Savage Chaos

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Savage Chaos Page 24

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “This is for everything you’ve ever put me through,” I sneer and grab Switches head with my hands. He locks eyes with me and all the fight has left them. “This is for Izzy and Xavier,” I twist his head in my hands and hear a crack. He turns limp under me and I stand up from his lifeless body. Remorse fills me, but I push it away. I’ll deal with it later.

  I hear a grunt from the corner of the basement and I turn to see Ashley has Wrath in a scissor hold, squeezing Wrath’s neck with her thighs. She’s slapping and clawing at Ashley’s legs, but Ashley isn’t letting go. Wrath’s face is turning blue and her hazel eyes plead for me to help. Years ago, I would have helped her, but after what she did and the scars she created, I nod to Ashley and she drains the life from Wrath’s body. Breathing hard, Ashley shoves Wrath’s body off her and stands up on shaky legs.

  “Are you ok?” Ashley asks with a tremble in her voice.

  “Yes, we need to find Marcus,” I respond, I know I need to go to her, but I can’t right now. I’m not in control and I’m afraid if I do, I’ll hurt her. I look around the basement, the chains clink together above my head and I remember everything they did. Soft hands are upon my back, soothing me. I turn around and Ashley’s honey eyes are locked onto me, watching and waiting. Taking a deep breath, I pull her into my arms and my lips descend upon hers, taking everything she’s offering. She opens her lips, welcoming my probing tongue.

  “Boss, you down here?” Footsteps pound down the wooden stairs, but I keep my lips locked onto Ashley, shutting out all sound. It’s just the two of us and she’s grounding me to this world, not letting me fall. I pull away from our kiss and bury my nose in her hair, breathing hard and hold her.

  “Thank you,” I whisper in her hair. Her fingernails brush my neck and send a shiver down my spine.

  “Anytime,” she whispers back.

  “Boss, we have an issue,” Harris says from the bottom of the stairs.

  “What is it?”

  “Marcus and Shaun aren’t here. We’ve searched this whole house, and they are nowhere to be found.”

  “Call Ace to see if he knows where they are. Maybe he found them already.”

  Ashley runs her fingers down my face, wiping away some of the blood from Switch. “How are you holding up?”

  Looking around the basement, I can finally take it all in without revenge and pain. “It’s going to take a while to reach the right mindset and put the past in the past, but as long as you’re with me, I will be all right.”

  “Always, Nolan. I will always be where ever you are.” A smile graces her lips. Even while taking lives tonight, she’s smiling at me, lighting up my entire world. I hold her soft body against mine and everything clicks into place. All the pain and torture I endured in my life, my mother leaving me to these animals, my father’s hard fists, Switch’s mental pain, Wrath’s ability to twist my mind, it all disappears, and a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. They can’t hurt me anymore.

  “Let’s go home,” Ashley states.

  “That’s the best plan I’ve heard. Harris, can you guys clean up down here?”

  “You got it, Boss.”

  Ashley walks up the wooden stairs first and I follow behind, not letting go of her hand. At the top of the stairs, I turn around, looking into the dank basement. I push every painful memory away. Every scream, every taunt, every slash, and blood spilled stays down in that basement and will never affect my state of mind again.

  When one door closes, another one opens and when we go outside into the sun kissing the horizon, I see the other door opening. He’s laying his head against Ashton’s chest, sleeping. As I stare into his peaceful chubby face, and all my sins wash away bringing on a new chapter in our lives.


  Nolan - 6 Months Later

  “Hurry! It’s time to go,” Ashley shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

  I throw on a pair of jeans and a clean t-shirt. I grab my wallet off the dresser and shove it into my back pocket.

  “Nolan! Come on, we’re going to miss it,” Ashley shouts again. I open the bedroom door and run down the stairs. I almost stumble into Ashley, but right myself at the last second. “Ready?” She asks. There’s excitement in her eyes. I pause for a second and watch her. She turns away from me and bends down so she’s eye level with our little boy. “Ok, Sherwood, where we are going is a special place to see some important people. Are you ready to be on your best behavior?”

  Our little boy nods his head in excitement and she hugs him tight. It was quite a trial and error getting used to him being here with me, with us, but we managed. I thought Ashley wouldn’t be able to do this, but she’s stuck by both of us and she loves that little boy like he’s her own. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

  After we left New York City, Ashley, and I took Sherwood back to Michigan. We promised Izzy and Xavier we’d stay and help them until after she had the baby, then we’d leave for Los Angeles. Sherwood suffered from nightmares the first two weeks here, but Ashley was there to soothe him and help him get past all the pain and torture he endured by giving him love, something he never had before.

