A Love For Lera (Haikon)

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A Love For Lera (Haikon) Page 15

by Burke, Aliyah

  Her pupils dilated. Kori kissed his way down her sternum and to the waistband of her leather pants. He undid the zipper on one hip and removed her boots then pants. Then, her shirt, leaving her clad only in a bra and underwear. He stared at her, memorizing every dip and swell that made up her body. Magnificent. Every inch of her perfect to him. Fit and muscular. Yet at the same time most definitely feminine. With two fingers, he traced the faded scars on her belly. Her lithe body trembled beneath his touch.

  Dipping his head, he kissed the smooth skin right above her valley of her breasts. She writhed. With patience he really didn’t have, Kori removed her final two articles of clothing. Her breasts with their dark chocolate kissed nipples made his mouth water. His cock pressed even harder against his pants. He sucked a pebbled tip in his mouth, her gasp heating his blood even more. The point in his lips, he licked, laved, and rolled it. Her body squirmed beneath him, her soft cries filing the air. With difficulty, he progressed to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

  Kori moved down her form and settled on his knees upon the hotel’s tan carpet. His gaze fixated on her pussy; the protective black curls held proof of her desire. Spreading her thighs, he refused to let her clamp them back closed. He slipped one finger between the lips and into her hot wetness.


  “Kori!” she cried, arching up as her slit gripped his finger like a vice and coated it with her cream.

  “Fuck, Lera,” he groaned, praying to remain in control. “So tight. You’re so damn tight.”

  His cock threatened to burst from his pants. Kori added another digit to her heat. Then, he sucked her clit into his mouth. Lera screamed and bucked hard, driving his fingers deeper and holding them there. He knew he wouldn’t last long.

  Her moans grew as did her motions. He swapped fingers and tongue. His shaft grew painfully hard when her cream soaked his thrusting tongue. She tasted like honeyed spice. Her cries ricocheted through him. It was almost too much.

  Unable to wait any longer, he made his own clothing disappear, rose above her naked and with one thrust sank his entire length into her velvet heat. Fingers which had been digging into his scalp gripped his forearms with incredible strength.

  “Kori,” she gasped, arching into him.

  He was at a loss for words. Every ounce of control focused on not losing it and exploding within her right then and there. Her slit held him tightly.


  Pulling back until the head of his cock remained in her, Kori held her gaze and drove back into her. Her lids fluttered, and a guttural moan slipped past her lips.

  “More,” she said.

  He couldn’t have said it better himself. His nice even strokes grew deeper and harder with each spine tingling sexy cry which emerged from her. Lera’s sex held him as she undulated and rolled her hips with each forward drive he did.

  “Mine,” he swore.

  Sweat beaded on her skin as she fought to reach her pinnacle. Her eyes begged for release.

  “Tell me.” A demand.


  She shuddered, her internal walls rippled along his length. His balls drew up, and he forced back his impending release.

  “Tell me.” He needed to hear it from her. Needed her admittance of the fact.

  Her lids dropped before lifting to expose her pooling eyes to him. Her pussy milked his shaft. His thread of control nearly frayed through. Her tongue snuck out and dampened her plump bottom lip.


  The single word resonated through him and he lost his hold. The wolf pushed through, and he powered hard and fast into her, five more times. Jaw clenched, Kori erupted deep within her as his low growl echoed her cry of pleasure. Drained, he lowered onto her and rolled them so she lay upon his chest. He remained buried inside her and held her until her even breaths told him she slept.

  Once out of bed, he turned to maneuver the blankets up over her and froze. Desire rose swiftly at the sight of her naked body. His fingers itched to grab her ass and take her over and over again. Drawing the covers over her, he pulled on a pair of pants and opened the door. Adric walked in and lay on the floor by Lera.

  Not much later, Kori slipped back into bed and gathered her close to him. She sighed and relaxed into him. Kori hadn’t a clue how he’d survived without her. The next morning after their shared shower, he sat beside her on the bed where she tugged on her boots.

