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The Dom Protects His Puma [Unchained Love 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Cara Adams

  First, at the basketball match, his people had snatched Ramona. Then a freaking wolf turned up and they ran away. The idiotic cowards left Ramona there and ran away without her! His men, his own team members, his pack, had been so busy fighting on the basketball court instead of backing up the couple who’d grabbed Ramona they’d all been taken away by the police. Then he’d spent the rest of the day bailing them out of jail instead of fucking and claiming his woman, a pure-blood puma, exactly what he needed to be happy and to cement his rule over the pack. Once he had his woman, everything else would fall into place. There’d be no more trouble with the stupid humans in his pack. They’d obey him instantly and completely, and he’d rule them properly.

  Then he spent weeks—weeks!—planning this attack. All his arguments carefully prepared and laid out in a logical line so no one could defeat them, even though he’d expected to be able to snatch one of the females without needing to talk about it. He liked that puma. She had dark hair and sparkling eyes and exuded sex appeal. But realistically, any female cat-shifter would do. Panther, puma, cougar, their species was irrelevant as long as they weren’t half-bloods.

  And the moment he and his men had approached the gate, rolling up on silent wheels, ready to attack, all these freaking lights had turned on, displaying everything to the whole world like some fucking movie. And talking about movies, some idiot humans were filming them. Filming them! What the fuck was that about? How could he snatch up his woman in front of a huge crowd all watching every last thing he did?

  Then that arrogant, insensitive human just disregarded his beautiful, perfect, carefully thought-out arguments and waved him away like an annoying child!

  He wouldn’t be defeated a third time. He’d be back with his entire pack and guns and knives and whatever it took to get his woman. In fact, they’d steal all the cat-shifter women. His men could have some fun, too.

  * * * *

  Ramona wasn’t sure she could trust Omar when it came to sharing. He was such an out-and-out Alpha, and a Dom as well. There was no way she’d let him tie her up anytime soon, just in case he decided to go ahead with a mating, knowing in her heart she’d accept him. He knew she loved him, just as she knew he loved her. But she was one hundred percent serious about mating with JB as well and determined to have them both.

  Omar was the archetypical big, strong, macho male. To be wrapped in his arms was to feel safe, at home, cherished. Well, except when he startled her in the middle of an attack from the rogue panthers. She’d fought back instinctively before she’d recognized his touch. When she’d seen the hurt on his face after she’d kneed him, not realizing who it was who’d grabbed her, she’d almost apologized. But she wasn’t that stupid. He should have spoken to her, not hugged her from behind, so she’d have known it was him. Besides, he’d have used an apology to have them mated that very night. She couldn’t give him that much power over her yet. But once he accepted Javier as well…ah, that would be different. She’d become the most amenable submissive ever.

  Ramona longed to hand over her life to Omar. It’d be wonderful when she didn’t have to be strong and in control anymore. But she needed JB, too. He was so quiet and shy, unless he was talking about building something. Then he shone with joy, and everyone could see what a quick mind he had, thinking outside the box to solve all kinds of problems. Like with the new homes the community had provided for the panthers during this troubled time. He’d figured out a way to join together two quite different modular home units, making a larger home that fit together perfectly.

  He showed his love for her, not by saying anything but by smoothing the way for her, making her life easier. Pumping air into her car tires and oiling a squeaky door in her room at Carnal Connections. And when he’d kissed her it’d been the sweetest, most romantic kiss she’d ever had. After they’d broken off the kiss, he’d grinned and said, “That was worth it. Even if Omar murders me, I’ll die a happy man remembering that kiss.”

  “I won’t let him hurt you. Omar is just going to have to realize if he wants me he gets you as well.”

