Abraxis Complex 1: Origin of Prometheus

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Abraxis Complex 1: Origin of Prometheus Page 9

by Ben Winston

  Ned snorted in acknowledgment, but didn't say anything. He knew why it didn't stay in any computers. The girls and Abraxis had been working hard all morning to keep all trace of this out of the computers.

  Blane Residence

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  Inside the house, the intercom beeped, surprising everyone, since no one was in the bunker. Carla was the closest so she accepted the call. “Yes?”

  “My apologies for disturbing you,” Abraxis replied. “But I have instructed the construction drone to complete the medical facility as soon as possible. Once that is done, Fighter Greg must be brought to it as soon as is feasible.”

  “I remember seeing the area set aside for it, but I thought we would have to staff and supply it?” Bella asked.

  “That is incorrect, Bella. The Alliance medical technology is one of the areas in which research and development had far exceeded even that of the military. Unless an injury is immediately fatal, repairs can be made to restore the being or person being treated – within certain limitations,” Abraxis explained. “For example, until each of you are fully scanned and an adequate profile is stored in the medical AI's memory, brain injuries as well as injuries to the central nervous systems will not be able to be restored. Each being is unique in these areas, attempting to repair these types of injuries without the profile would be fatal to the patient.”

  “I'd be very interested in studying that if I could, Abraxis. I'm sure Liz would also,” Carla replied.

  “That can be allowed, provided Fighter Greg agrees. I would strongly urge caution before using any of that knowledge outside of the bunker though. Having such knowledge could easily jeopardize security,” Abraxis cautioned.

  Carla blinked a couple of times wondering what that meant. “Uh, okay, I'll talk it over with Greg when he's feeling better.”

  “Abraxis, if you want us to bring Greg down as soon as we can, may I ask how the over-all project is coming?” Jolene asked.

  “Of course, Jolene. The over-all facility is only at twenty-one percent completion. However, your quarters as well as the hangars for the hypersleds have been completed. Primary command and control is still under construction, but has basic functionality. Currently only one power unit has been installed and powered up, the secondary power unit is almost ninety percent complete, but won't be needed until the bunker is completed,” Abraxis reported. “Prometheus facility is currently mission capable, if only just barely.”

  “All that and it's at only twenty-one percent?” Bella asked.

  “Affirmative, Bella,” Abraxis confirmed. “The visiting crew quarters, which comprise almost thirty percent of the over-all facility alone, have not been started yet. Neither has the training, or research areas. Also there are the larger work areas for the Fixers, which will be needed to modify the hypersleds. Currently, there is only a basic base set up.”

  “When did you get our quarters finished, I thought they were still listed as ‘in-progress’?” Mandi asked.

  “Team quarters and the small offices and research areas for you have been completed. However, I should mention that none of the psychological amenities have as yet been installed,” Abraxis replied. Which is why the report still says 'in-progress’.”

  “What psychological amenities?” Carla asked.

  Jolene answered this time. “Before we finalized the design, we got to thinking that living underground might be a difficult adjustment for us to make, so we added a few things to help us make the adjustments. One of those things is a small park complete with a holographic sky that mimics the outside world. The park would have a few trees, and grass. Maybe some birds or some such. Also, in our quarters, there will be 'windows'. Basically, small holographic rooms that again mimic the surface or whatever environment we want.”

  “I can see how that would be a great help. However, with as much time as you guys spend in the bunker out back, I'd have thought you'd be used to it by now!” Carla replied grinning.

  “Well, we do spend a lot of time out there, but the difference here is that there will be time that we'll spend days down there. We just tried to think of everything we could in order to make it as comfortable as we could, Mom,” Jolene explained.

  “Excuse me, but there seems to be some activity in front of your home, Carla,” Abraxis said, interrupting.

  Everyone rushed to the windows in the front of the house. They were just in time to see Deputy Horne begin leading Ned around his car. Bella and Jolene made it almost to the door before Carla called out for them to wait, come back and watch.

