Quartet Complete Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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Quartet Complete Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 199

by Michelle Love

  Or do I? Perhaps their parents are a little bit on the stubborn side. Max more than me, obviously.

  We celebrated Zane and Zoey’s second birthday a couple of months ago. Then we got started on the next baby. When Max wakes up I have good news for him. I wonder just how happy he’ll be this time.

  I just told him yesterday that I’d not be taking a pregnancy test until I missed at least two periods, but I was two weeks late and got antsy to know for myself. So, I placed the positive pregnancy test on a tissue on the nightstand, hopefully Max will pick it up before one of the twins does.

  I sit and watch just to be positive they don’t. Everything they get a hold of goes in their mouths and that might make me toss my cookies if that went into one of theirs.

  He’s starting to move a little and I can see his eyes beginning to open. Like every morning, he starts off kissing each of the little munchkins’ heads. His eyes meet mine and he says, “Good morning, beautiful. What are you doing? Watching us sleep?”

  With a nod, I say, “I woke up and went to the bathroom and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”

  Gently he slides his arm out from under Zane’s head, then does the same with Zoey. He climbs over Zane to get out of the bed without waking them up. “I can’t imagine that. These two woke us up three times last night, the little demons.”

  I watch as he walks right by the little pink stick on the night stand and rubs his eyes. “You may want to look on the night stand, if you want to know what kept me awake.”

  His nose wrinkles and his eyebrows come together. “What? Why is that?” He turns back and looks at the nightstand and then his face brightens. He looks back at me. “Is that what I think it is?” I nod and he goes to pick it up. “You said you weren’t going to do this yet.” He picks it up and the smile on his face lets me know he’s happy.

  “Fertile Myrtle is your new nickname, Lexi.” He places the stick back on the tissue.

  “Nope,” I say, gesturing to the table. “Pick that thing up and take it to the bathroom and throw it away now that you know. I don’t want one of the twins to get it.”

  He laughs and picks it back up. “Straight into their mouths it would go, gross!”

  As he passes me, he stops and picks me up into his strong arms. “I love you, Lexi.”

  “I love you too, Big Daddy,” I say with a giggle.

  His lips touch mine and I’m lost, just like I always get when we kiss. This is it for us, marriage and family and all the ups and downs that go with that.

  And we couldn’t be happier!

  The End

  The Shameless Billionaire Series

  An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance

  Book 1- Collision Course

  Book 2- Casanova’s Coach

  The Shameless Billionaire Series

  An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance

  Book 1

  Collision Course


  Michelle Love

  Betrayal. Lust. Longing.

  Jason Brennan is a self-made billionaire who invented an app to help keep track of multiple love interests.

  Brittany Caldwell is a graphic design artist who’s managed to become a billionaire herself through the creation of award winning book covers.

  The two share a history as they were once young lovers, but Jason’s philandering ways broke the young couple up and each went the opposite direction of monogamy.

  A chance meeting in New York at a charity event has Jason’s sights set right back on the only woman he’s ever loved. Only Brittany wants nothing to do with the heartbreaker.

  When Jason steals away his old love from a man she picked up to make him jealous, he makes her an offer. Give him a chance to prove he can be faithful to only her and he’ll make all of her dreams come true.

  But can Brittany put the past behind her and give the man who turned her into a cold-hearted woman the chance to not only redeem himself but also heal old wounds in them both. Or will she take him back only so she can hurt him the way he hurt her so many times? Get ready to enter the world of a couple of shameless billionaires as they collide and start an explosive story you won’t soon forget…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 1


  Outside a storm is raging in the city of New York. I’m not outside, though. I’m inside of the prestigious Tribeca Rooftop at a charity event for the Humane Society.

  I love dogs. So when I was asked to attend, I immediately Rsvp’d with a, yes. Dogs and I see eye to eye on many things.

  I like the way they live their lives. Doing what they want, when they want, and with however many they want. I’m not a man who believes in monogamy. Never have, never will.

  My invention is what made me rich enough to be asked to this event. I invented this little app to help people who like to keep more than one fish on the line at a time.

  A sweet little system that makes sure you don’t run into girlfriend or boyfriend number two or three and so forth and so on when you’re out with someone else. My app, the PH or Polyamory Handler, is for those who have more than one love interest at a time. But they don’t want their various love interests to know that.

  Those types of things never go over well, no matter how hard anyone tries to go the honest route. Believe me, I’ve tried that. So much blood, so many tears, and so much destruction!

  Males nor females take finding out they’re only one of several or in my case, many, who are the love interest of any one person. It’s a shame, really. Dogs don’t seem to mind, though.

  I’ve been called a dog or a wolf on occasion. Okay, about two hundred or so occasions. It hurt the first hundred times then it stopped hurting, and I accepted the fact I am what I am.

