The Eager Boy

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The Eager Boy Page 12

by Sean Michael

  He struggled to keep his handhold on the arm of the sofa, to keep from face-planting. Stack leaned one hand next to him, free arm wrapping around his middle and holding on to him. Oh. His master had him. He was okay.

  “Thank you. Love. Oh.” He closed his eyes and breathed.

  “I’ve got you,” Stack said. “I won’t let you fall.”

  “I believe you. I know.” Stack was the strongest man he knew.

  Soft kisses pressed their way along his neck. The sensations flowed outward.

  “You’re pretty good at vanilla, Master,” he whispered.

  “So are you, boy.” Another kiss warmed his neck. Then Stack groaned and slowly pulled out of him. “I have to admit, it feels weird not finding a plug for you.” Chuckling, Stack sat and reached for the box of tissues, then cleaned Robin up, touching him gently.

  “It does.” He whimpered softly, aching for it.

  Stack tugged him close, and he curled up in his master’s lap. Stack’s thighs were warm beneath his ass, the perfect cushion.

  “Now we do the most vanilla thing in the world,” Stack told him. “We watch TV.”

  “I’ll order dinner later, love.” This was perfect. So right.

  “When we’re hungry. I’m good right now.” Stack rested his head on top of Robin’s, arms looped loosely around him. “Oh, this is a fun movie. Turn it up?”

  He nodded, and soon they were laughing, resting together, and being what they were.

  Two men in love.

  Chapter Fourteen

  STACK MANAGED to find funding to get all the big cats tested at both the zoo and the African Lion Safari. It kept him busy enough, but he made a point of being done by six, and he’d kept his weekends open. For all the good it was doing him in the seeing-his-boy department. Robin was working late every night—sometimes not getting home until midnight.

  Last week’s planned scene had never happened, Robin working sixteen hours both days. They hadn’t even had time, really, to talk about Robin’s long hours. And if he heard Robin apologize one more time, he was going to spank his lover until Robin couldn’t sit. He didn’t care if Robin was sorry or not—he wanted his boy home.

  A bit of overtime was one thing, but the last two weeks had been ridiculous. Surely Robin saw that.

  He glanced at his watch. It was 7:30 p.m. On a Friday. Robin had sworn he’d be able to get to the gym by six at the latest. Obviously yet another something had come up. Stack growled at the weights he was lifting as if they were responsible for this state of affairs.

  Robin came dragging in, offered him a wan smile, then headed to the locker room to change. Growling, Stack put down the weights and followed him. They needed to talk more than Robin needed to work out.

  He opened the door, shocked as hell to find Robin in another man’s arms, crying. “She’s just…. God, I’m not sure how I got in this mess, but I need her reference to get another job, and she knows it.”

  Why the fuck wasn’t Robin talking to him about this? He growled, frowning at Robin and this interloper. “What the hell is going on here?”

  “Master Stack.” The guy looked about as shocked as Stack felt. “I think someone needs you, bad.”

  “Clearly. I just don’t understand why he didn’t come to me in the first place.” Still he took Robin’s arm and tugged his boy into his arms. They could deal with why Robin hadn’t turned to him after they dealt with what had his boy in tears.

  “I think he sort of collapsed at a kind word. I asked how he was doing.” The guy smiled again, then waved. “I’m going to go back to work. I’m Jim, by the way. I’m glad you’re here. Bye, honey. Call me later and let me know you’re okay?”

  Robin nodded and held on to Stack. “I’m okay. I promise.”

  Stack wasn’t so sure about that, but he appreciated having the mystery of Robin in someone else’s arms cleared up. He continued to hold Robin, petting his boy’s back.

  Robin clung to him, face in the curve of his throat as he calmed. “Sorry. Sorry. I didn’t know how mad I was.”

  “You seemed more upset than mad, boy. Why don’t you tell me about it?”

  “I’m tired. I can’t make her happy, and no matter what I do, she’s not satisfied.”

  “Is there some sort of big event she’s got you working on? Some reason why she needs you putting in sixteen hours a day?”

