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Test Drive (Watchers Crew)

Page 6

by Johnson, Ines

  “Let’s get you dressed,” he said finally. “I’ll drive you home. Eagle will have your car ready tomorrow night. Don’t be surprised if he tricks it out after that performance.”

  Owl brought my bra and blouse to the bathroom door. He stayed and watched as Hawk dressed me. Hawk put on my bra and my blouse. I noticed my panties peeking out of his back pocket. He didn’t offer them up.

  I headed back out to the workroom behind Hawk. There was already a throbbing between my legs. Crow swooped me up in a bear hug. Looking over his shoulder, Owl nodded his head at me in something resembling a bow of respect.

  Eagle blew me a kiss and licked his lips. Then he grabbed my panties from Hawk’s back pocket. “I’ll fix her up good for you, sweet meat.”

  “I know you will,” I said. “Thank you, Eagle. Thanks guys.”

  They all shuffled awkwardly under my gratitude making a humming sound that sounding like a drone to me.

  “Come on, Ellie,” said Hawk. “Let’s get you home.”

  “Have a good night guys.” I turned and followed Hawk out. He handed me into his car. He reached over and buckled me into the seat belt. Then he got in on his side. I gave him my address, and we took off.

  We were silent for a mile. I didn’t know what to say. He didn’t appear to need to fill the silence. He pulled out onto the highway. I opened my mouth to tell him he was going the wrong way when I noticed the speedometer climbing.

  He reached 70. Then 80.

  My heart pounded as I watched the street, the cars, the scenery whiz by. I felt the vibration of the wheels through the seat. I pressed my hips into the seat to get closer to the vibration. My breath kicked up.

  He pushed it to 90. I pushed my legs together. The vibrations felt like they clocked over 200 beats a minute. I felt that at any minute we’d take flight.

  I jumped when I felt his hand on my thigh.

  I opened for him.

  With no underwear on, Hawk pressed his middle finger right up against my cunt. Aside from the wheel hitting the asphalt, I heard the slurping stickiness of my wetness. I heard my breaths coming fast.

  Hawk hit 100 miles per hour.

  I strained against the seat belt to lift my hips and pushed my cunt into his fingers. I grabbed behind the headrest for leverage.

  Hawk began a sawing motion with his fingers. I felt the leather of the seats dampen beneath my bare ass. My legs shook, and I went over. I cried out in the confines of the car as the blasted seat belt held me in place. I needed to get closer to Hawk and his wonderful fingers.

  When I opened my eyes we were outside my dorm in the parking lot. Hawk cut the engine. He pushed his seat back. Then he reached over and yanked off my seat belt. He yanked me out of the seat. Up and over him I went until I was in his lap.

  He worked to get his pants undone. I felt him shaking as he struggled with the condom. And then he was in me. There was no slow entry. There was no finesse. He pumped into me deep and hard and fast. My teeth rattled at his speed and power. I held onto the back of the driver’s side headrest for dear life.

  We were in the middle of the parking lot. The sun had set, but still we were parked under a street lamp. Anyone could walk by and see us.

  I didn’t care. I lifted my blouse so he could suckle my breasts. When his lips tugged on my nipple I felt another orgasm blooming inside me

  “Fuck,” he growled. “You gonna come again?” His voice was filled with incredulity.

  I came with a helpless whimper.

  He came with a deep growl.

  His arms locked around me like a vice until we caught our breaths.

  Chapter Twelve

  We sat like that for I don’t know how long? Finally, Hawk pulled away. He ran his hand down the side of my face as though testing my skin for realness.

  “I need to go,” he said.

  I tried to hop off him. He lifted my hips and placed me back in the passenger seat. Then he leaned his back against the driver’s door and stared at me. He reached over and straightened my skirt. Then he turned and climbed out the door.

  He came around to the passenger door and let me out. He took my hand and didn’t let it go. I thought he’d say goodbye and leave me in the street. Instead, he asked which was my building.

