against my dad or anything, but the grief inside me hoped for a release and if this was the only way, then so be it.

  The metal steps leading up to the door of the plane looked overwhelming as if they were the stairs that led to the beginning of my future, and one false move would make them crumble. My body trembled as I took the first step up. Letting go of his arm, I steadied myself against the railing.

  He brushed past me into the plane, leaving me to stand in the doorway. He left me alone? It couldn’t be that easy, could it? Hope flared like fireworks inside me. I turned to run, but couldn’t move. It was as if an invisible glass wall stood in my way. No. No, no, no. I pushed against whatever it was that kept me from fleeing. Kicking, hitting, nothing worked. Crying out one last time, I gave up. Victor was good. I’m not sure how he did it, but he was good at it. I watched as the car and the two men drove off, leaving me there alone with Victor.

  A hushed murmur of voices came from deeper inside, but over the roar of the engines warming up for flight they weren’t perceptible. Peeking around the corner, I hoped to see who Victor was talking to.

  My shoulders fell. There was no one in the cabin. On my left, the door slid shut to the cockpit. That must’ve been where he went.

  There were four ivory colored captain’s chairs with two tables in the main area of the cabin. I’d never flown before, but all the movies I watched were with commercial planes and nothing ever looked this stylish.

  The plane was warm, even with the door still wide open, so I shrugged off my sweater and draped it over the back of one of the chairs. With Victor still nowhere in sight and some unexplainable shield preventing me from leaving, my weary body slumped down into a seat close to a window.

  I reclined back in the chair, wishing I had my phone. I’d give anything to talk to Ailaina. And what about my dad? Was he looking for me? Ugh, what was I thinking? I should be thinking about calling the police, not my best friend. Did my dad call the police yet? My heart broke into a thousand pieces. I slouched even more into the chair. I didn’t want to think about Ailaina, my mom, or even my dad for that matter.

  I spun the chair so I could see out of the small oval window. The green lights on the wingtips blinked in rhythm with the beat of my heart. I couldn't see the airport building, but looking beyond the wing of the plane, I saw the out lining hills in silhouettes that made an eerie backdrop with the Nevada sunset. But no police lights anywhere could be seen. No one was coming to rescue me. Closing my tired eyes, I tried to block out the world.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat startled me. My eyes flew open, and I spun the chair back around. A man stood near the entrance of the plane, and my heart skipped a beat. Not only did I hope he could help me escape, but he was by far the cutest guy I’d ever seen.

  Dark sunglasses covered his eyes even though it was dusk. He wore a half buttoned, black pinstripe shirt that showed a white t-shirt undernea
th and blue jeans. I looked down at my own attire. I was still in my funeral dress, looking like a librarian covered in black. Oh well. It’s not as if I chose to be here. I reached my hand up and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to smooth out my long red tresses. I wished I could pull it back with something.

  I gave myself permission to let my eyes travel over the god of a body he had. A Five O’clock shadow gave him a mysterious look that went well with his dark tussled hair. If I had to guess, I would say he was in his early twenties.

  A grin spread out on his face as he noticed me undressing him with my eyes. I averted my gaze as quick as I could, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. I’m sure they turned a bright cherry red.

  “Esmerelda,” he assumed with a deep drawl. It gave me goosebumps and a shiver coursed through my spine.

  I bit my lip and shook my head. It shouldn’t have, but it disappointed me that he thought I was someone else. Of course he would have a girlfriend. Someone that sexy wouldn’t be without one.

  He cocked his head. “You’re sure?”

  “I think I know who I am.” I grimaced and nodded toward the cockpit. “Are you a—um—a…”

  His chuckle interrupted me, but I was grateful I didn’t need to finish my uncomfortable question. If he was going to help me escape I needed to know who he was, but not sure how to ask without mentioning Victor’s crazy magic talk.

  “No, I’m a Guardian.” He took off his sunglasses, revealing perfect aqua blue eyes. “Have you seen Victor?”

  No words came. All I could do was shake my head once again.

  He grinned, showing a small dimple. “I’ll go check the cockpit,” he turned, moving toward the front of the plane, “…Victor likes to think he can fly.”

  If it were any other day, that might have been funny. I rested my head back against the chair. A couple seconds passed before he returned from the front of the plane, shutting the door behind him.

  “Did you find Victor?”

  “Yeah, he’s in there.” He pointed with his thumb behind him, to the closed door. “He’ll be out in a minute.”

  “So, I take it that you talked him out of flying?”


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