The delicately embossed wedding invitations were outlined with Japanese characters signifying peace, love and happiness. An intricate pearl foil border added to their elegance and further signified the importance of this event. The invitations expressed the love the couple had for each other and for God.
Desiring God’s perfect will for their lives and believing that includes each other, Ruth Diane Runsome and William Garner Phillips invite you to share in their joy, As they are united to each other in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, The twenty-ninth day of October at half after three o'clock, At Trinity Three Art Gallery, 377 Stance Avenue, Belleaf, Maryland. And afterwards at the reception in the Fantasy Room of Trinity Three Art Gallery.
“I’m so happy for, Momma, aren’t you?” Hope said to her big brother.
“Hope, I can’t think of anyone who deserves happiness more than Momma,” Prodigal said, smiling at his sister.
“Well, I can think of two other people myself.” Hope adjusted the newest addition to the Peters family higher up on her left hip.
“And who could those two people possibly be?”
“Why you of course, big brother. You and your wife. David and I were ecstatic to hear the news of your marriage. It feels good when you not only listen to God, but when you actually listen and then obey Him. Don’t you think so, Prodigal?”
“Sis, I couldn’t agree more.” Just as he ended his sentence, Kevin and Kaleb came dashing across the marble floor in their cream colored tuxedos.
“Whoa, stop clowning around you two. And anyway, where’s your mother? I bet she has no idea that you guys are running around the church like this,” Prodigal said to his sons.
The woman walked up, hearing Prodigal chastising the boys. “Sweetheart, you’re right,” she said. “I was just looking for them. Kevin and Kaleb, go back in the parlor and wait until it’s time for you to take your places. Your cousins are in there already. And I don’t want to catch you running through here again. Do you here me?” Her voice never moved above a gentle tone.
“Yes, ma’am,” they replied.
She then turned toward Hope. “Hope, this little girl is just as precious as she can be. How old did you say she is?”
“She’ll be ten months next Monday,” Hope replied.
“Oh, I just can’t wait until we have our little one. Can you, Prodigal?”
“No, I’m on pins and needles.”
“You’ll do fine,” Hope assured him. “If David and I can manage six, then you two can manage three. How much longer will it be anyway?”
“We have two more days before the papers are finalized. You should see her, Hope. She is such a precious little princess.”
“Oh, my, I think some little lady is going to be spoiled,” Hope smiled.
“Oh, I know she is,” Prodigal agreed. She’s going to be a daddy’s girl. God is just so good. He’s blessed us in so many ways. We have two handsome sons and now a precious baby girl. Did I tell you what we decided to name her?”
“No, you didn’t. And you didn’t tell me how old she is either. I guess y’all were just too excited about the news.”
“Yeah, you know we only received the final call two days ago. Her name is Elisabeth Faith Runsome. Our precious little china doll is just two weeks old,” Prodigal's voice bubbled over with fatherly pride as his hand comfortably nestled around his wife’s waist.
Teary couldn’t remember a time when she was any happier than at this moment. She was Mrs. Prodigal Runsome. And now she was finally free to be all that God would have her to be. The two of them walked hand in hand around the gallery, greeting old and new friends.
The organ music flowed. Teary sat next to Sara, Anthony, their son Andrew and the new addition to their family, two year old little Bethany Everyone rose to their feet as the radiant bride made her entrance. Prodigal stood handsomely and proudly at his mother’s side. Teary was mesmerized by the sight of her husband and unconditional love overflowed in her heart.
Ruth turned to face the man who had shown her how to love again. She could hardly hold back the tears forming in the corners of her eyes when she heard William’s baritone voice reciting his vows. When he finished, she felt the love she had for him swelling inside and she thanked God for giving her another chance. She began to recite her vows.
“I, Ruth Dianne Runsome, take you, William Garner Phillips, to be my husband, my partner in life and my true love. I shall cherish our friendship and will love you always, now and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I promise to love you completely. Through the best of times and the worst of times. Through the storms and through the sunshine, will I love you. I will always be there for you, my love. As I give you my hand to hold, I give you all of me, all of my love is yours for as long as we both shall live. So help me God.”
“Will the both of you now repeat after me,” David said. William looked at his lovely bride and she at him. They began to speak in unison. Tears now flowed freely from their eyes.
“Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you, For where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me.”
“May God bless this union, may his countenance of love shine upon you as long as you both shall live,” David said. “By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. William Garner Phillips. You may now salute your lovely bride,” David ended.
William leaned forward and passionately kissed Ruth. The guests clapped loudly as the newlyweds turned toward them, and William kissed his blushing bride again.
Prodigal lightly tapped the crystal flute filled with champagne.
“Everyone, please, may I have your attention?” he said. “I’d like to make a toast to the newlyweds.” The room became silent. The guests focused their attention on the handsome tuxedoed man standing at the front of the room. “To my mother, a woman of strength, a woman who showed her children the meaning of hope, faith, perseverance but most of all love. And to her husband, William Phillips, a man of good character, high morals, and truly a man of God. May the two of you always have the kind of love you have now - unconditional love that always gives. Unconditional love that loves just because. May you keep God first in all that you do. And may His blessings continually be showered upon you for all the days of your lives. I love you. We love you.”
The music began to play. William and Ruth were the first on the floor. A few minutes passed and then couples quickly filled the spacious dance floor.
Prodigal found his way to the arms of his loving wife, and his dearest friend. He reached out for her, and pulled her close to him. She felt his heart beat in tune with hers as they danced to an old but familiar song by the Beatles, “There are places I remember…”
The End – For Now
Author’s Note
Prodigal and Teary came to realize that life is a journey of which everyone must travel. Into each person’s life there will be times of sadness and gladness, sunshine and rain, tragedy and sorrow, ups and downs, troubles and triumphs. But the greatest gift that any person can be blessed to receive in life is, Love. Though Prodigal and Teary found themselves being tested and tried throughout their lives, they ultimately came out victorious because they were blessed to have a lasting friendship and an undying love for each other that overcame the adversities they faced.
No matter how much one acquires in life, it is all fruitless if you have no one to share it with, no one to love and who loves you in return, and no faith in the creator who makes it all possible. We are not of our own making. We are intricately designed by God to fulfill his purpose for our lives.
Each of us will travel the amazing journey of life with all of its adventures-some good and some not so good. Yet, life is for living and love
is for giving and Into Each Life some_will fall. You fill in the blank.
Shelia E. Lipsey is a multi award winning author, professional speaker, and literary expert. Lipsey is founder and executive director of the nonprofit, Living Your Dreams Now (, founder and director of Memphis African American Writers Group (MAAW), regular blogger for BCNN1 (, and contributing writer for EDC Creations Black Pearl Magazine ( She has released the following novels through her publisher, Urban Books: Into Each Life, Sinsatiable, My Son's Wife, My Son’s Ex Wife: The Aftermath, and Beautiful Ugly. She remains on several bestselling lists including Black Expressions top 25 and top 100 bestselling lists, Black Christian Fiction Independent bestsellers lists multiple times for each one of her titles, as well as Black Christian Fiction National bestsellers’ list for each of her titles. Lipsey’s novels can be purchased at bookstores nationwide and at online stores.
Lipsey was presented the 2010 Pink Diamond Award from the National Book club SistahFriend. My Son’s Ex Wife: The Aftermath was named one of the Best Books of 2010 by Sankofa Literary Society. My Son’s Wife won the SORMAG Readers’ Choice in several categories including Author of the Year and Book of the Year. She was also awarded 2009 Top Shelf Award from EDC Creations for Beautiful Ugly. Lipsey is one of eight contributing authors featured in Bended Knees Anthology, published by Hollygrove Publishing. Her title in the anthology is Against the Grain. Lipsey’s sixth and seventh titles, My Son’s Next Wife will be released June 1, 2011, followed by her seventh title True Beauty in December 2011. Always, Now and Forever is her first ebook, but was originally published and printed in 2000. You may contact Shelia at ,; Shelia E. Lipsey Readers on Facebook, and
A Personal Invitation from the Author
If you have never made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, God himself extends this invitation to you.
If you have not trusted him and believed him to be the giver of eternal life, you can do so right now. We do not know the second, the minute, the hour, the moment or day that God will come to claim us. Will you be ready?
The Word of God says,
“If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are SAVED.” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV)
To arrange speaking events, book signings, and or workshops please contact the author at§ You may also reach this author through
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