Scion's Surrender

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Scion's Surrender Page 6

by Traci Douglass


  Chago landed quietly on the rooftop of the apartment in Chicago.

  “What’s going on?” Irena was on her feet and next to him. “Where’s Kagan?”

  “We discovered some disturbing information while in Hell. Kagan went to speak with Divinity and seek guidance on our next steps.” He ushered the two women down the stairs and into the apartment, scanning the area to make sure it was secure. “We must remain indoors and stay alert.”

  Her blue eyes widened. “Is someone coming after us?”


  There was no sign of trouble at present, but Chago wasn’t going to let his guard down. Ruman was as powerful as any Scion, and he’d have his hands full standing up to both the archangel and the Nephilim if they attacked before Kagan returned.

  Irena stayed by his side while Mira paced the tiny kitchen, glancing out the window every few seconds. Fear and tension radiated off both women.

  Chago pulled Irena into his arms, holding her close. “I will not let them harm you.”

  Nearly an hour passed. Nothing happened.

  Outside, the world looked so quiet and peaceful. Perhaps what they’d seen in the pool had been wrong and Ruman wasn’t coming . Surely Kagan must have spoken with Divinity by now.

  Then the lights flickered and dimmed.

  They weren’t alone.

  He handed Irena over to Mira.

  The women huddled together in the corner of the kitchen while Chago held out his palm out and uttered an ancient Enochian incantation. A beam of rainbow light shot forth from his hand, creating a shield around them. The barrier strengthened, shimmering as his Scion abilities entwined with Irena’s Seal power inside. They had to withstand whatever darkness was coming. Malevolence thickened the night air until breathing became difficult.

  In the blink of an eye, shards of glass exploded as the windows and doors shattered. Chago raised his arm to protect himself from the blast. The women screamed and he reacted on pure instinct, barreling through the back door, onto the roof, and straight into their attacker. They tipped over the edge of the building, plummeting toward the ground.

  Twisting mid-air, Chago saw the face of his opponent.


  The archangel glared, spreading his wings and gaining the upper hand. He grabbed the front of Chago’s shirt, driving them downward at higher velocity.

  The ground rose faster and faster.

  Chago collided first, fracturing the pavement. The archangel landed atop him, kicking him hard in the gut and knocking the remaining air from his lungs. He fought to remain conscious, his vision wavering as he saw the angel’s boot coming at his face. Years of battle training prevailed and Chago grabbed Ruman’s leg, throwing him into a parked car.

  The angel shot upwards, his wings beating hard. Chago managed to grab hold of his ankle, keeping his opponent earthbound while ignoring the pain caused by the effort. He would never allow this traitor to go after Irena and Mira. It was his sworn Scion duty to protect them.

  Teeth gritted, he managed to grab Ruman’s other leg as well and spun, this time crashing him into the side of a building, splintering the bricks. The angel recovered quickly and charged forward, punching Chago in the jaw. One swift hit followed another. Reeling, he stumbled backward into the road, trying to block the attack. He managed to stop Ruman’s fist and twisted. The sound of bones snapping filled the air, but Chago didn’t relent.

  He went for the wings next, grabbing feathers and tugging hard, until they came free. Chago tossed them aside then tackled Ruman to the pavement, punching him over and over, fueled by the suffering he’d endured at the hands of Nephilim, by his need for justice, by his everlasting duty to protect the woman he loved.

  Blood streamed from the cuts on the archangel’s face, but still he kept striking, determined to neutralize this threat. Ruman’s fist came out of nowhere, sending Chago careening into the side of a truck. The impact rattled his Scion senses and crater he’d made in the metal made it hard to escape. The angel snarled and attacked anew, choking him this time. Chago clawed at the fingers around his throat and kneed his opponent in the stomach.

