Scion's Surrender

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Scion's Surrender Page 3

by Traci Douglass

  “Because I care for you, Irena. I meant what I said.” He closed the gap between them, heart choking his throat. If baring his soul was the only way to make her stay, then he would willingly submit. Even if it meant she’d shatter what was left of his wounded soul. “You’re beautiful, inside and out. I love you.”

  Her breath hitched, and she looked away.

  The wait felt like a small eternity. If she accepted his truth, he’d take it as a sign there was hope—for him, for them, for the future. If she rejected him...

  Irena remained still, her gaze downcast.

  Slowly, he slipped a finger beneath her chin, tipping her face up to meet his gaze. She’d never mentioned seeing another man since his arrival in Montana nor had she gone on any dates that he’d observed, but there could still have been someone else. If she didn’t love him too, things would be more difficult, but he’d endure. He was an immortal warrior with a divine calling, he’d taken sacred vows to serve and protect. He couldn’t walk away from Irena any more than he could ask her to accept his burdens.

  “Guess I know why you’re such a good listener,” she said at last. “It’s your job.”

  He shook his head. “Only for you. My Scion brothers remind me often listening is not my specialty.”

  “How many of you are there?” She held up a hand, severing his response. “On second thought, I don’t want to know. I’m still trying to believe all this is real.”

  “Listen to your heart, it will tell you what’s true and what isn’t. Our time together is special for me as well, Irena.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “Last night, was…different. I’m not usually so demanding.” She raised her fingers to his bare abdomen, then hesitated. “May I touch it again?”

  Chago nodded. In truth, what touching a his mark was far more intimate than sex. A Scion’s sigil was a direct link to his soul. His mark heated again, responding to her Seal’s power. He did his best to contain the glow, but it was impossible. She gasped as the intricate, swirling lines lit beneath her touch.

  “I wanted many times to be honest, to tell you the truth,” he whispered, holding her gaze. “I should have said something last night, tried to tell you downstairs, but I’d had too much to drink. Now my damned head is killing me.”

  Thunder rolled outside and he winced.

  “No swearing allowed?” Her brows rose.

  He scrunched his nose. “It’s frowned upon.”

  She smiled, pressing her palm to his skin His eyes slipped shut with pleasure. Her touch felt incredible, as though they’d taken the first step toward the future.

  “Your head will feel better soon.” Irena’s sweet tone drifted over him like warm honey, easing his aches and pains. “I shouldn’t have let you drink so much.”

  “It was my first experience with alcohol.”

  “Then I shouldn’t have let you drink at all. Will you get in trouble for that too?”

  “No.” He opened his eyes. “Once one of my Scion brothers, Wyck, bragged about drinking his mortal opponent under the table. He made it sound like fun, but this is definitely not enjoyable.”

  She laughed softly. “Hangovers are awful.”

  Her sunny smile stole his breath. Chago could look at her until the end of time and never tire. He’d watched her from birth and she’d only grown more gorgeous, more spectacular. Her bright, expressive eyes and full lips made her the most stunning female he’d ever seen.

  Irena slipped her arms around his waist. “I always knew you were special.”

  Making love with her had been his every fantasy come to life. He’d wanted her for so long. He’d tried to brush his feelings aside as nothing more than lust and hunger from years of celibacy, but last night had proven it was far more. This was love. At least the alcohol had given him the courage to cast his inhibitions aside and make his move.

  “What happened?” She rested her head against his chest, over his heart. “At that battlefield?”

  “I was captured and tortured.” Vicious Nephilim mercenaries had tied him to a tree and beaten him to within an inch of his immortal life, but he would rather have died a thousand deaths than betray those entrusted to his care. “I allowed myself to be taken prisoner as a diversion to allow the rest of my mortal troops to escape. But they refused to run. They were all killed because I’d led them into a trap.”

  Memories of the senseless carnage—the heat of the fires, the coppery tang of blood—flooded his mind. He should have known the danger, should have seen it coming. “I failed.”

