Abraxis Complex 1: Origin of Prometheus

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Abraxis Complex 1: Origin of Prometheus Page 6

by Ben Winston

  “Is there such a person here?” Greg asked.

  “Amanda is allowed this information, as it is required knowledge for her duties. However, she would not be able to answer the General's question either,” Abraxis replied.

  “I understand, Abraxis. Delay installation of the reactors until after Mandi learns this information. Then perhaps we can decide what to do about it,” Greg said. “If operation of these reactors was so highly controlled, why did you suggest we install them here?”

  “If you plan on proceeding with your idea of a maintenance base. You will need the by-product. Also, they are almost completely undetectable when installed on the surface. Underground, they would be invisible,” Abraxis answered.

  They were interrupted by the outer door opening. Sharon stuck her head in, and it was plain there were tears in here eyes. “Jared, the Drellians haven't been idle. Allison Neison, Kari Walton, and fourteen others have been killed. Investigators all say that it looked like laser fire from the burn marks.”

  Mandi got pale. “Alli and Kari are dead?” Tears formed and began sliding down her cheeks. Jolene, who was the closest to her, tried to comfort her.

  “All of them say the same thing? Aren't there any witnesses?” Jared asked. “They had to be very public attacks.”

  Sharon nodded. “Most were. All the witnesses claim to have seen 'flying saucers' according to the police. When questioned they said that these ships fired multiple times and the house or apartment literally burst into flame. In all of the cases, the whole family was home, and all the bodies are accounted for.”

  Greg looked shocked but recovered quickly. “They're going after just the girls?”

  “That's what it looks like. What are you thinking?” Sharon asked wiping her eyes.

  “I'm not sure. But I think the attack might not have been to kill Mandi and I, I think they were after just Mandi!” Greg replied.

  Everyone was silent for a moment, each dealing with the information in their own way. The first to speak was Mandi.

  “Why on Earth would they be after me?”

  “Although a Ranger team can function without a fixer, they do so at a handicap. Fixer is also the most common manifestation of the Ranger gifts. There has to be another reason the Drellian team is targeting the Fixer,” Abraxis replied.

  Again everyone paused to ponder the question. However, Greg spoke this time, and he spoke as the team leader.

  “Okay, we're not going to figure this out today. However, these incidents, as heinous as they are, only underscore the need for us to get busy learning, and doing our jobs. Abraxis, beginning tonight, I want you to work on taking over the complexes' security systems. As soon as you got that, let us know so we can get down there and figure out where to put everything.”

  “There are six silo's included in the complex. Dispatch our gear but split it into however many packages you might need to get it in there. In the meantime, Ladies, we need to keep working out, and getting in shape.”

  Sharon looked at her husband. “Do you think Paul Richards would help?”

  “Who's Paul Richards? I'm getting a little uneasy about how many people that know of this secret already,” Greg asked.

  “Sifu Richards was the man that trained your mother and I in mixed martial arts. He loves the martial arts, and he really tries to impart that love to his students. I honestly believe that he would probably be the absolute best person to teach you hand to hand combat,” Jared said. “The only problem is, I think the Company keeps pretty close tabs on him.”

  “Abraxis, would he have to learn any additional forms to be effective as a teacher?” Greg asked.

  “Yes, there are several art forms that are not from here, however, a lot of the principals are the same. If he has an interest and the aptitude for this, then I'm very sure he would be able to assimilate this in a short period of time.”

  Greg looked thoughtful for a moment. “General, how are you planning on handling the report of the Mederos incident?”

  “I hadn't decided yet. I haven't actually read all of it myself. However, in light of what you've told me, I was considering talking it over with your father before I pass it on.”

  “If I may make a suggestion on that?” Greg asked. When Carl nodded, Greg continued. “Send the report in like you're supposed to, however, perhaps spin it a little bit to make it look like the reason Mandi and I were targeted was because of Mom and Dad. Once the Company contacts them for confirmation, they can ask for Sifu Richards to come train us in hand to hand in order to help protect us. Since they assume that both of you are combat oriented because of your pasts, they'll send Richards with orders to evaluate us as possible future operatives. Once he arrives, we can either take him into our confidence, or not. Either way, he'll still be able to teach us."

  Carl wrinkled his eye brows. “How will you be able to tell if he's duplicitous or not? For that matter, what makes you certain I'm not?”

  Greg looked at him and smiled. “I have the absolute belief of Jolly and Izzy as well as their parents that you can be trusted to not betray us, as long as you believe we are not a threat to the United States. That's all I needed. Since I've met and gotten to know you, I'm inclined to agree with them.

  “However, we also have him.” Greg pointed to his Dad. “I don't think it's occurred to you, or maybe it has, that your life is his. Everything depends on his report to his superiors. Even though you would be reporting on his children, who do you think they would believe?”

  Carl nodded agreement. “Absolutely right on all counts. No, I wouldn't betray you, even if Jared and Sharon are not the threats they are. I happen to agree with your reasoning for trying to stay covert. I've been in the military for thirty-two years. I can honestly say that what you think would happen to you, is pretty accurate. That was the main reason I falsified the data about Jolene and Isabella in the first place. No one deserves to go through that kind of death. At least now, I know I made the right decision.”

