Her Savage Mate_A Sci Fi Alien Alpha Romance

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Her Savage Mate_A Sci Fi Alien Alpha Romance Page 10

by Kallista Dane

  “Well, first I’ll spank you for running away.” He gave my ass a firm smack, just to motivate me.

  I stepped into the path as he vanished into the underbrush.

  “Come, children, it’s time to go in for your snack. Papa and I have some royal duties to attend to.”

  I ignored their obligatory whines. Our little ones were well behaved, but children were children and, of course, they had to try arguing for more time. Especially Jarelle, who’d inherited the feisty spirit of both her mother and grandmother.

  Aya sat in the sun on a bench outside the jungle garden, near one of the many fountains. She’d been their nanny ever since Jarelle was born. I didn’t need someone to wait on me hand and foot, though she did still do my hair on special evenings.

  “It’s time they had a nap, Aya. The prince and I are going to spend some time in the garden before our dinner party this evening. Please see that we are not disturbed.”

  “Yes, my lady.” Aya gave me a knowing smirk and hustled the children away. She was still a woman of few words.

  We were hosting a dinner for two of my crew members and their mates later that evening. They weren’t surprised when I declared I wouldn’t be returning to Earth. After all, like my plants, I’d put down roots on Naxos. By the time our ship was fully repaired, Deena and Marin had given in to the seductive mastery of Naxian males as well: Deena with the mouthwatering hunk who’d been chaperoning her around the planet, and Marin with a cool, no-nonsense scientist. On our last girls’ night out, she’d blushed when she confided that he became a stern, sexy Dom when they were alone. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before Rayne and the others fell under the spell of their own Naxian mates.

  I stepped back into the garden and shut the door behind me. Tropical vines and plants grew quickly in this climate, and though I’d been working on it for only a few years, it already looked like the patch of jungle where I’d first met my mate. It provided a safe place for my children to play without fear of encountering wild beasts, and a private spot for their parents to indulge in naughtier games.

  Speaking of wild beasts, I didn’t see my mate anywhere. I made my way silently down a meandering path toward a deep pool in the heart of the garden. I thought I heard the rustling of leaves behind me, but when I whipped my head around, all I saw were a pair of berabirds taking off in a flutter of hot-pink wings.

  Suddenly, a pair of strong arms seized me from behind. One hand clapped over my mouth to stifle my startled cry, while the other fastened firmly over my left breast. A finger and thumb pinched my nipple as a deep voice rumbled in my ear.

  “You have dared to defile the sacred grove, alien. You must be punished.”

  Even after all this time, the stern tone he used sent a delicious little shiver down my spine.

  He dragged me to a fallen log, covered with soft moss. I wondered if he knew I’d chosen it personally, had it brought here and positioned in the most secluded spot in the garden, where any sounds we made would be muffled by the thick foliage.

  He sank down on the log and stood me in front of him. He’d changed into the outfit I loved most – a skimpy loincloth covering his tight ass and a hammered gold belt around his waist holding a long blonde tail attached to a thick wooden rod. He wore nothing else except a leather thong around his forehead, holding back his dark hair. He looked exactly like the virile savage who’d set my heart racing a lifetime ago.

  “You’re my prisoner, little human. There’s nowhere to run, and you can’t win if you fight me, so you might as well surrender. Take off your gown and prepare to be punished.”

  I lowered my head and slipped the gown off one shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. Giving birth to two children had padded the curves on my frame, but my prince seemed to like them.

  His eyes narrowed. “What are those?”

  He pointed to my black panties. I’d worn a dark blue gown so he wouldn’t see the outline of them underneath.

  “These are panties, my lord.”

  He grabbed my arm and yanked me over his lap. “Panties? They’ll have to come down so I can spank your naked ass.”

  He took his time uncovering my backside, sliding the panties down then stopping to fondle my bottom cheeks and run his fingers between my legs. He left them bunched around my upper thighs. I was dripping wet by the time his hand connected with the bottom he’d bared.