  Then it occurred to me there have to be more like me. More people who need the attention of more than one person at a time. So I got to work on an application that would track the people I was involved with.

  Keeping tabs on where they were, especially when I was out and about with another love interest, was the main objective. One can imagine how uncomfortable it is when you’re out, having a nice evening with a special someone and another special someone happens upon the scene. It can get really messy!

  With the tap of a finger, people can bring up my app and for the low, low price of only one hundred and fifty dollars a month, you can have this technology to track your partners.

  Now this is not merely a tracking device. No, no!

  This app stores the person’s complete name, including any pet names or specific terms of endearment you use for that particular person. It can be a major faux pas to forget that one girl loves to be called, baby and another hates it. Thus the need for the cue cards, as I tagged them, to keep the names straight.

  Of course, there’s a place to put in their family and friends so you can keep track of all their interests. You make a neat little file on each person you enjoy spending time with. There’s a counter to keep track of the number of dates and where you went as well as the times and dates you’ve been intimate.

  And there’s no limit on how many you can track at any given time. So that makes it a limitless resource for anyone who likes to dabble in the love market. I love to dabble.

  Women of every type are my type!

  Even now, as I stand in front of an enormous window, looking out at the rainy New York skyline, my eyes are catching women out of the corners of them. If one grabs my attention, then I’ll hone in on her.

  Most of the time, the women come to me first. I rarely have to go up to one. Women flock to me for some reason. And I weed out a few of them but mostly I give anyone a chance.

  If I decide to make a woman a member of the Jason
Brennan Pack, I’ll ask for her cell phone and tap in my phone number but also do a quick download of my app to her phone which goes in under a ghost mode so she’s completely unaware that I can now track her.

  It’s genius, I know!

  I’ve been told my invention is an invasion of privacy. To those critics, I give the bird. Do you want to know about invasion of privacy?

  Have one girlfriend and let her catch you with another. Your shit gets all gone through. House, phone, car, your body. It’s a real invasion of privacy then.

  So my motto is to keep things straight. Life is so much better when you’re organized.

  Someone taps a glass, trying to capture our attention. I turn away from the window and look toward the front of the large room they’ve gathered us in.

  A blonde woman in a red dress is the one who wants our attention. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to invite you all to make a purchase of the book we published last month. It has pictures of many different strays from all over the United States and their individual success stories and how the Humane Society made that happen for them.”

  A few people begin to line up to make the purchase and I find myself moving forward to buy one of those books too. I do like a good dog success story after all.

  I can’t have a dog myself. I’m always here, there, and yonder. I try not to stay in one place too long. It’s much too easy to get caught if you do.

  That’s the other thing my app has. Little suggestions and hints to let the purchaser do the smartest things when playing the field. Tips like, don’t go to the same restaurant all the time. Someone is bound to tell on you if you do.

  Little helpful things like that go a long way to help newbies to the game of juggling love intersts do better than if they were left to their own devices. And I am always ready to help my fellow man or woman for that matter.

  I’m not a hypocrite. Women are players of the game of love too. And far be it from me to deny them access to my plethora of knowledge.

  The smell of a fruity perfume wafts passed my nose as a woman comes up to get in line behind me. Her soft voice comes from very close to my ear, “Hi, you’re that billionaire I read about, aren’t you?”

  I turn around and find a tall, thin, redhead, batting her fake eyelashes at me. “You haven’t read about me, I assure you.”

  Her brows furrow. “So you aren’t rich?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just said you haven’t read about me. How I made my billions is not public knowledge and never will be,” I say then take a sip of my Champagne.

  “And why is that,” she asks as she reaches out and takes my flute of Champagne from me and takes a sip herself, leaving her red lipstick imprint on the crystal.

  She hands it back to me, making sure her fingers graze my hand. I give her my million-dollar smile as I can see she’d like to become a member of the Jason Brennan pack but I already have a red head in New York and she’s more well-rounded than this skinny trick.

  “That’s because my invention is top secret.” I place the half-full glass on a table near me.

  She notices I’ve ditched my drink as her eyes are glued to it. “Top secret, like you sold it to the FBI or the CIA?”

  “Top secret, as in I’m not telling you.” I turn back around, ignoring the woman.

  “What an ass,” I hear her tell the woman behind her.

  I think she’s an ass. It’s obvious she’s here to try to find a rich man for herself. Nothing more than that. She isn’t here for her love of animals. She’s here to snag a healthy wallet.

  I hate gold diggers!

  When I was twenty-seven, I came up with my app and by the next year, I was well on my way to making my first billion. A year after that, when I turned twenty-nine, I was knee-deep in money and very well established.

  Last month, I turned thirty and had a nice dinner with one of my girls then a late night drink with another and I woke up the next morning with yet a different woman and we had crazy morning sex for three hours.

  It was a great birthday!