  Yeah, well, she knew he wasn’t converted to her plan yet. More like he’d been so worried she might actually go to bed with JB that he decided to agree with her for the moment. He’d just go along with it until he could convince her to mate with him alone. Well, he’d be waiting until hell froze over in that case. She wanted both of them, and that’s what she was going to have. Only when they’d mated as a threesome would she unleash her submissive side and let him order her life. Although letting him be the Dom in the bedroom might be fun. She’d only been here a few weeks, but it had sure opened her mind to some highly arousing possibilities. Underneath his bossiness was a genuine love and care for her. She knew that, knew he truly loved her and showed it through his Dominance and need to control everything around him.

  Ramona gave a little shiver as her panties dampened at the thought of some of the things Lucy and Jubilee had talked about. She wished she could just relax, but the rogue panthers were still very dangerous. The BDSM community had come up with a pretty amazing way of holding them at bay tonight, though. When the alarm bell had rung, she’d instantly raced for the gate, ready to change and fight to protect the humans who were sheltering them. But those same humans had come up with their own solution. They’d obviously had it planned for a while. They hadn’t set up huge stage lights like that in five minutes. But by making the night as bright as day there was nowhere for attackers to hide. And by filming everything there was plenty of evidence for the courts if people were hurt or taken. It’s no wonder the panthers had stopped dead in their tracks and come no farther onto the property than the entryway.

  However, it wasn’t the kind of defense that would work a second time. The rogue group wouldn’t come through the main entry next time. They’d sneak in some other way, likely in their panther forms and through the land left wild and uncultivated. Still, the community had thought of something unusual the first time, so she had faith that they would be able to think of something just as clever the next time, too.

  While she’d been thinking, Ramona, with Omar close beside her, had walked down the main roadway of the community toward a group of storage sheds. JB had a sort-of office in the back of one of these buildings and could often be found there. He said he preferred to make all his mess here and leave his house tidy, but she also thought he simply enjoyed building things and fixing things, and this way all the tools he needed were available in the one place.

  Sure enough, as she arrived he was busy rolling up cables and hanging them on a rack. Every time she came here she grinned at Javier’s “filing” system. One entire wall of this barn was covered with hooks and racks. And in every place was a painted outline of the item which belonged there. The cables he was hanging up had yellow duct tape on their ends, and the picture showed cables with a strip of yellow duct tape. Next to them was a space for more cables, this time with red duct tape.

  Even the hammers had a space with the hammer outlined in black paint, so the right-size hammer was placed on each hook. The system made good sense, actually, in that when asked to return a piece of equipment, the person didn’t need to be highly competent with the technical names. All they had to do was look at the wall and match it to the correct outline.

  JB looked up and gave Ramona a brilliant smile then cast a slightly wary glance at Omar. Instantly his face became shuttered, and Ramona wondered if he thought she might be about to say she was mating with Omar. Hastily, she said, “Hi, Javier. I wanted to let you know that I’m okay and tell you I’ve decided something. My statement regarding mating remains unchanged, but it’s time I took my safety seriously. I’ve been thinking that if I wasn’t a virgin, if the rogue panthers could smell men on my skin, they may lose interest in me.”

  It wasn’t until she said the words out loud that Ramona fully understood what she was suggesting. Finally, she was going to make love to the two men she wanted. Big, bossy Omar had agreed to share her with gentle,
loving Javier. She was going to have them both. A dream come true, even if it was just for her protection and not permanent.

  JB nodded, his gaze still wary.

  “The only reason I didn’t do this earlier is because I was worried it would make things so much worse for Leticia, as the only remaining of-age, full-blood big cat in our pack. But now that we’re staying here, she has not only her father but the rest of the panthers and the whole community here to protect her, so I’m ready to go ahead. This is just sex, not mating or marriage. Omar has agreed we will do it as a triad. Are you still okay with that?”

  “Marriage would be better, but if this is what you want, of course I would be proud and honored to sleep with you, my precious.” JB moved up to her and stroked her hand so lightly she hardly knew he’d touched her. But it was so sexy. Everything this man did was sweet and gentle but so loving.

  “I love you, Javier,” she said.