  “I’m assuming it’s her evil coming out.” Robin sighed, then shook his head. “She fired the other assistant, so it’s just me, and she hasn’t replaced him. There’s a lot of work for one man.”

  “What were the terms you were hired under? Did she say you’d have to work overtime for weeks at a time? And is she actually paying you for the extra time?”

  “I’m on salary. I just… I was so grateful for a job, you know? I was scared.”

  “You need to put your foot down with her, or leave. You can find another job. It’s not like you’ll be out in the street if you aren’t earning.” He held Robin tight. “Look. Aside from the fact that we have hardly seen each other at all in the last couple weeks, she’s running you ragged. It’s not healthy.”

  “I miss you. I miss us.” Robin sounded exhausted. “Okay. Okay, I need to change for our workout.”

  “I think a workout is the last thing you need. I’ll shower and get dressed in my street clothes.” They could do something fun and easy together. He didn’t think Robin was up to anything vigorous right now.

  “I’m sorry. God, I’m tired of apologizing.”

  “And I’m tired of hearing it. In fact, I’m going to put a moratorium on the words ‘I’m sorry.’ I don’t want to hear those words from you for the entire weekend.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, I just don’t know….”

  He swatted Robin’s ass. “What did I say?”

  “To stop apologizing. I just….”

  “You just need to stop apologizing. I don’t want to hear it. I want to forget all about work and the last two weeks. And if you’re expected to go in to work tomorrow, I want you to call your boss and tell her you won’t be in.” He didn’t care what Robin told her.

  “Yeah?” Robin searched his eyes, so desperate.

  “Yes.” If his boy needed him to be the bad guy, he was totally on board with that. He found Robin’s phone in his pocket and pulled it out, offered it. “Make the call.”

  Robin dialed, hand shaking, but his voice was steady when he spoke. “Julie. Robin. I’m ill, and I’m taking the weekend off. Sorry for the short notice.”

  Stack grabbed the phone from Robin and disconnected the call. “That way she can’t argue with you.” Then he kissed his boy gently. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I want to go home and hide with you.”

  “You don’t want to go out for a nice dinner first?” He could totally take Robin home and make him forget all about his evil day job.

  Robin shook his head. “No, Master. I want to be your boy. In every way.”

  He smiled. “You already are, but I can totally spend the weekend reminding you of it.”

  “Please. I need you.”

  How could he possibly resist that? He didn’t even try.

  “I need to get changed and grab my stuff.” He went to his locker but kept an arm around Robin, keeping his boy with him. He figured Robin needed to be close.

  “Have you eaten?” Robin asked. “I could call for something to be delivered.”

  “Why don’t you call the Lone Star Café and get us the buffalo chicken fajitas. We’ll pick it up on the way home.”

  Robin beamed. “My favorite.”

  He knew. “Make the call. I’ll get changed.” He pulled off his T-shirt and shorts, used his towel to wipe himself down.

  Robin nodded and sat, calling in their order with practiced ease. It looked like his boy had gotten some of his equilibrium back.

  Stack got dressed in his street clothes and shoved everything else into his bag. Shouldering it, he turned to Robin and held out his hand. “Ready to
go home?”

  “I am. I’m… I wish I hadn’t been late.”

  “Yeah, me too. We had a nice evening planned.” They could still have a good weekend, though.

  “We did. I suck. I keep being useless.”

  “That is pretty damn close to saying I’m sorry, boy. Let’s just knock off any recriminations, okay?” He looped his arm around Robin’s waist.

  “I just want to… I want to have a few weeks of just us, you know?”

  “I do know. We’ve barely been back together two minutes and first I have an emergency, and then you’re working late for a couple of weeks. It’s like we never get to see each other. And no apologies—I was just stating facts.”

  “Right. I miss you, and I don’t even live at my apartment anymore.”

  “Yeah, it’s crazy.” They took the stairs down to the ground floor and headed out toward the restaurant to grab their food.

  “I feel a little crazy. I feel like I’m just a rat on a wheel.”

  “Then you need to do something about it. I can give you my suggestion if you’d like.” He wanted Robin out of the job. It made him miserable, tired, and he didn’t seem to be getting anything out of it.