  “As for Mr. Richards being duplicitous, we'll just have to see once he gets here,” Greg replied.

  Carl looked thoughtful while Greg had been speaking. “You know, I have a thought that might make all of this easier for everyone. Ned's section isn't really working on much right at the minute, and he's been bugging me to give them lab room to test out some of their theories. If I can get my idea into the Pentagon before the sale is finalized, we might just be able to make the whole place look like another covert installation. On paper, we can re-purpose the silo's as large scale testing labs. You kids would have Ned's entire department on site, but you would also have a full detachment of Marines on the surface guarding you.”

  Greg shook his head. “Won't work. Too many people would see what's really going on, and the secret would be blown. You know damn well the curiosity of scientists and the dogged loyalty of Marines. All it would take is for one of them to see something unusual, and that would be it. Besides, doesn't Dr. Blane have to submit progress reports to justify his funding?”

  Carl nodded, and also agreed to what Greg said. “Yeah, I see your point.”

  Greg grinned at him. “However, both Drs. Blane and Grien are more than welcome to establish private labs there.”

  Carl grinned. “I can still justify placing a guard there then. Yes, Marines are doggedly loyal, and very unimaginative as a whole, but above all else, they follow orders. If they know there is a possibility that they might have the opportunity to see strange things, then they develop a selective blindness. Besides, I know just the man for the job.”

  Jared grinned. “Captain Lionel Washington, USMC?”

  “That's him!” Carl said. “He has a well established dislike for me, and no one would question this assignment. Hell, he would be grateful for it, since he wouldn't have to see me everyday. He was assigned to me as a punishment anyway.”

  “Hold it!” Greg said, as he was about to ask, Jolene answered his question.

  “Lionel is Carl's son. His mother didn't want to
be married to the Air Force. Carl loved her very much, but she refused his proposal flatly. She walked away from him and he never saw her again. However, he was contacted and told about the birth of his son. He hadn't even known she was pregnant.”

  “So, why does he hate you?” Greg asked Carl.

  The General shrugged. “I'm not really sure, and Lionel won't tell me. I think his mother might have a different memory of events than I do. However, I never missed a child support payment. I also made sure there was a college fund available to him, and an offer to sponsor him at Annapolis. Once he graduated from school, the balance of the college account became fully available to him.” He shook his head. “So, has anyone decided what to call your new base?”

  “No, we really haven't had...” Greg began. Mandi interrupted him.

  “Prometheus. The bringer of light and knowledge.”

  The room was silent while everyone thought about her name. 'It really is appropriate if you stop to think about it,' Greg thought to himself. He looked at Jolene and Izzy. “Ladies?”

  “I believe it would be appropriate on many levels. We do intend to release some of the advanced tech, but only in small non-harmful, yet beneficial, ways,” Izzy nodded. “A good name.”

  “I agree, and I know my father will go gaga over it. He has a thing for mythology, and Prometheus is one of his favorites,” Jolene added.

  'The Bunker'

  Blane Residence

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  “General Hollister, if I may ask, where are the cameras and alarms for Prometheus monitored from?” Abraxis asked. “And how does the information get there.”

  Carl looked surprised. “I'd have thought you'd already know?”

  “General,” Abraxis replied, trying not to sound condescending. “There are literally billions of computer and communications systems on this planet. I could eventually find what I need, but it would be more expedient to simply ask.”

  “I suppose it would. Safer too, since the system has triple redundancy. The primary is a fiber optic link up to the top of Gail's Mountain. From there it's sent via a dedicated microwave network to the main command bunker in Nebraska.

  “The second is a dedicated fiber optic relay system installed and maintained by the telephone company (at the time it was Western Bell). I guess now it's Qwest or who ever has bought them this month.” Carl seemed to have finished as he paused in thought.

  “What about the third?” Abraxis finally asked.

  “Huh?” Carl asked, breaking out of his thoughts. “Oh yeah, finally, there is a computer network cutout that will trigger alarms in all near-by installations. Once there has been a sale, a request is sent through channels to cut the decommissioned facility out of the networks. It usually takes three to six months for everything to be disconnected.

  “However, there is one point that all three systems have in common. If you could replace the control computer with one that would emulate the signals, and send false data, then the only alarm systems you'd have to worry about are the ones on the silo doors.”

  It was Abraxis turn to concentrate. It was a few moments later when he turned to Greg. “I have the control computer. The General is correct, there is only one connection to the silo doors in this system.”

  “So, if there are other sensors on the silo doors, how are they monitored, and by whom?” Mandi asked.

  “They aren't exactly sensors per say, but rather simple electric usage monitors that are remotely monitored. Its a one way link to a computer that's sole task it to monitor the power usages from the silo doors,” Carl replied.

  “I still have a few tasks remaining to remove the base from the systems securing it. Then I will trace the power lines back to the monitoring system, and remove that as well,” Abraxis said.

  “Thank you, Abraxis. Please let us know when you're finished. If you have them, could you give us a floor plan of the base?”

