by S Michaels
‘Starving’ I murmur.
‘Ok’ Grant drives to his apartment and parks his car, ‘there’s a lovely Italian around the corner’
We sit beside each other at the restaurant Grant has been worryingly quiet which is making me nervous, ‘you ok?’ I murmur gently towards him.
‘No not really’ he mumbles.
‘Why?’ I insides are churning in apprehension.
‘Amber has refused a scan with me present, David called me today. It seems as if she is determined to make this as painful and drawn out as she can. I feel like just telling her I am not interested but a tiny part of me is concerned incase this child is my child. And to top it all you are detaching from me’ he observes me cautiously.
I stare down at my fingers I cannot deny it I am! Isn’t this what Bella warned me not to do.
‘I am not letting you go Abi’ he warns ‘we belong together’
‘I don’t doubt that’ I reply ‘I just don’t know if I can take on the drama of another woman’s demands because that is what this is going to boil down to. It isn’t the baby’s appearance so much it is Amber and her dictating our lives’
He remains quiet for a while, ‘marry me Abi’
‘Marry me, I can cope with anything as long as you are with me’ his eyes bore into mine.
‘Grant’ I shake my head ‘you are knee jerking’
‘No I am not, I love you I don’t want to live without you’
I rub my eyes I am so tired, ‘can we eat I am weak with hunger’
He sighs calling the waiter and we order, the waiter immediately brings over a bottle of wine and some olives and bread.
‘Have you eaten today?’ he enquires.
‘Breakfast, I have been so busy’ I pop an olive into my mouth.
Grant hands me a glass of wine and I clink his glass my eyes finding his ‘to us’ I murmur and he sips his wine his eyes refusing to move from mine, ‘you know I love you’ I express.
‘Then why are you one foot in and one foot out?’ he enquires gently.
‘I am not!’ I insist.
‘If there was no Amber and no potential baby would you marry me?’
I regard him, ‘if there was no baby would you be asking?
He frowns, ‘what the fuck does that mean?’
‘Nothing forget it’ I gulp my wine and pick up some bread.
‘You think I only want you as a surrogate mother for my baby?’ his face is fuming, ‘why the fuck would I do that Abi? I could pay for a full time nanny I don’t require a mother figure! I want to share my life with you!’
‘I’m sorry’ I murmur aware of our surroundings ‘forget it!’ I have totally fucked this up. The waiter appears and places our food before us but neither of us attempt to eat.
‘Eat your food you are hungry’ he mumbles.
I move my hand to his thigh, ‘please don’t be mad at me, I am struggling here I have all these feelings for you but I am scared to release them in case the baby appears and you reject me to become part of Amber’s perfect family’
He places his hand on mine ‘then you doubt the depth of my feelings for you Abi’ he picks up his fork leaving his hand over mine and begins to eat. I follow suit using one hand only as we eat in silence both of us brooding over our fallout. Halfway through our meal Grant removes his hand to cut up his steak and I lift mine to drink my wine. I place my fork down and sit back he glances over to me and places his cutlery down.
‘Marry me’ he insists ‘nothing to do with Amber or the baby just marry me because you feel the same way I do?’
‘You know I do Grant, more so even’
‘Then prove it, let them all throw whatever they want at us, babies, court cases whatever let it all bounce of us because together we can cope. If this baby isn’t mine then great! We will make our own babies eventually, if it is then we will pull together and make for good part time parents but we do it as one person. You have to have trust in us, we have battled from day one Abi not the usual meeting of two people but despite it all we are here and I adore you, I want to wake with you every morning and lay down with you every night’
I wipe a tear away the emotion of the whole thing too much for me to bare, he hands me a tissue and I wipe my eyes.
‘Think about it Abi but just know I love you’
We leave the restaurant and Grant directs me to his apartment.
‘I need to work tomorrow’ I remind him and he nods.
‘I will make sure you get there I need you beside me tonight’ I am too tired to argue about it so follow him to his apartment, ‘tea?’ he asks.