  An alarmed cry pierced the air and both men turned to find they weren’t alone. Irena stood at the bottom of the metal stairs, her white T-shirt fluttering in the night breeze. A fresh wave of adrenaline sizzled through Chago’s bloodstream. She must have broken free from the shield. He raced forward. He wouldn’t let Ruman near her. He wouldn’t allow another innocent die, especially one he loved with all of his heart.

  Before he reached her, however, Ruman shot in her direction as well, so fast he was nothing but a blur. Irena didn’t have the chance to run. The archangel grabbed her around the waist and flung her through the air. She slammed into the wall of the liquor store and screamed, landing in a lifeless heap on the pavement. A red haze descended over Chago’s mind as he renewed his attack on his opponent, his focus divided between the angel and his lover.

  Through their connection, he felt Irena’s skittering pulse and her intense pain. She was still alive, still breathing, still conscious. He blocked the archangel’s path, punching Ruman in the face. The angel countered by striking him hard in the ribs. Chago sucked in a painful breath, tackling his opponent to the ground again. He kept the archangel pinned beneath his body, hoping to give Irena a chance to make it to safety.

  Ruman blasted power from his hands, sending Chago flying upward. He tumbled through the air and into an oncoming car, smashing through the windshield, his lungs collapsing.

  The archangel stumbled away and spread his injured wings. Through blurry eyes, Chago saw he was going after Irena and Mira. Agony screamed through every inch of Chago’s immortal body, but he disentangled himself from the wreckage and limped toward the building. He wasn’t fast enough. Ruman ascended toward the roof, smirking, his angelic features a mess of cuts.

  Halfway up, a sudden beam of light sliced through the clouds and ensnared the archangel mid-air, freezing him with his wings outstretched.


  Chago fell to his knees and shielded his eyes from blinding heavenly brightness. Lightning shot forth from the beam, striking Ruman. His wings blew apart, raining down a barrage of blood and feathers. The fallen angel landed hard on the ground, amidst the muck of his own carnage, groaning and motionless. The glorious light vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

  Struggling to move, Chago stared at his crippled opponent. Divinity had banished Ruman for his betrayal, severing his wings and his powers. Next, he would lose his immortality.

  The former angel struggled to his feet and glared at Chago with pure hatred. He grabbed a shard of glass from the street and ran toward the stairs again. Summoning his last ounces of energy, Chago fumbled to his feet and chased after him, his Scion mark now glowing white-hot with divine calling. Thoughts of Irena in danger numbed his pain and gave him the strength to fight on. Nothing would stand between him and stopping this evil.

  He summoned a vortex and soared to the top of the building, holding both hands out to manifest a sacred fiery lance then focused on his target. Divinity’s silent command quivered through his bones.

  Kill the traitor.

  He obeyed.

  “Ruman!” Chago shouted, aiming for the archangel’s back.

  The fallen angel stopped and slowly faced him, the glass shard clutched in his hand like a knife, but it was no match. The flaming lance drove through his opponent’s heart, pinning him to the brick wall like a bug. The building shuddered. Shockwaves radiated outward, knocking Chago to his knees. Ruman grabbed the spear protruding from his body, trying to remove it.

  The bright light descended again, engulfing the skewered angel. Chago flinched, aware of what was coming. Life as a mortal was too good for this bastard. Ruman screamed and disintegrated, leaving nothing but the bloodied spear jutting from the wall.

  Wind gusted, and dust swirled. Soon, Kagan stood on the rooftop, along with Wyck, tall and blond, wearing a pair of
glasses he didn’t need since all Scion had perfect vision.

  “You did well, brother.” Kagan extended a hand to help Chago stand. “Divinity sends Her thanks.”

  Chago glanced over to where Irena and Mira stood. He would continue to seek justice for his men until the Nephilim threat was eradicated, but the previous three years had changed him and his past was done.

  He’d fallen in love.

  “It’s possible to balance life and work, brother, although our women will do their best to make it impossible.” Kagan grinned and put his arm around Chago’s shoulders, helping him down into the apartment. “You’ll reach a balance. Don’t be too hasty in casting aside the purpose for which you were created.”