  “I have something for you, Lera.”

  The smile in her eyes took his breath away. “You’ve given me more than enough, Kori. More than I ever dreamed I would experience. I don’t need gifts.”

  He loved this woman. Beyond anything he’d ever known. He reached for one of her hands, turning it palm up. Then, he placed her necklace back in it. Eyes focused on her face, he watched her expression. A sheen of tears made her eyes shine like diamonds.

  “Kori,” she said softly. “Thank you.”

  Her fingers clenched briefly around it before she handed it back to him. Adjusting her body, she gave him her back and gathered her hair out of the way. Without hesitation, he put it back on her. He kissed the back of her neck after the clasp was fastened. Slipping his arms around her, he nuzzled her ear.

  “Thank you for returning it to me, Kori.”

  “It belongs on no one but you, mo ghrá.” He closed his eyes, relishing each second he had her in his arms. “We should go. Your father will be waiting.”

  “I know.”

  All loaded up and with Cavan following behind on Lera’s bike, Kori put them back on the road to Savoy. Pulling up before Dane’s cabin, he shut off the engine as the imposing man stepped from the house and onto the wraparound porch. Kori’d had questions about whether Adric had told her anything else but let it go, for Lera had seemed completely lost in thought on the ride. There would be time later for him to ask. After she’d had a bit longer to adjust to the shock of learning who she was.

  Lera bounded out, Adric on her heels, and ran to the man who had given her a family to grow up with and be a part of. Dane embraced his daughter while his gaze narrowed upon Kori. He got out and walked up with Cavan beside him. Tawny-green-gold eyes shifted from him to his brother.

  “Welcome to my home, Cavan MacLochlainne.”

  “Thank you, Dane Sidorov.” His brother spoke with respect.

  “Lera, take Cavan in and get him a drink. I need a word with Cormac,” Dane ordered.

  Her gaze shifted between Kori and her father but she didn’t argue. With a silent gesture, she disappeared with his brother, Adric on her heels. A fleeting thought of how it would have been nice to have his brother as back up came and went. Kori shook his head. It wouldn’t have mattered. Even with his brother, Dane would mop the floor with them.


  Kori met Dane’s gaze, no longer gentle or kind. The look he faced made him actually have to dig deep to refrain from flinching. He’d faced many dangers in his life but Dane Sidorov topped the terrify list.

  “Just thinking how quickly you could kill me.”

  He could tell the tiger in Dane lurked perilously close to the surface, and despite the disadvantage, his wolf rose to the challenge. He wasn’t a Beta. Not to anyone.

  “Believe me, it wouldn’t be a quick kill,” Dane commented in an emotionless voice that had more effect than if he’d shown any.

  Kori did believe him. The desire to put his hands on the man who’d touched his daughter leaked from Dane’s gaze. A million things raced through Kori’s mind as he waited for Dane to decide if it was over or not. But he didn’t say a word. He would not apologize for taking his mate.

  “You owe my mate thanks, Cormac MacLochlainne. She told me to let you live.” Sending a heartfelt thanks to Aida, Kori remained standing as if at attention and silent. “You should have told me.”

  “Would that have changed anything?” Kori questioned.


  He fought the urge to shift his
feet. “And now?”

  Dane sighed and crossed his arms as he looked over his property. “Well, I promised my wife I wouldn’t kill you, and I don’t want my little one hurt anymore so I guess we’re done.”

  Kori could hear the discontent in Dane’s tone. He had just breathed in relief when Dane’s gaze snapped back to him, still hostile.

  “One more thing. You cause my daughter one ounce, one sliver, of pain or heartbreak and I will make you hurt so bad, you’ll beg me to kill you.” Dane’s eyes narrowed. “And I won’t.”

  Then, he was gone, leaving Kori alone outside. Raking a hand through his hair, he cast a glance around. Well, that went wonderfully. That man really wants to kill me. He headed for the door and entered the cabin.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lera watched Kori stride into the living room. He moved with such power and grace she had a hard time tearing her gaze away. The fact he was hers was still hard for her to believe. But, he’d always been special to her, and she never feared he would hurt her. And, as an added bonus, the sex was more than she could have imagined.