  “You’re my lover, my partner, my Stack. Who else’s suggestion do I need?”

  The words honored him, right down to the bone.

  He tugged Robin around and kissed him, slowly opening his mouth and sliding his tongue in. When the kiss was over, he told Robin what he thought. “You should quit. You need a job where you’re happy—where you’re being respected.”

  “What if I can’t find one?”

  Stack snorted. “You’re a smart guy, Robin. You’ll find something.” His boy could do anything—anything—he wanted. “What’s your dream job?”

  “I’d like to restore art.”

  Stack blinked. How on earth did he not know that?

  “Well, then that’s the job you should be looking for.”

  “I’m not qualified. That takes graduate study and experience. Years of fellowships that are unpaid.”

  “You should look into it. See exactly what it’s going to take.” They went into the restaurant and up to the takeout counter.

  “I don’t have enough funding to go to school right now.”

  “I have savings, though. We’re a team. Maybe not this weekend, because we’re going to concentrate on making you forget everything, including your own name. But you look into what it’s going to take, and we’ll sit down together and see if we can swing it.”

  “Maybe. I don’t want to be a burden on you, but I…. To be honest, I don’t want to worry about it right now.”

  “That’s why I suggested you look into it next week. This weekend is ours.” They got to the front of the line. “Pick up for Robin.”

  The lady at the cash register passed over a bag, and Stack paid. Then they were off again.

  “Right. I’m sorry. I just—”

  “Boy. That’s one swat.”

  Robin opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again.

  Good boy. Stack steered toward home.

  Robin stayed close, touching him restlessly, proving how much his boy needed. They would have to eat first. Then he could clear Robin’s mind. Find a focus for both of them. He had no doubt they would be able to find a way to ease Robin’s woes.

  He let Robin unlock the door and let them in—that way he got to follow that sexy ass all the way up the stairs.

  Robin swayed, humming a little tune, showing off for him. He reached out and slid his hand along the perfect globe. Then he swatted it, hard.

  “That’s for the ‘sorry.’ You’ll remember not to say it or your ass will be on fire by the time Monday rolls around.”

  “Yes, Master. I didn’t mean to.”

  “I know. Like I said, you’ll remember by Monday, and we’ll have a nice shiny red ass here.” He cupped Robin’s butt and squeezed.

  Robin’s chuckle was warm, a little husky, a lot needy.

  “You think we should throw the takeout containers in the oven?” It would keep, right?

  “Yes, Master. That ought to work.” Robin put the containers away, bending down to open the oven.

  He moved in, standing right behind his boy and snugging up against that perfect ass. “Mmm. Now we’re home.”

  Robin stood and leaned into him. “We are.”

  Reaching around his boy, he slid his hands along Robin’s body, enjoying the feeling of flesh and bone beneath his hands.

  “You’ve lost a little weight,” he noted.

  “Just from working through lunch.”

  “And supper?” Because Robin hadn’t been home for supper in forever.

  “And supper. Although I know a lot about grabbing a cup of coffee.”

  He growled softly. “That’s not on, boy. You need to eat more than just breakfast. It isn’t healthy to drink coffee instead of having real meals.” He was going to have to do something about that. Not right now, though. Now was for them. He squeezed Robin’s buttcheeks.

  “Yes, Master.” Robin hummed for him, deep and low.

  He wasn’t sure how much Robin was paying attention to what he was saying. He had a hunch Robin was focused on what was going on with their bodies. He pressed kisses on Robin’s neck, then licked, looking for where to place his first bite. It was telling that Robin had no hickeys at the moment.

  Robin’s head fell forward, his boy melting in his arms. He made sure to keep Robin upright as he finally found the spot he wanted. He wrapped his lips around Robin’s skin, feeling his boy’s heartbeat thudding strongly as he began to suck, letting Robin feel his teeth too.

  He wanted to make sure everyone knew he was here, loving this gorgeous man. And he wanted it to ache so Robin knew it too. He needed his boy to remember he had a master who cared for him, someone who wanted the best for him. Someone who loved him beyond all else and would always have his back.