  'The Bunker'

  Blane Residence

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  Later, after everyone else left, and it was just the girls in the bunker, the room lights were dimmed and a three-dimensional map of the complex was hovering over the medallion.

  Jolene and Bella were intently studying the display, while Mandi was working on one of the terminals in the room. Greg had left to talk to his parents.

  “We're going to need at least six more fixers if we're going to make this work right,” Bella said.

  “I can see needing maybe one or two more than Mandi, but other than that, why don't we ask the other teams to simply bring their fixers with them. That way they can learn the improvements by assisting in the installations?” Jolly replied.

  “I was going to suggest that,” Mandi said from behind Bella, where she was sitting.

  Jolly smiled. “Well, you know what they say; great minds and all that.”

  Bella nodded agreement. “That's a good idea. When we build the three bays at each silo, we should also add multi-environment housing for the teams. That way, we can adjust them to make them as comfortable as we can for the visiting teams.”

  As she spoke, the repair bays, as well as the block stretching from the first bay, formed all the way down past the bottom of the silos.

  “Why so big Abraxis?” Bella asked.

  “You specified a facility capable of adjusting to the various environments of the visiting crews. This is the amount of room required for the equipment necessary to achieve that,” the old AI replied.

  Jolly asked, “My question is how are we going to do this? I mean we're talking some seriously major underground construction, here.”

  “Jolene, in your equipment pack, there are remotes capable of building a construction pod. With the assistance of the remotes, these facilities can be assembled given enough time. At this time, the remotes are scheduled to build such a pod anyway for the necessary alterations to the base. As for the removal of dirt and other minerals they will simply be broken down into their component molecules and reused to form the materials needed for the construction projects. What isn't used can be maintained in stasis for any number of uses.”

  “I guess that explains that,” Mandi replied. “Abraxis, when the labs for Dr. Grien and Dr. Blane are being built, could we include a small area for me? Granted I could simply use one of the empty hangar bays, but I was thinking about a small, quiet area, where I could go to think and experiment on a small scale.”

  “Your request is not uncommon, young Fixer. Many new and innovative ideas have origins in such places. However, may I suggest adding it as an annex to your apartments instead of to the scientific facility?” Abraxis asked.

  “That would certainly make more sense to me,” Jolene said. “In fact, I think all of us should have small offices or research areas to work from without disturbing our other mates.”

  Bella nodded. “I agree. I know I have a lot to learn about navigation and the like, but I've always had a strong curiosity about space. I'd love to have a place where I could do more research on it.”

  “Excuse me, but could someone please notify Fighter Greg that I now have complete control over Prometheus, and I need his permission to dispatch your equipment pack?” Abraxis asked.

  “Sure! I'll go get him for you,” Bella said, getting up from her chair. “I need to stretch my legs anyway.”

  “I'll go with you. We're out of juice and water in the fridge,” Jolene said. “Do you want anything from the house, Mandi?”

  “A caffeinated soda if you have it?” Mandi asked never looking away from the computer monitor.

  One of the printers in the room started up, and a page listing various computer components finished printing.

  “Please excuse my interruption, Rangers. Jolene could you see about getting this equipment?” Abraxis asked. “With it, we can build three secure computer systems that will interface w
ith the technology in your equipment pack as well as making it easier for me to impart your lessons. No software needs to be installed.”

  Jolene grabbed the list and looked it over. “I'll do what I can, Abraxis, but some of this stuff is a little expensive.”

  “I understand. However, If Dr. Grein uses his credit card to purchase the equipment, I'll be able to repay the account. If something needs to be ordered, please try to get it here as soon as possible,” Abraxis replied.

  Blane Residence

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  Greg gave the go-ahead for the dispatch of the equipment, and it was quietly lowered into one of the missile silos without incident. As promised, the Construction Pod was quickly assembled and put to work.

  Bella, Greg, and Jolene began an intense routine of exercise. Mandi joined them for most of it, although she didn't possess the physical gifts of her friends.

  On the day Greg arrived at StealthCon to pick up the access codes for the new base, he had a surprise waiting for him when he returned to Jolene's house; Gail Tannis’ plan had been put into effect.

  Several police cars were parked in front of the Blane house, and police were at the front door. Several more were walking around the back of the house, apparently looking for a way in. All of them had weapons drawn. Greg immediately called his dad.

  After explaining what he found when he got there, he told his dad he was going to get out of his car to see what was going on. Once again, he left the phone connected, but muted so the police wouldn't know Jared was listening in, and recording the whole thing.

  Greg got out of the car and began walking over to the police. As soon as they saw him approaching, They freaked out, and pointed their weapons at him.

  “Get on the ground! Get on the ground, now!” They yelled at him, Greg got to his knees and put his hands on the top of his head. Very quietly, Greg told his father what was happening. As six police very cautiously approach him, Greg asked. “Excuse me, Officers, but can I ask what's going on here?”

  The one in front of him, with his pistol pointed at Greg's head, yelled at him. “Shut the fuck up! Just don't say another fucking word, punk!”


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