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Three Classic SF Novels: Plague Ship; Operation Terror; The Lani People

Page 12

by Andre Norton, Murray Leinster, J. F. Bone

  No, it wasn't but they clung to it as backing for their actions of the past few hours. The cat that had shown such a marked distaste for the company of the stricken, and then for the hydro, was now content to visit the latter as if some evil he has sensed there had been cleansed with the dumping of the garden. They had not yet solved their mystery but another clue had come into their hands.

  But now the care of the sick occupied hours and Rip insisted that a watch be maintained by the com-listening in for news which might concern the Queen. They had done a good job at silencing the E-Stat, for they had been almost six hours in space before the news of their raid was beamed to the nearest Patrol post.

  Ali laughed. “Told you we'd be pirates,” he said when he listened to that account of their descent upon the I-S station. “Though I didn't see all that blaster work they're now raving about. You'd think we fought a major battle there!"

  Weeks growled. “The Eysies are trying to make it look good. Make us into outlaws—"

  But Rip did not share in the general amusement at the wild extravagation of the report from the ether. “I notice they didn't say anything about the voucher we left."

  Ali's cynical smile curled. “Did you expect them to? The Eysies think they have us by the tail fins now-why should they give us any benefit of the doubt? We junked all our boosters behind us on this take-off, and don't forget that, my friends."

  Weeks looked confused. “But I thought you said we could do this legal,” he appealed to Rip. “If we're Patrol Posted as outlaws—"

  “They can't do any more to us than they can for running in a plague ship,” Ali pointed out. “Either will get us blasted if we happen into the wrong vector now. So-what do we do?"

  “We find out what the plague really is,” Dane said and meant every word of it.

  “How?” Ali inquired. “Through some of Craig's magic?"

  Dane was forced to answer with the truth. “I don't know yet-but it's our only chance."

  Rip rubbed his eyes wearily. “Don't think I'm disagreeing-but just where do we start? We've already combed Frank's quarters and Kosti's-we cleaned out the hydro—"

  “Those tri-dee shots of the hydro-have you checked them yet?” Dane countered.

  Without a word Ali arose and left the cabin. He came back with a microfilm roll. Fitting it into the large projector he focused it on the wall and snapped the button.

  They were looking at the hydro-down the length of space so accurately recorded that it seemed they might walk straight into it. The greenery of the plants was so vivid and alive Dane felt that he could reach out and pluck a leaf. Inch by inch he examined those ranks, looking for something which was not in order, had no right to be there.

  The long shot of the hydro as it had been merged into a series of sectional groupings. In silence they studied it intently, using all their field lore in an attempt to spot what each one was certain must be there somewhere. But they were all handicapped by their lack of intimate knowledge of the garden.

  “Wait!” Weeks’ voice scaled up. “Left hand corner-there!” His pointing hand broke and shadowed the portion he was calling to their attention. Ali jumped to the projector and made a quick adjustment.

  Plants four and five times life size glowed green on the wall. What Weeks had caught they all saw now-ragged leaves, stripped stems.

  “Chewed!” Dane supplied the answer.

  It was only one species of plant which had been so mangled. Other varieties in the same bank showed no signs of disturbance. But all of that one type had at least one stripped branch and two were virtual skeletons.

  “A pest!” said Rip.

  “But Sinbad,” Dane began a protest before the memory of the cat's peculiar actions of the past weeks stopped him. Sinbad had slipped up, the hunter who had kept the Queen free of the outré alien life which came aboard from time to time with cargo, had not attacked that which had ravaged the hydro plants. Or if he had done so, he had not, after his usual custom, presented the bodies of the slain to any crew member.

  “It looks as if we have something at last,” Ali observed and someone echoed that with a sigh of heartdeep relief.

  * * *


  “All right, so we think we know a little more,” Ali added a moment later. “Just what are we going to do? We can't stay in space forever-there're the small items of fuel and supplies and—"

  Rip had come to a decision. “We're not going to remain space borne,” he stated with the confidence of one who now saw an open road before him.