  Wyck walked beside them, a hint of amusement in his glittering green-gold eyes. “Jeez. I leave you two alone for one century and look at the mess you’ve made.” The Scion raised his hand and light emanated from his palm. Soon, all the damage to the vehicles and the road below was repaired and the cracks in the brick wall behind them disappeared along with the spear. Even the memories of any unlucky mortals who’d witnessed the epic battle had been erased, their minds filled with whatever nonsense Wyck concocted to explain what had happened.

  Everything was pristine again.

  Chago’s whole body tensed as his immortal healing powers closed the cuts and scratches on his skin. He hissed as his broken bones knit back together. Soon he was back to normal too.

  “Let’s discuss things in more comfortable surroundings.” Wyck cocked his head toward the apartment door. “Somewhere less exposed.”

  Chago was anxious to make sure Irena was okay.

  There was only one way to find out.

  Mira threw her arms around Kagan’s neck. He kissed her then placed his arm around her shoulders led her into the living room.

  Irena waited at the bottom of the stairs for Chago, cradling her left arm, but smiling. “I was so worried. I shouldn’t have come down, but I couldn’t let you fight alone.”

  Relief swept through him. He gently gathered her close, mindful of her injuries, needing to know she was safe. “How badly are you hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  “I’m fine. Just bruises, I think.”

  He pulled back and cleared a smudge of dirt from her cheek, saw the tears in her eyes. Blood streaked her left arm. Her elbow was cut and bruised, so was her shoulder, from where Ruman had slammed her into the building.

  Wyck glanced at Chago and nodded. The Scion held his hand over Irena’s injuries and light glowed form his palms. When he removed his hands again her injuries were healed.

  “Wow.” Irena looked herself over, her expression stunned. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” Wyck turned to Chago. “Kagan told me about the things you saw in Hell. I’ll monitor the situation and travel to this lab, if needed, since my Seal host appears to be involved. If the Nephilim are planning a conspiracy, we’ll uncover it.” He grinned. “Until next time, brother.”

  With that, Wyck disappeared into a swirling vortex.

  Chago looked down to find Irena watching him. He smiled, stroking the hair back from her face. She looked amazing, even rumpled and streaked with dirt.

  “I’m sorry about the violence,” he said, cupping her cheek. “Sometimes a Scion’s duties are not pretty.”

  “What bothered me most was seeing you hurt.” Irena pressed her hands against his chest. “It’s not over, is it?”

  “Not yet.” Chago sighed. “Kagan and I uncovered some sort of plot by the Nephilim. Ruman was a part of it too, but there are others involved. We must discover what’s going on and why.”

  “Sounds dangerous.” Her blue gaze held equal parts happiness and worry. “I don’t like the thought of you being in danger.”

  She hesitated, head lowered.

  Chago cupped her face, swiping her tears away with his thumbs. “What’s wrong? Are you still in pain?”

  “No. Not like that.” She took a deep breath. “Will you go back to Heaven now?”

  He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her forehead. Foolish woman. As if he could leave her. She was still the only good thing in his world and he refused to return to his heavenly quarters alone. “I’ve got some decisions to make, but no matter what happens, I’m not leaving you. You’re mine to protect, my heart, my mission. I love you.”

  Whatever the future held, they would face it together.

  Irena broke away, her smile wide and beautiful. “Can we ride in your vortex?”

  “As you wish, my love.” Chago held her close and closed his eyes, as a swirling rainbow light bursting forth around them. She squeaked, twining her hands around his neck as they soared high above the city. “You’re safe. You’ll always be safe with me.”

  Chicago spread out beneath them, twinkling in the darkness. She gasped, taking in the spectacular view. Her love flowed through him, making him smile.

  “Incredible.” Her grin widened as he swooped down, heading for Lake Michigan.

  They landed quietly near a park bench.

  “Can we stay a while?” she whispered, her eyes on dark waters. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Chago nodded. “For as long as you like.”

