The Eager Boy

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The Eager Boy Page 9

by Sean Michael

  “It’s our time, you know? No work. Just us.”

  “Our time. I need that.” He gave Stack a smile. “Hello, Master.”

  “Hey, baby. You hungry for some greasy burgers and the best fries in the country?”

  “God yes. Please.” His phone started ringing, and he turned it off without looking. Stack took his hand, twining their fingers together, and led him into the restaurant. It was a dive, no doubt about it, but it smelled amazing and had a charm to it.

  They settled down in a booth, Stack taking the menu and looking it over.

  “Oh, onion rings. I think we’ll have to be totally indulgent—get them as well as the fries and the burgers. Double bacon cheeseburgers, eh?”

  “Oh my God. Yes. You know how long it’s been since I ate a burger?”

  “No, I don’t—how long?”

  “Since the last time we shared one… at that drive-thru on our vacation.”

  “That was an age ago.” Stack stroked his cheek. “You could have had one anytime, so why haven’t you?”

  Robin shrugged. “Money, calories, I guess. Maybe that it felt like an indulgence?”

  “It is an indulgence.” Stack tilted his head. “Did you give up all indulgences while you were… we were… not together?”

  “I drank. That was my indulgence. The guys and I would go out and drink.” Which Stack didn’t approve of, he knew. That was probably partly why he’d done it.

  Stack grunted, face going stern, but he didn’t say anything.

  Robin shrugged, refusing to be ashamed. “I was sad and lonely and angry, and the guys would buy. My savings didn’t last me very long.”

  Stack sighed. “I was lonely too. You left a big hole in my life.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought….” He’d thought Stack would call that next day. The next week. Then he’d realized Stack didn’t miss him enough to call.

  Stack took his hands and squeezed them. “I think we’re both sorry. I think we should focus on making now work.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. You don’t know how happy I am to have you to come home to.”

  “I think I have some idea. I know how happy it makes me to have you to come home to.” Stack let go of his hands and sat back as a tired-looking waitress came over to their table.

  “You boys know what you want?”

  Stack nodded. “We do. Two double bacon cheeseburgers, an order of fries, an order of onion rings, and two milkshakes—one vanilla, one strawberry, please.”

  “You got it. You want waters?”


  “I’m going to have to run a marathon tomorrow to burn the calories!” Robin laughed, tickled to death.

  “Oh, I’ve got plans for your ass that will leave running marathons off the table. They’ll also take care of the extra calories.” Stack looked wicked as fuck.

  Robin shivered, a soft moan escaping his lips. “Yes, Master.”

  “I do like the way that sounds when you say it, boy.” Stack’s full attention was on him, making him feel like the only thing that mattered.

  “I’m glad. You are mine, just like I’m yours.”


  Stack’s phone rang, and he picked it up, looked at it, then hit Decline. “I’m not on call this weekend.”

  “No? Me neither.” Even though he might be fired for it Monday. “She’s on a rampage.”

  Stack shook his head. “I know you said you liked the job, but are you sure it’s worth the agro?”

  “No. No, I’m seriously not sure. I mean, I think I need a job. I was lonely and bored at home, and I love using my mind, but I need Julie to understand that this isn’t my life.” His life was with Stack.

  “Maybe you need a different job,” Stack suggested again.

  “I’m going to start searching Monday for sure. I’ll find something. My paycheck will go way further without the apartment….”

  “Yeah. They always say it’s easier to find a job if you already have a job.” Stack shrugged. “I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work, but it’s what they say.”

  “Right. I should have studied something less pointless at university.” Something useful.

  “Don’t do that,” Stack growled at him. “Don’t put yourself down.”

  His cheeks went hot. “I’m sorry. I have… lots of issues from when we were apart.”

  “Then you should share them so we can work on them together.” Stack made it sound so easy.

  “I was terrified. I didn’t know how to get a job; I didn’t know what to do. I mean, my friends were great. Saw threw me a housewarming party, but… I was in trouble, and I didn’t know what to do.”