  He walked me to my dormitory. Walked me up to my floor. Once there, we stood outside my door, facing each other.

  “You got a roommate?” he asked.

  “No,” I said. “I’m a senior. Only freshmen have roommates. And then after your freshmen year it’s by choice.”

  He looked at the door. Then he looked at me. I saw him wrestling with something.

  “You wanna come in?” I asked.

  Hawk shook his head. “I don’t do sleepovers. I don’t do the boyfriend-girlfriend thing. I don’t do romance or handholding.”

  I wanted to remind him that he held my hand coming up to the building, and continued on up the stairs. Instead, I said, “I have a boyfriend. He goes to another school. We’ve been going out for a year, but we’ve never…”

  “A year? And he never…?”

  I shook my head. “I probably should’ve told you about him… you know before.”

  “Doesn’t bother me. I don’t believe in monogamy.”


  “But you do,” he said. “Don’t you, sweet meat? You believe in monogamy, being faithful, and all that shit. You probably feel guilty right now, like you cheated on him. You regret fucking us?”

  “I…” I had believed in all that. Before he put his hands down my panties. Now, the only thing I knew was, “I want you to fuck me again. Not tonight, of course. But some other day. Maybe?”

  Hawk studied me again, weighing whatever was on his mind. Finally, he came out with it. “I’m having a party tomorrow night.”


  “Yeah.” He reached out for the tail of my blouse and straightened it. “You should come.” He grinned. “You’re so good at it. You’ve come how many times today?”

  “I don’t know? I wasn’t counting.”

  “Six, maybe?”

  “Is that a lot?”

  Hawk shrugged. “I read somewhere that over half of all women never come once in their lifetime.”

  My eyes widened.

  “Yeah, it’s tragic isn’t it?”

  “Well,” I said. “I guess I’m good for years to come.”

  He said nothing for a minute. Just stared at me. “I want you to come to my party, Ellie.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there. But, I’ll need a ride. You guys have my car.”

  My car was my pride and joy, and I’d just turned it over to these guys who I’d only known existed for less than three days.

  “Oh, I’ll give you a ride, sweet meat.”

  I got the joke and grinned along with him. “I’d like that. I’ll come.”

  “Yes. You will.” He grinned, but then sobered. “Ellie, most girls make a big deal about their first time. I don’t want you to do that. Think about it like getting your driver’s license. It’s like a permit for you to go anywhere with anyone.”

  I thought about that for a second. I’d had little qualms about fucking Eagle before or after I’d fucked Hawk. I was looking forward to fucking Crow, and curious about Owl. And then, there was Jerry this weekend…

  “But don’t go driving with anyone else for a while,” Hawk said.

  I blinked. “Okay,” I agreed.


  He leaned in and kissed my forehead, then my nose, he leaned down towards my lips. I assumed he wasn’t going to kiss me. I didn’t understand why not? He’d invaded my mouth the first night we met. But, to my surprise, he brushed his lips lightly over mine. If I’d moved a millimeter we’d be miles a part.

  I held perfectly still. We stayed like that, lips just barely touching for I don’t know how long. When he pulled away we both were panting.

  He looked at my door handle. Then shook his head. “We used you pretty good, sweet meat. You’re going
to be sore. Soak in a warm bath, but don’t use soap. It’ll just irritate that sweet pussy of yours.”


  “Okay,” he mimicked with his smirk. “Sweet dreams, sweet meat.”

  And then he disappeared down the stairs.

  I sighed, leaning against my door. I turned to open the door but noticed movement. Standing down the hall, gaping at me was Shakira.

  Shakira who had warned me that guys like Hawk ate up little girls like me for breakfast and spit us out for lunch.

  I shrugged my shoulders at her gaping expression. “I went over at lunchtime and he had me for dinner.” I said before I went into my room and shut the door behind me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I pushed the door closed with my butt and dropped my books and bag on the floor. It had been a long day. Every one in the lab was in a tizzy over the annual mayfly mating. It was that one day of the year when the insects rose from the lakes and streams. They had only one day, a few hours, to stretch their wings and take to the skies. One day to experience life and everything it had to offer. By nightfall, their entire generation would all be dead.