  I’ve been trying to convince Xavier and Izzy to come with us to L.A., but they don’t want to leave their families right now and I don’t blame them. They need love and stability to get through the mess Switch and Wrath created. With no sign of Marcus, we all breathed a little easier these last six month. Izzy and Xavier are doing great and so is Sherwood. Things have settled down and we’re normal for once.

  Ashley tried dirt track racing a few months ago, and she did great, but it’s not the same as street racing. All summer long I raced, and she watched and afterword, I just thanked God for soundproof rooms because the noises she made set my skin on fire. I adjust myself thinking about all the different ways I make her body come to life.

  “Nolan, are you ready yet?” Ashley asks with a smirk on her lips. She knows what I’ve been thinking about. “We have to go or we will be late.”

  “Yup, I’m ready. And, if I remember correctly, it’s your fault we’re late.” I wiggle my eyebrows at Ashley and her face turns red. She couldn’t keep her hands off me this morning or several times last night after my race. Ashley leans against me, her soft curves pressed against my hard ones, her lips inches from mine. She has a glint in her eyes and I have the urge to say fuck this and take her upstairs, again.

  “Well, if you didn’t look so good in that car, I wouldn’t be tempted to wrap my lips,” she nips the bottom of my ear with her teeth. “And body around yours.” She soothes the nip with her tongue and my body light with fire. Ashley turns away and I adjust my rock-hard cock in my jeans that just became too tight. Just words from this woman drive me crazy with lust.

  Shaking my head, I hold out my hand and Sherwood’s tiny grip clutch onto my big one. My heart melts from the sight of his familiar brown eyes gazing up at me like I hang the world. “Come on little guy, let’s go meet the new member of our family.”

  We make it to the hospital in record time with Ashley driving. We hurry into the elevator and I let Sherwood push the button for the third floor. He’s a smart little guy and is adjusting to his new life really well. The doors whoosh open and I look down at him. He’s holding onto my hand and his gaze lands on mine. I watch him swallow hard and walk out of the elevator with his head held high and shoulders pushed back. I stop before we open the doors and bend down, so we’re eye level.

  “I know this is new and scary for you but remember Ashley and I are right here with you. We’re not going anywhere and after we’ll go get ice cream. How does that sound?”

  His eyes widen and he nods his head so hard, his teeth rattle. Ice cream does it every time. I laugh, and he returns it. Before I stand up to walk into the maternity ward, Sherwood wraps his little arms around my neck and give me a big hug.

  “Thank you, dad,” his small voice echoing in my ears. Tears form in my eyes, it’s the first time he’s called me dad and my heart soars hearin
g it.

  “You’re welcome, son.” Emotions clog my throat and I blink back tears. Ashley lays her hand on my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. I peek up at her from the little arms wrapped around me and she wipes a tear trailing down her cheek and a huge smile on her face. “Come on, let’s meet your new cousin.”

  Sherwood releases my neck and I stand up. He grabs my hand again and I take Ashley’s other hand. Together the three of us walk into the Maternity Ward as a family. No matter where life takes us, what dangers are lurking in the shadows, we have each other. We have a tight bond no one will ever break. That’s what family does. Through the thick and thin, we are in this together and will come out on the other side better and stronger than ever.

  Thank you from the author.

  There’s so many people I want to thank for taking the time and investing yourself into my world. I hope you enjoyed Nolan’s story and please, if you can, leave a review. This book had me in for a ride. There was so much emotion and heartbreak, love and hate, some days I didn’t know which side of Nolan was going to appear.

  I’m sad to see it end but look forward to the next series coming out. We will get into more depth of Rush, Redline, Noah, Quickshift and Hotflash as they battle their own issues and try to remember what family really means. And before you ask, Nolan and Ashley aren’t done, yet. But they’re done for now.

  Look for the Force Series to be released in late 2018 early 2019.

  First off, thank you to all the wonderful readers who took a chance on me in book one, Racing Dirty. That was my debut novel and I had so much fun introducing you to a new world. One with heartbreak, tragedy and adrenaline filled action.

  Thank you to my husband, Rex and children who understand when I get the itch to write, I can’t get rid of it until I put the words out.

