Sacred Serenity (Lotus House Book 2)

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Sacred Serenity (Lotus House Book 2) Page 2

by Audrey Carlan

  Her eyes were glassy and unfocused. She shook her head and blinked several times. “Uh… Amber… Amber St. James.”

  I smiled and cupped her cheek. She leaned in. A wave of male pride rushed through my chest. I caressed one high cheekbone with my thumb, appreciating the blush that pinked them both. Her face was free of makeup, just the way I preferred a woman. Raw beauty.

  “Happy to meet you, Amber.”

  For long moments, we stared at one another, our bodies’ energy reaching for one another in a cosmic way I was used to experiencing in my classes, but not privately.

  “Dash, glad you’re here.” Genevieve interrupted our visual seduction of one another. “Amber is premed and needs to learn all she can about the practice of Tantric sex for her human sexuality coursework. As you’re our resident guru, I thought you could help her out.”

  I turned my attention to Genevieve. She pouted and put her hand over her rounded belly, reminding me of the debacle I’d caused between her and her mate half a year ago. Payback could sometimes be a pain in the neck. Then an idea formed. An absolutely brilliant one, and not only would it help Amber with her coursework, it would solve a major issue for me.

  I stared at Amber and then at Genevieve, whose hands were clasped in a prayer pose at heart center—only this was no prayer. She was downright begging. Her lips moved in a “Please, please, please,” silent request.

  “All right. On one condition.”

  Amber’s green gaze brightened exponentially, her lips tipping up into a shy smile. “Name it.” Her voice was filled to the brim with gratitude, and I loved it. In fact, I wanted far more of it and looked forward to the time where I’d feel that gratitude surrounding me in a far more primal connection.

  Flashes of her in myriad Tantric sexual poses zipped across my mind. Amber in yab-yum position sitting in my lap, face-to-face with me until I tipped her head back, allowing all that hair to dangle and tickle my thighs. I’d worship her breasts, plucking her nipples into tight little berries. Our sacral and root chakras would meld in perfect alignment as I plunged into her, awakening the lioness hiding under the lamb’s wool she wore.

  “How better to observe the class than through participation?”

  Two simultaneous gasps rang through the cavernous room until Genevieve spoke. “Dash…um, there’s probably something you should know about…”

  “In what manner are you suggesting I participate exactly?” Amber squinted, and she crossed her arms over her chest. Classic defensive posture. I hadn’t expected that. This woman, who had just admitted to being attracted to me, who had responded instantly in my arms, didn’t seem altogether eager to physically bond. Perhaps she had a significant other? A trail of prickling heat built in my chest and expanded out.

  Jealousy. Now that was a new one for me. I couldn’t recall the last time I was jealous of a partner—potential, current, or past, much less a woman I didn’t even know.

  I lowered my voice so as not to sound too forceful or demanding. “My assistant bailed again. It seems I can’t keep a single one for more than an eight-week session,” I admitted begrudgingly.

  Her brows pinched together. “Is that how long a normal Tantra course is? Eight weeks?”

  I nodded. “Yes, though some couples like to repeat it and work in detail on specific sections of the workshops.”

  “Would I have to assist you naked?”

  It was impossible not to laugh. Genevieve and I both burst into unbridled laughter at the delicate woman before us. She was beyond the pale. Her innocence positively emanated from every pore.

  “Hardly, though I definitely won’t deny the concept appeals to me…greatly.”

  I watched as her breathing became audible, slow inhales and longer exhales. There was a pattern to her breathing, which indicated to me that she’d practiced this technique before. Probably in other more strenuous or uncomfortable situations. And that’s when I felt like a heel. There were so many misconceptions about the practice of Tantra on the whole and the workshop was titled Tantric Sex & Yoga for Couples—it made sense that she’d have preconceived notions about the content.

  Noticing her discomfort, I stepped forward and laid my hand on her shoulder. I wasn’t sure if the act was to ground me or her, although touching her definitely made me feel better. “All of the participants wear standard yoga attire, though I recommend some looser clothing in specific areas so that certain parts of the body can be touched or caressed. All in areas not considered overtly sexual, I assure you.”