  “Luna—” Weeks was plainly doubtful.

  “No. Not after that warn-off. Terra!"

  For a second or two the other three stared at Rip agape. The audacity and danger of what he suggested was a little stunning. Since men had taken regularly to space no ship had made a direct landing on their home planet-all had passed through the quarantine on Luna. It was not only risky-it was so unheard of that for some minutes they did not understand him.

  “We try to set down at Terraport,” Dane found his tongue first, “and they flame us out—"

  Rip was smiling. “The trouble with you,” he addressed them all, “is that you think of earth only in terms of Terraport—"

  “Well, there is the Patrol field at Stella,” Weeks agreed doubtfully. “But we'd be right in the middle of trouble there—"

  “Did we have a regular port on Sargol-on Limbo-on fifty others I can name out of our log?” Rip wanted to know.

  Ali voiced a new objection. “So-we have the luck of Jones and we set down somewhere out of sight. Then what do we do?"

  “We seal ship until we find the pest-then we bring in a Medic and get to the bottom of the whole thing,” Rip's confidence was contagious. Dane almost believed that it could be done that way.

  “Did you ever think,” Ali cut in, “what would happen if we were wrong-if the Queen really is a plague carrier?"

  “I said-we seal the ship-tight,” countered Shannon. “And when we earth it'll be where we won't have visitors to infect—"

  “And that is where?” Ali, who knew the deserts of Mars better than he did the greener planet from which his stock had sprung, pursued the question.

  “Right in the middle of the Big Burn!"

  Dane, Terra born and bred, realized first what Rip was planning and what it meant. Sealed off was right-the Queen would be amply protected from investigation. Whether her crew would survive was another matter-whether she could even make a landing there was also to be considered.

  The Big Burn was the horrible scar left by the last of the Atomic Wars-a section of radiation poisoned land comprising hundreds of square miles-land which generations had never dared to penetrate. Originally the survivors of that war had shunned the whole continent which it disfigured. It had been close to two centuries before men had gone into the still wholesome land laying to the far west and the south. And through the years, the avoidance of the Big Burn had become part of their racial instinct as they shrank from it. It was a symbol of something no Terran wanted to remember.

  But Ali now had only one question to ask. “Can we do it?"

  “We'll never know until we try,” was Rip's reply.

  “The Patrol'll be watching—” that was Weeks. With his Venusian background he had less respect for the dangers of the Big Burn than he did for the forces of Law and order which ranged the star lanes.

  “They'll be watching the route lanes,” Rip pointed out. “They won't expect a ship to come in on that vector, steering away from the ports. Why should they? As far as I know it's never been tried since Terraport was laid out. It'll be tricky—” And he himself would have to bear most of the responsibility for it. “But I believe that it can be done. And we can't just roam around out here. With I-S out for our blood and a Patrol warn-off it won't do us any good to head for Luna—"

  None of his listeners could argue with that. And, Dane's spirits began to rise, after all they knew so little about the Big Burn-it might
afford them just the temporary sanctuary they needed. In the end they agreed to try it, mainly because none of them could see any alternative, except the too dangerous one of trying to contact the authorities and being summarily treated as a plague ship before they could defend themselves.

  And their decision was ably endorsed not long afterwards by a sardonic warning on the com-a warning which Ali who had been tending the machine passed along to them.

  “Greetings, pirates—"

  “What do you mean?” Dane was heating broth to feed to Captain Jellico.

  “The word has gone out-our raid on the E-Stat is now a matter of history and Patrol record-we've been Posted!"

  Dane felt a cold finger drawn along his backbone. Now they were fair game for the whole system. Any Patrol ship that wanted could shoot them down with no questions asked. Of course that had always been a possibility from the first after their raid on the E-Stat. But to realize that it was now true was a different matter altogether. This was one occasion when realization was worse than anticipation. He tried to keep his voice level as he answered:

  “Let us hope we can pull off Rip's plan—"

  “We'd better. What about the Big Burn anyway, Thorson? Is it as tough as the stories say?"

