Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel

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Wild Knight: a bad boy romance novel Page 11

by Jaxson Kidman

  The last few drops of his orgasm leaked out of his tip right to my tongue.

  I came off him with one last wet pop sound and I stared at him. His cock flopped to the right but was still mostly hard.

  “Now will you get some sleep?” I asked.

  “Not a fucking chance in hell,” Knight said.

  “What’s got you…”

  Knight grabbed at me and pulled me up his body. He did it so fast and with so much strength it made me shudder. He grabbed at my shirt and lifted it right over my head without hesitation. My breasts hung free, right at his face. I gasped for air as his hands slid into the sides of my panties. As fast as I had swallowed down Knight’s cum, he had me naked. His hands at my hips. Him putting me right over his cock.

  He pulled me down, rubbing my slit against his shaft.

  “You feel that?” he growled. “I’m still fucking hard. Because of you. I’m not done yet. Neither are you, sweetie. Understand?”

  “Knight… shit…”

  He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down so our foreheads touched.

  “Listen to me, sweetie,” he said. “I don’t want you to worry about anything. You’re an amazing mother. That’s all that matters. It’s what Kyle needs. His mother. And me? I need my girl. I need you. Forever.”

  “I’m right here,” I whispered. “Forever.”

  Knight reached between our legs and grabbed his hearty cock. He pressed his thick head against my damp center. I rocked my hips, feeling him penetrating me.

  I whimpered, realizing that he was already hard again.

  He pulled me down on him, his cock going as deep as it could inside me.

  His hands then cupped my breasts. His mouth took its time enjoying each breast. And he softly thrust his hips, fucking me slow and gently.

  We didn’t stop until the first flicker of daylight came through the curtains.




  “What the fuck are you doing?” a voice echoed as I walked the tracks.

  This had become my thing. Walking the train tracks at all hours of the night. School had long since passed me by. My old man hated me for it. The guys I hung out with were talking college, women, getting new cars because they managed to graduate. All that middle class bullshit that would end up with their families in debt and losing everything.

  Not me.

  The beef with us and the guys across the fence just never made sense to me. Guys like Knox, Slam, Matteo, they were as real as me. They understood life in a way not many did. So did I.

  “I’ll kill you, fucking punk!” the voice yelled.

  I picked up my pace and followed the sound of the voice.

  I realized I was across the fence and in so-called enemy territory.

  Part of me wanted to help whoever was in trouble. Part of me just wanted to fucking find out what was going on. I figured it was some of the guys drunk and fighting each other. I’d seen Matteo go toe to toe with Ari once before. They fought and passed out. Then they’d be friends in the morning.

  My crew drank expensive beer they stole from their Daddy’s special beer fridge. Most of it tasted like shit syrup. And one beer would get you drunk but make your stomach feel like hell because of whatever crazy ingredients were in it.

  Damn me for thinking it - but I just wanted the cheap beer.

  I darted off the tracks and there was a small dirt clearing that was a sort of parking lot kind of thing. People were supposed to park there and then walk a trail that had been installed years ago. Nobody used the trail. High school kids went there to make out or touch each other. Drug deals were done there. Fights were had. Shit went down. The trail was supposed to connect the two towns and it never did.

  But that’s where I found the source of the noise.

  It was some big guy, screaming, and a car on fire.

  It took me a second to realize what the big guy was yelling at.

  He was yelling at Knox.

  And Knox was on the ground, his forehead bleeding from a large gash. The big guy had a hand to Knox’s throat and held him down.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  “You want to fuck with me?” the big guy asked. “You think because your old man swings his dick around this town he can fuck with me? I’ll send a goddamn message right to him, his club, to everyone in this fucking town.”

  Knox tried to kick and punch but it was obvious he wasn’t having it. He was dazed, short on breath, and close to death.

  Right then I controlled Knox’s fate.

  What a sense of power.

  Then again, it took me a split second to decide what I should do.

  I ran toward the big guy, no idea what I was getting into. I dropped my shoulder and slammed myself into the big guy’s ribs. I felt something pop and crunch and it wasn’t on me. I drove the big guy back to the car that was on fire. His head smashed against the windshield and he rolled to his left.

  The flames came out of the hood of the car like yellow-orange fingers, trying to grab at the rest of the car.

  The big guy quickly pushed off the car when he saw the flames.

  I was there and ready. Fists up. My heart pounding.

  I swung a left, a right, connecting with his ribs. When I hit the left side of his body, the big guy dropped to one knee, clutching at his side.

  He looked back at me. “Who the fuck are you?”

  I swung my left hand and cracked against the side of his face. He fell over in a heap of himself, almost crying.

  He put up his left hand in defeat and started to crawl with his other hand.

  “Get the fuck out of here!” I yelled. I ran after him and kicked him right in the ass. “Now! Stand up and get out!”

  “Okay, okay,” the big guy said.

  He crawled to a skinny tree and used it to help himself to his feet. His face was bleeding. He favored the left side of his ribs.

  He looked right at Knox. “Your entire world will pay for this, Knoxville. You tell him that. You tell your Daddy that.”