  I flopped down on my bed. My butt made contact with the mattress and I winced. I’d done as Hawk had suggested and soaked in the tub last night, and then again this morning. But I was still tender between my thighs.

  It wasn’t painful. I felt like I’d been used. And I had been. In the span of a few hours, I’d lived more in a car garage surrounded by sexy, street racer mechanics than I had in my whole life.

  Every time today that I sat on a wooden bench or on a plastic chair and felt the twinge of their use, I could only smile. While my classmates rushed around harried, trying to gather data about the swarming mayflies, I’d been caught up in memories of being swarmed by four men, of mounting over half of them, and of being sent soaring.

  I hoped it wouldn’t be the only day I lived my life on such a frenzied high. I couldn’t wait to take flight again.

  I checked my phone for the hundredth time. Hawk still hadn’t called or texted. He’d said he’d pick me up to take me to his party. Maybe he’d changed his mind? Maybe he’d forgotten all about me?

  We’ll if he had forgotten, he still had my car. I’d just go and pick it up tomorrow…and likely walk in on him fucking some other girl or adulterous wife.

  I turned the television on to distract myself. The newscasters were showing footage of the mayfly swarm. I’d left the lab less than an hour ago and the mating event was already over. The decaying carcasses of the insects littered the water, the forest, and in some cases, the streets. The newscaster showed footage from an hour ago of the swarm in action.

  Contrary to popular belief, mayflies weren’t first born and later dead on the same day. They spent the first few months, or in some cases years, of their lives underwater or beneath decaying matter. Then, when they were of mating age, they’d sprout wings and take to the sky. They’d fly high for one day, mating in a swarming frenzy with one another.

  There was no monogamy amongst their kind. Multiple males mated with a single female. Sometimes, males would wait their turn on top of the flying female while another buddy got it on behind her. There were even cases of male mayflies having two penises. And then, after all the hanky panky was done, and the eggs were laid, they’d all tumble to the ground, their sated bodies breaking apart on impact.

  It didn’t seem a bad way to go in my opinion. A sheltered life followed by one day of utter bliss.

  My phone beeped. I fell out of the bed reaching for it. When I righted myself and grabbed it off my desk, I saw it was a text from Hawk.

  Be outside in thirty minutes, it read.

  I sprang up off the floor, all twinges and bits of pain gone. My limbs felt like new.

  I went to my closet. There was hanger after hangar of prim blouses and knee-length skirts. I chose the shortest skirt I had, which came an inch above my knee, and a blouse with a low neck line that I typically wore a camisole underneath. I forewent the camisole. And the panties.

  I hadn’t worn panties at all last night because the fabric irritated my swollen pussy lips. I’d gone without all day, enjoying the feel of the moisture trickling between my legs. I’d been certain that one of my male classmates would scent the constant flow of arousal between my legs, or at least hear the slippery sound of my thighs slicking past one another. But, no. They’d all been intent on their data and the insect orgy up in the sky.

  I pulled on the clothes and made it outside with ten minutes to spare. I hoped the evening air would cool me down a bit. My nerves were jittery as I thought about what would happen this visit with the Watchers. I’d already fucked Hawk and Eagle. I’d seen that Crow was eager for a ride. It was likely his turn next. And then there was Owl.

  Silent Owl who’d never said a word to me, only watched with that intensity. What would it feel like to have all that intensity trained on my pussy, my breasts, my mouth? Would he come closer this time? Maybe lean over my back, silently and patiently waiting his turn, as Crow fucked me from behind? I sucked the moisture off my lower lip at the thought.

  Not only did I ache to be filled, I ached to be kissed too. Only Hawk had kissed me, and only that first night in the middle of the street as his boys changed my tire. Eagle hadn’t; not before or after he’d slurped up every bit of nectar between my legs. When he went to fuck me, he’d turned me around, putting my face into the hood of the car. Crow had been more interested in kissing my breasts than my face.