  Amber bit down on her plump, pink bottom lip. My dick caught the movement and rose up from its resting place within my loose pants. Once again, I locked my hands at the wrists in front of my groin.

  “I’ll do it,” she declared with complete confidence.

  Genevieve’s mouth opened and she blinked slowly. “Amber, honey, you do not know what you’re committing to.”

  That’s when my gaze shot to my friend. “Are you suggesting that I’d do something inappropriate?”

  She groaned and put her hands on her hips. “No, I’m not. But Amber is…” Her dark eyes locked onto what was fast becoming my current obsession. “Amber’s sweet.”

  Now that we both could agree on. So sweet I positively wanted to lick every morsel of her skin and find all the sugary goodness hidden beneath her clothing.

  Amber sighed. “Jeez, thanks, Mom. You want to send me to my room for being out of line?” she scoffed.

  “Amber, you know I’m just trying to protect you.” Genevieve did sound like a mother hen, but what she said rankled.

  “From who?” I chimed in. “Me?” Shock tinged with frustration swirled in the air around our threesome.

  “No. It’s just… Ugh. I’m pregnant. I don’t know what I’m saying. You two can deal with it. Amber, I warned you. Dash, I warned you. Now, can the two of you take the rest of your conversation to the break room? You’re messing up my juju.” The skin around Genevieve’s eyes and cheeks tightened as she pursed and looked away. The natural pearl color of her skin made her bright red lipstick pop even more while she rubbed her belly in large circles.

  “Come on, Amber. How about I buy you a cup of coffee?”

  Amber tilted her head down and nodded, her shoulders curving inward again. “Sure. Thanks.”

  I stopped in front of her and tapped at her chin with a single finger until she lifted her gaze. “Don’t walk with your head down. The world should bask in your beauty. They can’t do that if you’re staring at your feet.”

  Chapter Two

  Bound Angle Pose (Sanskrit: Baddha Konasana)

  Sit comfortably with the seat bones touching the mat. Bend the knees and bring the feet toward the pelvis so that the soles of both feet are touching, creating an energy network. You can clasp the feet and then, on an exhale, slowly bend forward, leading with the chest. This classic pose will open the hips and release tension in the lower back.


  Hand-in-hand, Dash led me through Lotus House and out to the street. He turned to the left and ushered me through the doors of Sunflower Bakery. There was a line of seven people. With Sunflower though, people got used to it. I’ve never walked into this establishment and not had to wait at least fifteen minutes to order. The place was always packed. I appreciated the cheery glow, sunflower motif, and jaw-dropping smells that dazzled the senses to the point I didn’t mind waiting. Standing next to Dash Alexander while waiting was not a hardship, either.

  My stomach growled as I glanced at the daily spread. It changed each morning. The Jackson clan who ran the bakery tended to make pastries and baked goods based on their moods. Today, it seemed they were influenced by the Danes. I leaned forward and rested one hand on the glass while I read the little cards next to each pastry: blueberry, peach, strawberry, apple, cinnamon, vanilla cream, chocolate cream, hazelnut cream-filled and more—a veritable cornucopia. I chuckled and decided I’d go with the cinnamon and apple. They’d go amazingly well with a vanilla latte.

I licked my lips and then heard a soft groan as a warm hand settled at the small of my back. “Do you always look at food as though you’re going to devour it in one go?”

  I looked up and our gazes locked. “I’m sorry?” My belly growled again.

  Dash crowded against my side and close to my ear. “Don’t be. I love a woman who can appreciate carnal pleasures in such a way. Gives me hope.”

  I shifted my head to the side and assessed his overconfidence. “Hope? Hope for what?”

  He smirked, and the sexiest dimple appeared on the right side of his jaw. I refrained from licking my lips, warring with the desire to kiss that dimple.

  “Hope for our future.” His eyes positively danced while his strong jaw, messy hair, and the simmering way he looked at me all added to his swoon-factor.

  Our future. Good Lord above.