  “But you made it through.” He thought he heard pride in Stack’s voice.

  “I did. I was lonely, but that’s not why I’m here now. You know that, right?”

  “I know I’m not just a port in a storm, boy.” Stack looked up as their waitress returned with their waters and milkshakes.

  “Who had the strawberry?”

  Stack pointed to him, and the waitress set down their drinks.

  “Your food’ll be up soon.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled at her, but she didn’t smile back.

  He looked over at Stack, unsure. His master’s face was neutral.

  Okay. Maybe it was just a bad day for everyone.

  She headed off, and Stack met his gaze. “That seemed rather personal.”

  “How could it be…? Oh. Maybe I shouldn’t hold your hand here….”

  Stack growled and took his hands, holding both. “Maybe if people don’t like it, they should realize it’s 2017 already.”

  “If you’re sure….” He wasn’t ashamed of Stack at all.

  “Robin, you’re my boy, and I’m proud of you. I will tell anyone that.”

  “You know how proud I am to be yours.” He was honored to have his master.

  “Then let’s not worry about who might see us. Hmm?” Stack smiled warmly.

  “Deal.” He drank deeply of his shake, the ice cream slamming into his empty belly.

  Stack grinned, watching him. “I do love watching you suck, boy.”

  He winked, then lifted his chin. “Want my cherry?”

  Stack chortled, finally answering once his laughter had faded. “Yes, baby. I really do want your cherry.”

  “Open up, Master.” He picked it up by the stem, offering it to Stack’s parted lips.

  Holding his gaze, Stack stuck his tongue out.

  He placed the cherry on the center of Stack’s tongue. Stack let it sit there for a moment before he pulled it into his mouth, making an obscene noise as it slid between his lips.

  “Beautiful master,” Robin whispered.

  “I try.”

  Things might have become even more heated between them, but their waitress returned with their burgers, fries, and onion rings. The burgers themselves were huge, the plates of sides even bigger, and it all looked and smelled amazing. They fell on the food, eating happily, sharing the crispy bits.

  Finally they slowed and could talk, relax.

  “Those are definitely the best onion rings I have ever had.” Stack tilted his head. “Of course it might have something to do with the company.”

  “I would hope so. This was the perfect idea.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” Stack leaned and looked toward the front of the place. “They’ve got cherry pie, apple pie, loaded brownies, and ooey-gooey tower of caramel on the dessert menu.”

  “Oh, I don’t think there’s room, Master.” He was so full he felt like a boa constrictor that had eaten a water buffalo.

  “I don’t know, boy. I think there might always be room to share anything called ooey-gooey.”

  “Ooey-gooey tower.”

  “I know! Come on—you can’t deny that you’re dying to know what the heck an ooey-gooey tower of caramel is.”

  “You’re right. I totally want to know.”

  Stack laughed. “We’ll find out tog

  “We do that well.” Together had been the thing he missed most.

  “We do.” Stack touched their feet together under the table as he motioned toward the waitress. “We’re going to check out your ooey-gooey tower of caramel, please,” he told her when she came over.

  “To share?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I mean, if it’s called a tower, it’s got to be big enough for two, right?”

  She snorted. “It’s probably big enough for you two and all your friends. It is called a tower, after all.” She winked and headed off before they could say anything else.

  “All our friends.” Robin had to giggle.

  “Just how big is this thing going to be? And did you notice she took off before we could change our minds?”

  “I wonder if it comes with sparklers.” He got his phone out for pictures.

  At that Stack began to chuckle and shake his head. “I’m not sure what we’re in for now, but you’re probably right to document it.” He leaned in and whispered. “I don’t even know how much this is going to cost….”

  “I have my bank card; I’ll chip in.”

  “I’m not worried about running out of money—just the size. I mean, if it was listed at twenty bucks or something, we’d have known it was huge and maybe stayed away.” Stack was still chuckling. “Watch, it’ll be some tiny thing layering cookies with caramel, and that’ll totally disappoint us now.”