  Kissing or fucking, it didn’t matter to me. I was just eager to take that flight again, whether it was with one or all of them.

  I’d been turned on when it was just me and Eagle in the workroom. My heartbeat had sunk to my cunt when Crow and Owl came into the room and gave me their attention. But I’d especially liked it when Hawk was in the room watching. I liked the feel of his eyes on me as much as I liked the feel of his hands, lips, and penis on me, in me.

  It should’ve shocked me that I was so eager to fuck not just one of these men, but all of them. But why should it? I spent my days amongst female creatures of the animal kingdom that enjoyed a line up of males waiting for the chance to enter their core.

  Thirty minutes later, standing outside, the night’s air was stifling. There was no cool breeze. Instead there was a thick vibration of energy in the air. It crawled up my skin and sat heavy on my tongue making me gulp down a lungful of air.

  I crunched over the decayed body of a mayfly as I made my way to the parking lot. That would be me in a matter of hours. Fucked so hard, soared so high that I’d crash down to the earth in a tangle of my own limbs. I bounced on my feet in anticipation.

  I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Shakira walking up in a tight pair of jeans, a halter-top that pushed up her ample breasts, and ankle boots with spiky heels. I wished we were friends. I would’ve loved to have raided her closet for tonight.

  Shakira narrowed her eyes at me as she came up to the curb. “You headed out on a school night, sis?”

  “I was invited to a party.” I figured she’d move on, but we stood there in silence for a moment.

  Shakira crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips. “Your car in the shop?”


  More silence.

  Then she turned to me, full of aggression. “I’m gonna ask you this once, and you tell me the truth, okay sis. Did you fuck Owl?”

  I blinked.

  “I know you fucked Hawk. He’s got a thing for naive, little girls like you. Hawk likes to share. But it looks like you know that. So I’m asking, did you get passed around to Owl?”

  My initial thought was to tell her it was none of her business. My second thought was to brag that yes I fucked Hawk. And yes, he passed me around to his friends. And no, I was not ashamed. But looking at Shakira under the glare of the street lamp, I saw something unexpected.

  Gone was the tough-as-nails, young woman. There was a vulnerability to her. So instead of shutting her down
, instead of bragging, I told her the truth.

  “No. I didn’t fuck Owl.”

  She sighed, but then immediately her face transformed into a smirk. As though she realized how stupid she’d been to imagine that Owl would be interested in a naive, little girl like me. It irritated me, like the underwear I’d discarded this morning.

  “But he was there,” I said. “He watched.”

  Shakira stiffened. I almost told her the rest; that he’d twisted the pussy juices out of the crotch of my panties. But something in her stoic expression stopped me from going that far.

  “I don’t know you, Ellie. But you look like you don’t have much experience with the world. So I’ll do you a favor and tell you this much. A woman shouldn’t have to share her man. If she shares him with another, then he never was hers to begin with.”

  The sound of an engine growling halted any further conversation. It wasn’t Hawk’s Charger that pulled up. Owl hopped out of the driver’s side of a red, Honda Civic with a black dragon along each side. He didn’t glance once at me. He went straight up to Shakira.

  “Hey baby,” he said. His voice was like silk slicing through vanilla ice cream.

  Shakira jerked away from him. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head away. I saw a tick in her jaw.

  Owl frowned. He looked my way. His eyes looked me up and down, understanding dawning on his handsome face.

  He smiled at me. “Hey, Ellie. Hawk said you needed a ride.”

  I nodded, too hypnotized by his voice to pollute the air with my words.

  He opened the rear passenger door of his car. I climbed in.

  “Buckle up,” he said. “It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

  He shut the door and went back over to Shakira. I couldn’t hear their conversation. I saw Shakira get in his personal space, putting her fingers in his face. Owl remained calm, an amused smile on his lips throughout the whole ordeal. Just like the amused smile he had on his face when he’d licked the honey from my panties.


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