  “He’s going to kill you,” Knox said. “You better run, Harry. Run long and hard.”

  I stepped between their line of sight. “Get out of here. I’ll drown you in the creek. Smash your fucking head off a rock over and over until it’s nothing but hamburger meat.”

  The big guy - Harry - stumbled back. He turned and started to trot away. I watched him disappear into the night.

  Then I set my sights on Knox.

  I offered my hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “Knight,” he said.

  “Knoxville,” I said. “What the hell was that?”

  “Harry is a real prick,” Knox said. “He wanted to stir up trouble.”

  “Whose car is this?”

  “No idea. He was here, fucking around. Set the damn thing on fire.”

  The flames kept pouring out of the car. We were damn fools for standing there like that. Shit, if the fire got to the gas…

  “So what now?” Knox asked. “Tough guy from across the tracks saved me.”

  “You were going to die, Knox. He had you.”

  “He got a cheap shot on me,” Knox said. “Cracked me in the head with a rock. I didn’t even see it coming. I was almost knocked out. I started to come to and his hand was around my neck.”

  “What did you do to him?”

  “Nothing,” Knox said with a grin.

  There was a siren in the distance.

  “Fuck,” Knox said. “Cops.”

  “You go,” I said.


  “Go,” I said. “Don’t fall for this, Knox. I know who you are. Who your father is. I know what it all means to you.”

  “You give a shit about me?” Knox asked.

  “No. But if you get caught and it ripples through, that just means that guy won.”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “I don’t like pricks.”

  “Then you must hate yourself,” Knox said.
r />   “Sometimes I do,” I said.

  “Hey, you dig that Priya chick, right?”

  “What about her?”

  Knox grabbed my shoulder. “I’ll put in a good word. I’ll keep an eye on her. Make sure nobody touches her. Okay?”

  “That’s a fair deal,” I said. “Now go, run.”

  “What are you going to tell the cops?”

  “That I was bored,” I said. “I wanted to see what a car looked like on fire.”

  “Your ass is going to fry for this. And I’m keeping it a secret. Nobody can know that you helped me.”

  I pointed to the scar on Knox’s head from when I hit him with a rock. “Consider it even then. Just get out of here, Knox.”

  Knox started to run away and I called for him one more time. He looked back at me, the night close to eating him up.

  “I hate my fucking town,” I said. “I hate the fucking people. I hate my old man. I hate my mother for leaving. I hate that someone I care about I can’t get close to because of a fence and some bullshit stories.”

  Knox nodded. “There’s a lot I hate too. Hate is a part of life. Hate makes us stronger, smarter, and hate makes us want to find love. For the record - you’re a fucking moron for doing this, Knight.”

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  Knox disappeared.

  The police arrived.

  I put my hands up.

  They tackled me and arrested me. I told them I threw everything I started the fire with into the creek.

  With my face in the dirt, a cop standing on my back, a car on fire next to me, I surveyed my life. I was too young to really care about the future but too old to want to play with toys and video games.

  One thing I knew… I liked it.

  I liked fighting that guy. I liked saving Knox. I liked taking my hits from the police.

  Goddammit… I liked being an outlaw.




  I took out the envelope and opened it. I dumped the cash to the middle of the table and tossed the envelope over my shoulder.

  I loved how we all sat in random, old chairs. The table was nothing more than a glorified folding table.

  And in the middle of that table was another thirty grand in cash.

  All twenties.

  Done for effect, of course.

  “Almost as beautiful as pussy,” Matteo said.

  “That could buy a lot of pussy,” King said.

  “We’re not buying pussy,” Knox said.

  “That’s from our latest deal,” I said.

  “You did all the work,” Elijah said.

  “Doesn’t matter,” I said. “Keep the club moving forward. We have a lot of shit coming up. We can now run protection like we talked about. Help other clubs and crews move product or just save their ass for a huge fee. We can get into the corporate world. Fuck, brothers, we can swoop in and start setting up shop in other garages, strip clubs, anything we want. We have the means and the power now.”

  I looked around the table.

  The guys were all shocked.

  “He’s like a regular outlaw,” King said. “You know, sitting in that little prison cell for all that time, I thought about what the Reap would become. Who would lead it. Who would give a shit. I never thought this.”

  “Good or bad, King?” Slam asked.

  “Legit cash,” King said. “Strip clubs? What could be bad?”

  “We’ll get a lot of action,” Knox said. “Not from the strippers.”

  “But we can negotiate that, right?” Matteo asked with a grin.

  “Easy now,” I said. “We will get action. It’s not an easy road to go down. But we can secure all of this town, from the littlest shit shop to the PD and more. Then push out and beyond. Spread this all out.”

  “You really thought this out,” Knox said.

  “I don’t sleep much anymore.”

  “New baby will do that,” Knox said.

  “Trust me, it’s not the baby,” I said.

  Me and Knox locked eyes for a second.

  Knox then stood up. He grabbed the gavel. He spun it between his fingers and then gently placed it down.