  When they got back to the windows, the Marines had arrived and the Deputy was moving very slowly away from Ned.

  Amanda snorted. “Serves the asshole right! Just because he's a police officer doesn't give him the right to walk all over everyone!”

  “Well, it looks like the Marines have the matter well in hand. Can we go to the hospital now please?” Bella asked. The idea was enthusiastically endorsed by the other two girls.

  Carla held up her hands and took a step back. “Okay! Okay! Let's just wait for Ned to get back in here and we can go! Sheesh! You' act like the four of you are in love or something!” she teased, playfully.

  Kingdom Hospital

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  “How's he doing, Beth?” Sharon asked of her new friend as she arrived from the treatment room Greg was in.

  Beth smiled bravely. “He is one tough young man! He had four cracked ribs, a broken left arm which dislocated the shoulder, and a mild concussion. Of course he has enough bruises and cuts to make it look like he was hit by a bus, but all of that is cosmetic.

  “We've reset the shoulder and realigned the bone, and he's going to be in a cast for a few months until that arm heals. I won't lie to you, it was really tricky work, the sharp edge of the bone was pressed against the ephemeral artery. If he had taken even a moderate jarring to that side, even during transport, he would have bled out in a matter of moments.”

  “Any nerve damage?” Jarad asked.

  “Well, with trauma this severe, it's difficult to be completely sure, but I don't think there was any permanent damage. He managed to shield himself from most of the blows that could have blinded him...” Beth replied, but hesitated.

  “What is it, Beth?” Sharon asked nervously.

  “He sustained several blows to the kidneys resulting in severe trauma. Currently, both kidneys are very swollen and bruised. The one on the right has all but stopped working and the left is operating at just enough capacity that we won't need to put him on dialysis. We'll have to wait and see how they heal, but he could lose one, or at the worst, both kidneys,” Beth explained. “I'm very sorry, but we are doing everything we know how to do to make sure that doesn't happen. At this point, it's all up to Greg.”

  By this point, Jared was holding a crying Sharon. That's how the rest of the group found them when they arrived moments later.

  As soon as they saw Jared and Sharon, the girls ran up to them demanding to know what was wrong.

  Just as Jared was about to explain, his cell phone rang. Looking at who was calling he immediately excused himself. Sharon was still too upset to talk, so Beth once again outlined Greg's injuries.

  “Liz, Abraxis wants us to get Greg down to the Base as soon as he can travel. He says that he has technology that can heal him,” Carla told her boss.

  “He can replace damaged kidneys? I don't see how he could, but that doesn't actually matter at the moment, because Greg can't be moved for at least two days.” Beth replied.

  “Can we see him?” Bella and Mandi asked at the same time.

  “He's still out from the anesthetic we had to give him. I'll be sure to have someone let you know as soon as he wakes up, which should be in about forty-five minutes or so, okay?” Beth replied.

  About that time, General Hollister arrived
with several armed and armored Marines. “Doctor, could you tell us which room young Mr. Adams is in?”

  “319, but what's going on, Sir? He can't be moved!” Beth replied putting her hand up to stop the two medics that had started pushing a gurney down the hall.

  “Damn! I was afraid of that.” Carl sighed in frustration. “Doctor, his life is in serious danger. Until we can relocate him to a more secure facility, he is to have a guard at all times, and no one. I mean no one, goes into that room unless you know them personally, and they are escorted by a guard.” He turned to the three young women.

  “As of this moment, you are to be under guard as well. We have reason to believe that the four of you may be in serious danger. It's really too bad your complex isn't finished yet. That would be the best place to keep you safe,” he finished.

  “What's happened?” Bella asked.

  “The Drellians, I would imagine. DEFnet was invaded by a powerful computer system this morning,” Jared said, returning to the group. “They were looking for any references to four young people, one of which was Amanda.”

  “Oh shit! What did you tell them?” Carl asked.