  “Hey.” Irena cupped his cheek. He leaned into her touch, seeking solace. His brutal memories faded, but they would return. They haunted him, filling his dreams with the stench of burning bodies and the unholy glee on the pale faces of the half-breeds. “You’re safe here. You can tell me all of it.”

  He swallowed hard and looked deep into her eyes. “I’d been sent to assist the followers of Carlos VII . They’d put the imposter, Amadeo I, on the throne and the common people had suffered. I organized the Basque revolutionaries by providing military expertise and strategy. The last day of battle, I led my troops onto the field, but the Nephilim had gotten word we were coming and waited for us. When I realized the half-breeds were involved, I acted as bait, hoping they’d leave the others. No one survived.”

  “Nephilim? Aren’t they half-human, half-angel?”

  He nodded.

  “Wow. Okay.” She exhaled slow, as if absorbing the information. “Right. So you said you didn’t expect them to be there.” Her hand remained on his face, giving him strength. “Who do you think betrayed you? How did they find out about your attack plans?”

  “No idea. I’ve searched for countless hours, but still have no proof. I believe it had to have been someone in the heavenly realms though. No one else would have had access to my battle plans. The Nephilim came fully prepared too. They brought advanced weaponry, things that hand’t been invented in the human world. They slaughtered so many.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why would they do that?”

  Chago shook his head and scowled down at the hardwood floor. “They’ve covered their tracks well since then too. So, I go back to the battlefield to search and to remember. Those people died because of me. Seeking justice is my duty and my burden.”

  “But those Nephilim were responsible. That wasn’t your fault.” Irena seemed more comfortable with him and what he’d told her now, but he knew this wasn’t over.

  “I should have known, should have foreseen it. It’s my job as a warrior and warfare expert to be prepared for any outcome, to protect others. I failed.” He got up and tugged on his boxer shorts and jeans. “I’ll get justice for them, one way or another.”

  “Have you checked the Internet? There has to be some way to find the proof you need, right? Someone must have seen something or know something.”

  “I’ve checked the heavenly records and the Empyrean libraries, but there’s no record of who leaked the information. No one else in Heaven claims to know anything about Nephilim interference.” Chago paused, a new idea forming. “There is one place I haven’t checked though.”

  “Where’s that?”


  “Hell?” Irena looked stunned. “You mean like brimstone and infernal fires and home to Lucifer? I’m guessing he won’t help you either.”

  “Good thing I don’t need to ask him.” Chago sat beside her to pull on his boots. “I just need a guide into Hades.”

  She faced him, her gaze wary. “And you know someone you can do that?”

  “One of my Scion brethren has there before.” He hesitated. “You can’t follow me to Hell, but you can come with me to Chicago, if you want.”

  “Chicago?” She gave him an odd look.

  “It’s where my brother lives now. Please, Irena, come with me. Give me a chance to prove to you I’m still the man you’ve known these past three years.” Chago swallowed hard around the lump of anxiety in his throat. He didn’t want to leave her here alone.
Yes, he could watch over her remotely, but he’d miss her smile, her kind eyes, her scent—like sunshine and happiness and every good thing all rolled into one. He took her hand. “Please?”

  At last, she gave a slight nod. “Okay.”

  “Good.” He couldn’t contain his relieved smile. “We’ll pack then fly straight there.”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve got hidden wings too.”

  “No.” Chago chuckled. The Scion routinely traveled by vortex, a sort of wormhole time travel that allowed them to go anywhere at any time. Given the tenuous nature of his present relationship with Irena, though, traveling by human methods was better—no matter how slow. “We’ll go by plane. Can you buy yourself a ticket?”

  She nodded again. “What about you?”

  “I don’t need one. As long as you have one, I’ll take care of the rest.” A renewed sense of optimism swelled within him. With Kagan’s help, he’d get the proof he needed to nail those Nephilim bastards to the wall for what they’d done. He’d free himself from his burden and put his past to rest once and for all. Then he’d begin a new future with Irena, if she’d have him. “What about the diner? Can someone to run it for you while you’re gone?”