  The first hard smack took my breath away. I whipped my head around. “Hey!”

  He smacked me again. “This punishment is real. You know the rules. Your ass is mine, and so is your pussy. I’ve commanded you to be naked under your gown at all times. Otherwise, how can I do this whenever I want?” He shoved two fingers in, and I gasped.

  He found the sweet spot on the inner wall of my vagina, massaged it with those long fingers then drew them out and gave my bottom another whack.

  “Recite the rules.”

  “Oow! One, I am to be naked under my gown at all times. If I am not, I will be punished.”

  He spanked me again. “Go on.”

  “Two, my pussy and my ass belong to you, to do with as you choose. If I struggle or try to keep you from doing whatever you want, I will be punished.”

  “That’s right.” He made his point by fingering me again, stopping when I let out a low moan.

  “Three, you are my master. I am to obey every command you give me when we are alone. If I question you or argue, I will be punished.”

  He shoved me to my knees. ‘That’s right, little alien. I am your master. Now, close your eyes and open your mouth.”

  I opened wide, expecting to taste the musky tang of pre-cum on the head of his cock. Instead, he slipped something soft and slippery between my lips. I bit down experimentally, and the sweet heat exploded in my mouth.

  “Rana fruit! When did you smuggle that in here?”

  “No questions – or you’ll get another spanking,” he muttered. “Eat it.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  I chewed and swallowed, feeling the familiar rush as the intoxicating juices ran down my throat.

  “Now, lie down on your back – and keep your eyes closed.”

  What new naughtiness had he dreamed up? I did as I was told, a bit awkwardly because my panties were still around my upper thighs.

  “Put your hands above your head.” He drew my wrists together and wrapped a thin leather band around them. That explained the headband. I didn’t even know he’d kept it all this time.

  “Spread your legs. Wider.”

  Thank goodness I’d carpeted the ground with more of the same soft moss. I parted my legs, trembling a little. Not knowing what he had in mind, being helpless to resist him, sharpened my arousal with a touch of fear. I knew he wouldn’t do me harm, but he’d learned a little pain in the beginning heightened my pleasure later. That’s why he always spanked me hard, no matter how much I tried to convince him to take it easy.

  He parted the lips of my pussy, and I felt the same soft, slippery substance sliding all over them. He mashed the fruit over my clit, rubbing it in. Slipped his dripping-wet fingers inside my pussy to coat my inner walls with the juice.

  I squealed. It was hot! Fiery hot. Much hotter on the sensitive tissues there than when it ran down my throat. But when he bent his head to lick it off my clit, I moaned. His tongue turned the fire to a wild heat. I squirmed, and he stopped to flip me on my side and give my bottom a harsh smack.

  “You cannot move. You have to lie here and take everything I give you. And, this time, you can’t even scream. If you make a sound, I’ll spank you again and then stop. You won’t get to come. Not now and not later.”

  He’d done that before. Taken me to the brink then left me desperate for release. It was rare for him to punish me that way, but when he did, I was forbidden to pleasure myself as well without his permission.

  My clit throbbed, swollen and hot. I bit back a moan. When he got me to this point, I became his slut. I’d do anything he commanded me to do, reveling in his

  He bent his head between my legs again. Darting his tongue into my pussy impossibly deep then coming back to lave all the way up to my clitoris. Flicking back and forth over it, working the heat of the rana fruit into the sensitive tissues of my swollen bud.

  Sweet Goddess! After all our time together, I didn’t think he could come up with anything new, but he’d managed to surprise me with the rana fruit. I bucked my hips up, grinding my mound into his face. He locked his arms around my thighs, pulled the hood of my clit back with his fingers, and fastened his mouth over my throbbing nub.

  I barely managed to swallow my scream. He kept on, alternating between flicking his tongue over it and sucking hard. By the time I came, I was shaking with the effort of holding back my cries.