  “We should move this into the playroom.” Or he was going to wind up doing Robin over the kitchen counter. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but he’d been busy and basically on his own and hadn’t done the best job keeping up with the dishes. Not to mention there was no actual lube in the kitchen, or toys.

  “Yes, Master.” Robin stretched slowly, and they started wandering that direction, lazy, steady.

  They stopped on the way—more than once—to share a kiss. Just before getting to the playroom, Stack pressed Robin up against the wall, groaning as his own erection was matched by Robin’s. His boy was as ready as he was for this.

  He had been half worried that Robin would be too worn, too tired to play. He was glad that wasn’t the case. He was going to do a fairly easy scene tonight, though. Mostly get Robin relaxed and sleepy and ready for tomorrow’s scene.

  He had a flogger made from flannel instead of leather. It would wake Robin’s skin, make it sing without very much pain. Just a hint of warmth and a bit of buzz.

  He pulled out of the kiss and met Robin’s gaze, pleased to see his boy was already looking a little glassy-eyed. Grabbed Robin’s hand, he tugged his boy into the playroom, stopping to flip on the light as they went in.

  “I love this room,” Robin sighed. “It’s like… us.”

  “It is us.” He kissed Robin, already working to remove his boy’s clothing. “I’m going to have you bend over the bench for this. To start with.” He’d figure out where he wanted Robin when it was time to do his front.

  “Yes, Master. Whatever you need.”

  “This is what we both need, boy.” He finished undressing Robin and folded his clothes neatly, leaving them by the door with Robin’s shoes.

  Robin bent over the bench, the soft hum proving that his boy was happy to be there.

  He admired as he quickly pulled his own clothing off, folding and adding them to the pile by the door. Then he walked around the bench so his boy could see how much he was looking forward to this.

  “Oh. That’s mine.” Robin smiled at him.

uckling, he grabbed his balls, pushing them forward to display his whole package. His cock was full, red tip glistening with a drop of precome. “This? Absolutely all yours. You want a taste?” His boy loved sucking, and he loved being buried in Robin’s hot mouth.

  “Oh, yes. Please. Please let me suck you?”

  Stack loved that, how eager Robin was to take him in and give him pleasure. Taking a step forward, he painted Robin’s lips with the tip of his cock. “Lick your lips and have a taste first.”

  Robin’s tongue flicked out, the pleasure on his boy’s face addictive. Once Robin had licked his lips clean, Stack stepped closer, putting the head of his cock in tongue range. Robin opened up, tongue stretching out to slide over his prick. A jolt went through Stack, and he groaned, moving the slightest bit closer. Robin’s tongue slid over more of his cockhead now. “Fucking love your tongue.”

  “Love you.”

  The suction began, slow and sweet and steady. He moved closer still, letting Robin have easier access to more of his cock. “Take your time, boy.”

  “Forever.” Robin hummed softly and began to worship him, a look of utter peace on his face.

  He wondered if he should have waited until after he’d used the cloth flogger, but then it occurred to him that they could do it again after he’d warmed Robin’s skin all over. His boy was always ready to suck unless Robin was sick, and then he would never ask.

  He wrapped his hands around Robin’s shoulders, thumbs stroking Robin’s neck. He found the mark he’d left earlier and pressed against it. Robin swallowed hard, over and over. Oh, someone liked that. He kept touching the spot—rubbing it, pressing against it, circling it. Every touch elicited more eager sucking, hums, and moans.

  “Lord, boy. You’re beautiful like this, open and eager for me.”

  Robin moaned, the sound vibrating around Stack’s cock and going straight to his balls. A shudder went through him, his need ratcheting up.

  He went up on tiptoe, rocking into Robin’s sweet lips. His cock slid along Robin’s tongue, and he was well aware he was leaking, leaving his flavor in Robin’s mouth.

  Stack began to move—long, slow, steady strokes in and out. Robin slurped and sucked, trying to keep him in. Time and again, he left only the head of his cock in Robin’s mouth, which seemed to be Robin’s cue to increase his suction.


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