  She rested her head against his shoulder and he took a seat, holding her in his lap.

  “If it won’t cause a problem with the diner, we can stay in Chicago for a few more days and be together.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I want to be together longer than a few days.” Irena placed her hand over his heart. “Mira told me things.”

  “Like what?”

  “She said there’s a way for her to become immortal.”

  Chago’s pulse raced. He’d spent hours thinking of how to broach the subject of their future together and now it was done. Hope washed over him, knowing she might want to be with him forever and he might not have to surrender his immortality.

  “There is a way, but the ultimate decision is up to Divinity. All we can do is ask. Or I could give up my immortality and live with you.”

  “No. I would never ask you to do that. I love you and I want to be with you as you are, my Scion.” Her gaze searched his. “I made my decision. Let me do this, so we can be together.”

  Chago kissed her, touched by her sincerity. When the time came, he’d help her through her petition to Divinity. He’d do all he could to support her. He’d love her forever, with all of his heart, because she was his Seal host and the only woman in the world for him. She’d given him strength when he had been weak, love when all others had forsaken him, and believed in him when he hadn’t believed in himself.

  She was in his arms where she belonged. One day they would take the next step, but for now, they would enjoy their happily ever after.

  The End

  About the Author

  Traci is a USA Today Bestselling Author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. Her stories feature sizzling heroes full of dark humor, quick wits and major attitudes and heroines who are smart, tenacious, and always give as good as they get. She holds an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University and she loves animals, chocolate, coffee, hot British actors, and sarcasm—not necessarily in that order. Connect with her through her website:

  Sign up for my monthly Author Newsletter for all the latest into on new releases, exclusive subscriber-only goodies, AND receive a FREE digital copy of my fantasy romance novella, When Hermes Met Eos!

  Also by Traci Douglass

  Paranormal Romance:

  Seven Seals Series:

  Scion’s Destiny

  Scion’s Surrender

  Scion’s Awakening

  Scion’s Redemption (July 30, 2018)

  Scion’s Fortune (TBA)

  Scion’s Valor (TBA)

  Scion’s Completion (TBA)

  Blood Ravagers Series:

  Blood Bound

  Blood Freed

  Blood Vowed
  Also by Traci Douglass

  Contemporary Romance:

  Harlequin Medicals:

  One Night With The Army Doc (October 1, 2018)

  Entangled Bliss:

  How To Seduce A Bad Boy (January 2019)

  Can’t Hurry Love (Coming Soon)

  Sneak Peek of Scion’s Awakening

  Danger was near.

  Wyck watched the auburn-haired woman walk straight toward a male coming the opposite way through the quiet plaza. He held his position inside the vortex, high above them in the cool air.

  The woman appeared and disappeared, passing under the intermittent street lamps lining the sidewalk. The orange glow wasn’t strong enough to cut through the darkness, leaving a black hole in a sea of glittering golden and white pinpricks. Atlanta stretched out as far as he could see in all directions. The yellow halo over the city drowned out the stars and outlined the shadowy shapes of the buildings.

  Wyck swooped lower, wanting to get a closer look, needing to be near in case he was right and the man wasn’t a man at all. If the Nephilim showed any sign of attacking his Seal’s host, he would intervene. Until that happened, he would watch.

  The steady rush of wind chilled his skin. It has been eight months since he’d first learned of a possible conspiracy by the traitorous Nephilim from his Scion brothers in Chicago and he’d spent most of that time researching and setting up a base of operations here in Atlanta to be near his Seal host and the site where most of the Nephilim’s current operations seemed to be centered. Winter was now giving way to Spring here on Earth, but it wasn’t gone yet. The days were growing longer, and he still hadn’t found the true reason for this new Nephilim uprising. The heavenly realms were restless to know why an archangel named Ruman had sided with the half-breeds, assisting them in the disposal of over one hundred human bodies, and why Ruman had attacked a Scion to kill the Seal host he protected.


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