The Super Spies and the High School Bomber

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The Super Spies and the High School Bomber Page 17

by Lisa Orchard

  “I know.” Jackie gave Sarah a wild-eyed look.

  “That means if the FBI is here, the bombers know every move they’re making.”

  “No doubt.”

  “We have to tell them somehow.”

  “How?” Jackie gulped.

  Sarah shook her head and sighed. “I don’t know. I don’t have their number.”

  “True, but isn’t Scott here with Lacey?”

  A glimmer of hope worked its way into Sarah’s brain. “Yeah, he could call his dad. We just have to get past that ornery nurse.”


  Sarah took a deep breath. “Let’s wait a few minutes and then you go and check to see if she’s gone.”


  Sarah snickered at Jackie’s horrified expression. “Yeah, you. I’m the one she caught in Ali Hameedi’s room, remember?”

  “All right.”

  The girls waited in silence for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a matter of minutes. Sarah motioned to Jackie and her friend opened the door and peered out into the hall.

  Jackie gave Sarah a nod and tiptoed into the corridor. Sarah took her place at the door and watched her friend as she crept closer to the foyer where the notorious nurse had been.

  Sarah’s fingers tingled. She couldn’t wait any longer. She tiptoed out into the hallway and caught up with her friend.

  Jackie motioned for her to take the lead. Sarah stepped in front of Jackie and crept toward the corner. She peered around it and gasped. Talking with the infamous nurse was the bomber. Sarah’s heart leapt into her throat. What are we going to do now?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Waves of fear flooded through Sarah’s body, causing her to tremble. Her tongue suddenly seemed swollen and she couldn’t talk. She pulled on Jackie’s arm and they high-tailed it back to the bathroom.

  Once inside, Sarah melted to the floor. She didn’t think she could stand any longer.

  “What are we going to do?” Jackie whispered

  “I don’t know. I’m thinking.”

  Sarah stood and paced. She had to keep moving. She was afraid if she didn’t hysteria would take over.

  “I wish I knew if Lacey had her phone with her.” Sarah sighed and rubbed her forehead, then pulled out her cell phone. “I’m going to call her.”

  Sarah punched Lacey’s number and then put the phone up to her ear.


  “Yeah?” Lacey responded.

  Sarah’s spirits soared. “Is Scott still with you?”

  “Yeah, he’s right here. Why?”

  “Listen very carefully and don’t freak out, okay?”

  Lacey inhaled. “All right,” she responded with a voice full of caution. “What’s going on?”

  “The bomber works for the hospital.”

  “What! Oh no! What are we going to do?”

  “I thought you said you weren’t going to freak out!” Sarah glanced at Jackie and rolled her eyes.

  “What are we going to do, Sarah?”

  Sarah looked at Jackie again and sighed. “Put Scott on the phone.”

  Lacey exhaled an irritated sigh, and then Scott was on the other end.

  “Sarah? What’s up?”

  “You have to call your dad and tell him that one of the bombers is at the hospital right now.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “The Fibbies are here, too.”

  Sarah frowned. “I know, but they’re working with hospital security, aren’t they?”


  “Well, one of the bombers works as a security guard for the hospital.”

  “What?” Scott shouted in the phone.

  “Don’t freak out!” Sarah winced and shook her head again. “Listen, just call your dad and relay the message.”

  “Okay, I’ll do it right now.”

  “Good, call me back.”

  “Okay,” Scott said and disconnected the call.

  Sarah closed her phone and took several deep breaths. “Let’s go check the hallway again.”

  Jackie pursed her lips. “Okay, you go first.”

  “I figured you’d say that.” Sarah opened the door a crack and peered out into the hall. The corridor was empty, so she motioned for Jackie to follow her.

  The girls crept toward the corner leading to the hallway where they had seen the bomber. Peeking around the corner, Sarah spotted the security guard walking in the direction she was headed. The nurse had disappeared. I wonder if I can sneak behind him without being seen? Sarah stepped out from behind the safety of the wall. We’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t turn around.