  JB’s face flushed and he looked down at the tool bench then glanced at Omar. Ramona turned to the big man, too. He didn’t look very happy, but he seemed resigned to the agreement. That was probably about as good as she could hope for as yet.

  “I’ll be finished here in ten minutes. Do you want us to go somewhere first? A nice restaurant, or…”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave the property tonight. Who knows where those rogue panthers are staying?” asked Omar.

  “Oh, yes, true. Well then, my house would likely be better than your room, Ramona. Is that okay with you?”

  “That would be perfect. Now can we help you put some of this stuff away?” Ramona waved at the crate JB was standing in front of.

  “Thanks. These are just a few things I thought we may need tonight. Fortunately, we didn’t have to use any of them.”

  While JB rolled up another length of cable, Ramona pulled some tools out of the crate and walked along beside the wall looking at the empty spaces and seeing if she held anything that matched the shapes. She was familiar with tools from helping out with odd jobs at the movie studio, but to her pliers were pliers, not the dozen different types marked on the wall here. She knew one pair were needle-nosed pliers and another was crimping pliers, but the rest—huh, whatever.

  Omar rubbed his hands over the seat of his jeans, drawing Ramona’s attention to his mighty-fine, taut ass. Soon now she’d see both men naked for the first time ever in human form. Although she’d seen some of the shape-shifters change, she’d never seen Omar naked as a human. And, now that she thought of it, rarely had she seen any of the males change form. She’d never really considered it before, but it was interesting they usually shape-shifted in privacy.

  Anyway, soon now, very soon, they’d both be hers.

  Chapter Two

  Ramona had only ever been in Javier’s living room, a spacious room with long French doors leading onto a deck, polished hardwood floors, and several comfy leather armchairs. But tonight he led the way through the living room into his bedroom. This room had the same polished floorboards, but the main feature was a dark wood bed, fortunately big enough for three. Ramona hadn’t even considered what they’d do if it had turned out he slept in a twin bed.

  Brown must have been his favorite color, as the quilt was a deep chocolate color and the sheets and pillowcases were tan.

  JB cleared his throat several times before opening the nightstand drawer. “I have lube and condoms here,” he said.

  “A butt plug?” asked Omar.

  JB blushed and nodded.

  “Good. We need to get that into her soon, because she’ll be very tight,” said Omar.

  This time Ramona blushed right along with JB.

  She pulled the quilt down to the foot of the bed then turned back to the others to see that Omar was almost undressed already and JB had taken off his shoes and socks.

  So much for foreplay. Ramona copied them, stripping out of her clothes quickly and efficiently. Her last action was to take out the tie holding her hair, letting it flow down her back to her waist.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her two men. Omar was well over six foot and solidly built. There wasn’t much fat on him though. His muscles were clearly defined in his arms, thighs, and chest, and his cock was standing up proudly out of its nest of black curls.

  JB was shorter, stockier, and with lighter hair, more dark brown than black, but he was just as muscular. His arms and legs were corded with heavy muscles, likely from his very physical work as a builder. And his cock was every bit as wide as Omar’s, though possibly not as long. The head was red, showing how willing he was to progress to the next stage of the program.

  Ramona was wet and willing, her cunt dripping her honey onto the insides of her thighs. She’d wanted these men to fuck her for months but was prepared to leave the actual choreography to Omar, if that made his Dominating heart happy.

  Omar handed her a coin. She looked at him, confused, until he said, “JB, you can call heads or tails. Best of three gets to choose whether they take Ramona’s cunt or her ass first. Tomorrow morning we swap and get the other one.”

  “No, really, it’s fine. We’re both going to be first with one, and we’re both going to experience both aspects of Ramona, so really, it doesn’t matter to me which I have first. You can choose.”

  “A perfect little submissive, aren’t you?” sneered Omar.

  “Not submissive enough to give her up for you,” JB replied a little sharply.

  Ramona glared at Omar, and he nodded, taking his coin back and dropping it into his pants’ pocket then putting his clothing on a chair in the corner of the room.

