Akira - The Energy Vampire

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Akira - The Energy Vampire Page 9

by Ashton Lumley

asked, “When you go to CITYNAME HERE, will you tell me all the wonderful things that are there? How the people are, how the shops look, all the wonderful things that you see.” I smiled and replied, “Of course Isabella.. Maybe when I get money from fighting you can come with me. That way you can see It for yourself. I would pay for your own room, dinner, and whatever else you wanted. You could enjoy the city life and even watch me fight in the tournament.” Her eyes lit up with joy and she said, “Oh Akira that is so sweet of you! I would absolutely love that.” I nodded in agreement. The thought of having her with me to go to the city would be amazing.. Maybe she could fall in love with me, maybe we could eventually live there.. Oh my dreams are so unrealistic! I laid there for a couple minutes thinking about us in the city and how we could live with each other till we grew old. I need to train harder and be the best! I really have no idea what I’ll be up against once I start fighting, but I'm super excited to. The sun was going down underneath the trees and darkness was on its way. I sadly told Isabella, “I have to go eat with my family, my father is expecting me.” She nodded with a slightly disappointed look but then smiled and stood up saying, “Of course Akira! You have to get a good nights rest too because you will be training tomorrow. I wish you the best of luck!” I stood up and thanked her. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a soft hug. “Maybe I will see you here tomorrow again, I enjoyed watching the sky with you.” I laughed and said, “but there is so much better things then the sky! Maybe tomorrow I'll show you my special spot by the waterfall, it is quite wonderful.” She excitedly said, “A waterfall? I've never seen one! That sounds amazing, you better take me to it then!” I nodded, bidding her farewell and walked away happily. I got to the tent and ate dinner with my family. We discussed my day and a little about moms. After dinner my dad told me I should get some rest because we were starting early tomorrow. I laid onto my bed exhausted, and looked over to see my mom writing in her diary. I smiled thinking about what she could be saying about me in it. In a matter of seconds my vision grew black and I fell into a deep, joyful slumber.

  My dad woke me and handed me a banana. He said with a stern look on his face, “You have had a lot of rest, it's time for us to train again.” I got up excitedly and went to the training ground with him. We practiced yesterdays routines and I noticed that I was already lasting longer while running and that I was using the wooden post more fluently and accurately. At one point my father even shockingly said, “Akira your skills grew amazingly in just a matter of a day!” We continued to train and eventually we got to the swords. My father taught me how to grasp it and the most affective way to hold it, block with it, and to strike correctly at an enemy. We thus started sparring. At first I barely knew what I was doing. My father lunged to attack and I quickly jumped back, but he spun, hitting me in the shoulder. I yelped, “Owe!” He harshly said, “Get over it, man up! You cannot run back, stand your ground, defend, and swing.” He lashed out another attack and this time I stood my ground and blocked it. He happily said, “good job, now let us continue!” He showed me the different ways on how to maneuver my body with a sword, how to dodge, and counter attack. I was learning quickly, blocking his attacks accurately, but I never was able to hit him. We clashed blades for about an hour and I let out a large gasp of exhaustion. He was breathing heavily to. He said seriously, “I am getting to old for this stuff Akira, but you are learning at a rapid pace, better than I have ever thought possible. Soon you will be able to defeat me with a sword. I do not know what power it is that you have or are able to tap into, but I think it will do you great in the tournament.” I nodded happily at his comment and we sat taking a nice break. I asked my dad, “What is life like outside the village? What is it like in the city?” My father gazed at me with a spark in his eyes. “The city is wonderful and it is filled with many people. There are bad parts of the city where you don't want to go. Those parts are filled with robbers, thieves, and murderers but for the most part the city is well protected. There are guards who are stationed all around and the king is pretty fair to his people. There are many cities around the land like it, some are a lot worse than others but I personally prefer to live life in a small village. There is a lot less to deal with, you fend for yourself, don't have to worry about taxes, and life is more peaceful.” I nodded excitedly saying, “I can't wait to see it for myself. It sounds amazing!” He smiled and gave me a tap on the back. “We will be done for the day, you've had enough training.” He got up and left me. I sat there pondering about life in the city, wondering how great it would be to live there.