  “Nah, I bet there’s ice cream involved.”

  “Well, then, caramel and ice cream is a great combo. No matter what the size.” Stack stared at him, lips quirking in a wicked grin. “We both know that to the people at this table, size definitely matters.”

  Robin laughed softly, his cheeks heating. “You think?”

  God yes.

  “Oh, I know, baby. I know.” The look in Stack’s eyes was so hot that if the waitress didn’t come with their dessert soon, they were going to melt the fucking table.

  “We’re both off, Master. All weekend.”

  “I know. And I’m going to take you home and get you ready for our weekend plans. A little enema here, a little flogging there—you’ll be clean and pink-skinned in no time.”

  He was going to catch fire, Stack’s words burning through him. He was hard as diamonds, his cock pushing at his work slacks. Thank God for the table or the waitress would be able to see.

  “I’m going to keep you very busy until Monday morning. You’re going to fly, boy.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “You’re going to be so mellow by Monday morning that it won’t matter what your boss says or does—nothing’s going to be able to touch you.”

  “I think that sounds like heaven, honestly.” He could use that.

  “Excellent.” Stack looked pleased.

  Their waitress arrived at their table with their dessert, which was tall and didn’t seem very steady, either. “Ta-da!” She handed them each a spoon and headed over to another table.

  The concoction was indeed layers: two that looked like ice cream, cake, a marshmallow level, several thin tuiles that had to be made out of caramel, and even a layer that might have been mousse. And the whole thing had been drizzled with caramel and topped with whipped cream and a pair of cherries. It was easily over a foot tall.

  Stack stared at it. “Wow.”

  “It’s… wow,” Robin echoed. He took a picture, then another one.

  Stack was laughing again. “I’m not even sure how to eat it. I guess start at the top and work our way down?”

  It was a dessert—shouldn’t they just go for it and dig into whatever looked good?

  “Maybe we should split it in the center so it’s more stable?”

  “Or we could knock it down in a controlled fashion.” Stack picked up his fork and waved it around, checking the dessert out from several angles. It really looked like someone had gotten a bunch of caramel-flavored things and tossed them onto the plate in a “towerish” manner. He had to admit, though, the caramel sauce looked delicious.

  Robin stuck out one finger and swiped some from the plate, licked the salty sweetness off. Oh God. Yum. That had to be homemade, because nothing out of a jar tasted that good.

  “Good? Let me try.” Stack made no move to dip his own finger into the sauce.

  Taking the hint, Robin dipped again and brought his finger to Stack’s lips. Stack pulled it in, lips warm and soft, tongue hot as it dragged over his skin, leaving tingles behind.

  “Mmm. You taste good.”

  “Do I? I think it’s the caramel.”

  “Oh, the caramel is good, but it’s better on you.” Stack licked his lips suggestively.

  Robin chuckled softly, but he knew his master was wishing they were home with this dessert, in private.

  “Let’s eat the ice cream and get the rest to go,” Stack suggested. “It’s not like we’re going to be able to eat the whole thing right now anyway.”

  “Oh, that sounds like the perfect idea.” He split the ice cream with Stack, both of them managing to eat about a third of it.

  Stack flagged down their waitress again, and asked for a takeout container and the check. “We’re going to have to come back,” Stack noted. “When the need next arises.”

  “I think so. We should bring a group and then go camping or something.”

  “Maybe. I kind of like having a place that’s just ours,” Stack admitted.

  “Oh. Oh, I like that.” He beamed, so pleased.

  Stack nodded and pulled out his credit card as the waitress came back with their takeout box and the card machine. Stack handed him the box to put the dessert into while Stack paid for their dinner.

  He pondered the safest way to get it in there, then dumped the whole thing in, making sure to get the caramel sauce. Every drop.

  Stack grabbed his bill, then turned to give him a grin. “Well done, boy. I didn’t think you’d ever get it all in.” Stack stopped, then bit his lower lip, clearly trying not to laugh.

  “I’m good at fitting big things in small spaces.”