  Sarah D, my Alpha, my sidekick. Thank you for keeping my head clear when I start to doubt myself. Nolan’s book was by far the hardest to write and he put me through the ringer a few times. So, thank you for steering me when I strayed from the story and go all wonky (that’s a word right?)

  Michelle. There’s so many rolls you do. My PA, SIL, and without you, I’d be going crazy trying to keep up with everything. There’s so much you do for me and I’d be lost without you. So, thank you for dealing with me #hotgilf.

  Joy, Stormy, Katie, Holly, Krista and Courtnay – This is for you. Thank you for helping me in shaping this story and being there when I need to vent. I know I can be a pain in the ass, but you still love me.

  Than you to WindStorm Graphis for creating my beautiful covers and all my teasers. You can find them on Facebook at

  If you want to reach out and just chat my links are below:

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  Missed the first two books and want to read them? Click on the links below and start at the beginning.

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  Racing Dirty, L.A. –

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  Keep turning for a sneak peek into my next book in The Force Series. Subject to change and all that shit.


  It’s been six months since everything went down in New York. Ashley and Nolan have been in Michigan with Izzy and Xavier. She had the baby a couple of days ago and they’re due home in a few days. I want to make sure everything is ready for them. Amber and I have been inseparable since the night she fixed me up after my father had Ashley and I kidnapped. Only Ashley knows about my feelings for this woman.

  I watch Amber as she shakes the dust off the couch cover and coughs. The dust flies around her as the sun shines through the windows in Ashley’s new house on the beach. She has her long brown hair up in a bun and she’s wearing her signature black glasses that hide her beautiful hazel eyes. I haven’t told her how much I like her yet. She thinks I just want to be friends, but she’s must know on some subconscious level I want to be more than friends. I watch her slender body in a baggy t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans. I want nothing more than to run my hands over those curves and watch her lose control as I make her scream my name in passion, but the stand-offish way she shuts me down every time I make a pass at her, makes me question if she likes me the way I like her.

  I know she’s the Doc, but damn, how can I not notice her? She tries to hide in the shadows and only gives me glimpses of how smart she is and it’s a mystery I want to unravel.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling me from the day dreams I keep having of a leggy brunette, who’s untouchable. I pull it out of my pocket and read the text.

  Noah – nine, one, one. Redline is missing. Last seen with Diablo at Durham Park.

  I text back a quick reply.

  Me – On my way. Meet at Durham Park in twenty.

  “Amber, I have to leave for a little while. Will you be OK here alone?” I ask, crossing the living room to stand in front of her.

  “I’ll be fine. Is there something I can do?” Her hazel eyes bore into mine and I want to tell her what she can do with me, but I know she’ll blow me off, again.

  I shake my head, “Not yet. Stay close in case I do need you. I’ve got crew business I need to attend too.”

  “OK,” she softly replies and lowers her head. I cup her face gently and pick it back up so she’s looking me in the eyes.

  “There’s so much we need to figure out,” I tell her. My eyes shift back and forth between her hazel ones, looking for any signal she feels the same way I do.

  “I know we do, but Rush, I can’t get involved with you,” she whispers. Our bodies are inches apart and her eyes hood with desire. “Your reputation will shatter me.”

  My heart drops to my toes and anger fills my veins. “You of all people should know rumors are like a bag of shit. They smell and repulse you and you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” I school my features, so she can’t see the hurt she’s caused. I turn without another word and walk out the front door, slamming it behind me.

  Fuck her and her white horse. I have more pressing issues to deal with than a woman who runs hot and cold. She wants to believe the rumors, then let her. I’m done trying to win her over and have her shoot me down at every turn. I climb into my car and my phone vibrates again before I can start it. I take a deep breath and will myself to calm down. Pulling my phone out, I look at the unknown number.

  “Yeah,” I bark into the phone.

  “Is that anyway to answer the phone?” My heart drops again for the second time in a few minutes and rage has my hands shaking.

  “What do you want?” I growl.

  “How’s that hot piece of ass? I hear she can mend anything you put in her hands.”

  “Stay. Away. From. Her.” My voice is low and deadly.

  “I’ll guarantee she won’t stay away from me. Didn’t you wonder where I went to while you were in New York? Oh, that’s right, you were so far up Krimson and Nolan’s ass you forgot about me. Well, listen and listen well. If you want to have your boy back in one piece, alive, then I suggest you meet me, now.” The line grows silent as I wait. “I’ll be at The Ruins. And Rush?”

  “Yeah,” I grit through clenched teeth.

  “Come alone, brother.”

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 15

; Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 31





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