  He lowered his body over mine, held me, and murmured in my ear. “My tamina. It’s time for me to give you your tail.”

  My body was limp and sated as he lifted me in his arms and arranged me facedown over the log with my wrists still bound. I didn’t think there was anything he could do to wring another orgasm out of me.

  He reached down and slipped a fresh piece of rana fruit into my mouth then rubbed another one all over my ass. Lending a spicy new heat to the burning sting of his spanking. My head was swimming as the slick fruit slid down my throat.

  For a moment, all the sensations blurred together. Then my eyes flew open. He’d crushed the rana fruit in his hands, using the slick juices to coat his fingers and slide first one then two into my ass. He worked them in and out just a little, teasing me until I was shoving my hips back against him, desperate for more.

  He pulled his fingers out, and I felt something thick and smooth pressing against my tight opening. Stretching me impossibly wide as it relentlessly increased the pressure. It wasn’t the wooden rod.

  I let out a strangled cry.

  His cock was so hot. So much hotter and thicker than the shaft of the tail. And it hurt. I started shaking my head.

  “No. You can’t do this. I can’t take it,” I moaned.

  “You can and you will.” He leaned over me and murmured in my ear, his breath hot against my neck. One hand slid under me, stroking the swollen bud of my clit, still throbbing from my orgasm. He didn’t move, letting me get used to the sensation of his cock invading my tight rear passage.

  “You are mine, tamina. I want you. I want to claim you everywhere.” He kept on, murmuring in that low, seductive tone. The heat from the rana juice on his fingers spread over my clit. Rocketed through my rear passage, sending a bolt of raw lust straight to my core.

  I needed to quench the fire. Needed something big and thick and long to soothe the flames licking at me deep inside.

  I arched my hips, and he slid in a fraction of an inch farther.

  Oooh! Suddenly a new sensation poured through me, overriding the burning heat. I rocked back. He growled and bit my neck, like a wild beast.

  I exploded. Screamed and shoved against him. He let go, thrusting into me with a savage roar. Pain disappeared, morphed into frantic hunger.

  He fucked me with dark intensity. Brought us both to climax, mindless and frantic.

  Afterward, we showered under the waterfall at the edge of the pool then lay together in the sun, my head pillowed on his shoulder.

  “Jalen?” I lifted my head to look into his eyes

  “Yes, my tamina?”

  I gave him a naughty grin. “I’m glad I let you beat me at vandu last night. This is one bet I didn’t mind losing.”

  His eyes narrowed. He pulled me on top of his body and gave my naked ass a rough swat. “You are a very bad girl. You deserve a spanking for tricking me. You’ll get it later, after our guests leave.”

  He drew my face to his. Captured my mouth in a kiss. I melted into his arms.

  Oooh! He was going to do it again. Make me sit through a formal dinner, knowing all the while I’d have to bend over his lap at the end of the evening and get my bare bottom smacked.

  Oh, yeah, baby. Spank me good tonight, whispered the voice inside my head.

  My inner slut just had to have the last word.

  Coming soon –

  Fire Born: Queen of the Seven Stars Book One

  A Reverse Harem Paranormal Fantasy Romance

  by Kallista Dane

  I learned my fate on my eighteenth birthday. The day I became the virgin Queen.

  Find the Fire-born. The Dragon Lord. Mate with him if he commands it, and then seek out the others, one by one.

  The Warrior. The Wizard. The Mystic. The Rogue.

  I must secure their allegiance using whatever means necessary, whether it be to offer them riches or a title… or my body, and a place by my side on the throne.

  The Oracle says only with their help will I accomplish my mission. Avenge my father’s death - and save the World of the Seven Stars from an evil as old as the Universe.

  Turn the page for a sneak peek -

  “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of stars

  And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon…And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to earth: and the dragon stood before the woman…”

  (Rev 12: 1-4)



  She crooked a gnarled finger at me. Beckoning. Beckoning.

