A Love For Lera (Haikon)

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A Love For Lera (Haikon) Page 7

by Burke, Aliyah

  Kori watched as Lera shifted slightly but she never looked away from Kim. He knew she was aware of them and would fight if the need arose. Which for her, it wouldn’t. A group of four humans was not anything Kori would consider a threat to his ability.

  “Why don’t you leave the cripple and hook up with a real man?”

  “Why don’t you sit down and learn some fucking manners?” Lera bit off, lifting her head finally.

  Kori could hear her accent with her sharp words. The leader sneered at her and grabbed his crotch before reaching for the pole near her and sliding around it.

  “See, you should be a bit nicer. I mean, I’m the one who decides what condition you get off the bus in. Or if.”

  Kori had had enough. He pushed to his feet and stepped up behind her. The yellow bandana wearing male looked at him.

  “Back off,” Kori said in a near growl.

  “Fuck off, man. I saw this piece of ass first. This ain’t got nothin’ to do with you.”

  The snarl couldn’t be stopped, and Kori snatched out with one hand and lifted the guy straight up so only his toes remained on the floor. And that just barely. Kori was inches taller than him but now they were eye to eye.

  “That piece of ass, as you put it…she is mine,” he growled, seeing red. The man’s face paled. Kori squeezed harder. “I suggest you and your boys stay away from both of them. She walks by, and you look the other way.”

  “Right,” he gasped.

  The urge to end his life was strong. Kori tightened his hold even more.

  “Enough.” Lera’s voice calmed him enough so he could release him.

  The man scrambled back through his crew and rasped, “She ain’t worth it.”

  Kori held his gaze until he looked away. Then, he glanced down at Lera who watched him with uncertainty.

  ‘How much farther until his home?’ he asked with his mind for he needed the contact with her but knew if he physically touched her he’d most likely lose the thin control. If he gave in and touched her, he’d mark her; the urge was so strong and powerful within him.

  ‘Fifteen minutes or so.’ She faced away from him.

  It didn’t matter suddenly. All he knew was her touch was needed. A physical one. ‘Come to me, Lera.’

  He watched her stiffen before muttering to Kim. Then, she stood and walked to stand before him. Kori ran the backs of his fingers down her face and struggled not to kiss her.

  ‘I need to sit with Kim, Kori.’

  Dropping his hand, he stepped back and returned to his seat. He went with as she and Kim headed to his apartment building but he remained outside while she went in.

  Chapter Five

  Lera walked slowly out of Kim’s apartment, trepidation filling her. Murdock Denton was one thing, and she could go toe to toe with him any time, but that wasn’t who she had waiting for her. She had to face Kori. And she knew he wasn’t happy. Lera paused at the entryway door to the building. Her hand rested on the knob.

  Buck up, Valera, she admonished herself. Kori may very well be pissed but he’ll never lay a hand on me in anger. So why was she hesitating? Why am I?

  She stared at the hand on the doorknob; the dim lighting glinted off her slave bracelet. She’d had it specially made. Almost all the knots were Kells except for the one surrounding the single wolf engraved on each bracelet and the ring. Those were surrounded by a trinity knot.

  Licking her lips, she turned the handle and pushed through. Kori leaned against a cement wall, appearing deceptively relaxed and at ease. The night air sizzled with his barely restrained energy. His gaze zoomed in on her as she headed over the walkway toward him, even though the only thing on him moving was his hair, courtesy of the wind.

  Lera paused before him, keeping some space between them, and stared in his eyes. Her belly clenched at the mass of turbulent emotions in them. She could see more than a hint of his wolf and knew he was seriously close to losing control.

  “You know there’s a park that leads into the countryside two blocks away if you need to run.”

  “And while I did that, where would you be?” His question was more growled than anything.

  “Waiting in the park.”

  He pushed off the wall with a ripple of power and was before her in less time than it took her to blink. “And I would believe that why?”

  It took a lot for her keep the snarl contained behind clenched teeth. With an unconcerned shrug, Lera turned away. One step. That was as far as she got. His hand curled around her covered arm like a steel vise.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Back to the party and eventually then to bed.”