  A warm wave rose from my toes up through my body. My face had to be flaming red. He was hitting on me? Dash Alexander. The man who starred in all of my late-night fantasies was flirting. With me. Boring. Homely. OCD student. Girl next door. Amber St. James.

  “I’m sorry, Dash. I don’t believe I understand. What do you mean?” I had to ask. There was no getting around it. My mind would replay his words ad nauseam if I didn’t clarify his intent.

  He grinned, and that drop-dead sexy dimple appeared again. I wanted to kiss it. Lift up on my toes and press my lips to the small indentation.

  “You will. When the time is right.”

  Of course, as fate would have it, the line cleared and we stood at the counter.

  “What’s up, Doc?” Dara Jackson greeted me. Not only was she the daughter of the couple who owned the bakery, but she was also the meditation teacher at Lotus House. I’d taken her course during the dreaded finals weeks in college for my bachelor’s. She often helped me relax and find some perspective on my studies.

  “Doc?” Dash asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Not yet. Only a few more years of medical school.”

  Dara’s brown sugar-colored skin shined right along with her smile. Her piercing blue eyes steadied on me. “Yes, but Genevieve has been going on and on about how you scored a full ride to that awesome medical school. Girl, bring it here!” She held up her hand, and I smacked it five. “Whoop! Now that’s what I’m talking about. We need a doctor running around here. With the new AcroYoga class going in, I’m certain we’ll need our own on-call doctor.”

  I laughed heartily. “Not that kind of doctor.”

  Her brows came together. “Any doctor is better than none. Those padded mats only go so far. And I hear the Italian stallion, Nick Salerno, can’t keep up with kissing his clientele’s boo-boos.” She made a sound best described as a snort and a laugh. On her, it worked. When a woman was God’s gift to mankind like Dara and Genevieve, they could make piggy noises and men would still fall at their feet.

  “All right, enough gabbing. What do you want to eat and drink so we can discuss the particulars of assisting the course?” Dash nosed his way into our chitchat.

  Dara’s eyes widened to the size of giant moons. “You’re going to assist the Tantric couples’ class?” Her smile turned into a knowing smirk. “This will be very interesting. You gonna behave?” She turned her attention to Dash.

  He frowned. “Why is it that you’re the second woman today that believes I’d dishonor or disrespect any assistant in my class?”

  Dara put her hand on Dash’s and smiled softly.

  Her gesture made the back of my neck prickle and itch.

  “Dash, honey, you’re one of the most sexual and sexy, available teachers we have. Every woman wants you to disrespect them in one of your hot, sweaty, tangled-up-in-one-another’s-bodies courses, but I thought you wouldn’t allow anyone that’s not serious about the practice to participate.” She turned to me. “Just surprised you’re the one he ended up with, Doc. You know, being a medical-type chick and not a yoga teacher.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. Both Dash and Dara clocked the movement. “It’s for my human sexuality coursework.” Not that I needed to explain, but I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. I especially didn’t want Dash to think I had any concerns about assisting. Though it did worry me how many people had left the course. Something I’d definitely need to ask him about.

  “Oh, well, that makes sense. I’m sure you’ll have a very enlightening experience.” She grinned and finally took our order.

  Dash ordered a couple donuts and a peach Danish with a large Columbian coffee. I ordered an apple and a cinnamon Danish with a latte. He paid and refused repeatedly when I tried to pay for my half. Then he led me over to a table in the far corner where we’d have a bit more privacy.

  Dara’s words kept running through my mind.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  He smiled. “I’d be concerned if you didn’t.” His butterscotch eyes hinted at mirth.

  “Why is it that you can’t keep an assistant for more than one course?” I bit into the Danish and fresh, hot apples exploded on my tongue. The sticky substances dribbled onto my lip. Before I could lick it away, Dash used his thumb to sweep the sugary confection across my lips and into my mouth. I sucked on the tip of his thumb, and his nostrils flared as he watched my mouth. Then he slowly put that same thumb into his own mouth and licked it clean.

  Holy mother of God. I clenched my thighs as my center became slick. With that one touch, my body was readying for something far more salacious. The scientific principle of cause and effect was definitely working in this female body at the moment.