  “I’ll call Andy. I’ve been training him for months, so he’s ready.” Irena touched his shoulder. “Are you sure about this?”

  Chago covered her hand with his. He’d do everything in his power to make things right. Then he’d prove his love for her, no matter what it took.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’m sure.”


  Irena still couldn’t believe it.

  Chago was either crazy or he really was an immortal warrior. Given the way that strange mark on his stomach glowed each time she came near him, she was swaying more toward the second.

  Still, it seemed impossible, even when she’d seen it with her own eyes. She’d felt it’s heat and power tingling through her fingertips and setting off an answering swell of energy inside her. But she wasn’t quite ready to go all in, especially on the part about her carrying this ancient Seal inside her DNA. Her gaze drifted toward him once more. She should be enjoying her impromptu trip. She’d never been to Chicago and had always wanted to go, but now she couldn’t think of anything but Chago.

  He was gorgeous, as always, dressed in a red plaid shirt, black jeans and boots, his dark curls ruffled by the breeze. Her mind flashed back to how he’d looked sleeping beside her last night, sated from their lovemaking and lost in dreams. Every time she looked at him, she remembered how incredible it had been making love with him at last. Even his bizarre confessions about him being an immortal Scion warrior hadn’t changed her feelings. She still loved him, even if the differences between them seemed insurmountable. She’d grow old and die, while he’d remain young and healthy and gorgeous.

  Chago’s gaze met hers and her heart nearly broke. So much hurt and suffering lurked in his eyes. The last thing she wanted was to add to it.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” She smiled, doing her best to make this work. Relief blossomed in his expression, the way it did each time she showed him a hint of affection. Warmth spread inside her too, knowing she’d made him happy.

  They hadn’t really talked much on the crowded plane ride here, so she still had so many questions. Like how old he was, what it was like living in Heaven, how many battles he’d fought over the eons. Her own family had emigrated to the United States in the wake of the Bosnian Wars. Her parents still wouldn’t talk about those dark times.

  Irena couldn’t imagine what living with an eternity of pain must do to a person, but what he’d experienced had made him who he was today. To wish any of it away would wish him away too and she couldn’t do that.

  “Not exactly,” he said, looking around. They’d taken a cab from the airport and now stood on a busy sidewalk near Michigan Avenue. The granite buildings sheltered them from the wind and kept them in the shade, though the summer air still felt hot and sticky. She should’ve worn something other than black jeans and a T-shirt, but it was too late now. In their hurry to leave, she hadn’t thought about the weather.

  She’d put Andy in charge of the diner for a few days, then rushed to the small airport in Billings with Chago to hop on the next plane to Chicago. With a wave of his hand, his name had appeared on the flight manifest, along with a ticket in his pocket. She still wasn’t sure how all this worked. Maybe it was magic. Whatever it was, it was a nice skill to have.

  They’d arrived at O’Hare earlier in the afternoon and walked around the city ever since. Irena caught glimpses of the Chicago River, the old Water Tower, and the Hancock Building. Mostly though she’d spent her time watching Chago. He’d suffered because of those bastards and she’d never let anyone hurt him again.

  The strange power pulsed inside her again and her birthmark seared into her lower back.

  “What’s your friend’s address? We could ask for directions.” She studied his handsome face. She’d rarely seen him without his cowboy hat, but he’d packed it away in the duffle bag slung over his shoulder along with her tote, stating he didn’t want to stick out any more than was necessary. Good luck with that, since towered at least a head above everyone else in the crowd and was built like a Greek god.

  “No directions.” He swept his hand through his hair, looking around at the people bustling along the busy shopping corridor “I can find it.”

  She snorted. Seemed even immortal men hated asking for directions.

  Chago took a deep breath, standing still and quiet for a long moment. He looked so human it was easy to forget that heavenly immortal warriors existed.