  “No party.” There was nothing but finality in his tone as it cracked through the air like a whip.

  She did snarl then. Jerking her head to glare at him, she found Kori right up in her personal space. He stared at her, his gaze hard and uncompromising.

  “Don’t try to stop me from getting to Rissa, Kori.” Her fingers flexed, and she felt her weapon in the palm of her hand.

  He pulled her in closer and had them chest to chest. “Do not push me, Valera. We deal with this now.”

  Lera didn’t back down from his angry gaze. “No.”

  Her heart began to pound harder. In the back of her mind, she knew she really didn’t stand a chance against him. Kori could keep her from going but she wouldn’t give up without one hell of a fight.


  Lera secured her weapon and brought her hand up to poke him in the chest. “No, Kori. I know you can force me to go with you, but I swear I will make you bleed.” She licked her lips. “And I will hate and loathe you for the rest of my life.”

  He dropped his hand like he’d been burned and raked it through his hair. When he looked at her again, she found herself faced with the blank, emotionless face she was used to on Kori. For a brief second, she wished he would show more feeling. Then, she shoved it away. There was no time to dwell on her own wishes. Rissa needed her.

  Swallowing, Lera turned and walked toward the bus stop. Kori’s intense presence was behind her but he never touched her nor spoke. She hesitated when a taxi pulled up but Kori held the door, and soon, they were on their way back to the party. At the hotel, Kori paid and held the door for her again.

  She walked to the elevator to take her the second floor where the party was. Her sole focus on getting to Rissa. Back in the ballroom, it didn’t take long for her to find Murdock. Or he found her.

  “Lera darling,” he said, reaching for her hand. “Where were you?”

  Forcing a smile, Lera squeezed his hand. In her mind, she heard a low, deadly growl. Dampening her lips, she said, “I saw Kim home.”

  “Him. I’m glad he’s gone. Come with me, Lera.” He stepped close. “We can skip the party and go to my room and catch up.”

  The growl in her head grew louder. Lera smiled gently. “As much as I’d love to, I’m still exhausted from my drive. I just got here today. We’ll meet tomorrow.”

  “I don’t like to wait, Lera.” Warning laced Murdock’s tone.

  One final squeeze, and she dropped his hand. “And I want to see for myself Rissa’s okay.” Her tone was cold, and she knew he knew it was nothing but business now.

  “And when she is?”

  Lera glanced across the room to where Kori stood against the wall and back to Murdock. “I have a friend who will take her away, and I remain with you.”

  The slimy smile he had filled her with loathing. “I will see you tomorrow then.”

  “Yes, you will,” Lera responded.

  With a calm she far from felt, Lera headed back to the staircase and the door. At the top, she looked back and saw Murdock with his hands all over another woman, but his eyes were on her. She looked away and walked out. Lera wanted a shower to get the feel of Murdock off her skin. At the elevator, she was in with four others, and at the last minute, Kori walked on.

  Immediately, her pulse raced. She could hear the other women’s intakes of breat
h. Staring from lowered lashes, Lera took in the man that was Cormac MacLochlainne. Dressed in all black as was his forte. This time it was jeans, which emphasized his strong legs, and a thin shirt, which attracted attention to his muscular upper body. Draped over one arm was his black leather trench coat. Kori’s hair, sexy and rakish, made her want to touch it.

  Please. I want to touch his whole body.

  Although he never directly held her gaze, Lera knew he watched her. At her floor, she expected him to exit first. He didn’t. Kori held his hand out to her and said, “Come, mo ghrá.” An action which claimed her all over again to those in the elevator with them.

  Amid envious sighs, Lera put her hand in his and walked out with him. She struggled to ignore the pulses which coursed through her. It didn’t work. When he followed her into the room, Lera didn’t bat an eye. Even so, the click of the door sounded so final. Free from his grip, Lera made her way to the king-size bed and sat on it, beginning to unlace her shoes.

  “Start talking,” Kori commanded.

  “I don’t know why you’re so upset, Kori,” Lera said, stopping in her task and looking up.