  Jackie grabbed Sarah’s arm and pulled her to a stop. She gestured toward the security guard walking away. “What are you doing?”

  “As long as we stay behind him and he doesn’t turn around we’ll be all right.” Sarah spoke in a low voice over her shoulder, never taking her eyes off the bomber.

  He strolled down the corridor as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He still limped, but it wasn’t as pronounced as it had been a few days ago. Sarah studied him as he loped through the hall. He doesn’t look like a terrorist. Focusing on the bomber, Sarah hugged the wall as she crept forward. Her heart thundered in her chest; it was so loud she was amazed he couldn’t hear it. She heard her friend’s shallow breathing—glancing back at Jackie, she caught a glimpse her wide, frightened eyes.

  The ring of Sarah’s cell phone destroyed the silence. She cringed and watched as the bomber turned toward the sound. He seemed to be moving in slow motion. This has to be a bad dream. When she made eye contact with the bomber, she knew it wasn’t. They held each other’s gaze for the briefest of moments, before Sarah spun and grabbed Jackie’s arm. The girls took off sprinting down the hall.

  “Hey!” the security guard yelled.

  The girls ran back toward the nurses’ station. Sarah wanted to get down to the first level. The bomber’s thundering steps pounded the floor, sending waves of dread through her body.

  They plummeted down the stairs, making it to the ground level in record time. Yanking the door open, Sarah and Jackie speed walked into the corridor. Sarah groaned as she weaved her way through the people. These people are slowing us down.

  She stole another glance over her shoulder. “I don’t see him.”

  Jackie peered behind her. “Neither do I.”

  “We have to get out of here and call the FBI.”

  “No doubt.”

  They made it to the entryway leading to the parking lot. Sarah stopped just before the door and gazed out at the torrential downpour. “Maybe Scoop is still here.” She opened her phone and realized that she had missed his call when they were running. She quickly punched his number into her phone.

  He answered on the first ring. “Sarah?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. Where are you?”

  “I’m in the parking lot. I was escorted out of the hospital by that skinny security guard. Where are you?”

  “At the Emergency Room entrance. Can you pick us up?” She glanced behind her and noted the bomber searching for them. Her stomach twisted into a tight knot and she ducked down. Jackie followed her lead.

  “Yes. I’ll be right there.”

  “Hurry!” Sarah disconnected the call and faced her friend. “Scoop’s going to pick us up.” She looked behind her. The bomber was talking with a nurse as his eyes scanned the crowd. Another wave of fear coursed through Sarah’s veins. She had no doubt he was looking for them. Hurry, Scoop! Hurry! She pulled her hood up over her head and ducked down even farther.

  “Awesome.” Jackie squeaked and squeezed Sarah’s arm, before pulling her hood over her head.

  Scoop rolled into view within seconds. The girls dashed through the pelting rain and scrambled into the back seat of his car.

  Sarah pushed her hood back and said, “Scoop, we have to get to the police station fast!” She held her hand to her chest, hoping to calm her wild heart.

  “I’m headed that way.”

  Scoop’s car careened out of the parking lot. Horns blared as he forced his way into a busy lane. Water sailed everywhere, obscuring Sarah’s vision. Feeling the car hydroplane, she grabbed the armrest to keep her balance. Her heart raced. They couldn’t get to the police station soon enough for her.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot. Scoop slowed by the door. “You girls go in and I’ll park the car.”

  Sarah pulled on her hood and dashed from the car. The sound of Jackie’s feet splashing through the puddles told Sarah her friend was right behind her. When they reached the door, they bolted inside.

  Sarah hurried up to the reception desk. “We need to talk to the FBI!”

  Startled, the officer behind the desk looked up. “What’s going on?”

  “Please, is Agent Gray here?”

  The officer stared at Sarah. He must have noticed the panic in her eyes, because he picked up the phone and spoke into the receiver briefly. As he hung up the phone, he said, “He’ll be right here.”

  Scoop walked into the lobby. “Hello there, John.”

  The officer smiled. “Scoop, haven’t seen you in a long time. How are you?”

