head injuries. see brain injuries; concussions; mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBIs); traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
Afghanistan crash of, 60–61
description of, 57–59
difficulties with, 61–62, 185–86
improvements to, 60
Mogadishu and, 52
shot down, 31–32, 182–83
in Vietnam, 48, 49
hemophilia, 72
hemostatic embedded dressings, 70
Herodotus, 105, 210
Hester, Leigh Ann, 204, 207–8, 214
hip disarticulations, 236
Hippocrates, 70–71, 231
Hippocratic Oath, 220–21, 233
HMOs, 131
Ho Chi Minh, 49
Hoge, Charles W., 119
Howard, Michael, 140–41
Hu An, Nguyen, 47–48
Hue, taking of, 93
Hunter Air Force Base, 59
Hussein, Saddam, 90
hypotensive resuscitation, 70
hysteria, 109
Ia Drang Valley, 47–48, 49
IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices)
blast waves of, 149
casualties from, 93
description of, 83
different types of, 152
exposure to, 157, 159
hanging, 96
in Helmand Province, 186–88
increase in use of, 73, 95, 244
injuries caused by, 148–49, 153–54
insurgency and, 94
Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). see IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices)
incremental treatment. see Damage Control Surgery
insurance companies, 131
insurgency, in Iraq, 89, 91–95
intra-cranial pressure, 130–31, 151
IQ, draft and, 14–15
Iraq War
injuries of, 148
McMaster on, 141–42
Vietnam War compared with, 21, 22
women in, 207, 213
wounds of, 33. see also Fallujah, Battles of
Irritable Heart, 105–6
IV fluids, 70, 71
Joan of Arc, 210
Johnson, Lyndon B., 24, 29, 43, 49, 195
Kardiner, 116
Kennedy, John F., 29
Kevlar, 91
Khe Sanh, battle for, 37, 85–86
Kipling, Rudyard, 184–85, 239
Kitfield, James, 50, 77
Klonopin, 125
Korean War
combat exhaustion and, 108
MASH units and, 75
PTSD and, 116
weapons of, 46–47, 223–24
women in, 211
Kosovo, 68
K-rations, 65
Kutuzov, Mikhail, 19
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, 75, 99, 236
Langewiesche, William, 231–32
Lash, Marilyn, 130, 131–34, 137
Lash & Associates Publishing/Training, Inc., 133–34, 136
Learning from Contemporary Conflicts to Prepare for Future Wars, 145
Life Magazine, 39–40
ligatures, 64
limited surgery. see Damage Control Surgery
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols (LRRPs), 30
luck, role of, 18
Lunesta, 126
M-4, 219–20, 228–29, 231
M-14, 219
M-16, 226–29
Macgregor, Douglas A., 51, 54
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). see MRIs
The Making of a Quagmire (Halberstam), 174
managed health care, 131
Marine Combat Training (MCT), 88, 181
disabilities and, 100–101
Fallujah and, 90–95
Iwo Jima and, 114
recruitment for, 85, 176
Schwarzkopf and, 104
training for, 87–88, 180–82, 208
women in, 208
marksmanship, 220, 222, 232–33
Marlente, Karl, 86
MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) units, 75, 224
Matterhorn (Marlente), 86
McMaster, H.R., 140–41, 144, 219
McNamara, Robert, 14
MCT (Marine Combat Training), 88, 181
medical evacuation
guilt and, 108
in Life, 39
problems with, 31–32
process of, 30
of Tom, 99–100
Medical Student Battalion, 24
Medical Student Detachment, 15
golden hour and, 33
role of, 32, 65–66
as targets, 31
training of, 69–70
mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBIs), 136, 155, 165–67, 169, 172. see also brain injuries; concussions; traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
Military Occupational Specialties, 87
Military Tactics and Strategies (Weyand), 55
military-industrial complex, 52
mobility, increase in, 74
Mogadishu, Somalia, 52–53, 66–67
mood-stabilizers, 112, 126
morphine, 72
MRIs, 165, 167–68, 169
multiple deployments, 111, 121–22, 127
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), 163
myelin, 162, 163
Napoleon, 18
narcotics, 112, 126
National Democratic Convention in Chicago, 15
National Football League (NFL), 128, 155–56. see also football players
National Guard