  I took a hesitant step, then stopped. The soil beneath my feet was hot. As though a river of fire flowed just below the surface.

  Wordlessly she bade me come closer.

  I glanced around apprehensively. Darkness had swallowed up every landmark around me. No stars lit the night sky. All I could see was the ground beneath my feet, now glowing like the embers from a dying fire, and the shadowy figure perched on a rock in the distance.

  She’d called me here. Sending her message over and over, until I was compelled to do as she commanded.

  “Claim your destiny.”

  First a faint whisper, deep in the recesses of my mind. Then more insistent. Finally, a cacophony of sounds and images disturbing my rest every night.

  Tonight, I woke from a sound sleep with her shrill voice echoing in my ears. Left my bed in the middle of the night, drew on my clothes, and climbed out the window. “No one must know,” she’d warned. “See that no one follows you.”

  I took the route she showed me in my dreams. If dreams they were. The interludes were more like private sessions with a cranky sorceress who read the bones to foretell my fate. One who delighted in tormenting me, denying me rest until I did as she commanded.

  Leaving the lights of the city behind, I headed for the deep purple mountain that loomed over our homeland. No one ascended to its peak. Over the centuries, strange occurrences had frightened off the curious. Others who ventured there disappeared, never to return. The summit was shrouded in mystery, said to be the dwelling place of ogres and cunning imps. Of strange beasts uttering mournful cries and terrible roars. As a lad, my nurse had me listen for them in the wind that howled down through the pass on dark and stormy nights.

  “Do ye hear them? Tis a cursed place,” she’d say. “Filled with demons. Promise me ye’ll never venture there, my lord. No good will come of it.”

  Fear gnawed at my belly, but I went on. I was no timid lad. Tomorrow I’d be thirteen. Practically a grown man. It was time to face this night terror. Put it to rest, so I could dream of golden-haired maidens on the eves to come.

  I marched on, humming under my breath. A fight song, though why they called it that was a mystery to me. I doubted our warriors crooned catchy tunes when marching into battle and I was quite certain they didn’t break into song as they lopped off the heads of their enemies. In truth, it should have been called a drinking song. One the old men belted out as they clanked mugs in the tavern, swapping lies of their exploits when they were valiant and virile. All the same, I found a scrap of courage in the stirring melody

s knew, I needed every ounce of bravery I could muster when I caught sight of her at last.

  I could barely make her out in the dim red glow, but from what I could see she was old. Ancient. She sat hunched over with her back to me, head slightly turned so I caught just a sliver of her wrinkled face. Her nose was sharp as a crow’s beak, her eyes mere slits. A tangled mess of silver white hair hung down her back, nearly reaching her waist. She was shrouded in a shapeless black cloak. Despite the stifling heat emanating from the earth beneath us, she held it tight around her neck with her other hand.

  I grimaced as the scorching heat penetrated the soles of my boots. Burned my feet.

  “Closer.” Her voice was thin and reedy, the voice of an old crone.

  Narrow slashes began to appear in the ground around me, open wounds in the earth oozing fire red as blood.

  To this day, I don’t know why I obeyed. I’ve thought about it long and often. She hadn’t put a spell on me, though I had no doubt she could if she wanted to. I’d never seen anyone look more like a witch straight out of the tales I read in my childhood. I still believe I had the freedom at that moment to choose my destiny.

  But like the foolhardy young man I was, I kept going – and thereby sealed my fate.


  I stood in the shadows, watching. Neither of them could see me, of that I was certain. I’d been there so many times before.

  The young man stared down at the fissures appearing in the ground beneath his feet, glanced around wildly. There was no safe path to take. Behind him, lava began bubbling to the surface. In front of him, flames as tall as a horse shot from ragged openings pockmarking the surface here and there. He started toward the old woman, stepping over the widening gaps.

  When I first saw him, he’d been just a lad. Over the years he aged, until now the figure I beheld was that of a full-grown male. Tall and strong.


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