  “We don't know what it's like. It's never been explored-or at least those who tried to explore its interior never reported in afterwards. As far as I know it's left strictly alone."

  “Is it still all ‘hot'?"

  “Parts of it must be. But all-we don't know."

  With the bottle of soup in his hand Dane climbed to Jellico's cabin. And he was so occupied with the problem at hand that at first he did not see what was happening in the small room. He had braced the Captain up into a half-sitting position and was patiently ladling the liquid into his mouth a spoonful at a time when a thin squeak drew his attention to the top of Jellico's desk.

  From the half open lid of a microtape compartment something long and dark projected, beating the air feebly. Dane, easing the Captain back on the bunk, was going to investigate when the Hoobat broke its unnatural quiet of the past few days with an ear-splitting screech of fury. Dane struck at the bottom of its cage-the move its master always used to silence it-But this time the results were spectacular.

  The cage bounced up and down on the spring which secured it to the ceiling of the cabin and the blue feathered horror slammed against the wires. Either its clawing had weakened them, or some fault had developed, for they parted and the Hoobat came through them to land with a sullen plop on the desk. Its screams stopped as suddenly as they had begun and it scuttled on its spider-toad legs to the microtape compartment, acting with purposeful dispatch and paying no attention to Dane.

  Its claws shot out and with ease it extracted from the compartment a creature as weird as itself-one which came fighting and of which Dane could not get a very clear idea. Struggling they battled across the surface of the desk and flopped to the floor. There the hunted broke loose from the hunter and fled with fantastic speed into the corridor. And before Dane could move the Hoobat was after it.

  He gained the passage just in time to see Queex disappear down the ladder, clinging with the aid of its pincher claws, apparently grimly determined to catch up with the thing it pursued. And Dane went after them.

  There was no sign of the creature who fled on the next level. But Dane made no move to recapture the blue hunter who squatted at the foot of the ladder staring unblinkingly into space. Dane waited, afraid to disturb the Hoobat. He had not had a good look at the thing which had run from Queex-but he knew it was something which had no business aboard the Queen. And it might be the disturbing factor they were searching for. If the Hoobat would only lead him to it—

  The Hoobat moved, rearing up on the tips of its six legs, its neckless head slowly revolving on its puffy shoulders. Along the ridge of its backbone its blue feathers were rising into a crest much as Sinbad's fur rose when the cat was afraid or angry. Then, without any sign of haste, it crawled over and began descending the ladder once more, heading toward the lower section which housed the Hydro.

  Dane remained where he was until it had almost reached the deck of the next level and then he followed, one step at a time. He was sure that the Hoobat's peculiar construction of body prevented it from looking up-unless it turned upon its back-but he did not want to do anything which would alarm it or deter Queex from what he was sure was a methodical chase.

  Queex stopped again at the foot of the second descent and sat in its toad stance, apparently brooding, a round blue blot. Dane clung to the ladder and prayed that no one would happen along to frighten it. Then, just as he was beginning to wonder if it had lost contact with its prey, once more it arose and with the same speed it had displayed in the Captain's cabin it shot along the corridor to the hydro.

  To Dane's knowledge the door of the garden was not only shut but sealed. And how either the stranger or Queex could get through it he did not see.

  “What the-?” Ali clattered down the ladder to halt abruptly as Dane waved at him.

  “Queex,” the Cargo-apprentice kept his voice to a half whisper, “it got loose and chased something out of the Old Man's cabin down here."

  “Queex-!” Ali began and then shut his mouth, moving noiselessly up to join Dane.

  The short corridor ended at the hydro entrance. And Dane had been right, there they found the Hoobat, crouched at the closed panel, its claws clicking against the metal as it picked away useless at the portal which would not admit it.

  “Whatever it's after must be in there,” Dane said softly.