  “Basically, I told them what was going on out here, and how my son was attacked by the local police. I also told them about arresting Tannis, and all the rest of the twisted shit going on in this backwater berg.

  “They bought it hook, line and sinker, and have given me sanction authority on my own discretion. This whole mess is now in the hands of DOD pending review by the SecDef and possibly the President. This place is going to be crawling with 'special investigators' before night fall.

  “Again, I have leave to do what I need to do to protect my kids, and my family. However, they will want to question the girls. Simply because it is believed that they have the knowledge required to invade DEFnet without getting caught.”

  “Jesus! That's all we need right now. Won't this kind of attention attract the Drellian's?” Carl asked.

  “It won't matter if it does. We're being erased as we speak. DEFnet is off-line for 'maintenance' while the bright boys try to figure out how it was invaded. During this time, we will be removed from it, and any other computer systems that have our real ID's in them. That includes the StealthCon mainframe.

  “Greg will die from his injuries, and the rest of us will follow suit in a car accident later today,” Jared explained.

  “So what does that mean, exactly? Do you have to leave the area now?” Jolene asked, concerned.

  “No, officially, we were in Colorado Springs, and that’s where we'll die. The computers will list dental as well as DNA evidence as identification in our deaths. We'll be getting new identities when the agents arrive this evening,” Jared replied.

  “They are aware of the some of the situation with our children, and know that they have been supporting the efforts of StealthCon basically free of charge.” Jared said, addressing the rest of the parents. “I was asked if there was anything I needed to help insure their safety. I asked for Paul Richards to be sent out here for training. They agreed, and asked if I could 'convince' General Hollister to arrange for them all to be taught to use weapons.”

  Carl nodded. “Of course. But hand to hand and firearms aren't all they're going to need is it?”

  Jared grinned. “Nope, that's why Sybil Konrad is also coming.”

  “Who's Sybil Konrad, and why are you smiling?” Amanda asked.

  “Sybil Konrad is a master at escape and evasion. I'm grinning, because of the ulterior motive the Agency is adopting here. All four of you, Greg’s included too once he's healed up enough, will be fully trained as field agents. Basically, you will have all the skills your mother and I have, just no experience. I think they are maneuvering us into making sure you all become agents,” Jared said, chuckling.

  “Won't they get pissed when we don't jump on board?” Bella asked.

  “Sure, but what are they going to do about it? They won’t be able to justify a sanction on you, and even if they did, do you really think they want six very pissed-off rogue agents on their hands?” Jared replied.

  Carl sighed, and looked at Jared. “Okay, so how do you want to handle this?”

  “The girls, Sharon and Abraxis and the equipment from the bunker need to go to Prometheus now. We'll get the rest of the kids' stuff moved later, but for now, send a guard with them so they can grab a change or two of clothes, and then get them down there. I'll stay out here to handle the agents, and watch over Greg until he's ready to move.

  “Since this is now a national security issue, I can authorize you to round up as many members of the Tannis family as possible, and anyone else that might be involved in this mess. We need to give these guys something to focus their attention on,” Jared paused as if thinking.

  Carl nodded. “I'll get the boys and girls on that. I'll also get the guard up to Prometheus and have them expecting the kids.” He turned to the intently listening women. “Girls, each of you write up a list personal items you might need. I'll have a couple female Marines hit the store for you, so don't worry about how embarrassing something might be, if you think you'll need it, write it down.”

  “That's all well and good, but we're not going anywhere until we can see Greg,” Amanda said firmly. “Beth said that should only be another hour, so don't freak out. We can get your lists written while we wait. We also need to let Abraxis know what's going on so he can make whatever preparations he needs to make.”

  The other two girls nodded in total agreement with her.

  “You can talk to Abraxis once we get to Jolene's ...” Jared began, but Mandi interrupted him.

  “I can get him a message from here. We worked out a secure email protocol we can safely use. He is still working on communicators for us, but he says he's almost gotten them finished, but we'll need to go to his medical section to get them implanted.