  She did her best to see him as the man she’d known these past three years but found herself faltering. He was something other, something supernatural, and she was mortal. They didn’t belong together. No matter how much she wanted to believe they did.

  Finally, he looked at her and nodded.

  “This way.” Chago took her hand and led her around a corner and deeper into downtown, weaving through the crowds. His grip was strong and sure, and she remembered how wonderful his hands had felt on her body.

  Irena didn’t regret what they’d done last night. In fact, she wished she was strong enough to throw aside her fears and embrace her feelings for him, uncaring of his immortality. She’d tried to take that leap several times on their plane ride here but had always found a reason to stop.

  Clear blue sky shown above them and wondered if she could ask this friend of his about what was happening with her and Chago. Maybe then she’d be able to get her head on straight and gain some much-needed perspective.

  He gave her a hungry side glance, his gaze raking over her from head to toe, sparking her own lustful thoughts. Irena went hot and shivery, but she couldn’t think about that now. Not while they were around all these people. No matter how much she craved him again, she had to resist.

  Instead, she stared up at the Willis Tower as they passed. It was so much taller than she’d expected. They walked endless blocks, until her feet hurt and she’d lost all sense of direction.

  “There.” He stopped and pointed to a nondescript brick building with a liquor store on the first floor and an apartment on the top. They hurried across the busy street and climbed the metal stairs to the second floor. Seemed an unlikely place for any friend of his to live. Considering Scions were heavenly creatures, she’d expected maybe a chapel or cathedral or something.

  They stood on a small landing and Chago knocked while Irena stared down at the street. The sidewalks shimmered in the heat, hazy and beautiful, like something out of a dream.

  No one answered.

  He tried again then shifted his weight, his body brushing hers. She squeezed his hand, her little finger touching his thumb, liking the feel of him against her. It made her feel safe and warm, loved and protected.

  Wind gusted as the door opened and there stood a man every bit as imposing as Chago. In fact, if the two men went head-to-head in batt
le, she wasn’t sure who’d win. His friend had short brown hair, tanned olive skin, and the bluest aqua eyes she’d ever seen. He didn’t smile, his stare flat. Okay then. Maybe she wouldn’t ask this guy about Scions and romance after all. He didn’t exactly look like Mr. Friendly.

  Chago placed his arm around Irena’s shoulders and drew her into his side. Good thing, since she felt like she needed all the protection she could get right now.

  The man crossed his arms, his white dress shirt billowing in the breeze and his feet bare beneath his faded jeans. Then a wide smile broke out on his chiseled face and his blue eyes sparkled with mirth.

  “Guarding your Seal, brother?” The man’s deep voice dripped with amusement.

  “Always.” Chago released Irena’s shoulders to shake his hand. “It’s been a long time, Kagan.”

  “It has. And does she have a name?”

  “Irena.” she answered.

  “We need to talk, brother,” Chago said.

  “Come in.” Kagan stepped aside. “We’ll have privacy here.”

  She followed them inside the apartment. Funny, but the sight of another immortal warrior didn’t shock her as much as she’d expected. Honestly, seeing the two of them now seemed perfectly natural, as if she’d known all her life Scions existed. Hard to believe it was so easy to accept the presence of immortal guardians in the world, but it was true. She’d been raised a believer, and this only confirmed her faith. Maybe it was time she gave up the fight where her and Chago’s were concerned too and see where things led.

  He met her gaze, a question in his warm brown eyes.

  She smiled to show him she was okay. And she was. Her birthmark had quieted the moment they’d walked inside. All her confusion had faded, leaving only a calm peace that allowed her to concentrate on the questions she still needed answered.

  Kagan led them into a small living room lined on three sides with bookshelves crammed to bursting. He offered her a drink, but Irena declined. She took a seat on the sofa while the guys went into the kitchen to talk, doing her best not to eavesdrop. As their conversation dragged on, however, she felt like a bit of a third wheel.


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