Reckless Fear (The Black Vipers #1)

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Reckless Fear (The Black Vipers #1) Page 4

by Micki Fredricks

  I widened my stance, leveling my eyes on the dead man in front of me. Brax stepped up on my side, making the other guard cautiously eye him. Braxton was built like a fucking brick wall. He didn't ‘do’ intimidation…he was intimidation. He pointed toward the guns, flashing a tight grin, “We came here on business but looks like you boys came to play.”

  A few tense seconds clicked away before one lifted his chin toward me, “You Tight?”

  I clinched my jaw, grinding my teeth. This guy was lucky my VP had just ordered no bullshit or I’d walk through him like a fucking afterthought. This was such a waste of time.

  “You know I am, asshole. Now let us through.”

  Braxton moved forward but the other guard stopped him with a hand on his chest.

  Braxton raised one eyebrow and dropped his eyes to where idiot number two touched him. But instead of stopping, he leaned into the guy, deliberately pressing his chest harder against his hand. He spoke slow, “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  Dropping his hand instantly, the guy backed off a step. I eyed the small movement of his trigger finger sliding from the guard to the trigger. The tick in Braxton’s eyebrow told me he caught it too. This was about to get interesting.

  Idiot number one spoke again, “We need your weapons.”

  I stiffened, scanning his face, “Are you fucking kidding me? This isn’t my first ride at the carnival, dumbass.”

  “Jace’s orders,” his rushed voice told me everything I needed to know. He was nervous. He should be.

  “And you guys are gonna be the ones to take them from us?” I held my hands out low to my sides, stepping forward. Smirking and nodding my head, encouraging him to try something. I wanted him to, needed him to.

  The guy in front of Brax suddenly decided to grow a pair. In one quick motion, he lifted his gun, sights set on VP’s head and yelled, “Hand it over you biker douche bag.”

  Braxton’s facial expression stayed frozen, eyes locked on the guy pointing the gun at him. If looks could kill, that guy would be dead a thousand times over.

  “Think this through, dude. You’ve pointed your fucking weapon at the VP of The Black Vipers. You are about to be thrown into the Pit.”

  Idiot number two laughed, “I’m not afraid of your pussy club. Now give me your gun.”

  Braxton rolled his lips together and shook his head, “And just when I thought we would be friends.” He held his gun up, making sure the guy could see him click his safety on, then held the gun out to him. The guy reached out quickly to snatch the weapon, thinking he had gotten one up on VP. But as he moved, he made the same mistake I’ve seen a million dead men make over the years.

  He took his eyes off Braxton for one second.

  Enough time for VP to land a solid punch to his throat. Idiot dropped to his knees, gasping. The banger in front of me, shocked by the sudden change in control, glanced at the commotion just long enough for me to crack him in the side of the head with the butt of my gun. Knocking his piece from his hand and grabbing him by the collar. I pulled him as close to my face as I could stand.

  “You go tell Jace, whoever the fuck he is, we take orders from no one.” I threw him forward and he struggled to regain his balance, scurrying along the ground as he glanced over his shoulder at me. I pointed my gun at him, making him move faster. “Now…he comes to us. We’ll be waiting.” He disappeared into the barn.

  Brax hovered over the guy on the ground, watching him struggle to get his breath. Grabbing him by the hair, he tapped the end of his gun to the idiot’s forehead with each word he spoke, “It’s not nice to talk badly about my club.”

  I stalked back toward Braxton, pissed off because things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.

  “I fucking thought you said no bullshit?”

  Pulling the guy up by his shirt, he smashed his fist into his face one more time, knocking him out cold.

  He stood, brushing the dust from his pants and smoothed his black hair back into place.

  “No, I said don’t you start any shit. I’m the fucking VP of this club. I do whatever the hell I want to.”

  “Looks like the party’s just getting started, fellas. Are we having fun yet,” Stash yelled from somewhere behind us.

  Then it was quiet…too quiet. I looked up to the sky as clouds floated over the sun, dulling everything to an ominous gray.