  Dash inhaled and exhaled slowly before wiping his mouth and hand with a napkin. “The course can be intense.”

  I tilted my head to the side. “How so?”

  He bit down on his bottom lip and scooted his chair closer to mine so he could lean even farther into my personal space. More heat flooded between my thighs when I caught a whiff of his unique male scent. Mint and eucalyptus mixed with something darker, richer, headier, and masculine.

  His voice, already smooth as dark chocolate, lowered to something more suggestive. “It’s better if I show you. That way you can form your own opinions.”

  “Give me a hint then?”

  Dash exhaled audibly, his breath tingled against my cheek. His nearness was warm and created a comfortable cove that was intimate in ways I’d not experienced before with the opposite sex. Then again, I hadn’t experienced much with men since my head was always stuck in a textbook.

  He took a huge bite of one of his donuts, chewing slowly as he watched me squirm in my seat. Racy images ran through my mind as I thought of the many possible reasons why a person wouldn’t want to work with him anymore. He shrugged and looked out the bakery window facing the street.

  “Sometimes my assistant felt things that I didn’t share. As I said, the course work is deeply personal, and when two physical bodies and minds come together in such a way, feelings can and usually do occur. Those feelings were not reciprocated by me, which caused a bit of dissention between me and my assistant.”

  I rolled what he said around in my mind.

  “So what you’re saying is they fell in love with you?” I asked him point blank. No need to mince words. We were both adults.

  He winced and lifted his head. “I won’t go so far as to assume that, but they definitely left with stronger feelings than what I was willing to return.”

  “But not with Genevieve?” I not only wanted confirmation of this fact, I needed it in order to continue. Following girl code, I would never, ever, ever put myself in a situation to have any type of romantic relationship with a man who used to be with my bestie.

  On hearing Genevieve’s name, his frown turned upside down. “No, Genevieve and I were strictly friends. She was probably the best assistant I ever had, only…” His words fell off.

  This time, I smiled huge. Knowing Trent and his crazy alpha me-Tarzan-you-Jane-type mentality when it came to Genevieve, it made sense that he wouldn’t want his woman assisting a
class known for having sexual overtones. “Trent.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, Trent. But seriously, unless you’re mated to the person assisting, it’s probably better to teach a course with someone you can stay friends with or have new assistants regularly so that those types of feelings don’t crop up.”

  Sitting taller in my chair, I focused on him and crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me. I’m focused solely on the scholarly information I’m going to glean from this course so that I can offer my professor an incredible final report.”

  He grinned. “So you think you’re going to be able to separate your mind from your heart?”

  “Absolutely.” The words came across confident and firm. Exactly as I wanted them to.

  On that note, he stood up and grabbed our empty plates and napkins, preparing to take them to the garbage. “We’ll see.” He winked, leaving me confused and a little off kilter.


  “Dash, my husband and I are so excited to finally get into your class. We’ve been on the wait list for half a year!” My client exclaimed happily, hands at her chest as if she’d finally received the gift she’d waited all year for. I relished in the fact that people were eager to take my class. When minds were open, so were their abilities to unite with their partner on more than the physical plane. Enlightenment and connection were essentially the purposes of the course as a whole.

  I smiled and patted Rose on the shoulder. “Your enthusiasm is fantastic. I hope it’s contagious.” I caught a whiff of strawberries on the hint of a breeze that tingled against my shoulder. Closing my eyes, I grounded myself once more, turned around, and practically swallowed my tongue. “Excuse me, Rose, my assistant just arrived.”

  Amber set down her bag and pulled off her scrubs. Then she proceeded to chuck her doctor-in-training garb, which left her in only a pair of tight, black Spandex workout shorts and a teal tank. I stared as she removed her socks and folded everything into a neat pile. Then she pulled her hair out of its ponytail, and I had to physically choke back the groan that climbed its way up my throat when I saw all that thick hair tumble down her back. Christ! The woman had no idea how sensual her natural beauty was to a guy like me. Heck, to any guy. If she removed all her reservations and let the real woman underneath free, she’d have to beat men off with a stick.


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