  My mother called me on my birthday and asked me when I was going to find a nice girl and settle down and give her some grandkids. I told her, never.

  Settling down is for people who quit playing the game. I’m no quitter!

  There are those people who think the person with the most toys, in the end, is the winner. I’m the guy who thinks the one with the most notches on their bedpost is the real winner.

  But in the game, one can’t hurt too many people or they lose. It’s a delicate sport I play. Emotions and feelings are involved. A crying woman actually hurts my heart.

  I hate it!

  So, it’s never my intention to hurt anyone. Not ever. Hence the need for the application I created.

  It stops others from being hurt but you still get to live life the way you want to. I did write up a code of ethics that a purchaser must read before I allow them to make the purchase.

  Rule number one. You must go and get a complete physical and have blood work done to be absolutely sure you are disease free. This is essential.

  And there’s a reminder on the app to do this once a year. So you never forget. Health is not a thing to mess around with.

  Also, I advise females to use two types of birth control. One which is taken in some form but also condoms. I advise all to use condoms every single time.

  When choosing this lifestyle, it’s not fair to bring some poor innocent kid into the mix. Not only is it bad for the kid, it messes up your game too.

  If you fuck up and don’t follow the rules and get some chick pregnant or you’re a chick and you find yourself pregnant, I strongly advise that person to end their gaming days.

  Stop the monthly subscription to my app and buy some wedding rings and do the right thing. It’s only my advice, but I put it in all caps so they’d see I really mean it.

  Lightning strikes outside and the lights go dim for a moment as the white light zig-zags passed the window. I can’t see for a moment with the flash and when my vision comes back, I see the line has moved and I’m still standing in the same place.

  The redhead taps my shoulder. “Care to move up, Stud? Or should we pass you?”

  “Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.” I move up and grab what looks like a Tom Collins off the tray of a passing waiter.

  My head’s been kind of cloudy here lately. Turning thirty may not sound like a big deal when you say it. But physically, it makes a difference.

  I’m not saying I feel like an old man or anything like that. I just have a weird urgency. For what, I don’t know.

  Maybe my crazy mother has put a curse on me to find a woman and settle down. I shudder with the thought.

  A wife, kids, a few pets. Yuk!

  That life is for the yuppies and nerds of the world. Not me!

  Not the man who invented the perfect thing to keep track of as many women as you want. I think I have fifty now. Worldwide, of course!

  In New York, I only have three. The majority of my women are from the southern states. I’m a sucker for southern girls.

  Probably because of where I grew up. A little town in Texas was my home. It was much too small to get away with my antics. My parents still live there, though. It’s been years since I visited. I should make some time to do that.

  The person in front of me steps out of the way and I see a young woman sitting at one side of the table. She’s signing the inside of the book for the lady in front of me.

  “Who should I make this too?” she asks.

  I know that voice!

  That sweet, southern voice from my younger days. “Brittany Caldwell?

  Chapter 2


  A familiar voice fills my ears as I sign the inside cover of the book I made an award-winning cover for. The man’s voice does something to my body not many can do.

  Heat rushes through me and my insides vibrate as a dampness invades my nether regions. I slowly raise my head to look at the man who�
�s called out my name.

  “Jason Brennan.”

  His entire face goes into a giant smile. “Brittany, it is you!”

  I try to mask any enthusiasm I have as this man is the first man I ever let in my pants. And boy did he do a number on my heart. “Yep.”

  I go back to signing the book in front of me and find myself trying to come up with any reason in the world to leave the table right this minute.

  I close the book and look up at the young woman who bought it. “Thank you. I hope you have a nice evening.” I look at the lady next to me who’s selling the books. “I’m about to puke. I have to go.”

  Standing up very quickly, I walk away from the little table and find the sound of footsteps coming up behind me quickly. “Britt.” His hand touches my elbow.


  One touch from the jerk and my panties go wet. I hate how he can do this to me!

  “What, Jason?” I turn around and look right into those damn enticing dark blue eyes. As dark as the Atlantic Ocean, they are and just as hard to stop looking into.

  “What?” he asks and a sadness creeps into those gorgeous eyes. The heavy, long lashes touch his high cheekbones as he looks down. “You’re still mad at me? After all this time?”

  A deep, cleansing breath helps me to pull in my prickles. “Jason, I know it’s been a long time. I know I shouldn’t hate your ass anymore. I know these things. We were kids. You didn’t know any better. I’m sorry.”

  He raises his head and says the words I’ve wanted to hear since the night I left our tiny hometown to go off to college after finding him making out with a girl who lived three houses down from me. “I’m sorry, Britt.”

  My head feels heavy and numb with his apology. I was nineteen when I caught him cheating on me for the umpteenth time in our stormy three year, on again off again, relationship. That was six years ago, and you’d think the sting would’ve dissipated.


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