  “Lie on your front and spread your legs, Ramona. We need to prepare your ass,” said Omar.

  As she lay down, she saw JB handing Omar the lube and butt plug from the nightstand drawer, then she buried her head in the pillow and relaxed, waiting to be made love to. In one way, she’d have liked to watch the interplay between the men, seeing who would do what. But in another way, they had to come to an agreement about how they’d share her, and the less she interfered, the faster they’d get it sorted out. Unless Omar simply took over, and she wasn’t going to put up with that.

  But right now, all she wanted to do was experience their touch, their love, and let her own emotions run riot. She’d wanted both these men for months. The rogue panther group had done her a favor, because she knew Omar would never have agreed to share her like this so soon if not for the danger of her being unmated. She wasn’t nearly as sure having had sex would protect her as she’d pretended tonight, but she thought it a better than even chance it would.

  The rogue group seemed to want to mate, to have children, and the only way that could happen was with a female who agreed to the mating. Since she was now with two men, that should hopefully mean they’d leave her alone.

  Presumably, once abducted, the unmated full-blood females would be told to choose between the available men. Not really fair, or legal, but that kind of situation happened in many small packs anyway. A woman with no other choices simply settled for the option she disliked least. To be a legal mating, all the members involved had to choose their partner freely. A woman growing up in small pack knew her choices were to leave the pack and go elsewhere to find a mate, or to choose one of the available men. It wasn’t a great choice, and it wasn’t necessarily love, but it was still her free choice, and therefore legal. Whereas Ramona had held out for her first preference.

  At first she’d wondered if the panthers intended to steal the shape-shifters for some scientific experiment or other, but that didn’t seem right as their pack included a mixture of humans and shape-shifters. So they must be looking for mates. Hence their determination to steal only females.

  Ah. The hands gently massaging her shoulders were Javier’s. His skin was rough from all the manual labor he did, but his hands were always gentle. Besides, in her opinion, a few rough edges and calluses made him more of a man than soft, manicured hands would have done. He was taking his time, rubbing all th
e tight, knotted places in her upper back and shoulders, unraveling the tension, relaxing her, settling her, preparing her for what was to come next.

  Omar must have been the one drizzling the lube into her ass, massaging it all around her tight rear entry. Yes, that was his big finger pushing its way into her ass right now. His finger was slippery and the muscle ring yielded without any pain, so now his finger was inside her, teasing along the walls of her channel. Oh! That feels good.

  JB had brushed her hair off her neck onto the pillow beside her, and now he was kissing her neck. The skin there was very sensitive, because it was always protected by her hair. His lips were so soft, though, that it made her want more. More than the fleeting light touches he was giving her.

  Omar stroked her ass, up and down, up and down, then gave her a sharp slap. Ramona gasped then smiled into the pillow. That felt good, too. Everything both of them were doing was wonderful. Then Omar’s finger was back in her ass, sliding in much more easily now, and it was soon joined by a second finger. The second finger was a tight squeeze, but Omar used the two fingers together to stretch her, and Ramona’s eyes widened as she realized what he was doing. It felt mighty fine, too.

  JB hunkered down beside her, and his tongue flicked out over the side of her breast. Ramona groaned. “Such a tease,” she whispered.

  “Don’t you think I can reach more of it? Never underestimate a determined man, my precious.”

  True to his word, JB nudged her breast with his nose, gradually exposing more of it for his tongue to lick. Ramona was intrigued that he didn’t just use his hand to pull it out as far to her side as it would go. But then she realized what he was doing was much sexier and far more arousing. He was reaching her breast a fraction of an inch at a time, nudging it, licking it, kissing it, then going back for the next sliver of her flesh. Her nipples were hard little points digging into the bedding, and her entire body was quivering with excitement. Between Omar stretching and teasing her ass and JB kissing her, Ramona thought that her first orgasm of the night would be coming very soon.


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