  And the hydro, stripped of its luxuriance of plant life, occupied now by the tanks of green scum, would not afford too many hiding places. They had only to let Queex in and keep watch.

  As they came up the Hoobat flattened to the floor and shrilled its war cry, spitting at their boots and then flashing claws against the stout metal enforced hide. However, though it was prepared to fight them, it showed no signs of wishing to retreat, and for that Dane was thankful. He quickly pressed the release and tugged open the panel.

  At the first crack of its opening Queex turned with one of those bursts of astounding speed and clawed for admittance, its protest against the men forgotten. And it squeezed through a space Dane would have thought too narrow to accommodate its bloated body. Both men slipped around the door behind it and closed the panel tight.

  The air was not as fresh as it had been when the plants were there. And the vats which had taken the places of the banked greenery were certainly nothing to look at. Queex humped itself into a clod of blue, immovable, halfway down the aisle.

  Dane tried to subdue his breathing, to listen. The Hoobat's actions certainly argued that the alien thing had taken refuge here, though how it had gotten through-? But if it were in the hydro it was well hidden.

  He had just begun to wonder how long they must wait when Queex again went into action. Its clawed front legs upraised, it brought the pinchers deliberately together and sawed one across the other, producing a rasping sound which was almost a vibration in the air. Back and forth, back and forth, moved the claws. Watching them produced almost a hypnotic effect, and the reason for such a maneuver was totally beyond the human watchers.

  But Queex knew what it was doing all right, Ali's fingers closed on Dane's arm in a pincher grip as painful as if he had been equipped with the horny armament of the Hoobat.

  Something, a flitting shadow, had rounded one vat and was that much closer to the industrious fiddler on the floor. By some weird magic of its own the Hoobat was calling its prey to it.

  Scrape, scrape-the unmusical performance continued with monotonous regularity. Again the shadow flashed-one vat closer. The Hoobat now presented the appearance of one charmed by its own art-sunk in a lethargy of weird music making.

  At last the enchanted came into full view, though lingering at the round side of a container, very apparently longing to flee again, but under some compulsion to approach its enchanter. Dane
blinked, not quite sure that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. He had seen the almost transparent globe “bogies” of Limbo, had been fascinated by the weird and ugly pictures in Captain Jellico's collection of tri-dee prints. But this creature was as impossible in its way as the horrific blue thing dragging it out of concealment.

  It walked erect on two threads of legs, with four knobby joints easily detected. A bulging abdomen sheathed in the horny substance of a beetle's shell ended in a sharp point. Two pairs of small legs, folded close to the much smaller upper portion of its body, were equipped with thorn shack terminations. The head, which constantly turned back and forth on the armor plated shoulders, was long and narrow and split for half its length by a mouth above which were deep pits which must harbor eyes, though actual organs were not visible to the watching men. It was a palish gray in color-which surprised Dane a little. His memory of the few seconds he had seen it on the Captain's desk had suggested that it was much darker. And erect as it was, it stood about eighteen inches high.

  With head turning rapidly, it still hesitated by the side of the vat, so nearly the color of the metal that unless it moved it was difficult to distinguish. As far as Dane could see the Hoobat was paying it no attention. Queex might be lost in a happy dream, the result of its own fiddling. Nor did the rhythm of that scraping vary.

  The nightmare thing made the last foot in a rush of speed which reduced it to a blur, coming to a halt before the Hoobat. Its front legs whipped out to strike at its enemy. But Queex was no longer dreaming. This was the moment the Hoobat had been awaiting. One of the sawing claws opened and closed, separating the head of the lurker from its body. And before either of the men could interfere Queex had dismembered the prey with dispatch.

  “Look there!” Dane pointed.

  The Hoobat held close the body of the stranger and where the ashy corpse came into contact with Queex's blue feathered skin it was slowly changing hue-as if some of the color of its hunter had rubbed off it.

  “Chameleon!” Ali went down on one knee the better to view the grisly feast now in progress. “Watch out!” he added sharply as Dane came to join him.


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