‘Yes please’ I wander through to the bedroom and undress moving under the shower washing this dreadful day away, I shampoo my hair and soap all over surprised that Grant hasn’t joined me. I pull one of his t-shirts out and return to the living area brushing my wet hair out. He has removed his jacket and is on the breakfast bar with his laptop and a mug of tea in front of him.
‘Better?’ he queries.
‘Tons thank you for dinner’ I tip my hair upside down brushing out the tangles.
‘Come here’ he demands and I flick my hair back behind me and move towards him. He grasps the brush and turns me gently brushing my long locks down my back ‘you have lovely hair’
‘I was going to get it cut’ I inform him.
‘No don’t I love it’ he instructs.
‘Turn’ he calls and I turn back to face him ‘that’s better’ he grabs the t-shirt ends and pulls me in between his legs wrapping his arms around my middle, I rest my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck.
‘Hmmmm’ I moan contentedly ‘now that feels better’
He rubs up and down my back rhythmically ‘come on let’s get you to bed, bring your tea’ and he releases me ‘do you want a hair dryer?’
‘Have you got one?’ I narrow my eyes at him questioning why he would have a hairdryer and he grins. I shake my head and enquire ‘where is it stud?’
We walk into the bedroom and he opens one of the drawers to his chest retrieving the item before handing it to me, he pushes the door to the wardrobe and it opens into a dressing room which houses a whole wall of mirror.
‘How did I not see this before?’ I utter in surprise, I previously saw Grant remove items from the dresser but not the wardrobe. I enter into the area and plug in the dryer tipping my hair upside down sending blasts of hot air through my long tresses. When I return to the bedroom Grant is in the shower so I remove my clothes and climb into bed laying my head on the pillow, what a day!
The next thing I know it is pitch black and I am surrounded by Grant, he is spooning me his legs wrapped around me and one arm cupping my breast. I sigh, we fit so well together should I take a leap of faith in us? This thing with Amber am I over analyzing it? I could walk away and a couple of years’ time meet a guy who is divorced with children isn’t it the same thing? Why does it feel different when the woman is pregnant?
I glance at the clock which signals 5.02am I turn and Grant moves on to his back, he is so handsome and I am so in love with him. I move over and kiss him gently ‘yes’ I whisper into his mouth and he turns his eyes half open as I nibble his bottom lip sucking and licking as he groans awake. He pulls me over to lay on top of him his tongue thrusting into mine his hands over my backside moving down, his fingers skating over my sex. I groan and open my legs allowing him further access as he slips his fingers gently over my folds. My mouth is stuck to his licking and sucking as he groans pushing me into his erection, I lift up and very slowly slide down onto it and still. I am panting into his mouth but neither of us is moving, the fullness I feel is heaven my nipples tightening against his chest. My insides are clenching at his solidness and I can remain still no longer I circle him as he gasps against me his fingers move up and down my back side his finger dipping into my back passage and I groan wildly at the fullness. I move faster as my insides are building and he moans
loudly, ‘Abi’ he calls as I thrust down onto him over and over until my insides release and I am bucking around him my climax exploding. He grabs my hips and moves me until he thrusts once more and pumps into me until he is empty.
I am laying on his chest panting as he is gasping for breath, ‘well good morning Miss Stephens’ he pants.
‘Hi’ I smile against his chest.
‘Is there something you wish to tell me?’ his voice is still groggy from sleep.
‘You heard’ I whisper and he flips me over so that he is hovering over me.
‘Well maybe I want to hear again’ he teases.
‘One time offer Mr Fitzgerald take it or leave it’ I smile shyly up at him.
Chapter Fourteen
‘Do you have a proper office?’ I ask.
‘What do you mean a proper office? He frowns.
‘Well do you go to an office block and sit in a proper office or just in your apartment?’
‘No, I have a proper office’ he smiles.
‘Oh, why are you so secretive about your business?’ I gaze over at him questioningly.