Abrams and, 196–97
age of, 121–22
helicopter crash and, 61
integration of, 199
multiple deployments of, 197–98
PTSD and, 117
Witmer and, 202–3
women in, 202–3, 204, 214, 215
neurons, 162–63
Neylan, Thomas, 124
1991 Persian Gulf War. see First Persian Gulf War
Nixon, Richard, 194, 195
non-opioid painkillers, 72
Northern Alliance, 53
“Nova 7,” 71
Obama, Barack, 77, 205
Obama’s War (Woodward), 230
Odysseus, 159–60
Ogarkov, Nikolai, 240
On Strategy (Summers), 198
On War (Clausewitz), 74, 201
Once a Warrior, 134
painkillers, non-opioid, 72
Paré, Ambroise, 64, 236
Patton, George, 108, 220–21, 231
Paxil, 125
pelvic blast injuries, 83
penicillin antibiotics, 65, 148
Persian Gulf War, first, 52
physicians, shortage of, 13, 24
Piedmont, Francis Lin, 64
plasma, 65, 70, 71–72, 148
plastic surgery, 36
political wars, 202
poly-trauma units, 35, 55, 75
porphyria, 160–61
post-concussion syndrome, 169–70
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). see PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Powell, Colin, 51, 68
Powell-Weinberger Military Doctrine, 68
Prazosin, 124–25
prescription drugs, 111–12, 125–26
privilege gap, 196, 199–200
Prodigal Soldiers (Kitfield), 50
prosthetics, 35, 204. see also amputations
Prozac, 125
pseudonyms, use of, 12
psychiatric disability, 103
psychiatric drugs, 111–12
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
age and, 121–22
anti-convulsive medication and, 166
background of, 113–14
brain injuries and, 166–67
clinics for, 75–76, 110, 114
combat exposure and, 118–19
concussions and, 137
delayed onset of, 121
diagnosis of, 111
; disability claims and, 171
incidence of, 117–18, 119–20, 122
mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBIs) and, 172
new type of, 144
nighttime symptoms of, 123–25
personal stories of, 115–16
Prazosin and, 124–25
side effects of, 120–21
as signature wound, 171
sleep deprivation and, 123
statistics, 159
statistics on, 11
stigma regarding, 108, 120
symptoms of, 167
TBIs and, 157, 170
underreporting of, 120
Vietnam veterans and, 50
women and, 208–9
Purple Hearts, 135
radiology, 79
Rand Corporation, 136, 154, 159
Rapid Assembly Tents (RATs), 75
rapid evacuations
new approach and, 76–77
time of, 75
urban warfare and, 68
during Vietnam, 65, 66
Raskind, Murray, 124, 125
rational surgery, 64
RATs (Rapid Assembly Tents), 75
RCT (Regimental Combat Team), 90, 92, 95
Regimental Combat Team (RCT), 90, 92, 95
rehabilitation services, 75–76, 131–32
The Research and Training Center on Childhood Trauma, 131–32
Reserves, 199, 214
Restoril, 126
Revolutionary War, 194
rifle range killings, 192
riots, Vietnam War and, 15
Risperdal, 126
Ritalin, 126
roadblock shooting, 95–96
robots, medical, 79, 80
Rome, 193–94
Rosenbeck, Robert, 125
rules of engagement, 190
Rumsfeld, Donald, 135, 197–98
Russia, Afghanistan and, 53, 178, 182–83, 184, 239–41
Sarmatians, 209–10
Saxe, Maurice De, 201
schizophrenia, 160
Schlesinger, Arthur, 54, 241
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 104
Science, 161
Second Anglo-Afghan War, 239
Second World War. see World War II
secrecy, reality of war and, 40
security contractors, 97–98
Self, Julie, 115
Self, Nate, 115–16
Seroquel, 126
sexual harassment, 208
Shaken Baby Syndrome, 164
shell shock, 106
Silver Star, 115, 204
simulators, training, 69–70
sleep deprivation, 108, 123
sleeping aids, 112, 126
smart bombs, 52
Smit, Rupurt, 144–45
snipers, 231–32
Solaro, Erin, 217, 226
solidarity, 113–14
Somme, Battle of the, 148
the South, 173–74
South Vietnamese Ranger Battalion, 104
Soviet Union. see Russia
Special Forces, 100–101
Spiegel, 116
Sports Legacy Institute, 129
“Spray and Pray,” 222, 231
on age, 244
on brain injuries, 134–35, 136
on casualty to death ratios, 22, 33
on deaths in Vietnam, 16–17, 21–22, 47, 49
on evacuations, 76
on female soldiers, 214
on helicopters, 58
on IED exposure, 154, 159
on injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan, 11
on injuries in Vietnam, 22, 47
on prescription drugs, 112
on privilege gap, 200
on psychiatric disabilities, 103, 110
on PTSD, 11, 114, 118–19, 159
on roadside bomb injuries, 151–52
on suicides, 112
on survival rates, 36
on WWII destruction, 45–46
stents, 70
Stiglitz, Joseph, 171
Stoner, Eugene, 225, 227–28
strategy, Vietnam and, 49, 51
stress. see PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
stun injuries, 167–68
suicides, 111, 124, 125, 128
sulfa antibiotics, 65
Summers, Harry G., 198
supply problems, 186
Sympathy for the Devil (Anderson), 225–26
Tacitus, 93
air strikes and, 53
ambush by, 189
attack on, 142
changes in, 231
helicopters and, 59
IEDs and, 187
return of, 139
villagers and, 190
Wanat Outpost and, 177–79. see also Afghanistan War
airlifting of, 143
distribution of, 90
maintenance of, 98–99
training on, 88–89
types of, 88–89
women and, 215–16
technology, 51, 53, 79–80
Tensor MRI, 168–70, 172
Tet Offensive, 16, 30, 86, 93
Thorazine, 109
Thoughts on the Art of War (Saxe), 201
365 Days, 41
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 65
Tolstoy, Leo, 19
tourniquets, 70, 71, 243
training of medics, 66–68, 69–70. see also basic training
tranquilizers, 109, 112, 126
transcontinental care, 80–81
Transformation Under Fire (Macgregor), 54
transfusions, massive, 93
translational flight, area of, 59
traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
denial of significance of, 156–57
large number of, 144
PTSD and, 170
as signature wound, 148, 171
statistics on, 135, 136
suicide and, 128
survival and, 73
treatment of, 150–51
in Vietnam, 21. see also brain; brain injuries; concussions; mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBIs)
Trazodone, 126
troop strength, 143–44, 145, 177, 235, 236
Trotsky, Leon, 20
tumbling bullets, 227–28. see also bullets
Twenty-fourth Combat Support Hospital, 76, 99
universal service, 201
U.S.S. Eisenhower, 213
Ustinov, Dmitri, 240
Valium, 125
vascular surgery, 32, 83
Vietnam War
basic training and, 15–16
battlefield depression and, 109–10
comparisons to, 244
disability claims and, 171
draft and, 13–15, 195–96
Halberstam on, 174
injuries of, 20–21, 148
Marines and, 85
medical advances during, 65
medics during, 65–66
Schlesinger on, 54
Schwarzkopf and, 104
Summers on, 198
training and, 217
troops in, 53
weapons of, 47–50, 225
women in, 211–12, 214
volunteer army, 194, 196–97
volunteers, Marines and, 87
Wall Street Journal, 115–16
Walter Reed, 35, 38, 75
Wanat Outpost, 177–80
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 19
War and Redemption (Dewey), 113–15, 122
Washington, George, 200–202
assault rifles, 222–23
automatic, 222
changes in, 127–28
changing, 230
ineffectiveness of, 226–27
lethality of, 51
light-weight, 223–25
overreliance on, 144
technology and, 222
training on, 88. see also bullets; IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices); M-14; M-16; M-4;
smart bombs Webb,
Weinberger, Casper, 51, 68
Wellbutrin, 126
Westmoreland, William, 24, 195
Weyand, Fred C., 45–46, 55
white matter, 162, 163, 165, 168–70
whole blood, 71–72, 93
Witmer, John, 202–4, 208
women as soldiers
combat and, 212–14
history of, 209–11
importance of, 207
increase in, 212
in Iraq and Afghanistan, 215–16
single mothers and, 215
training and, 208, 216–17
Witmers, 202–4
Women in the Line of Fire (Solaro), 217
Woodward, Bob, 136, 230
World War I
ammunition during, 220
automatic weapons and, 222
injuries of, 147–48
shell shock and, 106
women in, 210
World War II
injuries of, 148
Marines and, 18
medical advances during, 65
PTSD and, 116
veterans of, 174–75
weapons of, 45–46, 223
women in, 210–11, 214
Wounded Warriors Program, 171
Xanax, 126
XMRV (virus), 161
York, Sergeant, 220
Zoloft, 125
Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds: A Medical Odyssey From Vietnam to Afghanistan Page 26