  I looked over at Braxton, wondering what the Hell was going on. He held one finger up, concentrating on something.

  It was his ear piece.

  Dane was talking to him.

  His eyes flicked to mine with panic.

  We were in trouble.

  “Go!” he yelled as he pulled out his piece, bullets flying between us coming from, I wasn't sure. I couldn't tell. Then it dawned on me. They were shooting at us from the grasses. Stash ran toward us, firing at our faceless enemies. “The house, get to the house,” he yelled.

  I backed up toward it, Stash on one side, Brax on the other.

  “They are on their way,” Braxton yelled as we sprinted toward the house. Braxton bulldozed the door down and Stash jumped in right behind.

  I lunged for the door as blinding white-hot pain shot through my left side. The bullet violated me with such ferocity, I lurched forward from the momentum as it ripped through me.

  I could feel myself falling, then hitting the ground hard. My mind struggled to figure out what had happened, my body continued to try to move forward. I crawled toward the door where Stash and Braxton were standing, wide eyed and screaming my name. I stretched my hand out toward them. I couldn’t make it. I need help, I need them. The pain, the internal burning was too much, too intense. Stash came out first, a gun in each hand, screaming his head off as he blasted in every direction. VP was right behind him, hauling ass toward me. He grabbed my hands, pulling me toward the house.

  I looked up at the sky and wondered where the sun had gone. Where were the birds? I watched as the gray clouds floated around, covering the light.

  I felt like I was floating.

  The sky was getting darker; everything was darker.

  I heard Braxton’s voice as he pulled me into the house and onto his lap. “Open your eyes, Tight. I’m serious. Don’t you fucking die on me!” He leaned forward, pressing hard on my side.

  “How long, Dane? How fucking long?” He screamed.

  A searing pain ripped through me. I arched away from it, desperate to find some relief, a moan gurgled up from somewhere deep.

  Strong hands held me down, “Stay still, don’t move, we have to put pressure on your wound. The brothers are on their way.”

  I tried to keep my eyes open, needing to see who was holding me down. There was nothing but black. Panic rushed in as I tried to raise my arms, but they stayed limp at my sides.

  “Get his fucking feet,” someone yelled, “he needs to stay still.”

  I was floating again. But this time, the pain was so intense I couldn’t breathe. It hurt so badly. My eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  “Tight, it’s Braxton. You hold on damn it. You fight, don’t die asshole. I mean it. You fight.”

  I took a deep breath, my chest relaxed and for once in my life, I gave in. The darkness was too strong.

  A peaceful feeling washed over me and I had no pain.


  Sweat ran off me in streams as I sprinted. My chest ached and lungs burned as I pushed my muscles to their limit. Looking behind me over and over. Something was back there but I couldn’t see it. What was I running from? Running to?

  My entire body swayed back and forth. It was comforting in a way, almost hypnotic. I hummed a low note, wondering what I had taken to feel so content. This was not a Tequila high and I hadn’t touched pills in years. This feeling was different than anything I’d ever felt and it was good.

  “Hey, Ben, look at me Ben.” I was instantly pissed at the asshole trying to wake me. He rubbed my chest hard, digging his knuckles into my breast bone. He must have a death
wish. “Ben, can you hear me?”

  Ben? Where in the name of dirty Hell was I? Who was stupid enough to call me Ben? I struggled to move, needing to put my hands around this assholes neck.

  Ben died a long time ago.

  A bright spotlight shone into my left eye causing pain to shoot through my head like a dagger. I growled, trying to swing my hand at the light but my arm stayed limp at my side. I paused. My arm didn’t move…I tried again…nothing.

  “Ben? Can you hear me?”

  “I told you, stop calling him Ben you stupid asshole. He won’t answer even if he hears you.” I calmed a bit hearing Stash’s voice.

  There was a pause.


  Sounds of a scuffle circled around me.

  “You better fucking save his life, asshole. I will be back, do you hear me?”

  The room was suddenly bombarded with a flurry of medical noises. Rushing voices shouting orders, beeping machines…and then the pain, the fucking pain.