  Stack burst out laughing as soon as the waitress turned and moved away. “Naughty, naughty boy.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, playing along.

  “Come on, boy. Let’s get out of here before we get kicked out, hmm? I’ll take you home.”

  “Yes, Master.” Hopefully he hadn’t overstepped.

  Stack slid an arm around his shoulders as they headed out. It stayed there all the way to the bike, Stack keeping him close.

  “I love you, Master. Thank you for this evening.”

  “You’re welcome. I enjoyed it too. A lot. We did good after getting our original plans kiboshed, didn’t we?”

  “You did an amazing job. Thank you. I was so angry, but now I feel… good.”

  “That’s my job, eh?” Stack passed Robin’s helmet over and grabbed his own.

  “I hope it’s your pleasure too, huh?”

  Stack grinned. “Hell yes. You are always my pleasure.”

  Robin waited for Stack to stow the dessert in a saddlebag, then straddle the bike, before sliding up behind his lover. Stack grabbed his legs and tugged him in a little tighter. It was something else, straddling the bike and being pressed up against Stack’s muscles. He couldn’t have hidden his moan if he’d tried, and he didn’t try. Stack’s back vibrated against his chest. It was either a moan or a hum—some happy sound. Then Stack started up the bike, the engine vibrating between Robin’s legs. He let himself enjoy it, let himself get hard. They were on their way home. Every now and then Stack would press a hand against his, like Stack wanted him to know Stack was there.

  He knew. He knew with all his heart.

  They rode back into the city, but even as the roads got busier, it was just the two of them, cocooned in warmth and the sound of the motorcycle. He laid his cheek on Stack’s back and rested.

  Stack finally pulled up at home, riding the bike into its space by the wall and then turning off the engine. He took off his helmet, his
hair standing up crazily. “Home, babe.”

  “Home, home, home.” He took a deep breath and nodded at Stack.

  They carried the helmets and dessert in, set the helmets in the closet, and put the dessert in the fridge. As soon as both their hands were free, Stack cupped his face and brought their mouths together, kissing him like he’d been waiting to do it all evening. Robin stepped in, bringing their bodies together, a happy sound tearing from him.

  Stack dropped a single hand down to his ass, squeezing it as he pulled Robin even closer. He rocked, sliding in Stack’s touch, almost dancing. Groaning, Stack picked him up and set him on the counter, pressing between his legs.

  Oh fuck, that felt good. He pushed back, letting it ache. Stack’s cock was hard and eager against him as Stack continued to devour his mouth.

  “Wanted you all evening long.”

  “I’m yours.” And he was happy for it.

  “Every inch.” Stack tugged Robin’s shirt out of his slacks and worked quickly to undo his buttons before pushing it off his shoulders. Then those fingers went right to his ringed nipples. Stack grabbed hold of the rings and twisted them in opposite directions.

  Robin gasped, his ass leaving the countertop. Stack was right there for him to rub against, solid and strong.

  “Needy boy,” Stack whispered, grinning against his lips.

  He was—he would be happy to admit it. Stack’s smile got bigger, and he rubbed them together. Robin leaned down, offering his lips for another kiss, another connection.

  They kissed again, Stack flicking his fingers back and forth across Robin’s nipples. He began to move, rocking, dancing in Stack’s hands. There was magic there, with Stack’s need feeding his.

  This was pure hunger, happiness. Joy.

  Stack let go of his nipples, tugged at his belt, and pulled it from around his waist. The top hook was next, then his zipper, Stack working like a man on a mission.

  Robin sucked in and lifted, helping his master out. Stack got the zipper down without it hurting anything important. Reaching into Robin’s slacks, Stack fished out his prick.

  The tip was heavy, a drop of precome there. Stack grabbed the head and held it with his thumb and forefinger, squeezing. “Mine.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Stack leaned down and kissed the head of his cock, the touch gentle and so warm. Then his master flicked his tongue along Robin’s cockhead, getting the slit wet, making Robin shiver.


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