  “Fine. I’m here with these girls. Are there any FBI agents around?” Scoop removed his coat and shook the rain from it.

  “Yes. Agent Gray will be here in a minute.”

  Scoop nodded and engaged in small talk with the officer while they waited for the FBI agent.

  Sarah’s phone rang again. She answered it with a trembling hand. “Hello?”

  “Sarah? It’s Lacey.”

  “Lace, is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Where are you?”

  “I’m at the police station. I can’t explain right now. But I need you guys to stay there and keep an eye on Uncle Walt. Is there any news on his condition?”

  A sob escaped Lacey’s throat. “Yes. He opened his eyes.”

  Peace flowed through her body like a slow moving river. Tears welled in her eyes. “That is such good news.”

  “Yes it is,” Lacey said in a choked voice. “He only opened them for a second, but the doctor said it was a very encouraging sign.”

  “Okay, listen to me.” Sarah’s voice came out harsher than she intended and she winced. “Sorry.” She took a deep breath. “I need you guys to stay with Uncle Walt. We’re going to talk with the FBI right now.”

  “Scott talked to his dad and the police are on their way to the hospital.”

  Sarah’s legs wobbled with relief. She spied the ugly green couch in the lobby. At that moment, it was beautiful. Stumbling toward it, she sank down. “That’s awesome. We’ll be back there once we talk to the FBI.”

  “Okay, be careful,” Lacey said before she disconnected the call.

  Agent Gray walked into the lobby. Spying Sarah, he walked over. “Sarah, is everything all right?”

  “The bomber works as a security guard at the hospital,” Sarah blurted out.

  The agent motioned for the group to follow him. “Come with me.” He turned and walked toward the interrogation rooms.

  The group reached the interview room, and Agent Gray gestured toward the folding chairs. “Okay, tell me what’s going on.”

  Sarah stood and paced. She told Agent Gray the whole story about meeting Scoop downtown and then spotting the bomber’s truck when they were on their way to the hospital. She also told him about the bomber recognizing her and Jackie, and about their perilous run through the corridors of the institution.

  Agent Gray pursed his lips and blew air through them. “Wow. I don’t believe it. One of the security guards could be the bomber.” He rubbed his face. “Okay, we need you guys to talk with a sketch artist. When we get a description we’ll get it to all the agents who are at the hospital.”

  He left the room but was back in seconds with sodas and another agent. “This is Agent Stone. He’ll take down your descriptions.”

  Sarah studied Agent Stone. He had expressionless blue eyes and close-cropped black hair. She could tell he’d been there all night because of the stubble on his chin.

  Sarah dared a look at Jackie and saw the laughter twinkling in her eyes. Agent Stone? Give me a break. Is it a requirement for all FBI agents to have a name that was a different version of the color gray? She stifled the giggle that was tickling the back of her throat, and pursed her lips to keep a smile from bursting out on her face.

  “Okay, girls, let’s get started,” said Agent Stone.

  Sarah popped the top on her soda and guzzled. She swallowed and took a deep breath. “Okay.”

  She described the bomber. Sarah even remembered the bump in his nose. Jackie nodded in agreement with all of the details.

  Agent Stone held up the drawing. “Does this look like the man?”

  Sarah nodded. “Yeah, but his nose was a little fatter and his eyes were farther apart.”

  “Yeah, and he had really thick eyelashes,” Jackie added.

  Sarah smirked. “You noticed that?”

  “You bet. A girl would love to have eyelashes like that.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  The agent made the corrections and held the drawing up again. “How about now?”

  Sarah shivered as she stared at the sketch. The bomber’s eyes seemed to bore into her as he stared from the page. She was surprised that he appeared so lifelike, and her stomach fluttered with apprehension.“Yep, that’s totally the guy.”

  “Yeah, that’s him,” Jackie said.

  “Okay, we’ve got to get copies to the agents at the hospital.” Agent Stone stood.

  “We can’t fax it.” Agent Gray frowned and rubbed his face.

  “You’re right. We’ll have to send someone up with copies.” Agent Stone walked toward the door. “I’ll get copies made,” he said as he walked out of the room.