  I growled and arched my back as my body swirled with a burning sensation. I rolled my head to the side, unable to move my body. The pain, the darkness threatening to take me under.

  “Give him more Morphine,” someone yelled as hands clamped down on me. “Call the O.R., tell them we’re coming, I don’t give a shit if they are ready or not.”


  Adrenalin flooded my body when I finally got my eyelids to flutter. My heart beat wildly as I felt the numbness beginning to wear off and feeling returned to my hands. I’d been trying so damn hard to get my eyes open but my entire body was so heavy and felt rigid.

  The noises from the beeping machines began to emerge from the background with their monotonous rhythm.

  Someone touched the top of my hand, the sensation sending a river of electricity through my whole body. I raised a finger, hoping whoever was there would see it. A light touch moved over my hand, sliding into mine.

  “She’s safe Braxton. I’ve known her for five years. She’s a great nurse.”

  VP growled, “I don't like it Nancy. We don’t have time for Dane to check her out.”

  “I know, but trust me. I’ve been loyal to this club. Risked not only my career but my life multiple times for you guys. I’m not going to change now.”

  There was a shuffling of chairs as heavy footsteps entered the room.

  “Hey, Nance. What’s the word tonight?” It was just like Pops to walk into the room and get right to business. I squeezed the fingers that still held mine.

  “He’s stable. No signs of infection, vitals are good. He’s tough as nails, although still no signs of waking up, I really think he’s out of the woods.”

  There was silence in the room, the fingers released mine.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Pops, this is Julie. Julie, Pops Cole.”

  A soft voice whispered, “Hello,” sending chills through my whole body.

  “I was just explaining to Braxton, Julie is going to take the night shift so I can get some sleep. She can be trusted, I wouldn’t have brought her in if I had any questions.”

  “Of course, Nancy. I know you wouldn’t. You’ve been a huge asset to this club. We trust you. If you say she’s good…that’s all I need.”

  My toes slid against the inside of the blankets. Stash’s excited voice filled the room, “Hey, I think he just moved his feet.”

  Bells began to ring in the room as I struggled to open my eyes, blinking them over and over. My chest rose and fell quickly, shooting pains into my side with each breath.

  “Tight, be calm,” her voice soothing and kind. I turned toward it, wanting to see who could bring peace in a situation like this.

  I felt a sharp sting in my hand. The sensation crawled up my arm and began to float again. The fingers continued to lightly rub the top of my hand. I relaxed as a pleasant warmth filled my body. I tried to open my eyes, hoping to find the source of my calm, but I slipped into my drug induced sleep too soon.


  The room was full of outlaw bikers. Some were in the chairs, some stretched out on the floor. Stash had his hat pulled down over his eyes, head back on the wall feet crossed and stretched out in front of him. The curtains were partially pulled but I could see the faint glow of dawn.

  My mind was foggy. I was obviously in the hospital but had no idea how long I’d been here.

  As my eyes began to clear, I searched the dark room and found Braxton leaning in the far corner. Dark circles under his eyes told me I’d been here longer than a few hours. His lips pulled up into a full smile as he crossed the room toward me. I noticed the fresh dressing on his neck.

  “’Bout time you woke up. We got shit to do.”

  I rolled my head toward him, lifting my hand. He grabbed a hold of it tightly.

  ”So good to see you awake, brother. So damn good.”

  I took a deep breath, wanting to ask him what exactly had happened. Why was I here and who was I going to have to kill as payback for my VP having a wound on his neck?

  My dry throat constricted and I started to cough.

  Stash, taken off guard by the sudden noise, straightened his legs, nearly sliding right out of the chair. “What? What the Hell? Is he awake? Are you awake?” He rambled on, trying to compose himself and get to his feet.

  “Settle down, Stash. You’ll wake the whole floor.” Braxton whispered, handing me a cup with ice water. “Just a small sip. Nancy said if you woke up to give you some, but if you drink too fast it’ll all come right back up.”