  Flames flickered in the depths of his gray eyes. “Really? Can’t think of one damn reason why I would be pissed?”

  “Don’t cuss at me.” She turned her attention back to her shoes.

  “You are seriously pushing me, Valera Grace.” His words were hard and forced out.

  Shoes off, Lera stood. “Then, leave, Kori. I already told you I would do whatever I had to in order to get Rissa back.”

  “Explain yourself, Lera. All of it.”

  Staring at him, Lera couldn’t understand why he was so angry. Some she could explain, but the amount of rage he had, she couldn’t. But she did understand he was at the end of his rope of patience.

  She nodded. “Fair enough.” Guess the shower will have to wait. Lera moved past him to the sitting area of her suite. Sitting on a loveseat, she tucked her legs under her. Kori stood behind a tall wingback; his strong hands gripped the sides.

  “I’m sorry for slipping out like that. It was poorly done. Especially since you did say you would help me.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “You agreed to help me in Washington, not anywhere else. And when Murdock’s name came up, I knew I was done in Winthrop for a while. And technically, I only agreed not to go back to the bar without you. I didn’t say anything about going elsewhere.”

  “And you didn’t think I’d help?” He took a deep breath while the fire in his eyes flashed hotter.

  “I don’t know, Kori. I do know I wouldn’t presume to assume you would.”

  His lip turned up in a feral snarl. “Fine. Let’s clear the air on that. You need anything, anything at all, you come to me, Lera.”

  Shaking her head in bewilderment, Lera plucked at the pale platinum jacquard pattern covering the loveseat. “I don’t need a keeper, Kori.” She looked up at him. “And I don’t need you making such offers, but thank you.”

  Kori’s eyes narrowed, and he muttered in a language she didn’t understand. “Murdock Denton?” he asked, once again speaking English. “I think there’s a bit more there than you’ve merely heard of him.”

  “Murdock Denton is a man I met in college. I spent my spring breaks out here.”

  “And?” Kori paused before his jaw clenched. “Is he one you tried with?”

  The anger and possessiveness in his tone threw her. “As if I’m going to tell you. Why are you so interested in my biz?” His eyes shifted to wolf and back. Lera pushed up from the seat and walked to where he stood behind the chair. Kneeling on the cushion, she stared at him. “What’s wrong, Kori? I’ve never seen you like this before. Do you need to run? I can give you a shortcut to the edge of town.”

  “I don’t like you putting yourself in danger.”

  That’s not what’s riding you so hard, Kori. It may be part of it, but definitely not all.

  “Well, then I suggest you go get it out of your system because I know you’re not going to like what happens next.”

  Kori snapped his gaze to her. “And that would be?”

  Lera gave in to the urge to touch him. She reached up with one hand and moved a thick lock of hair away from his face. It was so soft and made her tingle. Kori held still and stared at her, unblinking, but the fire in his eyes raged even hotter. With a sigh, she dropped her hand.

  “Tomorrow, I meet Murdock. He brings Rissa, and I bring you.”

  “I have a feeling we’ve yet to reach the part I really don’t like.”

  Lera got off the chair and walked toward the bedroom. “I want you to make sure Rissa is put somewhere safe.”

  “Lera.” The word was so much more than her name. Within it laid the command to stop, face him, and explain.

  Pausing at the doorway to her bedroom, she glanced back at him. “What? It’s the only way I can save her. I know you’ll keep her safe, Kori, and be able to fight off whatever or whoever else he sends to try and get her back. Because he will try to get her back.”

  “And you?”

  Her fingers tightened on the frame for a fraction of a second, but she knew he saw it. “Why, I’ll be with Murdock…waiting on you to come save me.”

  Lera faced forward and headed for the shower.

  Kori felt lightheaded. He had no clue on the best way to proceed. With a groan, he sat on the chair once he heard the water start in the shower. All his years and he felt like a wolf cub bumbling about at his first hunt. Does she really think I am going to let her go with a man who is rumored to do such things? He closed his eyes and dropped his head in the palms of his hands. I should have stopped her from doing this at the very beginning.