  Agent Gray nodded and then faced the girls and Scoop. “You girls can’t go up to the hospital. He’ll recognize you.”

  Sarah sighed. “What about my uncle?”

  “We’ll get a guard up to his room.”

  “What about Ali Hameedi?” Scoop asked.

  “We’ll get protection for him as well.”

  “Do you think he’s the bomber’s target?” Sarah blurted out. “I mean, if you think this is a terrorist thing.”

  Agent Gray gave her a knowing smirk. “Yeah, thanks for the information. You know… you shouldn’t be listening to other people’s conversations.”

  Sarah averted her gaze and stared at the floor. Her face grew hot and Sarah knew she was turning red. Jackie snickered and kicked at her under the table.

  “Okay, I want you girls to head home. Stay away from the hospital.” Agent Gray glared at the girls as he walked out of the room.

  “I’ll give you girls a ride.” Scoop stood and put his coat on.

  “We could use a ride, but I don’t want to go home,” Sarah said.

  Jackie gave her a perplexed look. “Now what are you up to?”

  “I want to find out if Ali Hameedi is a terrorist.” She looked at Scoop. “You can help with that, right?”

  The retired reporter sighed and gave Sarah a rueful smile. “Yes, I can. Let’s get some lunch and then we can start investigating.”

  “Let’s go to Hinkle’s!” Jackie crowed. “There’s a cheeseburger that’s calling my name.”

  “I’ll go get the car.” Scoop strode out the door and hurried down the hall, pulling his hood over his head.

  “We’re close, Jack. I can feel it.” Sarah stood and put her jacket on.

  Jackie smiled as she shrugged into her coat. “So true, girlfriend.”

  As the group drove to the restaurant, questions danced through Sarah’s mind. Why would these men bomb the high school? Is Ali Hameedi the target? Is he a terrorist? Her stomach churned and she clenched her hands. Is this bombing connected to the disappearance of my parents? No answers came to her. She rubbed her forehead and leaned back against the s

  There was a parking space right in front of the diner. Scoop pulled in and turned off the engine.

  “Let’s go, girls.”

  The group climbed out of the car and dashed through the rain to the restaurant.

  They stopped at the hostess stand and waited to be seated. Sarah shivered and brushed the rain from her coat. She wanted to get home, crawl into bed, and wrap her quilt around her. The twinkling lights adorning the walls didn’t warm her, although they created a cozy atmosphere.

  The hostess appeared and escorted them to their table. Sarah slid into the booth alongside Jackie, facing the door. She liked to see who walked inside. Scoop sat opposite the girls and pulled out his hanky to dry his face and wipe the water from his glasses.

  Opening her menu, Sarah studied her selections. “I really feel like a big bowl of their broccoli soup.” She shivered again.

  “I’m going for one of their juicy bacon cheeseburgers.” Jackie closed her menu and laid it on the table.

  “What are you going to have Scoop?” Sarah asked.

  “I’m going to have their meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy.” He smacked his lips appreciatively. He eyed Sarah. “You’ve got to have more than soup.”

  Sarah shrugged. “I guess.” She studied her menu again. “I’ll have a grilled cheese sandwich too.”

  Scoop nodded his approval at her.

  The waitress strolled up and took their drink orders and then left.

  Sarah leaned forward. “Do you think terrorists are after Ali Hameedi?”

  Scoop shook his head. “I have no idea. We’ll have to do some research and see what we come up with.”

  The waitress arrived with their drinks. Sarah took a long sip of her lemonade and sighed. She was just starting to relax. Now that the FBI knows who the bomber is, surely he’ll be in jail soon. Uncle Walt is safe.

  Sarah sighed again and her body went limp. She leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes.

  The tinkle of the bell above the restaurant door invaded Sarah’s consciousness. Wearily, she opened her eyes and gazed at the patron walking in the door. The flash of a blue security uniform sent her senses reeling. Could it be? Shock ran through her body like a bolt of lightning when she saw the man from the hospital—she was sure her scalp sizzled as the electrical charge exited through her head.


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