  “We don’t vote yet,” he said. “I want all of you to think about this. Because it changes the scope of our club. The Reap was made for those who are lost. For the outlaw with his blackened wings clipped. Looking for freedom. Times change. Everything changes. So if we decide to change the path of the Reap, we all have to vote and be all in. No matter what. Go think about it.”

  Chapel came to an end and Knox asked me to hang behind.

  It was just me and him.

  He grabbed two bottles of beer out a bucket of ice. He twisted off the caps and handed me one.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “You really love this shit, don't you?” Knox asked.

  “The life? The Reap? Yeah.”

  “So why did you do protection for Damon?”

  “I had a chance to earn great cash and beat people up.”

  “And fuck Priya?”

  “I had no idea she was involved with him. She and I lost contact a long time ago, Knox. You know that. You know what happened there. So when she got out of that car and I realized it was her… from young woman to all woman… maybe I should have ran. But I could never run from her.”

  “Cheers to that,” Knox said. “You know, that night, brother, I knew then.”

  “Knew what?”

  “You were one of us,” Knox said. “The way you went after Harry and the way you smiled when you were beating his ass down. Yet you had no idea why. You did it to protect me.”

  “Yeah, I guess I did,” I said.

  “The truth with that situation? He was pushing dirty drugs and killing people. We lured him there and I was going to take him out. I fucked up. I could have died that night. I should have, maybe. My old man - Hammer - was the only one who knew the truth. Whether you know it or not he kept an eye on you. Your apartment building was set for demolition and my old man stepped in and stopped it. He made sure you got out of jail and the charges disappeared.”

  I nodded. “I always wondered what happened. I remember that lawyer…”

  “My old man hired him,” Knox said. “But things were never the same. I let my guilt get to me. I let my pride get in the way. I should have brought you in then, Knight. I should have brought you to the Reap, to Priya, to everything. And for that…”

  I shook my head. “No, Knox. We don’t do that. We don’t go back. This is our path, brother. We’ve walked it already. You can’t go back and try to cover up the tracks and make new ones. I’m standing. You’re standing. The club has cash. It’s good.”

  “You’re not sleeping,” Knox said. “Why?”

  “You know, my old man was a real asshole. I don’t blame him. My mother left him with a kid to raise. He didn’t want me. I didn’t want him. We were stuck together. But I remember one night he was drunk and he opened up to me. He cried. He told me everything about my mother. All that she had put him through. But one thing that stuck out was this… Never turn your back on life. Because it’s always going to kick you in the ass. You stare at the beautiful sunrise. That just means somewhere else it’s pitch black. There’s no truth to anything you know. For every light, there’s dark. Remember that. So that shit stuck with me.”

  “So you’re waiting for the dark,” Knox said.

  “Not so much waiting and always being prepared for it,” I said.

  I saw the words sink into Knox. He understood what I meant.

  We finished our beers in silence.

  And that whole light-dark-waiting thing?

  I hated to be right…

  Slam opened the door to chapel and looked right at me.

  “Just got a call from the Chief. I’m so sorry, Knight.”

  “Sorry? For what?” I asked.

  “Al… was found dead.”

  Now, let’s get the facts straight here. Al should have been dead a lo
ng time ago. However he survived as long as he did was nothing short of a miracle. His body should have been saved and studied.

  So the shock wore off quick.

  I got on my motorcycle, Knox and Slam following, and I took a ride to my garage. I figured I’d need to get shit in order, answer questions, and then figure out what to do with the garage and apartment.

  Everything changed the second I saw the yellow police tape outside the garage.

  I jumped off my motorcycle and ripped the tape.

  Two officers came bolting at me, hands on their guns.

  “This is my fucking garage, asshole,” I bellowed.

  “Asshole? Who do you think you’re talking to?”

  That’s when Slam entered the picture. “You know who I am?”

  Both officers nodded.

  “Good,” Slam said. “This is Knight’s garage. We get access or we raise hell.”

  Just like that, we were allowed through.

  “What the hell happened?” I called out.

  One of the officers caught up to my side. “We got a call.”

  “Al called?”

  “No, trust me, he didn’t call. Someone did though. Said there was a bloody emergency.”

  “Bloody…” I paused for a second. “So Al didn’t die of natural causes.”

  “Oh, shit,” the officer said. “I’m really sorry, man. Al? That was his name? Al was murdered.”

  “Murdered,” I said. “Who the fuck would murder Al?”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out,” the officer said.

  That’s when they wheeled Al out of the front door of the auto shop. A gurney with big wheels. And Al was inside a black body bag.

  I jumped in front and said, “I need to see him.”

  “No, you can’t,” the guy pushing the gurney said.

  “I can’t? Fuck yourself. Unzip it.”

  The guy looked at the three bikers standing in his way. When he realized the cops weren’t going to help him, he complied.

  I didn’t regret it but it made my stomach fucking flip.

  There was the old man, Al, with a gash on his throat.

  Someone had come to my garage and killed Al.

  The thing was… there was no reason to kill Al other than to rattle me. To send a message to me. To the Reap.


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