‘Am I?’ he appears amused.
‘Yes very much so’
‘Because I prefer to keep my business and personal life very separate’ he admits.
‘Oh’ I can understand that isn’t that what I do?
‘But as my fiancé you can see both sides’ he grins again and I smile shyly.
‘You are adorable when you smile that way’ he chuckles.
We pull up outside my place of work, we had stopped off at my flat and I had changed rapidly before Grant’s driver drove us to work.
‘See you tonight?’ he enquires ‘tomorrow I am away for a couple of days in France’
‘Ok, I am not sure what time though’
‘Call or text me, have a lovely day’ he leans down and kisses me briefly ‘I love you’
‘Love you too’ I am walking on air as I glide into my office.
At 2pm Richard calls me into his office to discuss one of our clients he wishes me to ‘Shmooze’ as he calls it. The specified client is in Ireland and he requires me to join a member of the Digital team to fly over to Dublin and gather their requirements, they are a relatively new company that are looking into online brochures for their products and want to contract someone in rather than handle it in-house.
‘So, you and Jason will be flying out Thursday back on Friday. A little taster for you Abi no pressure just be there to collect all the information and charm them, something that you are amazing at’ he smiles ‘you may want to research the company a little beforehand. Book the flights and a hotel liaise with Jason to arrange the best times that fit the pair of you’
‘Ok thank you for your faith Richard’
‘I have tons of faith in you Abi’ he nods dismissing me.
I am excited, my first business trip! And quite a substantial pay increase too which I am excited about. I text Grant,
I can be available from 7?
Going on a little business trip myself Thurs!
Love you x
My phone beeps a few minutes later,
Well done I am a proud fiancé!
See you at 7 x
I smile to myself, things are slotting into place thankfully. I must catch up with Bella we have hardly spoken since meeting our men despite the fact that they are friends. Well one good thing, we can enjoy a girlie evening tomorrow as I guess Mike will attend the trip with Grant. I send a text to Bella,
You home tomorrow eve?
Fancy girlie eve? x
My phone pings a return message,
No soz, joining Mike on business trip ;-) x
What? I know I couldn’t go anyway but it may have been nice to be asked, I frown before tucking my phone back in my desk well that put a dampener on my mood!
Grant is outside with his driver when I appear at 7pm, he climbs out and grins towards me as I approach, ‘hey beautiful’ he drops a kiss down on my lips and I smile up at him.
‘Well hi you, you look happy with yourself’
‘And why the hell wouldn’t I be? The most beautiful girl in the world has agreed to marry me’
‘Has she indeed, well you had better give me her number I need to have words with her’ I feign anger and he chuckles opening the door for me to enter.
‘I thought we would grab your things tonight save stopping in the morning’ he utters ‘you fancy a drink or two?’
‘Sure’ I settle in the back ‘what shall we do about food, do you want me to rustle something up at mine on the way?’
‘Can do or we can get something’
‘Is Mike going with you tomorrow?’ I cannot prevent the question leaving my lips.
‘Yes’ he nods.
‘Was you aware Bella is joining him?’
‘Yes he asked permission’ he looks puzzled.
‘Did you not think to ask me? I am not mad just curious’ I assure him.
He looks blankly at me, ‘well no I didn’t’ he is regarding me strangely ‘you have work’
‘No I couldn’t have anyway, it just felt a bit strange that you never mentioned Bella was going’
He shrugs, ‘Abi when I am in work mode I think nothing about the outside world’
‘You aren’t embarrassed of me though?’
‘Of course not, I am the proudest man on the planet’ he pulls me into the crook of his arm dropping a kiss on my head. ‘I guess I am not used to thinking of anyone else’s feelings but my own’
When we reach my flat Bella is fussing around packing for her trip with Mike, I am glad that we had the conversation in the car but I still feel rejected by the fact that Bella has been invited and I haven’t. I notice Grant regarding me as I am slightly quieter than normal as Bella gushes about laying by a pool while Mike is at work blah, blah. I slip into my room and find something to wear for work tomorrow and throw in my makeup bag and toiletries. I am envious of Bella and her easy relationship with Mike, they have nothing to worry about but themselves.