  Stash pushed up next to Braxton, “Look out, he doesn't need a nurse unless it’s that little hottie he had last night…in a nursing costume. Not those fucking scrubs but you know, the little white costume with the garter.”

  I hissed as I pushed myself up in the bed. “Careful, dude.” Justin said from the edge of the bed.


  “He’s out in the van, he’s got this place hooked up. He’s checking to make sure no one’s going to surprise us.”

  The last of my brothers woke up, surrounding my bed with their quiet comfort.

  “Get my shit,” I said to Justin as I tried to move my feet over the edge of the bed, “we need to get back to The Pit and figure out who was stupid enough to set up that ambush."

  His eyes shot to Braxton and then back to me. “Tight, I don’t think you’re ready to go anywhere yet.”

  “Why not?”

  There was an awkward silence. Suddenly everyone looked stiff and nervous and no one was looking at me. Braxton stood with his hands shoved in his front pockets, looking at the ground.

  “Justin,” I yelled, “Get. My. Shit.”

  Justin let out a long growl, “You can’t get out of the bed.”

  “Why not?”

  He lifted a shaky finger and pointed toward the side of the bed. My eyes followed the path and that’s when I saw it.

  A bag.

  A bag with a tube attached.

  A bag filled with piss attached to a tube that ran up under my sheets.

  My head instantly snapped to Braxton. “A piss bag? You let them put a piss tube in my dick?"

  He pulled his shoulders up to his ears, “They didn't ask! You went into surgery fine and came out with that fucker. What was I supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know, tell them to take it out!”

  “They said you needed it.”

  “Listen to me very carefully, VP. I don’t ever need anything IN my dick! I don’t know what kind of freaky shit you’re into but my dick is most definitely OUT only! Speaking of out, everyone get out of this fucking room.”

  Everyone started toward the door.

  “Not you, Stash,” I yelled as he tried to blend in with the crowd that was leaving.

  Braxton held his hands out in front of him, “You need to calm down.”

  “Let’s see how calm you are when you have a garden hose coming out of your cock.” I fell back into the bed, running my hands over my face.

  “I think yo
u’re being a bit generous, it’s more the size of a spaghetti noodle,” Stash said looking down at the tube.

  I clinched my teeth together, “I’m going to kill you with my bare hands. I swear to God, when I get out of this bed.”

  “Knock it off, Stash,” Braxton said, stepping closer to the bed. He’s not supposed to be getting riled up.”

  Braxton grabbed the remote from my bed, “I should call the nurse and tell her you’re up and need…” he shuddered as he motioned toward my dick, “help.”

  “Tell them to send the hottie,” Stash piped up.

  “Oh, no. No hot nurses, no ugly nurses either. How does this damn thing come out? I don’t need any help, I’ll just take it out myself.”

  “No. Stop,” Stash said, holding his hands up in front of him like a damn crossing guard. “Do not do that. I don’t know how that all works dude, but I would think that’s a horrible idea.”

  I glared at both of them, “Anything better?”

  “Yes, let the nurses take it out. That’s what I vote,” he said.

  The door cracked open and both guys looked quickly in that direction.

  Nancy walked in, writing something on her clip board. Braxton rushed to her, practically lifting her by the elbows and carrying her to the side of the bed.

  “He wants it out,” he said nervously, pointing toward my dick. “Now.”

  Someone else had come in behind her but at this point I didn’t care who the hell was in here.

  “Take it out Nance, seriously. I can’t have something in there. It’s unnatural,” I pleaded.

  “I can’t just take it out, Tight. We need to make sure everything is working right and…”

  I reached under the blanket and took a hold of the rubbery part of the tube.

  “Oh shit, he’s going to pull it out, Nancy.” Stash yelled, pacing and pulling at his hair. “Don’t do it, man.”

  Braxton was yelling at Nancy to call the doctor, Stash was having some sort of episode and Nancy was trying to calm everyone down. This was my chance.

  I gave that bitch a good tug.

  It was clearly the worst fucking idea I’d ever had.

  “Oh, Fuck!” I fell against my pillows and yelled out as the pain throbbed.


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