  “Speaking of which, he said we need to get Greg down to his medical unit as soon as we can get him out of here. He’s certain he can fix him up in no time,” Mandi finished.

  “Which I'll believe when I see it,” Beth said. “Still, I'll be willing to try, but we better think of something to explain him healing so quickly, if Abraxis can do what he says he can do.”

  “So far, Abraxis has been on the mark with everything he's said. I doubt he would have said this if he wasn't certain he could do it,” Jolene countered.

  “Can we use the misdiagnosis explanation?” Carl suggested.

  Beth shook her head. “No, too many of us agreed on what's wrong with him. I made sure he got the best this place could get, and I must say, that's pretty damn good.”

  “Experimental wonder drug?” Carla asked.

  Jared shot this one down. “No, we'd be all over that in a heart beat. Too many pharmaceutical corporations in the political bread basket. We may just have to fake a fast recovery for him. You have commented many times on how tough he is. That could work to our advantage here.”

  “No,” Mandi said. “I hate to suggest it, because I think he’s pretty cute the way he is, but Abraxis will have to change his appearance.”

  The conversation lapsed because a nurse was approaching Beth. “Excuse me Doctor, but the Adams boy is regaining consciousness. You asked to be informed.”

  Beth nodded to her. “That was fast. Thank you, Nurse, good work.”

  The nurse smiled gratefully at her and the family and left. Beth looked at the excited girls. “Wait a minute ladies. I need to see him first, and it'll still be a few minutes before you can see him. Also, I have to warn you; as handsome as Greg is, he isn't very cute at the moment. In fact, he's almost not recognizable.”

  Jared's ears perked up. “Really? That gives me an idea. Beth, who was the senior staff doctor that treated him?”

  “Doctor Carmichael, he's the Chief of Staff here,” Beth replied.

  “Thanks Beth. Make sure you are my son's registered doctor on all the paperwork. Carl and I are going to speak to Dr. Carmichael about killing my son,” J
ared replied, grinning.

  'Prometheus' Base

  Shermandale, Utah

  North American Continent

  Earth, Sol System

  General Hollister's people either went far above what was asked of them, or someone had a change of plan after the girls left the hospital. While two of Carl's Marines went to the local Walmart dressed in 'street clothes', four more female soldiers took the girls to the Marine barracks near StealthCon.

  There they were given black jump suits, boots and new under garments to put on. Once that was done, rank insignia was placed on the girls' collars. Bella and Jolene were given the insignia for a major, and Amanda was given captain.

  They all had a good chuckle at it because of the girl's obvious ages, however, they soon found out that the four real Marines took it very seriously. One of the women, a Lieutenant, sat them all down.

  “Look ladies. I know you're really civilians, but I also know you're not normal civilians. General Hollister himself ordered this for you, and we are to act accordingly. You'll notice that nowhere on these uniforms does it say what branch of the military you are? It's that way for a reason. If anyone asks, ignore them.” She handed Amanda a black ball cap with her rank on it, and two rolled up berets for Bella and Jolly.

  “Why are we dressed like this? We thought the plan was to go get a couple changes of clothes at our house, then head for our facility?” Bella asked.

  The Lieutenant shrugged. “I don't know what changed, I just follow orders. So for now, you are three ‘specialists’ we're escorting, and that is the story we are to stick to if anything happens. Try not to talk to anyone if we get stopped; it'll help them to jump to the wrong conclusion.”

  The girls nodded their understanding, and followed their escorts back out to the two humvees that were waiting outside. While they'd been inside getting dressed, a military five-ton truck had joined the humvees, and the girls saw it when they got back outside. Beside the first Hummer, there was an African-American Marine Captain leaning against the fender.

  When he saw the girls approach, he immediately came to attention and saluted. Bella and Jolene returned the salute before getting into the humvee. As the Lieutenant was about to get into the Humvee herself, the Captain asked. “Everything good, Ell-Tee?”


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