  ‘Are you okay, Kori?’

  She met his eyes, and her insides melted when he sent her a wink and a smile. Adric nudged her hand, and she rubbed his head. Her father looked at her, and in the depths of his eyes, she could read of his love for her. Never had she expected her life to be like this and so full of love. Growing up as Dane’s daughter had been full of love but this was different. She had not only Dane, but also Adric, her vaj, and Kori. Her mate.

  “Come with me, Valera. Time for us to talk,” Dane said.

  Immediately, she got to her feet and went with him outside. Silent, they walked across the open field to the lake, Adric padding easily beside her. On the far side, Dane stopped and shoved his hands in his pockets. For the first time in her life, her father appeared old to her.

  “I’m sorry, Lera.”

  She frowned. “Daddy? What do you mean? You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Yes, I do.” He looked at her. “I should have understood your pain and realized what was going on.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, Lera said, “How were you supposed to know? Please don’t blame yourself. The Haikon had become stories and legend. It’s new for all of us, but it worked out. It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  His arms closed about her. “I’m so proud of you, daughter.” He kissed the top of her head before setting her back a bit so they could have eye contact. “And I don’t care how old you are, if you ever think of forfeiting your life or doing something like that again, I’ll ground you for the remainder of your days. And kick the ass of that man of yours for going along with the idea.” His voice gruff.

  “I love you, too, Daddy.” Not even questioning how he’d known her plans for it’s what he did as an Enforcer…well, not all he did, but a portion.

  “I mean it, Lera. You mean everything to not just me but the whole family. You are my daughter and therefore always more important than my own life.” His arms tightened again. “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes.

  ‘Vaj. We can’t tarry long. Our kind needs our help.’

  “Daddy, what do you know about the Haikon?”

  He stepped away from her. “An ancient race. Persecuted violently and ruthlessly. They began denying their gifts in order to live but that was also a death sentence.”

  That was basically what Adric had told her.

  “Are there more Haikon nearby?” Dane glanced to Adric with that question.

  ‘We are few. Too few. But there are bands scattered throughout the world.’

  She relayed Adric’s comment. Dane rubbed his chin and glanced from her to her wolf.

  “Call your mate, Lera.”


  ‘Yes, mo anam?’ His soothing timbre brought to mind the security of being held in his arms.

  ‘Daddy wants you down here.’

  ‘What about you? Do you want me?’

  ‘With every breath I take.’

  ‘I love you, mo anam.’

  He appeared at her side in no time. Dane glanced between the two of them.

  “Take her to The Medius, Kori. See what you can discover in Agnitio Infinitus. I need to go talk to someone.”

  Before she could say a word, her father sprang away, shifting mid-jump, and vanished in the trees, a blur of white fur as his tiger form carried him to an unknown destination.

  Glancing to Kori, she touched his arm. “What’s The Medius? And Agnitio Infinitus?”

  “Agnitio Infinitus means infinite or boundless knowledge. It’s part of The Medius, or the middle. Has more history than you could ever want to know.”


  “So…how do we get there?”

  “It’s a ways off, how I know to get there.” He pointed to the towering mountains beyond the cabin.

  “Let’s go then.”


  She shifted before him and bounded away. Part way across the field, she paused and glanced back toward Kori. He had this dumbfounded expression on his face.

  ‘I’ve been able to shift for a day, Kori. Surely you can keep up.’

  Masculine pride flitted across his features, replacing the astonished look. He shifted and set after her in moments. The wolf trio flowed through the trees covering the Pantera Mountains. One female ran between two males. Lera smiled and stretched out even more. As one they cleared a sparkling stream to land gracefully on the opposite bank and carry on.

  She halted when Kori did. He shifted and looked at her before dropping to his knees and reaching for her. Lera waited while he burrowed his hands into her plush ruddy coat.