I change into skinny jeans, red heels and my red off the shoulder top brushing my hair around one shoulder and make my way back out to the living room.
Grant looks up as I enter and I mutter ‘shall we get something to eat whilst we are out?’ and he nods smiling at me his eyes checking me out.
‘Have a good time’ I hug Bella and remind her ‘I won’t be back until Friday evening’
‘Oh ok, you have a good trip too!’
I turn to Grant and smile, ‘ready?’
‘See you tomorrow Grant’ Bella calls and he waves,
‘Sure see you Bella’ and we exit the flat.
Grant extracts my bag from my hand and places it in the boot joining me in the back of the car, ‘Abi I am sorry I fucked up again didn’t I?’ he turns to me.
‘No you never’ I reassure him linking my arm in his ‘I have my own trip’
‘You never told me where you are going?’
‘Only Dublin, no pool there you may get frostbite’ I smile at him.
We enter the club that Grant and I first met again some weeks ago and I arch an eyebrow, he grins as he takes my hand and leads me inside. As we move past the door off of the foyer I tease him by pulling his hand in that direction, his eyes sparkle with humor as we move into the first bar that houses sofa’s and low tables. The club is magnificent and the staff begin to jump to attention when they realize that Grant is on the premises.
‘Where do you want to sit?’
‘At the bar’ I suggest, ‘I always prefer sitting up high watching everyone’
We take a seat and Grant hands me a bar menu ‘if there isn’t anything there I am sure we can rustle something up’
‘Its fine I am not so ravenous today a tuna salad will be fine’ I hand him back the menu. He orders our food and a bottle of champagne.
‘Do we not have something to celebrate?’ his
green eyes assess me amused.
‘I thought we would keep that to ourselves for a bit’
‘Why?’ he frowns.
‘Because of the situation’
‘Oh no, the situation no longer features in any of our plans. Our life continues and where the dice fall…’ he shakes his head ‘it has caused us enough problems, it ends now’ his face is harsh and determined and I realize he has had as much of it as he can take as well as I have ‘so’ he changes the subject ‘tell me about your trip’
We discuss my trip as the champagne arrives Grant tilts his glass to mine and his eyes find mine, ‘for making me the happiest man on the planet’
‘To us’ I smile as he leans in and kisses me briefly, my stomach flutters and I take a deep breath. He smiles at me perfectly aware of how his touch affects me before sipping his wine.
‘So you are back on Friday evening?’ he confirms.
‘Yes, I think we land at 7.45pm’ I nod.
‘I am travelling with one of the Digital team, Jason’
He gazes at me for a moment before nodding, ‘how about I collect you from the airport?’
‘That would be lovely thank you’ although I am aware of his thought process.
Grant drops me off in the morning and kisses me thoroughly in the car, ‘So see you Friday, behave yourself’ he warns me gently.
‘You too remember no saving any damsels in distress!’
‘I am practically a married man! I wouldn’t dream of it and the weekend we will go ring shopping’ he informs me ‘the sooner all your admirers are aware you are off the market the better!’
My trip is an absolute success, the people are fantastically friendly even inviting the pair of us out Thursday evening down the local for a drink or seven! I was slightly tipsy but sure we had clinched the deal. We had a meeting Friday morning to run over all the requirements and were all hanging pretty badly so bonded over our alcohol intake, I wasn’t sure that it was very professional but it definitely did the job as they promised me that they would give us the account if I promised that I would fly over every now and then for a night out.
Jason bonded especially well with one of the girls over there who I am sure he had a game of tonsil tennis with at some point. One of the girls Cheryl and I had a got on great and we swapped mobile numbers as well as professional numbers and she promised to visit when she came over to London.