  Why hadn’t he? Easy answer. Valera Grace Sidorov. If he forced her to stay out of this, she would feel worse about herself than she did now. And he fully believed she would hate him. That was something he couldn’t bear.

  Lera wasn’t helpless and could defend herself. Doesn’t make me want to stop protecting her, though. She’s my mate, and I will always protect her.

  Kori figured once Rissa was safe, Lera would be a bit more cooperative. All her reckless behavior was to save her friend. He understood what he should do. It was right before him. He should send her home to Dane where she would be safe, then he could get Rissa out for her. Just as surely as he was sitting there, Kori knew that was what he should do.

  He squeezed his eyes tighter as the image of Dane watching over his eldest child flashed in his mind. There was so much love and protectiveness in those tawny-green-gold eyes.

  “He is going to feed me my liver,” Kori said on a groan.

  “Who’s feeding you your liver?”

  Lifting his head, Kori promptly lost his breath at the sight before him. Lera stood there scrubbed clean, her thick hair free around her shoulders. She wore pale blue lounge pants and a white camisole. Swallowing back his lust, he shifted on the chair. Oh hell, I’m in trouble.

  “Kori? Who’s threatening your liver?”

  Was it his imagination or was there a bit of protectiveness in her tone? “Your father.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  Kori sighed and pushed to his feet, dwarfing her. To his pleasure, she didn’t move back. In fact, she never looked away from him. Giving into the urge riding him, Kori ran his fingers down a section of her hair.

  “Because I’m agreeing to this asinine plan of yours instead of sending you home like I should.”

  “Thank you, Kori,” she said solemnly.

  “One thing, Valera,” he uttered, his hand still in her hair.


  “No more disappearing like that or I send you home.” He paused and made sure she was watching him. “And we remain in mental contact at all times.” Her thin brows furrowed a little, and he shook his head. “This is nondebateable, mo ghrá.” His body was aflame for her, and it was like she had no clue in the slightest what she did to him.

  Lera licked her lips and nodded. “Fi
ne,” she whispered.

  There was a slight hesitation before she reached for his face. He could feel every cell in his body gravitating toward her. Somehow, he remained still and let the decision be entirely up to her, despite how desperate he was to feel her touch on him. Their gazes locked onto one another as she combed her hand into his hair and ran her thumb along his cheek. There was such innocence in her touch. His wolf howled and strained to get closer.

  As quickly as her touch had been, it was gone. She held her hands in front of her but didn’t pull away from where his fingers still remained in her hair.

  “Will you tell me why you’re so stressed?” she questioned quietly.

  “I don’t like this.”

  Lera shook her head. “No, Kori. It’s different. I know I’m not a shifter, but I grew up with them. Something is riding you. I am a good listener, Kori. And while I don’t have many friends, I’d like to think we were.”

  We’re so much more than that, Lera. But I don’t think you’re quite ready to hear what is truly riding me so hard. I don’t think you want to know how much I long to strip you of your clothes and devour you. Fill you full and make you scream out my name in pleasure until you collapse from exhaustion. Are you ready to know you are my mate? His cock stiffened, and he shifted slightly.

  Twirling her hair around his finger again, Kori allowed himself to be swept away by her deep, pooling gaze. No, I can’t tell her right now. “Maybe I do need to take you up on directions to go run.”

  Her expression fell. “Okay.” Lera stepped back, and his heart wrenched when her hair slid through his hand, leaving it bereft. “Out the hotel and go right three blocks. Take a left and follow that; it will lead you straight to the park which opens out into the countryside.”

  Kori swore to himself. He circled her wrist before she could go very far. “Lera,” he said. Behind her big, beautiful eyes he could see tears lurking.

  “I’m going to bed, Kori. Goodnight.” She pulled free and slipped back into the bedroom.

  He snarled low. All she wanted to do was help me, and I basically told her to fuck off. Kori angrily shoved a hand through his hair and made sure the door was secure. His wolf raged within him, and he struggled to keep him contained. Realizing he wasn’t going to run, he filed the information on where to go for later. Silently, he turned off the lights and moved to the bedroom. It was dark, and he slipped to the bathroom where he soon stood under the multiple spray panels.


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