  “You are absolutely beautiful, mo ghrá,” he whispered. “Absolutely beautiful.”

  With a nudge to his chest, she moved back and returned to her human shape. Kori rose to stand before her. Her heart tightened at the burning look in his eyes. Pride brimmed in the gray orbs.


  “No, Kori. My people need my help. I don’t have time for emotions.”

  ‘Vaj, this is new to him as well.’ Adric’s subtle reprimand floated through her mind.

  She swallowed and swiped her tongue along her lower lip. Without flinching, she met Kori’s gaze. The eyes which created so much emotion in her had none. They were cold.

  “I’m sorry, Kori; that was harsh and uncalled for.”

  “Let’s go find what we can.” His tone fell flat and impersonal around her.


  He turned from her and walked between two trees, vanishing from sight. She frowned but glanced at Adric then followed. It felt like cool liquid flowing over her skin. Very brief and when it had passed, the air left her body with the view before her.

  Never before had she seen anything like this. The beauty surpassed all. Green grasses, crystal blue waters, snow capped mountains, forests, fields, and more.

  Kori was ahead of her, moving with his effortless masculine stride. To her left, she saw three men watching her with avid curiosity. Her heart sped up slightly. Closing her eyes, she inhaled sharply and reopened them. Kori was no longer in view.

  Before she could think of figuring out where he was, his deep timbre wove around her from behind.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I couldn’t see you,” she admitted, well aware of how it made her sound. Childlike and nearly petulant.

  His strong hands settled on her shoulders and slowly rotated her so they were face to face. He didn’t speak, just slid his hands up to cup her face then kissed her. Slipped his tongue along her lips before he delved inside. With a whimper, she sighed and leaned into his marbled physique.

  ‘I’ll never leave you, mo anam.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to sound so bitchy earlier.’

  He ended the kiss and stroked her cheek with his knuckles. “We’ll discuss it later. Let’s go.”

  She kissed the pad of his thumb and nodde
d. They walked side by side with Adric making it so she was between them. People seemed to materialize and watch her. People she didn’t know, and it began to make her uncomfortable. She, along with her male escorts, moved soundlessly to the side of a mountain. The cry of an eagle broke the air, and she looked up.


  ‘Yes, vaj?’

  ‘Do you have siblings?’

  ‘I do not know, vaj, if now is the time.’

  “Welcome to Agnitio Infinitus, mo anam.”

  She frowned as she looked from Kori to the object before her. “I’m supposed to learn from the side of a rock?”

  Kori chuckled. A decadent, moisture gathering sound. “Go through.”

  She pushed through and again was covered by the liquidy feeling as had been previously from arriving into this area. Once through, she froze. It was massive. As far as she could see there were book, scrolls, tomes, and more.

  “Oh my,” she muttered in awe.

  “Yeah, I had that reaction the first time I came, too.”

  “I’ve never…there are so many.” She kept glancing around.

  “I think what we’re after is over there.” Kori pointed to the right.

  Swallowing hard, she began to head in that direction. She kept one hand buried in Adric’s fur as they walked. Five minutes later, Lera sat at a large table, an old dusty tome before her. Worrying her lower lip, she took a deep breath and opened the heavy cover then began to read.

  Kori could actually say he did more watching of Valera than searching for information on The Haikon. Despite the scrolls laid out before him, he found his gaze zeroed in on Lera. She sat thumbing through a heavy tome, her thick hair partially obscured her brown face, and the features he could see were drawn in a look of fierce concentration. At her feet, Adric lay motionless, massive black head on his paws, eyes closed but for all Kori knew communicating with Lera.

  His wolf stirred restlessly at the reminder she and Adric shared something between them, something which excluded him and he didn’t fully understand. Kori recognized it was jealousy but he couldn’t help it. Lera was his mate. His.

  Her thick lashes rose, and he found himself ensnared by her gorgeous pooling eyes. They heated with endless passion, and he ground his teeth when her tongue snuck out and dampened her full, entirely kissable lips.


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