  I laid there for a while in a slightly meditative state dreaming about fighting and winning. Dreaming about how good life will be. I got interrupted by Isabella who asked, “What are you just laying there for?” I smiled and opened my eyes to her beauty. I replied, “Just was waiting for you. You ready to go on an adventure?” She nodded excitedly, so I got up saying, “Then let us head to the waterfall!” On our way there we talked and chatted about different things, she told me she barely talked to Troy which made me excited. I told her how I was getting better at fighting already, and how me and my father started sparring today. Right before we arrived at the waterfall I looked at her and said, “Are you ready to witness the place of my peace?” She seemed excited and happily replied, “Yes!” We walked a little further and she gasped in amazement as we came onto the ledge that overlooked the waterfall along with the entire lake it fell into. She exclaimed, “It's beautiful!” I nodded happily and said, “I sit here to find peace within. I watch the waterfall and my breath, connecting the two in a meditative state to calm me.” She confusingly asked, “Meditation? What is that?” I looked at her remembering most people don't do it and that it was some thing my mother taught me when I was young. “Well.. It is like a hypnotized state of mind. You put yourself into a trance with whatever you connect and focus onto. For instance, I started out by closing my eyes and meditating on only my breath. Every time I did that I felt empowered and connected to some thing deeper than myself. Over time I have grown to meditate on other things that I can correlate with my breath, like the waterfall. I find a deep sense of gratification through doing this. I know it sounds strange but if you ever decide to try it you will understand what I mean. “She nodded with a puzzled look on her face and said, “Well how about we try it now so I can see if it actually works?” I wasn't expecting her to say that.. Though maybe it will help her. I've never tried meditating with someone, but why not? I'll give it a shot.” We both took a seat. I said calmly, “First close your eyes and focus on your breath.. Take deep breaths in and allow your body to relax, let go of all your tension, all your worries, becoming one with the present of your breath.” She followed what I was saying and I could almost sense her becoming relaxed. “Now once you feel comfortable, open your eyes and watch the water fall..” She let her eyes slowly open. “Watch the waterfall and let it connect to how you are breathing. Be present with its flowing waters, watch how it mystically and magically tumbles down into the lake, and allow your mind to connect to it.. Now just absorb your entire being into it, and continue to deepen your awareness.” She did this and I gazed at her for a minute pondering how beautiful she looked. Then I put myself into this meditative state and allowed my energy to flow into the waterfall and back toward me.

  Watching the waterfall was calming. Everything seemed as it usually was, my breath, the waterfall, and my mind and body adjusted to its flowing power. But some thing else was there that I felt, a deeper presence of beauty and empowerment. It had to be Isabella's spirit. I allowed my mind to delve into this connection. I suddenly felt an amazing spark and a deep sense of lust. After passing through that I allowed my mind to delve into her soul. I saw images that she held in her subconscious and I also could feel her emotional reaction to these images. Images of her dad, who she cared for and loved. I saw how she worried about him and his battles when he went off to fight in arenas.. Images of Troy, who she kissed without feeling a real passion, an
d how it was just for her fathers approval. I saw her weaving clothes creatively, with the thought of being able to make money from it. I sent my mind deeper to see what she thought of me. I could sense that she saw me as a good looking guy and as a unique person who she wanted to know more. I saw that she did have an attraction to me, but suddenly some thing else bizarre happened and a new vision appeared in my mind.. I saw Isabella laying on the ground with blood gushing out of her neck. She was frightened for she was unable to move her body and knew death was on its way. Her eyes were locked onto some one that kneeled above her crying hysterically. I saw that the persons face was covered in blood. It was dripping from their mouth and I quickly saw who her killer was... it was me. My mind quickly flashed out of the meditative state it was in and I saw the world come rushing back before me. There I was, sitting with Isabella. She looked peaceful as she watched the waterfall. I felt dumbfounded,

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